What are you all up to
Hi everyone. Just popped in to say hello during the usual chaos which comes along every December. Tried to get on last night, but 'essential maintenamce' beat me to it. Tried to post whilst sitting in a car park somewhere in Wolverhampton, but that seemed to have gone into the abyss!!
Glad to read you are doing well with the Christmas prep. Bakers2. Wished I could say the same, but were just in the midst of the usual chaos. At least out big concert next Saturday sold out at the beginning of the month.... and out big Carol Service at the Abbey on Sunday night. So sorry to hear about your brother Oneputt - all my good wishes.
I seem to remember reading about dishwashers!! Ours could do with replacing but we've decided to 'downsize'. Now there's generally only the two of us a large dishwasher is a bit OTT. If we wait until it's full, the dishes are hanging sround for a while (which I don't like)... otherwise, we have to run it part full (which I also don't like)....
Weather seems to have been a bit brighter today. I'll try and pop in again this evening (or rather, just after midnight). Hope all are well.
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🤭 I sort of know what you mean, we have visited Caernarfon before. Enjoyed the Castle, and there’s a nice little street of independent shops inside the walls immediately opposite. But we didn’t cross the road into the Square. Just a tad too late to get into the WHRailway shop, but another time.
Been a lovely week though, we have packed a lot in, managed to see most of what we wanted to see, and discovered one or two very new to us. Wales is truly beautiful, our cottage has been lovely. Just pondering on route home now, our least favourite bit…..🤔1 -
😱 There’s only ever been two of us and we have never been without a dishwasher! I think I’d rather be without my car than a dishwasher😁 You can get smaller compact size ones (we have come across these in one or two holiday cottages we have used), so that’s an option? We found we ended up doing two washes a day with one of these. If you are worried about having soiled stuff in there in day, they usually have a short rinse only programme?
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We had a fairly decent day today, dry and with intermittent sun.
Prepped the kitchen wall ready for it to be skimmed on Saturday morning, then knitted another hat on the knitting machine. I had a big box of wool that needed to be used I'm about halfway through that now. I've used some of the wool to crochet some throws for the MH as well as knitting the hats. Crochet work going well. I must use OHs phone and post some photos.
Out this afternoon food shopping, shops fairly busy, managed to pick up a couple of beef joints, legs of lamb and a pork joint in Tesco. Half price with club card. Freezer now full to brim.
Off tomorrow to meet up with our eldest son and his wife + 2 of the gKids for lunch. The gKids break up for the holidays tomorrow so mum and dad will drive up from north Yorkshire to collect them.
BIL is doing a bit better, still not eating much but he is slowly, very slowly getting better.
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I think a full sized dishwasher has more advantages than disadvantages. We had our first one around 1984 and I think the current one is probably the 4th one we have had. There was nothing wrong with the previous one but the new kitchen caused it to be replaced with the built in on. (having read TDA's experience I am now a bit nervous!!) They have all been made by Bosch although the latest is branded as Neff. There are times when some meals don't produce enough dishes to create a full load so we usually wait for the next days breakfast things although doing that can perpetuate the problem! I somehow imagine that the slimline version wouldn't be large enough for some meals and you would end up hand washing some items which rather defeats the purpose? One of my son's has a slimline and if we go for a meal I notice a lot of hand washing going on! One thing I was keen to have when we changed the dishwasher was a relatively short programme with a 60 degree wash which the Neff has. This setting is used for over 80% of our dishwashing.
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Our first DW was a Neff, it lasted 27 years! We got a Smeg to replace it, that didn’t last a year, neither did its replacement😡 We demanded and got our money back, and now have another Neff. 10 years so far, only the one minor hiccough. We have a short but very good wash programme as well. When we were showing our horse, I used to put his (washed) bits and stirrup irons in DW. Saved hours of polishing, sterilised them as well🤣
OH put our kitchen together, so at least he knew how to take it apart😱 We had Belfast sink out last month to change the taps, again not good for the stress levels. (That’s the “royal we”, I disappeared out of the way🤣)
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So sorry to read that your brother is still poorly, OP but it is good that he has support at the hospital. It must be a great worry for you all.
TG, it is good to hear that your BiL is slowly getting better.
Have a safe journey home tomorrow, tda, and pleased that you had such a good time in NW Wales.
We had rain over night and it was drizzling when we got up but thankfully it stopped during our pre-breakfast walk. It was misty for most of the morning when we went for a walk from Hurst Green up past Stoneyhurst College but we did see some sunshine after lunch. Last night here before we move onto Abbey Village, where we will meet up with daughter and SIL for an evening meal. The views is of the lake in from of the college through the mist.
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We had a small integral dishwasher, only a galley kitchen,when we refitted our kitchen in the last house. But I insisted on a cutlery tray not a basket which made it workable for 2 or just 4.
This house, much bigger, large kitchen, has a slimline integral one. Which they left broken 😡. Because I wasn't sure whether we'd refit the kitchen at some point went for a Siemens, only cheap one with a cutlery tray. TERRIBLE. Bits changed twice in 2 months. Got it refunded and paid the extra for Bosch. 😀🤞🤞.
When they were delivered, both times, the guys didn't lift it off the lorry until they checked as they thought it was a wrong pick!
I certainly wouldn't go smaller if you have the room for a full size. Better to do every day and a half or 2.
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" Last night here before we move onto Abbey Village,"
Have a pint for me Nellie in the Hare & Hounds, was the last pub in the village before you turned right for the Brinscall/Chorley road, maybe not there anymore, my Nan used to live in Abbey village, all the houses were tied houses to the Birtwistle cotton mill, dont suppose that is still standing, during the school hols i used to work on a farm at the back of the pub, mainly hay making, no tractors, horses and trailors and pitched forks very hard work, had my first pint in the pub at 16 yrs
we once stayed at a lovely little site on the right just before you entered the village coming from the Blackburn end, happy days, you could walk from Abbey village to Darwen tower up on the hill took best part of a day but was good walk.
well like most areas our weather has been pretty grim, wish somebody would put some money in the meter and switch on the sun, not cold just grey and damp, OH has taken a step back with her walking, lots of pain in her left foot, which has not been 100 pct since stroke, saw a podiatrist yesterday and going to go for more xrays, he reckons it could be a stress fracture which he says are not always visible on xrays until they start to heal
looked at mobility scooters yesterday you can get some reasonably good ones that come apart so much easier to put in the boot, unfortunately the wheels are of the hard variety which are not great on gravel. Christmas lunch in the local pub today on behalf of the Stroke club, pub only 5 mins from home so will be able to have a tipple
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Dishwasher? Like Central Heating, it's something we don't have. Our sink is in the enormous pantry, so I just stack the used pots and pans in there and shut the door - until I run out of clean ones. I don't mind washing up - large sink of hot soapy water and loud music. It's the putting away that gets me down. Large pantry = carrying stuff to spread out cupboards.
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Phone call this morning before 9.00am from MK Hospital asking if Margaret can take up a cancelled appointment for her Carpal Tunnel consultation next Tuesday, originally planned for August next year! Not something you turn down if you get the chance! Lady on the other end of the phone obviously has a sense of humour as she said the appointment will be with Mr Hacker, but don't let that put you off!!! My reply was that it sounds like a Carry On film!
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Sorry to hear of poorly relatives on here, hope they all recover or at least make improvements soon, it can be so worrying.
When we had our kitchen refitted some years ago we had an integrated small freezer fitted, we had so many problems with it in the first year we had it taken out and no integrated items since, so much easier if things go wrong with them. Only 2 of us but we have a large full size dishwasher that I wouldn’t be without. Mostly because I hate seeing dishes piled on the side but more importantly because we have the most expensive water rates in the country, (well someone has to pay to clean the beaches for the holiday makers!) It was much cheaper to just buy extra china and cutlery. We only put it on about once every 3 days and no rinsing and everything comes out clean. Although I usually wash the baked on roasting pans by hand. It would cost a fortune if we had a small one and put it on each day.
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That is good news David and hope all goes well with it.
Sorry to hear about poorly folk and hope things can be sorted out, we have friends who have elderly parents and have been busy sorting out care at home and it has left them a bit stressed but at least things have been sorted out.
We have a small galley kitchen here so a small Bosch dishwasher which works well for us and it is our 3rd one and the last one was a Bosch full size one when we lived in Somerset, even put my stainless steel saucepans in and do a load about every three days but I do hand wash the breakfast things always have done a bit odd but we do not have cooked breakfast anyway.
At last no rain today and dry until next Wednesday but the ground is still very wet so wellies to get to the compost bin.
Have a good weekend folks.
Will go to St Cirq Lapopie this weekend as they have a Christmas market on for us to have a look around and find a couple of xmas presents and at this time of year free parking which is good.
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Not posted on here for a little while - sorry to hear about your brother OP - must be a worrying time for you.
Agree with your comments about the weather Rufs - although we had a little bit of sun yesterday - it seems to have miserable here for weeks and never really seems to get light - and I don't know where that 'milder weather' that the forecasters have been talking about went to - we haven't seen any yet!
Talking of forecasts - we were due to go to Sandringham club site next Friday - but then I thought the roads would be horrendous on that day, so extended by a day to travel on Thursday. However, according to this morning's BBC forecast we are due to get 40+mph winds here on Thursday morning which will then follow us all the way to Sandringham! Not the best scenario for towing
Decided to leave it until Monday and if it's still looking the same, will change our travelling day to Wednesday. Trouble is, I know from experience that the BBC always exaggerate the weather - because it makes a good story, perhaps.
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I think weather forecasts are like Eric Morecambe playing the piano, all the right weather but not necessarily in the right order
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Turned out to be a lovely day weather wise, which was great for us as it seems to be the first day in ages that we've able to get out and just enjoy the day.
So we took ourselves off to the RSPB reserve at Conway. There wasn't a great deal of birdlife on the reserve so we settled on a walk into Conway itself. Passed a fairly new bird sculpture at the entrance to the reserve which we thought was beautiful.
Treated ourselves to Fish and Chips at Archway chippie. A treat for us. They do great GF F&C. It was quite balmy weather with a couple of younger people sporting short sleeve T shirts.
No meals being cooked tonight as MiL was out dining with 3 of her friends so we're all happy bunnies.
We've had a Small Bosch DW for nigh on 20 years without a bother. Maybe we've been lucky but we've always had Bosch products that have been first rate.
Hope you have had an enjoyable drive home Ttda. Did you stop anywhere en route?
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Pacemaker check for OH at Peterborough hospital yesterday morning. No concerns, all good. They even gave him a letter to that effect for him to give to the hospital in Cambridge on Monday morning. A friend I should have met for lunch a few weeks ago and had to cancel because of the dratted shingles came for coffee and a catch up this morning. Nice to catch up with her.
So sorry about your brother OP. Such a shame he will have to give up his independence. It must be a worry for you. It sounds as though he is getting some help and support though. I hope he improves soon.
Good news about your OH's operation David K. It could be an 'interesting' Christmas though!
We have a full sized dishwasher and although there are only 2 of us we seem to have to run it (full) each day 🙄. Ours is also a Bosch WN. Our last one, also a Bosch, lasted over 20 years. In fact all of our white goods are Bosch. When OH worked at Perkins Engines he worked closely with them and was always impressed with their engineering
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Fortunately for me its only the first consultation so I imagine any operation will not happen for a while
I am more interested in eating rather than cooking although I can do a few simple dishes and, of course, there are always the excellent Waitrose ready meals. Even if hands are out of action I am sure there will be lots of advice and instructions!!!
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We are on our 2nd dishwasher in 32 years. Couldn't have one in military quarters before that.
First one was a Hotpoint, lasted 18 years, only passed it on when we got a new kitchen. It was a full sized one, way to big for the 2 of us.
The one we have now is a slimline one, integrated as are all the appliances in the kitchen. OH fitted a new washing machine a few years back, no problem due to the way we had asked for it to be installed, when the kitchen went in 14 years ago, he also fitted a new oven a few years back. Dishwasher is a fine size for us 2, every second day it goes on. I've never put pans and ovenware in it.
Lovely lunch today in Stirling with our eldest and his family. Eldest grandaughter is 17 and has a new boyfriend, this one sounds a big improvement on the last one. I asked what was wrong with the last one. She replied "he had his priorities wrong" turns out he was more interested in sport than her 🤣🤣 clever girl.
Kitchen end wall getting the plaster skimmed tomorrow. Hopefully it should be dry enough to paint in a couple of days.
All the fields around us are flooded still, the rivers are high and we've not had heavy rain in over a week. The ground is just so saturated it can't take anymore.
Driven the new car a few times now and love it.🙂
Have a good weekend everyone, not long now until the big day, we are just having a quiet one at home.
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Rufs, that's the site we are on, Close House. We have stopped here quite a number times in the last few years. It is near enough for us to easily meet up our daughter, as we did tonight for a fine meal at the Clog and Billycock. The Hare and Hounds was still there will earlier in the year but the mill is now closed, and now contains multiple works units. We have walked up to the Tower but it is now beyond OH's I think. She would make it up ok, albeit rather slowly, but would suffer with severe pains in her knees coming back down.
It has been fine all day but now the rain is back!😵,
David, good news about your OH's appointment. Hope that she can get her operation in the not too distant future. I had been referred by our doctor to our local hospital for an appointment at the ENT clinic. On Monday I received a text/letter with a date for the first Sunday in January, but we will still be away on our current trip, so asked for a later alternative and two days later they came back with a date in the middle of checking that suits us fine, great service.
Millie, pleased to read that all is on track for your OH's operation. Hope all goes well with it.
Hope you got home safe and sound, tda.
Safe journey, R&R, whichever day you finally decide to travel on, and have a good time at Sandringham.
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Our first dishwasher in 1984 was a Hotpoint but in fact it was a rebadged Bosch. Back then Hotpoint only made refrigeration/washing machines/tumble dryers. In order to provide a full range of electrical products they had quite a few rebadged Bosch products including dishwashers and ovens. If yours was one of the Bosch rebadged dishwashers it might explain why it lasted so long. Do you remember if it had a decor frame on the door which allowed you to put a Formica panel in to match the rest of the kitchen if you wanted to?
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Yes we got home thanks.Left cottage at 10am, called in somewhere to pick up a couple of Xmas gifts, up Llanberis Pass, Capel Curig, through Bewys Y Coed and onto Llangollen. Had lunch at Horseshoe Falls, then decided on Ruabon, Newcastle under Lyme, Leek, Buxton route. All fine until coming out of NuL, endless roadworks held us up, so we lost around one and a half frustrating hours. We had stopped off briefly at Rhug Estate farm shop, so we had food onboard, but we kept going. Finally got home around 6pm, so a long day on the road. I doubt going the A55, Chester, Stockport route would have been quicker, and at least the scenery was good. Shunted MH into its parking spot (garage had taken it home for us, after it’s clutch system repair) parked up, quick empty of Jeep, and we were sat down to a meal, stove lit by 6.30pm. All fine at home, Mum ok, I am up here now.
Hope things go well for all those having treatment, done a few Christmases with Dad in hospital
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"Rufs, that's the site we are on, Close House. "
must be 20 years or more when we were on that site, great views over the Ribble valley if i remember, but i dont recall having EHU, do remember access was a little tight, but might have been me, we had travelled down from Aberdeen and i was a tad tired, we choose the site because it was close to Blackburn and we were doing some visiting, this was before the new motorway from the M6 into Blackburn so things may have changed, there was also a pub on right just as you went into village, cant remember name may well now be the " Clog and Billycock" Nan & Mum worked as weavers /knotters at the mill for many years. Enjoy your stay.
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DK, we bought it in 1990 when we came home from Germany to live in our house. I don't remember a decor frame on the front. It was white with I think a dark brown panel across the top of the door, to open it there was a recessed grip handle in the middle.
Dark and grey here today. Plasterer came at 9am to do the kitchen wall this morning, he has put a 2mm skim on it so it's all nice and smooth now.
I tackled the knitting machine. It's been playing up a bit so I stripped it down gave it a good clean then tried out a few different stitch settings. All performed well so attached the rubber bed to it and tried that. Success, all worked as it should. Now all I need is (a) the time to work at it and (b) decent enough light to see what I'm doing.
Not going to the shops over the weekend as it will be mobbed, best to wait until next week.
Quiet weekend then it is. 😊
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Not a bad day here today cold but dry. So we have taken to opportunity to get the outside decorations up also gave the Volvo a wash it hadn’t been cleaned for about 4 weeks all nice and clean now doubt it will last long with the salt on the roads. Out for a meal tonight with friends from the local pub. Attending a carol concert tomorrow.. On the subject of dishwashers ours hasn’t worked for about 2 years don’t know what the issue is but we are maybe getting a new kitchen soon so will replace it then
Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend
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Damp, grey, but not cold here, hardly been generating 1kw per day via the solar panels, thankfully most of the Christmas light are led so very low power. Just delivered all the local Christmas cards, it was good to have a walk around the neighbourhood and see all the different lighting, even the village square is looking good, but i think the local church contributed some of the decorations just to add to what the council provided which was probably not a lot, but we do have a tree.
we have a Beko dish washer, full size, i think 12 place settings, we bought it online at AO.com, it is a Which best buy, i think they are made in Turkey, 2 years old touch wood been good so far, we did have a Hotpoint but the tablet dispenser broke and could not find replacement part, but when the guys came to deliver the Beko they said "why did you not just chuck the tablet in, that is all the dispenser does" now you tell me I say when you have already installed the new one.
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At last a dry sunny day after a slight frost great to see some sunshine and managed to get some washing done and dried on the line but the ground still muddy so a wellie job again and have cleaned our display cabinet out this afternoon all done and now enjoying a sit down an mug of tea and coffee for OH who does not drink tea, did think about a walk but as it is that time of year a lot of noise around the surrounding woods so decided to leave it.
OH had some new electrical bits from Amazon today so new controller for bedroom lights as old one had failed and installed in the loft this afternoon rather him than me cobwebs etc.
Looks like this weather will last until next Wednesday which will be good and not sure what is will be like over xmas period yet.
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It is very tight to get onto the grass pitches especially for big units, Rufs. The grass pitches are closed off for the winter but there is a hardstanding pitch above the house that is used at this time of the year. The pub you mention, The Lion, is closed and someone is building houses on the land behind it, using the old pub as their sales office. The Clog etc is at Pleasington, so not far away.
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Good to read that you arrive home safely if later than anticipated, tda, and that you had interesting drive back.
That's an interesting sculpture, WN. Glad you had an enjoyable day out at the Nature Reserve.
We had a fine sunny day today and had a walk along by the Roddlestone Reservoirs this morning with another after lunch around the local golf course. We had quite a spectacular sunset this evening and have clear skies tonight so I might spot a Geminide or two. It was their peak last night but much too cloudy, although I did see a couple two nights ago through a partly cloudy sky.
The view below is from the caravan at 4:30 this evening.