What are you all up to



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,938
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    edited June 2023 #56132

    Back from Hunter's Moon today.

    I don't think we've ever set up and packed up the caravan so many times in one week.... and not even moved sites!!!

    Set out for Hunter's Moon on Sunday Lunchtime ready to have a wind-out Thule fitted by Rose Awnings.  Arrived at Hunter's Moon on Sunday evening - set up.

    Packed up on Monday morning and took the caravan to John Rose in Poole for the bracket to be fitted for the wind-out Thule. 

    Monday evening  ollected caravan and back to Hunter's Moon... set up caravan. (The retaining bracket needed to 'bond' for 24 hrs, before the wind-out was fitted.)

    Packed up on Tuesday morning and took the caravan bavk to Rose Awnings for the awning to be fitted.

    Tuesday evening, arrived back at Hunter's Moon and set up caravan again.

    Wednesday - no setting up or packing up.

    Thursday, pack up caravan and drive home!

    A busy few days but wind-out awning is safely installed....


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,842
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    edited June 2023 #56133


    That's exactly what we would have had to do if Ros's injury hadn't prevented us from going down there to get our Omnistor sorted out by Rose Awnings after the dealer made a complete bog of installing it. Instead, I reluctantly agreed to the dealer coming from Cumbria to collect it and bringing it back. It turns out that they had fitted the wrong bracket plus they had sited it too far back on the roof so that it was fouling the awning rail. The photos show how they did it and how it should have been done (thanks to John Rose providing me with the photographic evidence!)).

    Anyway, it's back now and all seems to have been done correctly, this time and we're all ready for the 'off' on Sunday - now that R is a bit more mobile.  I'll post some photos of the Veduta, once I've got it erected properly (hopefully!).

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,938
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    edited June 2023 #56134

    Glad it's all sorted now Richard.  Sorry you've had the problem and hope Ros is making good progress.  Look forward to seeing some photos of the Veduta and hearing how you get on with it.  All the best for your trip out.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56135

    Hope things go well for those with health issues🤞

    Good to have some supporting friends for your GD Debsc, makes such a difference for everyone. Glad you got a nice break as well, so important.

    RK, very interesting reading about your storms over in France, sound a lot worse than what the UK gets in the main. Keep safe.

    We took our MG out for a spin last night, much to the pooch’s disgust. There’s no room for him if we both go. I forget how low it is compared to our other vehicles, but really nice to get out. You feel every pothole though. We used to use it daily, but given all the humps, cushions, and appalling road surfaces around, couldn’t do it nowadays. I reminded my Sis about the time we took it camping to Wales some 20 years ago. We did Llanberis Pass in pouring rain and dark getting to Caernarfon, got set up that evening, next morning the sun came out and we didn’t put the roof up for the rest of the holiday😁Great fun. 

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited June 2023 #56136

    Today is back to normal.

    For the past week we have been preparing to host an event for FWAG. If you are lucky enough to win the Silver Lapwig trophy you get the "honour" of hosting the next year's awards ceremony - i.e presentations, lunch and farm walk etc.

    The weather was totally on our side. We decided on an informal lunch and arranged for a mobile pizza oven to come (https://www.honestcrustsourdoughpizza.com/). The pizzas  were all topped with cheese made from our own milk. Guests sat out on the grass, or in the shade of the marquee. Then we had a walk down the track to look and talk about how we manage farming with nature. The reward at the end was a mobile ice cream van - https://www.cowtocone.co.uk/. A word of warning I should have heeded - if there is a choice of tub or cone, choose tub unless you want all the icecream to melt down you before you can eat it.

    But now the field is empty. Almost 100 people left no trace.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited June 2023 #56137

    Now on CCC Chipping Norton, arrived yesterday.  Poor journey from Canterbury, lots of delays, spent quite a while parked on the M25.  Due to the delays we had to stop for lunch at the first services on the M40.  Headed for the marked Caravans Only spaces, there were a couple of MHs  and several small commercial vans already parked, but 3 empty bays and no other caravans.

    The reason soon became clear......the bays are only 9.5m long!    So we did as before, unhitched and used 2 bays.    There were longer ones opposite marked HGVs and Caravans Only, they were all occupied by HGVs and one solo car.   Later a small car towing a small Eriba pulled in beside us, even they could not fit, they were overhanging both ends, but the roadway was wide so that was OK.

    Arrived at site about 15.30 to chaos on the access  road due to all the parking by visitors to the Diddly Squat farm shop right next to the site, including 3 parked directly opposite the site entrance.  Having signalled my  intention to turn right into the site, 2 parked cars ahead started pulling away without warning, and insisted on passing the site entrance before I could turn in.  Hasty stop and the second one just managed to squeeze past.   Terrible driving!

    In fact, on this journey and while driving in and near Canterbury, I have not seen so much bad driving in a long time.  The roads are packed, drivers are impatient, unnecessary lane changing  is rife, really glad we do not live down here!

    Very friendly warden showed us to our pitch and apologised for the chaos outside, apparently they cannot do anything about all the inconsiderate parking on the road.

    Site is almost full, but with a good turnover of outfits, several MHs arriving up till 8pm, but there is not much noise from the road......so far.  Could be worse on Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday we will go out shopping, Sunday we are visiting friends.   Tonight we have a dinner out booked, using the last of our Tesco vouchers.  Looking forward to that.

    Still very warm here, despite some cloud, but not as humid as yesterday.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,842
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    edited June 2023 #56138

     Sorry to hear about Margaret, DK.  Have you thought about having the MRI scan done privately? I know it's a lot of money, but in the greater scheme of things - so what - and at least you would know what you were dealing with. As you know, Ros was in the same situation and would probably have had to wait for months under the NHS rather than the 10 days or so she had to wait.

    Goldie - what a brilliant day you all must have had!  Sounds wonderful and clearly so well organised.  At least you can  relax nowsmile

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited June 2023 #56139


    Funny you should mention that as the Doctor did say to Margaret there will probably be a longish delay before the  MRI (not MIR as I put before!) and she did say that if she wanted it done quicker and can afford to do so it would cost about £300 to have it done privately. She mentioned a friend who had done just that. It's up to Margaret and whether it gets any worse but I think we will wait a while so see if an appointment materialises and when it does how far into the future it is. Paying for it privately wouldn't be a problem, it just goes against the grain! She has probably walked about two and half miles today without issue, the trouble is when you stop and everything starts to stiffen up and the pain becomes worse. The Doctor didn't think it was a worn hip but probably ligament damage. Not quite sure what an MRI will indicate. Usually with a worn hip joint you just have an X-Ray. 


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited June 2023 #56140

    It's not often that we go out from home to visit attraction as we are always doing that when in the motorhome. However today we decided to take the new car out for a slightly longer run and visited Wrest Park in Bedfordshire, which is an English Heritage property. Wasn't too busy which was nice. It's been a few years since our last visit and they have done quite a lot of restoration work in the meantime. A few photos attached.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,938
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    edited June 2023 #56141

    Looks good David.  Must remember to visit next time we are that way.  I'm guess one of the reasons the EH have spent money here is that they now also use it as a wedding venue.... no doubt any 'profit' is ploughed back into EH for further renovations elsewhere...



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited June 2023 #56142

    Have you tried physio? Robably best to pay privately 😪.

    I did something to my ankle, out strolling with family and dog last August. Last few hundred yards from home very aware of ankle/foot being uncomfortable. We all had a cuppa, family prepared to leave, I couldn't weight bear. Son and DIL away, both trained physios but no longer practising, had them check.it over and went to see a friend of DIL"s. Exercise and acupuncture (dry needling according to my son 🤐). Very painful when he hit the right spots, all on ankle, calf, thigh and bum.

    Tendon damage, had about 6 treatments and needed to return 3 weeks ago. Boy did I jump when needles went in. Not terribly painful but aware of them hitting the spot! Relief almost instant, went back for more yesterday. We agreed to have treatment before it gets too bad, probably every 3 months. Will do that anyway as once 6 months pass it's classed as new visit so a bit more expensive.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,887
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    edited June 2023 #56143

    In fact, on this journey and while driving in and near Canterbury, I have not seen so much bad driving in a long time.  The roads are packed, drivers are impatient, unnecessary lane changing  is rife, really glad we do not live down here!

    KJ - We make the same comment every time we stop somewhere in Kent, and to be fair handed to Kent, the other Southern counties down to Chichester. Roads and drivers are a nightmare and we've avoided spending too much time down there. We used to go regularly to either Kent and/or Sussex but may restrict our time to passing through for ferries or tunnel. Shame really as they hold interest for us on quite a few levels.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited June 2023 #56144


    Had it been a simple question of physio I am sure the Doctor would have arranged that? Some conditions are easy to treat with physio but other not so. Margaret has previously had Acupuncture for another condition and quite frankly it was useless, but that may be the condition rather than the treatment. Earlier in the year I had Plantar fasciitis which is a very painful condition in the foot and physio was really helpful to that and of course spending money on the right shoes also helped!


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,173
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    edited June 2023 #56145

    I remember stopping at a Kent motorway services some Years ago and there was an attendant on the caravans bays and they were turning away non Caravans trying to park.

    Off out in the van in North Norfolk for the next 10 days. As we have to return home a couple of times we decided not to go too far afield 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56146

    We simply don’t tour in the SE, the traffic can get so bad. That said, Sis and I did a week long tour by coach of a good few NT properties down there. Very good, we got to see two properties/ places of interest per day, the hotel was lovely and comfortable with a spa and decent swimming pool. An intensive week, but well worth it, and great having someone else drive.

    We have carried out an intensive rescue operation this afternoon/teatime. Noticed our large pond was smelling awful for some reason, no idea what has happened, as it was fine a couple of days ago, but very murky today. Anyway, we have hundreds of tadpoles in it, quite a few frogs, so we needed to do something. Set too to empty it, carefully seiving  and extracting the taddies out into a bucket with pond water in it, then fully emptied pond, cleaned up plants, checked pump and fountain out, all ok. Refilled and carefully re introduced tadpoles, crystal clear and non smelly now. I am wondering if the extreme heat and sunshine has de oxygenated it, especially as we turned fountain off last week when away, as any wind can leave it low in water. Took us around 3 hours, but worth doing, we enjoy having tadpoles and frogs around.😁

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited June 2023 #56147

    David I'm glad physio helped your plantar fasciitisis, I know several folk where sadly it hasn't. One needs decent footwear and bed. My lovely old ban always said this - if you're not in one you're using the other.

    I'm mentioned physio because my ankle is tendon/ligament damage and the acupuncture/dry needling goes into those affected all the way up my leg. Applied as a physio treatment.  I tried acupuncture as a separate thing but it didn't work for me. 

    I hope you don't have wait too long for an MRI and it shows the cause.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2023 #56148

    I think it is a good job that you won't be around Chippy on Sunday, Kjell, as the boy racers will be out in force, many on high powered and very noisy motorbikes. We too found site managers very friendly and helpful, and that site certainly is very popular.

    Grand photos, DK, that is one one EH site that we have never managed to visit. It is a bit far from home for us to do a day trip there, and have not found a CL, or similar, in the area to stay on.

    Glad that your day went well, Goldie. It was most interesting reading the notes about the farm.  Well done to all your family for the dedication to making it such a grand wild life oasis.

    Sound like a job well done, tda, although I guess you might suffer a little from all the bending etc over the pond.

    Hope that all those that are suffering in one way or another are on their way to a full recovery.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56149

    I’ve had Plantar for years DK, so painful when it flares up. If you haven’t already found them, take a look at Vionic shoes. Not cheap, but they are the only brand I can wear without my prescription insoles. I found carefully chosen Skechers fine with my insoles in, but not without.  

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited June 2023 #56150

    Another Vionic user here. Thoroughly recommend. Certainly not cheap but last ages.

    I love their half insoles, suggested by podiatrist over 7 years ago. Sadly their sandals don't cater for bunions 😪. I even use them in walking boots.

    Sketchers are good too, they now do an arch support, but I've  not tried them without.

    Sounds like a good rescue - after hard work of your pond.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited June 2023 #56151


    As far as shoes are concerned I think the problem was that over winter I wore slippers a lot at home and of course they have no support at all. One of my son's that suffer from the same condition put me onto Sketchers so I invested in a pair. They are quite clunky but they do have the advantage of making me a bit taller! For anyone with the condition a fairly simple exercise is the a can (something the size of a tin of soup) on the floor and role the arch of the foot back and forth. Calf stretches are also helpful.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited June 2023 #56152

    David the can exercise is good.

    Vionic make slippers too. I have worn them for years. 

    Don't want to deprive you of additional height 😉, but easier for slipping on and off,if needed,than trainers.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited June 2023 #56153


    One of my disappointments in life was that I didn't get to 6feet tall, only managed 5.10 so any help I can get from a bit of a lift is welcomewink

    Had a quick look at the Vionic shoes. I think, had I still been at work I would have looked seriously at their brogues. One advantage Sketchers have is that they do half sizes and I often find that helps in getting the right fit. On the slipper front I did buy, what were in effect, a pair of Pavers slip on trainers which are light weight and also have support although the Pavers sizing is no where near as good.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited June 2023 #56154

    Good to know about Pavers, thanks.

    I'm going to be tall when I grow up, reached pension age and clearly haven't grown up yet as still 5'4" 😉. Used to say it to my children when they were young as I grabbed the step to reach the high cupboards. One day my son said "but mum your are grown up - you've got us". Busted.......

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #56155

    Ahh height issues, I used to lift our little grandson up to reach the sweetie jar in the kitchen. I’m definitely shrinking with age and the other day while stretching hard to reach something in the top cupboard he walked by reached up and easily got it for me, well he is 6ft 4ins now! All these years later one good turn repaid.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited June 2023 #56156

    Yes, both my sons seem to tower above me, what did we feed them on!!! I don't understand how the body can compress downwards and outwardssurprised


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #56157

    In my case it’s 73 years of gravity 😂 

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited June 2023 #56158

    .If you’re out and about nearish to Stevenage next week, and interested in regenerative agriculture, there’s a festival just for you - https://groundswellag.com/

    Our son James will be down there taking part in a session about “Veteran trees on the farm, and how to manage them.” No sleeping in, it’s at 9:00 am.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56159

    Yes, a can or tennis ball good, plus the toes on edge of step and let your heels drop down. Mine flares up looking after Mum. Her ground floors are concrete, so terrible for my feet. I almost had to invest in one of those support boots to sleep in at one bit.

    I find Vionic and Skechers true to size. You only have to look inside some of the Pavers styles to see how flat and without arch support many are, and sizing can be difficult. That said, you can often get some cheaper Skechers via Pavers. I am after some of the slide in Skechers, tried Sports Direct and JD Sports, but neither stock them, so will have to buy direct online.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited June 2023 #56160


    Sketchers do have their own shops but I am not sure how numerous they are? We are fortunate that we have one in MK in the Shopping Centre so you might find one on your travels although I suspect it will be larger shopping areas. Mind you if you establish what size suits ordering online shouldn't be a problem?


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56161

    Yes, just ordered a new pair😁👍 I didn’t go for the slide ins, don’t think they will work with my custom insoles, as I am raised half an inch inside shoe anyway. Found some brand new style suede ArchFit, bit more robust, but smart for casual Winter wear. Signed up and got 20% off and free postage, so saved around £25. Should be ok, I have had Skechers online before. There might be a Skechers at Meadowhall Sheffield, but it’s not a place I love👍

    I am home now. OH has just took bike out on back of Jeep somewhere for a hilly ride, far too hot for me, I shall just potter around today, checked on pond, seems all ok, taddies swimming around happily.