What are you all up to



  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2023 #56552

    MH, good to hear your OH is getting better. Sounds like my OH always wants to be doing something, I've some need to talk I can't bear being idle. Thanks for the good wishes for OH he seems to have recovered very well, I'm glad that we got it treated so soon.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56553

    Today we left home in brilliant sunshine, but once beyond Dundee it turned rather grey with showers off and on.  Arrived in Aberdeen just after 13.00 and once on the pitch and connected up, we had a late lunch.  

    Very mixed weather here, dull and chilly when we arrived, then warm sunshine, then heavy showers, now sunny again.  Plenty of empty serviced pitches to choose from (we are not paying ) but site has  filled up a bit since we came.

    Everything now set up for the holidaymakers, they should be here mid afternoon tomorrow.   We will be doing shopping for them in the morning.

    Millie, good to hear your OH is improving, best wishes from both of us.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited July 2023 #56554
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  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,332
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    edited July 2023 #56555

    Milliehull delighted to hear your OH making progress.

    I know where you're coming from regarding driving, or lack off! OH not allowed to after his 'episode'. He never was a good passenger, he has stopped stepping on his brake - or does it more discreetly 😉. It still doesn't work. That's been four and a half years...... I feel more confident now and think nothing of 'leaping' on and off motorways. Years of being the passenger, I do miss that - no time for good nosey!, meant I'd lost my nerve.

    I also get the appointments...... That's when I first starting using my phone calendar. Setting reminders in advance to keep track. I still have the kitchen one and have to sync them 🤞😱. Hopefully they will diminish. What stresses me more is the parking 😡.

    Glad the family are rallying round too. Don't forget to give yourself some tlc as well. Hope the gardener worksout, we tried a couple but I think we've got a good un now.

    Funnily enough I thought of HelenandTrevor the other day whilst out walking. Hope things are OK with them.

    Very mixed weather here, mostly grey, thermometer says low 20's most days but it doesn't feel it. Odd bits of rain but not a lot. Too late now for the harvest. Hopefully crops won't be flattened if the forecast rain arrives. Some folk started already around here. DIL hasn't yet. 

    Good to read of others beds and see photos.

    Much the same here, decorator starts remaining bedroom and landing ceiling Monday. Hall stairs and landing will be last as new bathroom and cloakroom refit August. He'll still have plenty to do, downstairs should follow on from last bedroom. Very pleased with his work - very clean and tidy too. Moves the furniture, curtains etc and replaces. I'm telling myself we will be straight by this Christmas. We weren't finished for the last 😪. Carpet ordered for bedrooms 2 weeks ago. Just learned its out of stock but should be back in next week 🤞. Then we can book fitting. Hopefully no more surprises.....

    Fabulous night out with our gardening and naturalist club at a private nature reserve at Polebrook..nightingales too 😀 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited July 2023 #56556


    Good to hear OH is a bit better. Not sure you need a Spread Sheet but Bakers2 suggestion of using the calendar on the phone (or computer/tablet) is a good one as they all throw up alerts.

    Just wondered if you watched Look East last night? Except it wasn't Look East as it came from London as apparently there was some industrial action impacting on Norwich. The London programme got quite a lot in including more stories from around our region than Look East ever manages to achieve. The professionalism of the London programme really put Look East in the shade. As you can see I am still smarting from the removal of the Look East West programme we used to get from Cambridge which covered far more stories from where we live that it does now. We don't get many stories now from MK but I think you get even less about Peterborough!


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited July 2023 #56557

    Brue, don't know if you have see this, but it is rather frightening what's occurring just along the coast from West Bay. Glad you had a good day out. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-66269592

    Good to read that our OH is feeling better, Millie, and that you have lots of help from the family.

    B2 I am sure that you must be getting to the end with all the jobs you have had to have done since moving, and then you both can have a proper rest and perhaps a holiday too. Hope all the rest of the decorating goes well.

    We have had a fine sunny day but still cool for the time of the year, but it started to rain a short while ago and tomorrow looks as if we are in for much more rain.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,842
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    edited July 2023 #56558

    Well, 1pm arrived - and so did the 'masses' - both of them! - and there was only a few others later in the afternoon.  Chatting with the Warden - they were only expecting about another 13 units over the weekend and I reckon the site is only about a quarter to a third full. He puts the blame firmly and squarely on the new booking system which he says has had a massive impact on bookings.

    Being a 'no facilities' site, we have never seen a lot of families here, so it may be that other sites have fared differently now that the school holidays have started.

    Timed the BBQ to perfection and the rain didn't come back until just after I had finished cookingsmile, but it has been steady all night.

    Everyone around us on the site seems nice and 'chatty' - which has pleased Ros because she is able to indulge in her favourite hobby - talking!!  Despite the weather, the break seems to be doing her the world of good.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited July 2023 #56559

    Glad to hear you are out and about again Richard and Ros is doing well.  You are on the one site that makes me miss our caravan.  We loved the NYM site, we never used ‘facilities’ so that wasn’t important.  Enjoy your stay whatever the weather brings. 

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 533
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    edited July 2023 #56560

     I had 5 days away in the van early last month at Kendal and Meathop and hadn't booked as I didn't think that either would be full. Neither was full but were surprisingly busy, most probably as the weather was very good. 

     I was at NYM exactly one year ago and it was  busy then, but as above, most probably due to the hot weather.  When booking in at Kendal, the Warden did mention that a lot of people are no longer  booking beforehand as they did before. 

    Did the Warden at NYM say whether he thought it was due to the deposits, the new 21 day cancellation rule,  the quirks of the new booking system, or the new booking system as a whole? 

    Although I think that the new booking system is having an affect on pre-bookings, the jump in prices on Club sites, the prospect of so many days of wet weather and the economic downturn in general are all amalgamating together to put people off going away at the moment.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited July 2023 #56561

    Not a local but know the area very well, they have had lots of rock falls over the past 2 years this looks to be a big one, but i could never understand why in places like Charmouth you could hire small pick axes and go dig away at the cliff face hunting for fossils, you would say lots of folk all digging away some quite high up the cliff face. I have picked up quite a few from within the area but never been digging as such but no doubt today fossil hunters from all over the country will be down digging away despite all the dangers.

    sky looking very black this morning and looks to be raining over Southampton water, but we seem to be ok for now, hopefully get one lot of washing out and dry before the deluge.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2023 #56562

    Yes Nellie, the landslide must have happened very early on the day we were down there, thank goodness no one was on the beach. People are still walking under the treacherous rock cliffs in West Bay despite warnings. The whole coast is moving. The high tides seem to remove quite a bit of the rubble so it makes it all look safer than it is.

    Pleased to hear Millie's news, I hope the tests go well. As for driving (and Bakers2 too) I think you are doing well with all the other things to think about. 

    Davidk, I understand your views of local TV we are lucky to have Spotlight SW which is very well run and very local  except it often misses our area of Somerset out, we rarely get a mention! The alternative is watching local news from Bristol which usually misses us too!

    Do hope people are surviving the vagaries of the summer weather, hope the Oneputts get things sorted with the van. It's just started to rain here, the holiday traffic is well under way. We have two days before our next canine visitor arrives...we will plan a few days out to keep us all busy. 🐕

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2023 #56563

    We posted at the same time Rufs.

    We could see people walking up and down from Highlands End yesterday, nice place to stay but as you say not so easy on the legs! (And the path is very worn getting ever nearer the edge! )

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited July 2023 #56564

    We have also stayed at Freshwater Beach a few years ago with the Gkids, you could then walk from the site along the beach into West Bay but i think that is now not possible at high tide due to a landslip, found a couple of good amonites along that stretch we I still have, but they are not worth a lot of money although they do sell good ones in the local shops, particularly like the shop at Charmouth, once did an organised fosil hunt from there but me thinks the guide planted the fosils before we set off laughing


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited July 2023 #56565

    David No we didn't see Look East on Thursday evening as son was round here but we sadly miss Janine and Look East West. We did have a section about Peterborough and the Star Wars exhibition at the Cathedral earlier in the week but that is the first time we have appeared for some time.

    Bakers2 I know where you are coming from with losing your nerve for driving. I used to drive all over the place many years ago - London through the Rotherhithe Tunnel (exciting!) when youngest son lived there, Cardiff when daughter was at Uni there, York when son as at uni there but since we retired OH has done more and more of the driving so that for some years I have only driven locally and now I have lost my nerve.  Added to that I won't drive OH's car - a Mitsubishi Outlander - as it is far too big for me so we are trundling around in my little old Clio. I really must up my game as I have a feeling this could go on for some while.

    I think son and DIL are coming round to help me move some pots in the garden so must go and sort things out.

    Glad to hear that richardandros are out and about again.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited July 2023 #56566

    Davidk, I understand your views of local TV we are lucky to have Spotlight SW which is very well run and very local except it often misses our area of Somerset out, we rarely get a mention! The alternative is watching local news from Bristol which usually misses us too!

    Brue I am usually a staunch supporter of the BBC, particularly in a time when it seems to have many enemies. However I can't support the pure money saving decision they made to reunite both elements of Look East. Incidentally the same happened in the Oxford area but I don't know what impact that has had.  Up until recently, what is a pretty large region was split in two. This meant that the real East, Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex got their programmes from the Norwich studio and those of us in the West of the region based at the Cambridge studio got news from Bucks. Beds, Northants and Cambridge. The result of going back to one studio in Norwich is that there is a bias towards news from the the three eastern counties with the rest of us just getting scraps. I also don't find the news presentation from the Norwich studio very professional compared to what the had from Cambridge. I am sure Millie must notice that Peterborough hardly features on the local news when previously there were regular stories from there. The same is true of MK.  Unfortunately I can't see them changing their minds!


    Edit:- I see Millie and I posted at the same time!

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited July 2023 #56567

    I also saw the Landslide news in Dorset looks awful and just hope folks will stay away as folks have said that coastline is fragile and more will happen.

    Just about recovered from our trip to Albi yesterday for OH's medical appointment all went ok and will see him in November and she has changed a few of his medication so will be interesting to see the results, had fun getting there we missed turning off at one roundabout anyway GPS so sorted another route gosh along some very narrow roads but did get us back on track and arrived at the large hospital and medical centre and everywhere busy but did find where OH had to go and much easier when he finished as we could just walk around the building to the car park, then in Albi centre as we wanted to see the Cathedral and find somewhere for lunch very lucky found a car park 3 euros for 4 hours short stay only and then found a restaurant on top of a theatre with lovely views of the city and the Cathedral and good food then a short walk to see the Cathedral wow what a building the largest brick built in the world and the ceiling inside was amazing just could have done with lying on the floor to see it all and OH was impressed with huge array of organ pipes and could not quite see the organ but they were playing some music which was good had a good walk around and took some photos but found my camera needed charging up heyho but did get some of outside and got some postcards as well next time will also be quieter, some lovely historic buildings but the e scooters just go everywhere and no road sense at all we were using a proper crossing with other folk and all vehicles had stopped but not an e scooter just kept going and just missed folk and he could not have cared a jot although a few folk did shout at him and they do not wear helmets either an accident is going to happen, our friends are going in September with some friends of theirs so we have warned them, managed to get out from Albi before rush hour and holiday traffic and then a quick trip to Phamacie for OH's new medication and not all of it in stock so will go back next week. A nice quiet weekend for us now and a few chores although it is going to be hot tomorrow upto 34C and then cooler for next week thankfully.

    Have a good weekend folks.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited July 2023 #56568

    News - Read this week that GB News, I think, are moving their Scottish Borders down to Newcastle and other amalgamations taking place.  So not just the Beeb. Personally I don't watch any of the news on TV now wherever its from.

    RK - Agree with you about Albi cathedral. 

    We had a bit of a downer yesterday as the footpad of one of the cornersteadies caught on a speed bump in the village and broke off and also damaged the steady itself. We think that the steady had dropped slightly but we'd had no trouble on the trip home. Have to get it sorted now as the steady is buckled. 

    MiL had to call out "The Wasp Man" whilst we were away as there was an infestation right next to the front door. She would have tolerated Bees but the wasps were coming into the house. He seems to have solved the problem.

    Funnily enough Mrs WN won't drive my tugger but says she is going to have to bite the bullet and force herself to. 

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited July 2023 #56569

    I’m just catching up, and going back to cats.

    We have three farm cats - two of which live round the buildings, or on a shelf in “the back kitchen” (utility room/misc storage/unloved jackets etc). The third sneaks into my grandsons bedroom next door. They all came from a neighbouring farm. Just walked up the lane and stayed. 

    This week another has arrived, but I’m not sure if he’s a stayer or not. He’s thin and friendly but not  much of a looker.

    They all turn up on the porch at 7 am to be fed. Feed supplemented by whatever they catch.

    My profile image is Queenie - the boss.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56570

    Not a bad day here near Aberdeen, alternating hot sun and cool clouds, but at least it is dry.

    We have been out for shopping at Aldi in Westhill, just 10 minutes away, had lunch, packed our stuff, moved the car, and are now awaiting the arrival of DD & co.  They have stopped in Forfar for lunch, so should be here by 3pm, when peace will be shattered.   We will set off home after dinner.

    Lovely modern facilities here, even a bathroom with a bath.   Serviced pitch, 2 adults, 1 child and 1 toddler, £38.50.......not too bad for what is provided

    Nearest Club site with serviced pitches would be Stonehaven, which is £50.30 per night right now, quite a difference!


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,842
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    edited July 2023 #56571

    "Although I think that the new booking system is having an affect on pre-bookings, the jump in prices on Club sites, the prospect of so many days of wet weather and the economic downturn in general are all amalgamating together to put people off going away at the moment."

    My thoughts as well vbfg. The Warden just put it down to the 'new booking system', but justified the price increase as being necessary simply because of the increase in utility prices. However, bearing in mind that just a few years ago, it was £14 per night here and it's now over £27, I'm struggling to believe that.

    We went out this morning and before doing so had a drive around the site and there are actually less units on here today than there were yesterday.

    We went to Sandsend and the car park we usually use - near the Wit's End cafe was almost empty - unheard of at this time of the year - so something unusual is happening. We were here about the same time last year and it was absolutely rammed to the extent that we got one of the last few pitches available.

    Heddlo  - despite the price - we also like this site - bit like a big CL really.  Relaxed atmosphere and friendly people - quite different from the usual CAMC offering - plus it suits us with Ros not being able to travel too far at the moment. Sadly, the lovely Wardens - who have been here for over 4 years are moving on this year - hope that doesn't mean the site will change.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,075
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    edited July 2023 #56572

    We left the Cotswolds this morning after an excellent 2 weeks. We were staying at the clubs Broadway site which we loved very nice site and a bit unusual with the railway running alongside also easy walk to the town where there are a few nice pubs etc and the site was great for cycling plenty of routes nearby going through some lovely countryside. We relaxed a lot but also visited some great places we’ve been to the area many times before but only ever stayed for a few days so it was great to have a full 2 weeks to explore the area. Now set up in Blackpool for the next few days not a bad tow up here today the M6 was busy as usual around Birminghams but apart from that road was fine only took about 3 and a half hours. Looking forward to our few days here near Blackpool we are here often but love the area although weather isn’t looking too great while we are here.


    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited July 2023 #56573

    Sorry to read of the troubles that both you, WN,  and OP are having with your vans. Hope that they are soon sorted out.

    We too like the NYM site, R&R, but certainly won't be using it at the price you have quoted, especially as there a good choice of CLs in the area. Glad to hear that Ros is feeling much better and enjoying your time away in the caravan. Regardless of what some say it appears that many of the sites are well down on numbers compared to last year, because of the numerous reasons stated above. 

    Good to read that you have had an excellent time at Broadway, Francis, and that you had little trouble driving up to Blackpool.

    RK, pleased that you managed to get to your OH's medical appointment, and hopefully the operation to his medication will do the trick.

    It has been quite a dreich day here, but thankfully the rain has stopped, for the time at least, and we might get a dry walk shortly.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited July 2023 #56574

    NH had a laugh at your reply think you mean alteration as he only saw the medic for 20 minutes.

    No rain here but storm forecast for tonight  so no watering the garden also storms forecast for this coming Friday and Saturday and it is our birthdays and out for a meal both days with friends so hope it is not too bad. A very hot day today up to 35C so will have a dip in the pool later, just got back from local market next village from us 40 cents for a large bunch of radishes that is cheap and home grown also got a huge lettuce and prepared beetroot as well a lovely old chap said all home grown there he was with a buttoned up shirt and jacket as well tied up with an old belt but his goods were selling well and that was before 10am.

    NYM sites looks like my type of site did look on google and one reviewer said they were disappointed that no facilities on site cannot read what sites have me thinks heyho.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,842
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    edited July 2023 #56575

    "NYM sites looks like my type of site did look on google and one reviewer said they were disappointed that no facilities on site cannot read what sites have me thinks heyho."

    Reminds me of the story the Warden told us last year, RK - about the couple who arrived here in a brand new 'posh' caravan.  They looked new to the caravanning life - and also possibly to each othersmile

    After booking in they went round the site with their van only to return minutes later when she confronted the Warden with "Well were's the toilet block, then? We can't see one". When he explained there wasn't one - as per the site description, she turned to her other half and said, "Well Darling, we can't possibly stay here - you'll have to find somewhere else".

    Bearing in mind, the Warden and his wife live on site in their own van and have to make the same arrangements as everyone else, he was more than slightly amused and muttered something about why buy such a posh new van if you're not going to use it for what it was designed for!!

    Non-stop rain since about 7pm yesterday - didn't get much sleep last night - just pelting onto the roof.  Oh the joys of an English summerundecided

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited July 2023 #56576

    It is a lovely site is NYM. Long time since we have stayed, might be something like 18 years. As Nellie says, there are a lot of lovely CLs around there. Afternoon tea at Perry’s Nurseries R&R? 😁 That’s where we would be on a wet afternoon😁

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56577

    Finally got home last night at 22.45, at least the weather was decent and the roads not busy, stopped for a short break at Tesco in Dundee.  Had some supper then straight to bed, not up until 10am this morning.  Age is indeed catching up on us.

    Family very pleased with the site, and the pitch we chose.   It is not too far from the facilities block, and a short walk to the CDP, no passing traffic, plenty of grass all round, and even a picnic table. Trees for shade if required, but none directly over the caravan.


    We left them trying to persuade the children to try out the bath in the family bathroom, Nathan was keen but Callum was upset that we were going home, so was not happy!

    Good play area for children, and a small pond nearby which was home to 20 ducks and 8 small ducklings.  Nathan was very happy as he is really keen on ducks at the moment.  They were all very tame too.

    Today they are visiting Aberdeen, and the weather is good, so the boys may get some time on the beach.  There is plenty to do in the area, and they have joined NTS so will be visiting a few of the castles in the area.  We were surprised to hear that SIL had never been to Aberdeen before.

    This afternoon I am going to their house to shampoo their mattress, some window seat upholstery, and a chair, so all will be dry by the time they return.  I also have instructions to water a couple of plants and feed the budgies, I am doing every second day, the in-laws are doing the ones in between.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited July 2023 #56578

    Just make sure you get the budgies and the plants the righty around Kj.

    Rain forecast for all of today but yet to make an appearance. So, it allowed us to empty the caravan out as much as possible and needed.

    Spent the rest of spare time sorting out the backlog of admin that was neglected last week. Moved some money into a better paying easy access account. Goodness the questions that they ask these days. Good job I suppose.


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited July 2023 #56579

    Wow! you must be front runner for Grandpa of the year, loved the time with our gkids when they were younger, often they would come to Aberdeen for school holidays, some lovely places to visit, we used to spend a lot of time swimming and building sandcastles on Balmedie beach just north of Aberdeen, backed by sand dunes, and it did have a very thriving seal colony and of course Donald Trumps golf course, going north towards Macduff and swimming in the Deveron (Dovern) where it flowed into the sea at Macduff, we lived 10 minutes from Fyvie castle, not the most inspiring of Scotish castles but the grounds were good for walking the dogs. We also spent a lot of time swimming in the Dee, water was always very clear, only 90 miles long and the source is in the Cairngormes, so was never polluted. Happy days, make the most of them, they grow up only too soon.

    Not great this morning, but this afternoon the sun came out and it has been beautiful, high tide was approx 1600 hrs so great time for swimming even if the water was a bit choppy. Surprised at how the garden has taken off tks in no part to the deluge yesterday, suddenly we have a very good show of new fox glove plants, i scattered seed last year but had given them up for lost. Just finished off the prawn crackers, remnants of last nights chinese takeaway, for 4'oclockers, washed down with a glass of cider, will regret it later. frown   

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited July 2023 #56580

    A couple  of weeks ago I mentioned that we were startled to find our door bell chime had changed by itself.

    Well it's done it again. Sitting here 15 minutes ago and a strange but harmonious tune broke out. Twigged quite quickly this time what is was.

    Think we might be haunted but at least they're musical.smile

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56581

    They do indeed grow up so soon, our other 2 are already 13 and 17.

    I have done my best with the upholstery  cleaning, but the  results are not great.  May look better when dry.  If dry by Tuesday I will turn the mattress over and attack the other side, and will give the window seat a second clean.  It must be better than it was, the rinse water was grim!

    We visit Deeside and the Aberdeen area quite often as OH is from Aberdeen and had a lot of family still there.  These days all her uncles and aunts are gone, and contact with her many cousins, mainly on her Mum's side, has been mainly lost, so now we just go to visit places, not people.


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