What are you all up to



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,935
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    edited December 2023 #58142

    All the best, KjellNN.  Hope everything goes well - I'm sure it will.  From past experience, from what I can remember, a pre-op is just a blood test and checking all the paperwork.... making sure they have any relevant medical history noted down /medication lists /allergies etc  I guess they may well do blood pressure and 'invite' you to step on the scales to check weight.... 🙂


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58143

    Good news for you R&R, best wishes and a speedy recovery to you K.

    There’s no debate whatsoever about a DW in this house😁We don’t even debate the make, Neff/Bosch.👍 I asked OH what he thought was most unusual thing that’s ever been through our dishwasher….it went a bit quiet, and then he confessed their might have been some classic car bits gone through at some point🫣 I once came home from work to find a dismantled MG Gearbox in kitchen……🤣

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited December 2023 #58144

    Hope all goes well KJ - I'm sure it will and that you make a speedy recovery.

    We are definitely in the full-sized dishwasher camp - it's on virtually every day and perhaps twice if Ros has one of her cooking spreessmile

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited December 2023 #58145


    I second all the "hope all goes well" comments. I assume that's the Thursday a few days before Christmas?

    We have just got back from MK Hospital where Margaret saw the doctor about her carpal tunnel problems. He said one hand was severe but the other one was very severe! They will do the worst one first. We are not sure how long as they have a method of planning the operations which, as its a short operation might be tagged onto a day when they are doing major surgery or sometimes they do a series of the same operation in the same day. Hopefully not before Christmas/New Year.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,935
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    edited December 2023 #58146

    Had mine done years ago..... I'm guessing over 25 years....  They did both at once and did them under local anaesthetic.  It's probably much different these days, but I remember the injections into my hands, like it was yesterday!!  😀😀  After the op I had to sit with my hands up on stands for the rest of the day and was told not to move them!!

    I do remenber that they bought me food to eat, but I had no means of eating it.  They came to collect the dishes at the end and wondered why I hadn't ate anything.  I just looked at the food, then looked at my hands, and they cottoned on and organised something...  Unbelievable!  🤣🤣  I'm sure it's all different these days....


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2023 #58147

    I had to go back to see what your DW dilemma was all about DSB.  Couple of questions.....is the present one integrated?   If so I would presume you need to stay with the same size as that will be the size of the front panel?

    If not, how would you fill the remaining space if you go for a smaller one?

    As I seem to remember saying, I would stick with a full size model, we have Bosch, though it is getting on a bit now, and so does our daughter, hers must be at least 15 years old. 

    As long as you do a rinse after each meal there should be no problem leaving 36-48 hours between full washes.  OH cannot stand a stinky DW, ours never is, unlike DD's.   She needs to send her husband back to his mother for re-training as he never remembers to use the rinse!

    Personally, I am only allowed to unload the DW, not load it , as I never do it "correctly" according to the  boss, and apparently it is more work for her to have to re-arrange it afterwards than just to load  it herself  to start with!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,935
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    edited December 2023 #58148

    Not integrated, as such, but it fits underneath a surface and the standard DW is the correct size.  However, it is really difficult to get in and out of the space for cleaning...  Whatever we do, it will be a bit of a compromise.... I guess it always will be.  I'm veering towards a full size at the monent....


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2023 #58149

    How different we are, the DW is the one piece of equipment that I could do without.

    Not doing pans and oven tins has nothing to do with me "managing fine with a slimline DW". I could put them in and still only put it on every 2 days. I chose not put them in even though they are all dishwasher proof.

    We eat quite simply unless entertaining, cereals for breakfast, sandwich or similar for lunch and a home cooked meal in the evening. None of these meals produce mountains of dishes, pots and pans. 

    We do have a microwave but having one doesn't reduce items to be washed.

    I use the slow cooker, the Remoska and George Forman grill for lots of my meals so none of these would go in a DW.

    When this one has had its days it will go and it will not be replaced with another one. I will probably get an under counter freezer and get rid of the chest freezer in the utility room.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2023 #58150

    Ohhh.......we love the DW, got our first one back in 1973, would never do without one at home!    The dishwashing would be down to me these days!

    When in caravan, we do miss it, it is second on the "miss it list".......first is our waste disposal unit.   We never have food waste to dispose of at home, it all gets  ground up in the waste disposal unit........in the caravan there is a lot more to dispose of.  

    It is not that we throw out a lot of food, but the  waste disposal is great for potato peelings, other veggie peelings and trimmings, teabags,  coffee grounds, even chicken bones, plus anything that has unfortunately gone  mouldy, a seldom occurance as OH is strict with "stock control".

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2023 #58151

    Ours is freestanding.     Cleaning?    Ours seldom needs any cleaning, maybe a wipe over the front occasionally.   DD has used those internal DW cleaning things you can buy, but we have never needed to do so.

    To have  space enough behind it for the water pipes and drain hose, we have a 650mm deep worktop in that area.....experience is a great thing!  So easy to pull in and push in if required.

    OH has said she often see kitchens in houses for sale where the WM sticks way out, and sometimes  even the DW , if they are freestanding.  Often a 600 mm deep worktop is not enough.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2023 #58152

    Yes, this Thursday 21st.   Should be home  on the 22nd.

    Pre op assessment consisted of weighing, blood pressure check, lots of questions about meds, a test to check I was "with it", and 2 lots of blood taken by 2 different nurses to make sure no mistakes were made in checking my blood group.

    Very heavy traffic across town, a predicted 30 minute journey took 65 minutes, fortunately I had set out 75 minutes before my appointment.

    Letter arrived today regarding various things re the op, one being that I should be at the hospital at 07.15.......at odds with the 09.00 I was told yesterday. Think  I will need to ring  them tomorrow to check!

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited December 2023 #58153

    Busy day cooking today. 2 large chocolate brownie tray bakes, one lemon drizzle traybake, two large apple pies and two very large lasagnes all cooked and now in the chest freezer. 12 of us at Son and daughter in laws for Christmas so these are part of my offerings. With 6 teenage grandchildren I doubt it will last long. We originally bought the chest freezer for my allotment produce, no longer needed for that but so useful for times like this.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited December 2023 #58154

    Richard, Good to read that Ros has normal gone density and doesn't have to take the meds for it.

    Kjell, glad that the pre-op went ok and hope that your operation goes well on Thursday.

    After rain through most of the night today was dry, and we even had some sunshine. OH managed to get a round of washing done.  We had to restock provisions and diesel for the car so headed into Winsford. At Morrison's diesel has gone down to 143.9 per ltr, the cheapest we have seen for quite a while. Had a walk around Weaver Parkway before calling in at Aldi on the way back to the van. It has just now started to rain and the wind has got up too.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2023 #58155

    That is a good price, it is147.7 up here at both Asda and Morrisons.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58156

    Vive Le difference TG😁 slow cooker pot I put in, takes up good bit of lower tray though.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58157

    Your last paragraph DSB☹️ I have spent last few years with my parents in and out of hospital, particularly Dad. There simply weren’t the NHS staff to help with meals properly, so myself and my sister negotiated to go in at mealtimes to ensure they got and could eat the food they needed. Proper nutrition is almost as important as the medical stuff, so don’t struggle👍

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,544
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    edited December 2023 #58158

    I’ve just recalled Vincent Price, of all people, demonstrating on a TV program how to use a dishwasher to cook fish. Funny how the memory works with a bit of a prod from TtDA, it must have been in the 70s.
    We had a Rima Cooking Centre/grill in the 70s it must have been the first George Forman style grill. That gave us good service for many years with its floating hinge, flat plate and pans you could you use to do all sorts of meals in. It was taken on our camping tours when we occasionally booked electric hookups.
    Don’t think we've used the oven at home more than twice over the last couple of years since we bought our Ninja. Could do without this today, at home or in the motorhome.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited December 2023 #58159

    My Dad had dementia and was taken into hospital for something else. I went in every lunch time, we used to sit on our own in the tv lounge and while he was watching tv I would keep loading his fork, it was one way of getting him to eat. Others in the dementia ward wouldn’t bother or just forget, with the nurses so busy plates were very often taken away with uneaten food. A sad situation but very difficult with busy staff. On Dads lucid moments during those visits he told me tales of his youth he had never said before, a difficult time but one where we became closer.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited December 2023 #58160

    OH had his back operation in Cambridge on Monday and all went well with no untoward admission to A&E as happened after his pacemaker op thank goodness. Our daughter took us in the for 7.00am (!) start and stayed with us for the most of the day. Our youngest son is over from N Ireland for a few days to help out and he and I went back to Cambridge yesterday to fetch OH so he is now home and all is going well so far.  Our son is making sure that OH does as he is told! When we travelled back to Cambridge yesterday there were so many road closures as a result of roadworks and accidents it took us an hour to get out of Peterborough and on to the A1!  I rang OH to let him know and for him to tell the hospital staff but they didn't seem worried that we were going to be late. He has a follow up appt in 3 months. Here's to better times in 2024.

    Regarding dishwashers, we have a full sized dishwasher and it is used everyday. We tend to put everything in it and fill it to capacity. I would hate to be without it. 

    Our son is going to come with me to Aldi this afternoon for a few last minute bits and pieces as I don't want to leave it until the weekend as it will be far too busy. I don't have much to get as we are going to spend and hour or two at our daughter's on Christmas day and the same at our eldest son's on Boxing day all being well with OH.

    All the very best for your op Kj. I hope all goes well. Pleased to hear that Margaret's appt went well David K. OH had both his carpal tunnels operated on a good few years ago (not at the same time) and it made the world of difference.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2023 #58161

    I had one of those Rima grills, it was great. We took it away in the caravan with us. With that floating hinge you could open it out flat and cook steak, chops etc like a bbq. With the tin in place I used to bake those half baked bread rolls. Mine lasted for years and now I have the George Foreman which as I mentioned I use at least a couple of times a week, if it's not toasties it's sausages or burgers, makes for a healthier cooking as no fat required. I even take the small one away in the van. 

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2023 #58162

    A dry and somewhat brighter day here so work progressing. I've been doing a bit of varnishing and OH is fitting a new skirting board in the bathroom.

    Yesterday we had the heated chrome towel rail removed and replaced with a radiator. Bathroom now nice and cosy even on the number 3 setting. The towel rail used to be on full, was to hot to touch but never warmed the bathroom enough.

    As we have brick walls and concrete floors the pipes have to run along the skirting so OH removed it and they chiselled out a gap for the pipes to run in, it already had a bit of space but now it's a bit more. Pipes now sit flush in the wall and new skirting board will cover it all up nicely.

    All the best for tomorrow Kj. 

    DK, good to hear Margaret has seen the doc about her wrists, hope she doesn't have to wait to long for the op.

    Popped into Tesco this morning, car park very busy but shop didn't feel it. Didn't buy what I was after as it was more expensive there, than in B&Qs next door.

    Windows could do with a clean, if I do them it's bound to rain but they desperately need it. 

    Kitchen wall looks dry enough now to paint, all go here. OH has also seen a nice bungalow for sale that would suit so may go and look at that sometime. 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited December 2023 #58163

    We had one of those Rima grills and it worked very well  gosh how time flies by.

    Best wishes Kj for tomorrow and hope all goes well and glad the op for your OH milliehull went well and now back home.

    A very cold foggy day yesterday only 2.9C most of the day brr, shopping done and new glasses collected ok with the distance part but close up not keen so wearing older ones at home for reading and doing computer works.

    Had some rain overnight but dry at present but cloudy and damp outside so inside chores today and tomorrow.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited December 2023 #58164

    Margaret is busy cooking a couple of Honey Roast Hams today, one for us and the other for our eldest son. The younger son does his own! We always buy them in Tesco as they seem to be good value (especially with the Clubcard) We have a strange tradition of having ham sandwiches for breakfast on Christmas morning. Something I remember my dad doing years ago. The only difference is that they are now accompanied by Champagne rather than a cup of tea!


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited December 2023 #58165

    Glad to hear all is well with your OH Milliehull.   Good luck to KJ and others awaiting or having procedures.    Also it was good to hear Ros had a clean bill of health following the bone scan Richard, my Mum suffered a lot with osteoporosis in her lower back it was very painful so good to hear Ros is ok.  

    We have a Waitrose delivery tomorrow and we picked up our veg from the farm shop yesterday so that’s us done for Christmas.  It’s only us two so we haven’t had to go overboard this year!  

    Wishing everyone a peaceful and Happy Christmas and we hope 2024 is a good and healthy one for all.  


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2023 #58166

    Well,  I thought the pre op went ok, no problems were mentioned, but this afternoon I got a call to say my op was cancelled as I had "failed" the ECG.

    So now that needs to be investigated first, they are going to  send a letter.  ☹️

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited December 2023 #58167

    Not the news you wanted to hear Kj so hope you hear some news soon.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited December 2023 #58168

    I am so sorry Kj. Hopefully you will get news soon.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited December 2023 #58169

    Glad to hear Mr.MH home. Hope he behaves himself and recovers well.smile

    What a let down Kj. Sincerely hope ECG doesn't find anything too serious.

    Drove to a CL today (you could tell it was a CL by the state of the access roadwink) to see the Nellie's. Had a good walk in dry weather and a good chat afterwards. They're in grand form as usual. Good to see them again.

    Message for TG and Bakers. You both seem to have changed your email addresses and I keep getting my messages back, unless you've both done it on purpose!!!undecidedwink

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited December 2023 #58170

    Sorry to read your news, Kjell, fingers crossed that they soon contact you and that the investigation is carried out, and conclusive, in the not too distant future, so that your operation can go ahead.

    More rain over night but thankfully the day stayed fine as we had a most pleasant visit from the WNs. We had a good walk along Whitegate Way before lunch in the van and it was great to catch up with them again. The wind has got up and it is now rather breezy!!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited December 2023 #58171

    Oh dear Kj. The same thing happened to me some years back when I had my pre op for my knee arthroscopy. No doubt you will have to discuss with your GP who may have to refer elsewhere. Hope they can sort you out soon.
