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    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #56192

    Our grandson was most put out this year as he wasnt lucky enough to get tickets for Glastonbury this time, especially as he had promised to take his younger brother for his first visit - 21 and 17, when their favourite 2 bands appeared it didn’t go down well.

    i think we all know when it’s time to give up, age, health or finances. For us it was OHs health and although we pondered we really knew we had little choice. But once done we were glad and have never regretted it. I do miss our lovely Bailey Cadiz though the last and best van we ever had. It was the right time, maybe we should have even done it sooner. We towed and caravaned for many many years and have really good memories to look back on. Sometimes I still miss it a bit but I see OH looking at caravans being towed on the motorway then he comments that he’s glad that he doesn’t have to do it anymore. Great when we were younger but not for us now, if we hadn’t had to give up then we still would have by now due to our advancing years.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited June 2023 #56193

    We like cottages as well Brue, and you can get some late booking bargains. It’s just another kind of adventure really. We have nothing, zilch, on the horizon at the moment🙁 I am trying to persuade OH to get off for a few days, take the hound and his bike. 

    Nice day yesterday, some gardening and house chores until 4pm, then we took the pooch to where he learned to swim nearly 13 years ago, the Chesterfield Canal. He got in for a dip, loved being back in the water.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited June 2023 #56194

    OH has been quite poorly since we got back from the coast. He went to see the GP on Monday but got worse so doctor came to see him at home - amazing (and quite worrying!) He had antibiotics and an inhaler and is a lot better.  Doctor thought it was a combination of the chest infection, very high pollen count and high temperatures back home. He was well enough to attend his appt at the spinal unit at Addenbrooks today luckily. We used Trumpington P&R on the advice of my friend which worked really well. He saw a very nice lady and was nearly an hour in her consulting room where she asked lots of questions and did lots of tests. He has age related compression of the spine and she is going to confer with her colleagues about OH having a 'decompression' op on his spine which apparently isn't a huge op. Also another MRI on his upper spine but that will be in Peterborough. He also has some exercises to do and some very good advice.

    brue I know how you feel about your MH. We thought long and hard about selling our caravan but like you decided that we would sell it while it was still in good condition before problems arose and OH was beginning to have his mobility problems at that time (they came on during lockdown). We bought an air awning thinking it would make life easier but it didn't as it was SO heavy! It was the right decision at the right time for us and we are really enjoying our static and cottage holidays. Everyone has to make the decision when they feel that the time and circumstances are right for them. 

    Good news that you are able to get away at last R&R. Hope you both have a wonderful time

    Lovely photos of your pooch in the water tda

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited June 2023 #56195

    Busy and hard work today. This morning I deep cleaned the inside of the caravan, fridge, cooker, oven and grill all got the full treatment. Everything washed down and polished where needed and windows, blinds and mirrors all sparkling clean 😊

    The carpets have gone down, we haven't used them so still new. The scatter cushions that came with it was put back in, we didn't use them either. Bathroom had a good clean and polish. The van looks like new 😊 photos taken just need to work out where to advertise it for sale 🤔

    This afternoon I was out in the garden, lots of tidying up required but at least I've made a start. The washing machine has been working hard as well another 3 loads done today. Yesterday I stood and ironed for a couple of hours as it was raining outside. I've now got another big basket full. 

    Tomorrow the window people come to remove 3 of the windows they fitted last April. New ones to be fitted but we have gone with a different style as we've lost faith in the style we had fitted last year. The centre frame has bowed, so we get a draft. Something we never had on the original windows they removed, which were 31 years old.  House will be all upside down again and tomorrows forecast is rain and thunderstorm, not what I wanted.

    By the time we get all this sorted we will need another holiday 😆😆

    OH has been busy sorting vehicle insurance out, both cars and the MH need doing and all 3 need Mot's. MH went in this morning, needed new brake pads, it's now ready but they are keeping it overnight as my car goes in tomorrow for Mot, I think it will need a new exhaust. Thankfully OHs car isn't due until next month. Not just a busy week but an expensive one as well. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56196

    That's the irony TG. Whatever you are selling looks at its absolute best only when you come to sell it. We (people in general) tend to put up with minor imperfections for a while but when it comes to selling whatever is being sold gets the full works. Best of luck with the sale. I'm sure you'll have no problem as you've looked after it.

    Best of luck also to Millie's OH. We have a friend with quite severe spinal problems and he attends Addenbrooks. Seeing how painful his condition is I have a lot of sympathy for your OH.

    Talking of backs, I made a rod for mine today. Volunteered for garden duty saying I was feeling fine. Should have kept my mouth shut.sealedsealedsmile


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #56197

    I feel tired reading that TG! Hope your new windows are successful.

    Millie, I hope Mr H gets some relief from the planned treatment, glad to hear he was well enough for the hospital appointment.

    Thanks all for the helpful and kind comments about moving on from van life! 

    Slightly cooler weather helped with the garden work today. Not much rain in sight. Hopefully we can have a day off tomorrow. We are hoping to see the sixth form art show produced under our daughter's watchful eye in Dorset. The art work is always fun and full of surprises, this year has been difficult due to staff illness so we know it's a major achievement! 🏆

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,705
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    edited June 2023 #56198

    A totally brilliant day. Warm sunshine then freezing showers (aka torrential rain in short bursts) all repeating many times over. It didn't matter though as the clouds were well above the summits. From Grasmere it was up to Easedale Tarn, then Sergeant Man. That was really all the hard work over as it all on the tops to High Raise, Thunacar Knot, Pavey Ark, down to Stickle Tarn and back to Grasmere. Our daughter left at Pavey Ark and mopped up all the rest of the Langdales and we picked her up at the new Dungeon Gill Hotel. Doesn't get any better.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2023 #56199

    Great pictures, Corners - I just love the contrast between the blue skies and the dark grey clouds - could only be the English Lake District! Our first holiday together was up there and we did the Langdales, but it would be 49 years ago now - the very thought fills me with trepidation nowadays, but still hope to do the odd single summit on our next visit. smile 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,213
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    edited June 2023 #56200

    We cleaned the inside of our motorhome today, only been back a week! Only been away for 18 nights and it was terrible. In part I blame staying at the Lower Wensleydale site on the upper terrace which has grit roads and most seems to have found its way into the van. I should tackle the roof but will have to chose a day when the knees are in agreement!


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited June 2023 #56201

    Sound like a great day out, Corners. Hope the rest of your stay in the Lakes are as successful. Lovely photos too.

    It looks like some  have had a busy day what with cleaning units, gardening and erecting awnings. Much more relaxed at home, just getting ready for the off on Liechtenstein Wednesday.

    Hope all that have been suffering from bad backs are experiencing less pain following treatment.

    The way it is going with members on here selling their units, and no longer touring, we that still do will be in the minority!undecidedfrown 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited June 2023 #56202

    Millie - sorry to hear about OH - sounds painful and hope he soon gets some relief.  Having a lovely time here at our favourite CS - in the old orchard with the stream running along the bottom of it - just so peaceful - and loads of space to spread out. Spent yesterday having lunch with our friends in Old Malton.  Tony is 87 and is starting to struggle with the huge garden that they have - so as well as his ride-on mower, he's invested in a robot mower. What amusement we had watching it trundling around the garden, bumping into things and then finding a way around them. Meg - and a confused pigeon - were both mesmerised and slightly worried about this 'being' wandering about between them - so funny to watch as Meg backed away probably wondering if she was going to be eaten by it!! Apparently it cuts the lawn in a totally random way - but manages to cover it all in three days.

    Wonderful photos corners - long time since I was able to walk the fells but the scenery is just amazing.

    Everyone else seems to be so busy - makes me feel exhausted - so we are just going to make the most of doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the week!

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited June 2023 #56203

    Great outfit Richard, if I had the money to spare and a seasonal pitch to put it on then i might be tempted, but just now trying to down size, have a Kampa air 390 pro which is just about manageable, did try without awning and just using a parasol to sit under, but did not like it, so back to awning, but we are seriously looking at spending more time in the UK, had a wonderful month in Cornwall/Devon and thankfully weather has been just fantastic, another month booked for September so all good laughing

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #56204

    Good to hear you are enjoying your holiday R&R, sounds just right. I would like to try  a robot grass cutter to save OH some work but he wants to trundle on at present. I wonder what the robot vacuum cleaners are really like? wink

    Nellie, it does sound a bit downbeat but there are lots on here still vanning so only a few of us changing over to "van less." What is the Lichtenstein bit or have I missed something?!

    Glad you had a good break in the SW Rufs, the weather had been brilliant for holidays.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited June 2023 #56205

    Our son in Macau has a robot vacuum cleaner brue.  It made us jump the first time it decided to move on our visit in February!  It’s set to come on at a set day and time.  It moves around the floor getting stuck on the slightest obstacle and then turns itself off until someone moves it.  When it did work I suppose it was ok, useful at getting under the chairs and sofa etc, and getting up the children’s crumbs.   Also a bit like R&R’s dog, when our little granddaughter was younger she was really frightened of it.    Sorry to hear your OH has been poorly Milliehull, hopefully things are improving, good service from your Doctor, a home visit - wow! 

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited June 2023 #56206

    At the moment I can't see us giving up caravanning. It's old and has problems (much like me really) so isn't worth much. I lke the fact than when we do manage to get away it's just us in a smallish space with no worries. No big rambling house and daily routine that livestock bring. We can't plan too long in advance (except for really important things) and that's why we started back in 1976. I find it totally relaxing and it doesn't matter if I haven't planned days out or what meals to cook. We've decided not to bother with the awning (I can't remember when it last had an outing) so it's more or less load the stuff from the hall, hitch up and go, legs down and connections made and relax!

    Photo - New England Bay 1976 (before the long hot summer). Two buckets under the caravan, one to keep mik cool, the other for nappies. Alpine Sprite.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #56207

    Do hope that your OH is feeling much better soon Millie.

    We have a robot vac Brue, OH is into his gadgets! It works pretty well but we also have a normal one. Our old cat hated it, she would stare at it for a while from the safety of the stairs and then retreat to the garden. I would prefer a robot lawnmower as it’s difficult to get a mower round the small grass areas in our cottage type garden.

    Expensive few weeks coming up, I took my car into the local family run garage today for extensive repairs they have quoted £600, the main dealer quoted £1,300 for the same. I know where it will be going in future for everything.  OH car in to his garage for a service tomorrow. Granddaughters 18th coming up, we stumped up for the eldest and now must do the same for the other 5, should have thought that one through. Other granddaughter needs an expensive part for her motorised wheelchair so we volunteered, well she can’t manage it as a student and can’t be without it. So the bank balance will take a big hit, we are not at all wealthy, but we are very fortunate that we can manage it. Thinking how we did struggle in our younger days, especially when our mortgage interest rate was 16% at one time.

    Dentist later today, not looking forward to that.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56208

    I've also had an expensive day with car service. Good news is that no extra work needed apart from the big 4th year service and MOT. Bad news was the bill. Never mind, needed to be done.

    Difficult to avoid roadworks at the moment. They seem everywhere.

    Best thing we ever did DEBSC was to pay off the mortgage early. I was lucky enough that my business was able to "award" me a bonus each year, in good years, which went straight off the mortgage. Just to point out that the staff also got bonuses, percentage wise more than mine. All heart, that's me.🤣

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited June 2023 #56209

    Thanks.   Forgot it is of course a 2 berth, was thinking whether DD & Co could be interested.  

    She has suggested we make time to go up to Dyce Caravans to look  at Adrias after we take our van to Aberdeen for them to use for a week.  Having looked on line, all the Adrias seem to be BIG, even slightly longer than our current van, so fitting one on the drive would be tight.

    She likes the idea of bunk beds for the children, but if it would be a "shared caravan", which it would have to be as they cannot afford one alone, we have ruled out the bunks and countered with fixed singles.

    Good luck with the selling process!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited June 2023 #56210

    Now on CCC Ebury Hill, just outside Shrewsbury, arrived yesterday.  Took about 40  minutes longer than predicted, lots of road works and delays on the motorways. 

    Site is well occupied, though it looks like some are seasonals, but lovely and quiet.  No facilities here, but we are only 30 metres from the service point, so ideal.  Been for some shopping, and may take the P&R into town tomorrow if rain stays off.  We did have some rain this morning, but only 2 or 3 showers.

    Saturday was not too noisy at Chipping Norton, did not hear much road noise, but the site approach road was crowded as usual with cars parked everywhere for the farm shop.  Town was busy too, traffic management leaves much to be desired.

    On Sunday we heard one noisy motorbike before we left at 10.45 to visit our friends, approach road very busy as before.  All parked cars gone by the time we returned at 18.00, and no more noisy motorbikes, so that was a relief!


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited June 2023 #56211

    "She has suggested we make time to go up to Dyce Caravans"

    Wow!!! brings back memories, bought our first caravan from Dyce Caravans some 20+ years ago, great dealership then, part of the service was 1hrs familiarisation course with your chosen caravan, was a family run business then, we lived just outside Cuministown which was approx 30 miles North from Dyce, our first outing was to the Isle of Skye, and the guy had said if we had problems to call him, of course we did have a problem with the awning but no phone signal, fortunately the site owner was very helpful, we were the only ones on site for the whole week. 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #56212

    One very honest garage repair centre, phoned me to say that half the work that the other garage said would need doing could easily wait for another year. But that the alternator belt needed replacing as well, was I ok with that. Just picked it up and with doing less work the bill was exactly half the price they quoted including replacing the belt. They will get my custom in future, they have a very good reputation locally but you have to book early as they are so busy. Dentist visit not too bad, now sipping tea through a straw though.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,705
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    edited June 2023 #56213

    A rainy day but that was fine as it was our rest day and spent a wonderful afternoon in Ambleside where I spotted this which really made the day even better!

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2023 #56214
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited June 2023 #56215

    Easton Walled Gardens near Grantham use robot grass cutters😁 It’s wonderfully relaxing watching them trundle around, and then take themselves off for a rest and recharge🤣 Cats like robot cleaners Brue, easier than walking around🤣

    We are bucking the “giving up” trend. We have had a good couple of days working on our old caravan which is stored up at my Mum’s. It hasn’t rolled a wheel for around 6-7 years, but has been inspected regularly, and washed a good few times. We took a long hard look at its condition, what is required to raise a classic from its semi retirement, and have made a start on getting it sorted. Overall, it’s in a decent state. Tiny bit of damp in one cupboard, and we have traced this to a loose bit of exterior trim and a screw hole. Shouldn’t cost a great deal to give it a new lease of life, and at the moment, we can both work on it while I care for Mum as well. The old girl might even be ready for a Classic Car outing mid September if we get stuck in. So many happy memories of our time spent in this caravan, it’s owes us nothing🙂

    Love your photo Goldie👍

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56216

    I think most of the posters on this thread are either receiving their OAP pension or nearing it so health issues tend to be more of a concern, as you well know yourself AD.

    I've had the conversation with OH myself earlier in the year but am pleased that we decided to continue with the caravanning. Yes we have had to adapt to my current physical problems but they are continuing to improve albeit slowly and like your good self we are building in extra days where we can to give me some rest periods. Plus we will try to cut down the travelling between sites where we can.

    Hopefully we will tour abroad again next year although a non caravanning trip isn't out of the question.

    Good luck with your own plans and I'm sure those that have decided to "park the van" permanently will have done so with some regrets but probably after a lot of careful consideration.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56217

    Raby Castle in the North East use robot grass cutters in the garden area and each of them has its own little kennel to retire to.laughing

    Seen them in use on a few CLs as well. A robot vac would make me redundant but allow the ladies to find something else for me to do, although OH did say it would be less argumentative.laughing

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,213
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    edited June 2023 #56218

    A while ago I mentioned that Margaret had, had a trial of the Freestyle Libre 2 blood sugar sensors which attach to your arm and communicate with an App on your phone keeping blood sugar readings up to date. At the time it was only a trial but today she went to see the Diabetic Nurse at the surgery today and has been given the news that she will be put on them by prescription. She is getting to the point where all the needle pricks in her fingers are effectively destroying all the feeling she has in the fingers so hopefully not having to do that will see an improvement. I am not sure what has changed in policy since the trial but I am glad it has!


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,943
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    edited June 2023 #56219

    Glad that tbey are sorting this out for her, David.  It sounds like the right way to go.  Do pass on all good wishes to her.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited June 2023 #56220

    Nellie, it does sound a bit downbeat but there are lots on here still vanning so only a few of us changing over to "van less." What is the Lichtenstein bit or have I missed something?!

    Brue, this is another case of this silly Kindle of mine giving what it thinks I am trying to say, and of me being in a rush to post and not reading what has appeared in my post. embarassed My apologies, as in fact we are heading up to Maryport tomorrow, as it is a little bit closer!laughing

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,943
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    edited June 2023 #56221

    We haven't been across to 'Europe' since 2016.  We do miss it, but it's more difficult to go there these days - especially with a dog.  She is also getting a bit older now, with heart lroblems, and I suspect she would suffer with the higher temperatures.  We certainly haven't decreased our caravan 'outings', but they are just a little different these days.  We've managed to visit Scotland for the first time and have found out what we've been missing.  At some stage, I'd like to visit Ireland too...  In the meantime, Wales features a little in this summers' itinery.



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