What are you all up to



  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited October 2023 #57572

    We have visited the house nellie, we live about 40 miles away, we quite liked it.  OH even had a play on the grand piano!  I know it’s not in the same area but have you ever visited NT Nunnington Hall near Helmsley?  It’s a much smaller and more ‘homely’ house.  OH volunteers there most weeks for a day or two.  

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,456
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    edited October 2023 #57573

    I know the house as well Nellie. OH hasn’t yet been. I went as part of a trip with Brodsworth volunteers, back when I was an EH volunteer. Like you, a tiny bit underwhelmed, but it was quite a long time ago, and it was difficult at the time watching just a couple of staff trying to cater for a group of 50 hungry visitors, I think it’s a good bit different now, and we intend going back. There wasn’t enough “garden” to view for me, and I can really only recall the whale (if it’s still there). I think it has its own campsite now. Impressive from the outside though. Will check out your smuggler next month👍

    Enjoyed Nunnington heddlo, again, a while since we visited. I thoroughly loved my time as an EH volunteer. Primarily as a garden volunteer, but I did occasionally help out in the house as well. I had to give it up to care for Dad, and now Mum, but I did 13 happy years. If I get chance, and we aren’t away too often, I had thought about volunteering for Wentworth Woodhouse. Will have to see.

    Busy day here. OH has just walked to our local Health centre for some new sort of scan, heart related I think. I am expecting a BG service engineer at some point to check our boiler out for its annual, and meantime a day of household chores beckons, to get ready for Saturday. Am doing a fund raiser for Cancer Research, got friends, neighbours and family dropping in throughout the day, so am shoving the dust around into dark corners🤣 Will be packaging seeds from garden up later as well, they are part of the effort. The hound has packed himself off back to (one of) his baskets, he’s upset with me for washing his favourite toys.🤣

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited October 2023 #57574

    Thanks for the messages of sympathy folks.  Carol's mum came out of hospital on Monday and is making progress.  Her sisters and brother have all come up to support by taking it in turns to stay over night.  Carol is due to go over tonight and tomorrow, so it looks like a quiet few days for me!  🤣🤣


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,884
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    edited October 2023 #57575

    Just a quick look-in before ferry sets off 

    Had a good 2 day trip down. Warwick was good yesterday including a visit to Lord Lycester Guildhall and gardens. Will post photos when we get back. Called off at Winchester today. Great visit to Cathedral and also Mill Bridge NT. Didn't have enough time so may revisit on way home.

    Hope all well 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    edited October 2023 #57576

    We have been to Nunnington Hall, but not for a long time. That must be fair drive over for you ON to do on a regular basis. We did think of stopping on a  CL not far from it but will save that for another, dried time of the year. That being said our next stop is on another all grass site,  Burton Holme Farm at Barmby Moor, but have been assured that it is firm enough and we should have no problems. Just hope that is the case!😊

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    edited October 2023 #57577

    I know the house as well Nellie. OH hasn’t yet been. I went as part of a trip with Brodsworth volunteers, back when I was an EH volunteer. Like you, a tiny bit underwhelmed, but it was quite a long time ago, and it was difficult at the time watching just a couple of staff trying to cater for a group of 50 hungry visitors, I think it’s a good bit different now, and we intend going back. There wasn’t enough “garden” to view for me, and I can really only recall the whale (if it’s still there). I think it has its own campsite now. Impressive from the outside though. Will check out your smuggler next month👍

    Tda, there were quiet a number of room stewards, and lots of information boards so if you intend reading them all you will need lots of time for your visit. They could have done with doing a proper, if short, introduction as one entered instead of just pointing out which way to go round. The Whale is still there, spread out in the stable block, where there are also other information boards. The gardens are virtually non existent but the estate is extensive with woodland and round the lake walks. The caravan site has lots of statics, but there were not many units on the pitching area, which is not surprising considering the time of year and the cost!!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    edited October 2023 #57578

    Today has been dry for most of the time, but we have had some drizzle this evening. We visited Hornsea today, and as you said R&R has more to offer than Withensea. We walked the full length of the prom but didn't ventured into the beach as the tide was nearly fully in and crashing into the retaining wall. Our last night here before head westward towards near York.

    Tda, Hope your the results of your OH's test reveal nothing untoward, and that the boiler service turned up nothing unexpected.

    WN, Hope your crossing is a smooth one and you arrive over there refreshed.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited October 2023 #57579

    We are the furthest west you can get in East Yorkshire Nellie (about half a mile) from the North Yorkshire border so it’s about a 20 mile drive to Nunnington so not too bad.  We have stayed at Burton Holme Farm quite a few times and you should be fine with the grass as it’s very free draining.  We used it as our base to sort out the caravan as ours was kept in storage; we needed somewhere to do ‘stuff’ occasionally and that CL is nearest to us.  A bit of road noise from the A1079 but otherwise a good flat site.    Burnby Hall Gardens in Pocklington are pleasant, they have the National Collection of Water Lilies but obviously there won’t be much to see in October.  Take care and hope the weather holds up.  

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited October 2023 #57580

    Finally got the Smart car back on Tuesday, hopefully picking up the Touareg this afternoon, it has certainly been an expensive fortnight, and I still have to investigate the problem with the infotainment screen in the Touareg!

    Grandson has decided the offer of a free little car was not for him, so the Smart will have to be either traded in or sold via one of those car buying companies as we are getting the new car on this coming Tuesday. OH will need to arrange the insurance tomorrow.

      Did some research on line and looks like a car buying place could be the best option, have booked to have the car looked at on Saturday.  No doubt they will reduce their offer then, but it should still be better than trading it in.

    Busy this week doing some work on DD's house, plus making some turned items for (hopefully) selling at a craft fair in a couple of weeks time.

    Chilly here so heating is on.   Caravan drained down for winter, but still have some stuff to bring out of it from the last trip.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited October 2023 #57581

    Glad you all got home safe KjeIINN, our friends in Aberdeen said they had some serious flooding but their property was ok.

    New car new insurance, dont think you told us the make of your new car ?, there was an article in the finance section of the Daily rag this week that said some insurance companies were now charging as a minimum £1k for the over eighties and Saga was listed as one of the offenders, me thinks if we have to pay that much OH's car will be going to the bake bean tin factory, garage offered us £500 part exchange so how can the insurance co justify £1k+ its a joke.    

    Roofer came round this morning to inspect our damp patches, he thinks mostly it is rain blowing in under the tiles, and some of the lead flashing round the chimmney needs sorting, and he recommended doing a power wash to get rid of the moss which is blocking the rain channels and then to wash with a weed killer like liquid to stop it regrowing, not presented me with price as yet but nothing too serious so i told him to crack on.

    weather mixed, some rain, some sun, but very mild for this time of year, some people in the Solent yesterday just in skins, 15 degs, too cold for me now.

    was hoping to get a last grass cut in, but the ground is too wet and we are forecast showers all next week so might just have to clean and park the mower. Clocks go back this weekend, that will be a killer as dark much sooner and I have to summon up all my will power so as not to watch all those stupid day time TV programmes, but i do like the Chase


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,200
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    edited October 2023 #57582


    When I got my new car earlier in the year I put the registration of the old one in the "We Buy Any Car" website and got a price. You have the option to add what you feel the condition is. They come up with an immediate price which as you say might not be what you get for it but I suspect any difference is down to how you describe the car in the first place. I wasn't interested in selling it to them anyway but to use it as a tool to get my dealer to accept the value which they did within a couple of hundred pounds. Funnily enough by the time the new car arrived the value of my old car had gone up by £1000 which I wasn't expecting. 


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited October 2023 #57583

    Busy week here one way and another. Our roofer/guttering man came to replace all our lead flashing on Monday and Tuesday to sort out our terrible flood in the conservatory. All done now and no leaks during all the heavy rain overnight and this morning. It costs £££ though frown. However it needed to be done. OH had his pre-op appointment about his pacemaker on Monday morning and all very straightforward. He goes in this coming Monday to have it fitted. He then heard from Addenbrookes about his back op which is delighted about as the pain in his back and legs  is getting worse and worse, They have booked him into a private hospital in Cambridge (under the NHS). Outpatient appt on 11th December and the op on the 18th December. Daughter said at least it will get us out of having to host Christmas!!laughing Daughter and local son have been marvellous and are going to sort out which one will take us and which one will fetch us. The downside is we have to be there for 7.00am which will mean leaving here at about 5.30am!! I then had mounds of forms to fill in online but all done now. 

    Your tour at the moment sounds wonderful nellie. You are visiting some lovely and interesting places.

    I hope your trip to see your brother in France is going well WN. I am sure he will be pleased to see you.

    I do admire the resilience of your grand-daughter DEBSC. She sounds an amazing young woman.

    So pleased to hear that your MIL is now out of hospital DSB. It must have been such a worry for you all.

    Take are out there everyone. The roads still look bad in some places. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    edited October 2023 #57584

    Nice to hear from you Millie.  You both must be pleased to have word of when your OH is getting his operation. Fingers crossed that all goes to plan. You will be pleased too that the repairs on the roof have sorted out the flooding problem.

    Rufs, I hope that your roofing guy manages to get the job done soon for. We have a chap coming in the new year to replace the panelling on the sides of our dormers in the new year. 

    Heddlo,  the site is good and solid, as you suggested. I seem to remember that you said that you have used it in the past. Thanks for the info on Burnaby Hall Gardens, we might have a look there at the weekend.

    After some rain through the night it was reasonable dry this morning and we didn't get wet packing up. It was an easy drive but it started raining as we passed Market Weighton and I had to set up in the wet. We had a short rainy walk through part of the village after lunch but it finally stopped so managed a couple of dry walks in the late afternoon/evening.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,884
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    edited October 2023 #57585


    The crossing was as rough as we've had it in a long time. We stopped off en route to my brothers village, about an hour from the ferry, for some food shopping. Arrived at his place mid morning. Great to see him. 

    We drove to the Gite mid afternoon. Lovely place. Real Country area. Think we've had 3 cars pass this morning. Sun's shining. Great night's catch up sleep. We'll call into brother this afternoon as he has medical visits to his house this morning.

    Good to hear Mr.M has news on ops.

    Take care one and all.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited October 2023 #57586

    "Rufs, I hope that your roofing guy manages to get the job done soon for. We have a chap coming in the new year to replace the panelling on the sides of our dormers in the new year. "

    roofer turned up this morning, fortunately we live in a bungalow so not difficult to get onto roof, turns out that there are 4 broken tiles and the lead flashing round the base of the chimmney needs replacing, as a temporary measure he has swopped the broken tiles with tiles that are not in such a vunerable position until new ones can be put in place, apparently the tiles do crack with age undecided, hopefully not too many £'s to sort out, and only 2 small damp patches on the ceiling indoors, but no doubt a nice brown stain when they have dried out so some cleaning and painting will have to be done frown

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited October 2023 #57587

    Good to hear you have got your leaking conservatory sorted Millie, we had something similar with ours a few years ago.  Annoyingly it took a while to find where the water was coming in at first though so ours was a bit of trial and error, sorted eventually.  Good luck next week for your OH and the pacemaker gets fitted without delay.  With that and his back operation you should be able to enjoy next year a lot more comfortably.  Thinking of you.  

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited October 2023 #57588

    I think leaks are always a bit of trial and error heddlo and I am still being careful and haven't put all the soft furnishings back yet just in case. Thanks for your good wishes for OH. Much appreciated. Yes I hope we are going to have a much better year next year 🤞

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited October 2023 #57589

    Hello all, sorry to hear of the leaks that some of you have but good to hear they are being looked at. Hopefully ours will be OK, will find out in a month's time when we get home. 

    MillieH good news on your OHs up coming operations. 

    Well we left a wet, windy and soggy Portugal last Friday. We gave the Algarve a miss due to the forecast of yet more rain and wind.

    We had a couple of nice days at Isla Cristina then worked our way across to Seville where we just stopped the one night again due to awful weather.

    Monday saw us on the coast at Torrox in a camperstop. It was very busy and not for us, so we headed up the coast to a nice out of the way site. It's about half full just now but shortly will be full of the over winterers.

    Mainly German outfits the majority MHs. Nothing much in the area so not sure what they do all winter. We've had a nice relaxing 4 days, walking and cycling along the coast. Tomorrow we are off to one of our favourite sites and areas, Los Madriles at Isla Plana.

    The weather has been dry here but windy and at times overcast. There is snow on the Sierra Navades which we can see from the site.

    It does seem to be more settled now but it's still in the low 20s, so hoping it will get back to the norm, we only have 3 weeks left before we have to leave Spain and drive up to St Malo.

    It was very hot the first 4 weeks but the past couple of weeks it's been dreadful. The night we spent near Seville we had a terrible storm for a few hours, the wind was awful and it toppled 4 trees close to where we were parked. The next day there was trees, signs and hoardings strewn all over the place. Several trees down along the motorway so down to 1 lane in places.

    We've been following the awful weather at home and across the UK and count ourselves lucky to be out of it. Our home town had lots of flooding and our village was cut off for a day or so. Much worse in other places and I feel for those who have suffered flooded homes. 

    Take care everyone. 

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited October 2023 #57590

    "Tomorrow we are off to one of our favourite sites and areas, Los Madriles at Isla Plana."

    Yes have to say one of my favourite areas also, we were there last year at this time of year, weather was gorgeous, was still swimming in the sea even in November, never stayed at Los Madriles as it is no pero's, but know that particular area very well as there is good parking/walking & a good dog friendly beach. Last year sites were very busy and as you mention many Germans with very big MH's. Very bad fire at Bolnuevo early in the year, destroyed a lot of MH's/caravans

    Can it rain any more, lashed it down all night, thankfully the temporary fix the roofer put in yesterday has held up so all good, did mangage to catch a brief glimpse of the moon last night thru the trrees in the garden, full moon is tonight but not sure we are going to be able to see it undecided

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,200
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    edited October 2023 #57591

    Had our Flu jabs today at the surgery, albeit two weeks later than planned because the original session two weeks ago was cancelled. The nurse was new to us but she said she had been there for five years! 

    We are currently waiting for a quote to replace the radiator in our utility room with a larger one. Simon and I managed to replace the one in the dining room but despite the new one being a double we were able to use the existing connections. The one in the utility requires some changes to the pipework so thought we would get the professionals in! I keep eying up the hall stairs and landing. Currently it has wallpaper but I am thinking it would be much easier to go back to painting the walls. The plasterwork in our house is not brilliant so we would have to remove the wallpaper before making a decision! I am getting to the age where I am persuaded to pay people to do the work but it is not second nature to me to do so!!!!


  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited October 2023 #57592

    "Tomorrow we are off to one of our favourite sites and areas, Los Madriles at Isla Plana."


    TammyGirl, - If you haven't already been ( I'm sure you will have) the WW2 Guns at  Batería de Castillitos are simply spectacular. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,884
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    edited October 2023 #57593

    Spent yesterday visiting a local "medieval" town not far from where we are staying. Day after market day so it was quiet. Afternoon spent with brother driving him around his old haunts, mostly bike riding areas. 

    Weather for today showed rain for afternoon so we decided to go to Loudeac as there was a market on. Its a fairly small place in the heart of Brittany yet the market was wonderful. 3 separate cheese stalls, 3 fruit & veg stalls, a 20 deep queue for the Paella and other cooked dishes stall, 2 butchers, 3 Fish stalls with a huge variety on offer including Coquille St.Jacques, Lobsters etc., a cooked Chicken Rotisserie stall etc etc. 

    It was quite noticeable, once OH pointed it out to me, that there wasn't a single obese person at the market. Obviously their diet is well balanced. 

    Rain has duly arrived. 

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited October 2023 #57594

    Heck of a cycle ride, and i dont recall the road is suitable for a MH ???

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited October 2023 #57595

    It is a VW T-Cross, so called Black Edition, not sure exactly what that signifies though!    OH chose it.   It is an automatic and she added the winter pack (heated seats being essential!) , a spare wheel, and metallic paint, so it is "Reef  Blue".  Not a big choice of colours is offered these days.  I have a feeling it will turn out to be the same colour as the Touareg.

    Car insurance has certainly soared in the past couple of years!   We have a multi-car policy which saves a little, and OH managed to get the renewal down a bit, so we saved £165 on that.  We were pleasantly surprised that the new car is costing only about £30 more for the year to insure than the Smart car, and no amendment fee as it is less than 14 days since we renewed.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited October 2023 #57596

    The VW dealer would not suggest a trade in price when we ordered the new car as it was so long to wait.  He did say that we would get more for it by using We Buy Any Car, and that is indeed the case......about £800 more.

    We do however have a "spanner in the works" as we did not get the Touareg back on Thursday, will likely be the middle of this coming week.

    Took the Smart to WBAC this morning and they did actually offer the price they gave on line, but that will only hold till tomorrow.   We could not leave the car with them today as we would then be totally stuck, but we can borrow DD's car from tomorrow till Tuesday when we pick up the new car.

    DD also has a lady coming to look at the car soon, someone who lives nearby, so either way it will be sold by tomorrow.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited October 2023 #57597

    We decorated our hall, landing and stairs during the summer David.  We only have paint so no wallpaper to consider but it took a really long time!  We had 11 doors to paint and a spindle bannister rail along the landing and down one side of the stairs, along with a couple of coats of emulsion on the walls up and down.  Personally I (more than OH) would pay for someone to do it!!!!  

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,200
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    edited October 2023 #57598


    It might come down to paying someonesmile Depends if I can pluck up the courage to do it my self. The trouble really is the ladders for the high part as I am not so good on ladders especially with my knees. 


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited October 2023 #57599

    We’re exchanging cars on Tuesday, so this morning (while it was fine) we emptied all our stuff out of our existing car. All that’s left are the front rubber mats and a USB pen of music. Both to come out on Tuesday. 

    The stuff will all mostly go back in the new car, but I may leave out an assortment of face masks and bottles of sanitiser. 


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited October 2023 #57600

    It rained a lot overnight here but was dry this morning so I spent an hour or two in the garden emptying summer bedding out of pots and planting bulbs in their place and then did a general reorganisation of the pots. I think all the pots are now sorted. Some of the dahlias that have finished flowering were cut down and mulched (we don't dig them out for the winter). It was a very muddy job but a job well done.

    I have this afternoon sorted out what OH needs to take into hospital on Monday so quite a productive day really. 

    16 year old grandson has sent us his Christmas list which I requested. I don't understand any of it! undecided Will have to get daughter to interpret for us.  

    Please to hear from you tammygirl. I hope the weather improves for you. Pleased also to hear that the WN's trip is going well. I do love a French market


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited October 2023 #57601

    Looks a nice place where the market was WN and enjoy the rest of your holiday with your brother and hope weather is not too bad.

    Gosh you have been busy milliehull and hope all goes well for your OH and operations.

    Our ground is very wet after all the rain this week and had to put wellies on to put washing out this am as no path under the line just a lot of mud at present may be better tomorrow for next load to do making the most of the lovely sunny weather it got to 22.5C today and same tomorrow and then back to rain Monday and we have a window company  coming in the afternoon for a quote for windows and door in wood effect Aluminium as our friends had theirs done earlier in the year and they look superb, then on Thursday OH gets his new glasses whilst in Villefrance.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend folks.


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