Caravan window protection
Anyone got any thoughts on how to protect caravan windows from very hot Spanish sunshine ? I was wondering about sewing some UV protection fabric onto awning rail cord and letting it hang down and cover the front caravan windows. This would keep some of the heat out of the caravan and we could still open them, whilst deflecting it off the windows. I noticed that a lot of Europeans do actually have window caravan covers for the summer but I bet they are really expensive.
Thank you
Could you not use a heavy material like a dark coloured towelling with some elastic around the edges which would just fit onto the open window?
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There are stickers on my caravan windows warning that if using the blinds you should not fully close them to avoid overheating and damage to the windows.
We have been to Spain/Italy many times and never had a problem, we just leave the windows on 'night vent' and close to blinds about 80%.
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It's a pity that the additional track is no longer part of the fitting. Using blinds, however configured can impair the ability to get a cooling breeze into the van. Reflective covers with a bit of bungee shouldn't be beyond most people's skills.
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I quite agree about the blinds. We always have ventilation in the van and as in yours, (??Elddis)- the stickers tell you not to close the blinds completely and therefore, we don't. Another thing I noticed, last year, was that the sealing mastic below the window seals started to get very sticky and begin to run a little. My thoughts were to try and find a way to reflect direct sunshine away from the windows, hence my thoughts on using a UV reflective soft fabric.
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Hey HT11 Caravanner …Did you make external window covers after. I’m looking at what the best material to use might be as I know a seamstress who could make them, using elastic to fit inside the window to hold them on when open or closed. I did find a company who mkes them in Europe but they are extremely expensive.
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You could use something like this: Fabric to reflect UV light which is flexible enough to fit around a window. If you elasticate all around you can slip them over an open window from the outside and then the elastic will hold them in place. But you can't then see through the windows, so it makes it very dark inside the van. Why not do as the Dutch do, and make a 'shade' for the front window something like this one - search for Bo-Camp - Caravan window awning - 180x75cm - Grey, , then just have covers on those windows which are actually in the sun.
Or find campsites with a choice of sunny or shady pitches, where your windows never get so hot.
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I ll check that link out- sounds promising. I actually bought some hgv windscreen protectors and sewed some elastic loops onto the edges and attached them to the caravan with limpets. They did the job but obviously it blocks any view out. The van was cooler in Spain though !!
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I went to 2 Spanish caravan accessory shops in Spain and was disappointed with their range of products overall. They didn’t stock any such sun protectors for caravans. Google mainly brought up frost sunscreen protectors for cars/ lorries which I ordered and adapted for a temporary measure