New Digital ACSI Camping Card

I've recently received an email from ACSI introducing the new digital ACSI Discount Card which offers an alternative to the paper version of the ACSI card and guide books.
I quite like the idea of going digital but that seems to have one major drawback in my view - you won't have a card to lodge with campsite reception, so you may then be obliged to leave your passport with them which I am loathe to do. Of course, you could apply for an ACSI Club ID membership card which most sites accept in lieu of a passport, but the cost of that card then negates any saving you might make with the digital subscription.
The new digital card does have one significant advantage though - the subscription runs for a full 12 months from the date it starts instead of expiring at the end of each calendar year. Very useful for people who are out of the country either side of year end.
On balance, I am minded to leave my subscription on the original basis but would be interested in other opinions.
Mmm! Quite like the idea of a digital card that would help with the problem of forgetting to collect it from reception as I did earlier this year 😒 fortunately the site posted it on to another site for us. I always take a photo on my phone of the front and back of the cards. We always get the green Acsi ID card as its useful and in certain places I've been offered a discount.
I like having the books though, I like to browse through it. I've often found lovely places to stay, that we wouldn't have thought of going to, if we just used an app to find a site nearby.
I do however like the fact that it renews from inception date, makes much more sense for the snow birds.
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I had the same email. As the digital version also includes the Aires, which was an additional €9 for the App that included them, it should still work out slightly less, as the ID card isn’t that much. Like TG we subscribe to the ID card, which is often useful at other sites. I think we will probably go for it as the books don’t get used much, I find the map book not easy to use, it’s much easier to locate the sites on the App.
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If the last trip was anything to go by, my ACSI card was not retained once, although it was copied by some sites and returned on checking in. Many sites demand to see passports regardless of what other ID you have. In my experience, copies are frequently taken but it is very rare to have them retained. I cannot recall in many years of travel this has ever happened to me.
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I've found that it depends where you are as to whether they retain the card.
Spain don't but they do copy your passport. France it's quite common on some sites to retain the card. On our last trip I think more sites than not retained them. Quite a few sites now want payment on arrival rather than departure. It's common to pay 2 nights in advance then the rest on departure.
We haven't had an email, yet we buy direct from Acsi.
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I do like to have book that I can browse at home when planning trips
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A quick update on ACSII digital membership : I decided to try the new digital membership option and also signed up for an ACSI Club ID card, which arrived within 10 days of registering.
The €19,95 ACSI subscription for 2024 was collected from my bank account at the end of October and last week, I received an email inviting me to re-load the ACSI app on my phone to get the new campsite listings. This was a relatively quick and easy process and I now have access to all the site details for the coming year.
I also have a digital ACSI card to show at a campsite when booking in, plus a physical ACSI Club ID card (cost €4,95) which holds my home address and passport details to lodge with reception if required.
Personally, I don't miss the ACSI books as it is much easier to locate somewhere to stay using the SearchforSites app.