What are you all up to



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56462

    Good to hear you have both caravan and car sorted, we are certainly not looking forward to the time when we need to sell our van, being old, it will likely be difficult.  Even trading it in could be a problem.

    Are you going with the 3 internet that you can also take on holiday?   If I  remember  correctly, we discussed that last time we met up.  We are still considering it, or something similar, for when our current Plusnet contract expires, so whichever system it is, would be interested to hear what you think .

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56463

    Positive deluge of water here now, started quite suddenly!   Street is like a river.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,885
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    edited July 2023 #56464

    Great news TG. Pass on birthday wishes to OH as well.

    Looks like the rain is widespread judging by the posts on here. We've had it all day, although it was light enough this morning to get out for a good stroll. Lashed down from about 11 a.m.

    Bakers, we've recently seen Swallows on telephone wires but in small numbers and they usually end up being Juveniles waiting to be fed or just getting used to this flying business. Swallows have 2 or even 3 broods and I have seen juveniles on the nest still at the end of October at Welney one year.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2023 #56465

    Toyota ProAce Verso Compact. It's an 8 seater which all but the 2 front cab seats can be removed. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited July 2023 #56466
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  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2023 #56467

    Thanks Kj, yes a relief that it's all done. We should have let it go in 21/22 but we did intend to use it in the UK more than we have. With site prices rising so much this year and insurance costs also going up we decided it just wasn't worth keeping that and the MH. We don't often go away now in the UK as the time we are home between trips is spent doing jobs around the house and garden.

    Re the WiFi, we now have an antenna attached to the house and a new router, it's a TP Link. It's faster than the mifi we have for touring and when the local mast isn't down good enough for streaming. We need to sort out a good supplier for a sim card but have time to sort that out. Will kerp you up to date as things change. 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,074
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    edited July 2023 #56468

    Glad you got the car and van sold TG

    Ifs been pouring here non stop since the early hours of this morning. We stayed around the van this morning then took a drive to Chipping Norton to visit Clarksons farm shop we loved the series so went for a visit but there was a huge que to get in so didn’t want to wait in this rain so we just had a coffee in the barn area hopefully will return next week if the weather pics up a bit the car park was a mud bath so we didn’t hang around long. Went a walk around Chipping Norton but again didn’t stay long due to the rain so now back at the van watching telly listening to the rain batter off the roof hoping for a better day tomorrow. Lots of arrivals today not the best day for setting up.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,864
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    edited July 2023 #56469

    It's been an 'interesting' week here.  OH had a bit a 'funny' turn at the beginning of the week.  He was going some gardening and sat down for his coffee, I came out with the coffee and he had completely 'gone' - very frightening. I called 999 and a response car arrived within 5 minutes and an ambulance 10 minutes later and they transported both OH and I to A&E. He was there for 3 days where everyone was very kind and doing their best under difficult circumstances, and then the cardiologist  decided he could be discharged onto a 'virtual ward' which means he is still a patient but is being monitored at home. We are expecting a visit tomorrow. He seems so much better thank goodness. Our Children have been marvellous. Local son and daughter were with me all the time he was in A&E and son and grandson from N. Ireland have flown over for a week to help out and be moral support which is lovely.

    So pleased that you have sold both your caravan and car TG. Happy birthday to you OH.

    Glad you managed to see part of Peterborough Cathedral Heddlo. The young man who spoke to you about the ceilings was probably Sefton who I am on duty with usually. He is such a nice young man. I haven't been there this week for obvious reason but as son will here next week I am hoping to go in on Tuesday for my Welcomer duty.

    Poured with rain here all day.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,697
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    edited July 2023 #56470

    So sorry to hear all that but I'm glad to also hear he's feeling better. Thoughts and prayers with you M.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited July 2023 #56471

    Milliehull best wishes to your OH and you. Unpleasant time by the sound of it, glad family are around to assist in any way they can. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.

    Still raining here, we need it but why did we have a week of grey etc before? Was wet here yesterday afternoon too. Not only wet but chilly too just 15c. Sadly I don't have enough waterbutts to catch it all

    Send OH out to veg patch  🌧🌧🌧 to pick our first runner beans this year, noticed them yesterday morning but didn't need them for dinner yesterday. We have those, purple curly kale and carrots - not many but enough for all homegrown veg tonight, casserole in as I type. Weather defo hearty food day!

    Just removed small items and sorted 2 bedrooms ready for decorator's return on Monday. Will need to dismantle a wardrobe, probably need to replace it 😱 as it's wobbly since the move, when it comes to the last bedroom. Carpet ordered last weekend, but don't know when it's coming in, so aiming not to reassemble or get new until its down. What to do with the hanging contents when the time comes??

    Realised if decorator is here until everywhere is done the lights we need replacing, not to our taste and dust traps 😱, will need to be done before he reaches those rooms. So new ceiling and wall lights sourced and electrician arrives Wednesday. OH used to do such jobs so have to make it worth time and cost of tradesman? Hopefully I've included everything for his visit. In our hall we'll just have 2 single pendant lights. At present we have one light with 7, yes seven, bulbs and one with 3 bulbs. We were left a basket of light bulbs as apart from the bedrooms study and cloakroom, no rooms had the same bulbs 😱😱. 12 in lounge ceiling fitment, 4 in 2 wall lights. 5 in the ceiling light in the dining room. Blackpool illuminations eat your heart out!

    Seemed to be a good use of wet afternoon as all other indoor jobs completed.

    Hope those away in these damp 😉 conditions are able to amuse themselves without too great a soaking.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,885
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    edited July 2023 #56472

    Best wishes Millie.

    Sounds like you had an excellent response from the emergency team. Fingers crossed for you and Mr.H.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited July 2023 #56473
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  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2023 #56474

    MillieH, best wishes from us to, hope OH gets better soon. Goid to have your family around to support you both.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2023 #56475

    Yes they are a good versatile car, great to drive and comfy. They are much sought after. 

    Had a lovely meal out tonight, now feeling completly stuffed. 😔

    WN, thanks so pleased at the result, have passed on the birthday greeting. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2023 #56476

    My best wishes too, Millie, for both yourself and particularly your OH. Hope he is soon feeling much better. Good to read that your family are there to support and help you both.

    Pleased to hear that you have managed to sell both the caravan and car TG, that will be a weight off your mind.

    Called in at our doctor's this morning to pick up a package for OH at 9:45 this morning and requested an appointment for myself with one of the practice doctors, and by 11:00 I was in the consulting room! Now that's what I call service. 

    Managed to get the car cleaned after lunch, finishing off just as the rain came, and it continued until about an hour ago, but dry now so should get our last walk in the dry, unlike the post dinner one.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,937
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    edited July 2023 #56477

    Hi TG.  So glad to hear you have it all sorted now... that must be a relief.  Happy birthday to your OH.. 



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,937
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    edited July 2023 #56478

    Sad to read about your OH Millie... good wishes for a speedy recovery - glad he seems to be making progress.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56479

    We stayed at the CCC site next door to the Diiddly Squat farm shop.....it was chaos even in June, so much inconsiderate parking.  The wardens on the site are not at all happy with how the public are behaving......neither were we when we arrived........very aggressive driving and little patience.

    We did not visit, OH is not a Clarkson fan, but did notice the lack of decent parking



  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,841
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    edited July 2023 #56480

    Millie - what a terrifying experience that must have been for you both.  So pleased to hear that you got an immediate response - especially in current times and that OH is on the mend.  You are in our thoughts and here's hoping for a speedy recovery.  Take care - both of you.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited July 2023 #56481

    "its been an 'interesting' week here. OH had a bit a 'funny' turn at the beginning of the week. He was going some gardening and sat down for his coffee, I came out with the coffee and he had completely 'gone' - very frightening"

    tough one Millie, just think positive, i found my OH slumped in the shower in the facilities block on site in Spain, fortunately paramedics with full trauma tream arrived within 15 minutes and she was in hospital in Cartagena within the hour, today she is 98% recovered tks to some excellent treatment by the Spanish and British NHS, good luck  

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,864
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    edited July 2023 #56482

    Thank you everyone for your good wishes and kind thoughts. It means a lot.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited July 2023 #56483

    I’ve not looked in for a while, various things. Sorry to read your post Millie, I really hope that your OH makes a speedy recovery, I know that he hasn’t been too well for a while. Nice to have the family support. You look after yourself as well, it must have been a shock.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,458
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    edited July 2023 #56484

    Yes, the same from us as well Millie, take care, both of you. Xx

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,074
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    edited July 2023 #56485

    Mille - Best wishes from us too here hoping Mr H makes a quick recovery.

    Very windy here overnight so I had taken the precaution of putting the storm straps on the awning others on site had the same idea but it wasn’t as bad as we feared. Lovely sunny morning here now not sure of plan for today hopefully relax. Site still very busy fish and chip van visited last night so we didn’t have to make dinner. 

    KJ - the parking at the farm shop is not great which is why I suspect a lot of people are parking on the road outside the car park is big enough yesterday there was plenty of spaces available but it was a mud bath would be better if he could tarmac or chip it then people would be happy to use it. I do agree though the road outside yesterday was gridlocked luckily we managed to get out and back to the main road quite quickly 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited July 2023 #56486

    Millie - sorry to read your latest news about Mr H. It must have been a very frightening time. Good to know that you got rapid help and trust things are looking more positive now. Will be thinking of you both.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited July 2023 #56487

    Oh dear Millie, so sorry to hear about your OH.  Very worrying for you.  So glad to hear he is feeling better and hope things continue to improve quickly .   Our very best wishes to you both. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2023 #56488

    Same here Millie  just looking in and read your news. Do hope Mr H is progressing well, so good to have family support too. Best wishes from both of us. X

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,074
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    edited July 2023 #56489

    Had a good day yesterday weather had greatly improved so it was nice for a walk around town actually got quite warm in the afternoon. The car was covered in mud after our trip to Clarksons farm shop so while SWMBO was in Tesco I went across to the self car wash and gave it a clean (Nellie and WN will be glad :) now have a nice sparkly car again that should do it until we get home. Didn’t do much last night cooked a stir fry on the Cadac which was excellent then just sat and had a few drinks in the awning. Not sure what we are doing yet today a lot of movement on site this morning with people moving on 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited July 2023 #56491

    I haven’t kept up to date on here recently, we were away with our family, then our granddaughter got very poorly. So I was concerned by the last comment, I went back to check and read posts and saw the sad news. That was sad, he seemed a lovely man, used to make me smile with his funny little quips and his talk of his aged sister. I think he will be missed on these discussions.