What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #55892

    I too hope that Ros's GP appt went well and that she got the appropriate pain relief. And I also hope that DSB is pleased with his new van. 

    Well we might have the sun out here (at last!) but I agree with Bakers2 that strong breeze is very chilly. It's not summer clothes weather here.

    I had a bit of a scare with my left eye a couple of days ago. I rang 111 and was told I would get a call back - I never did, very bad service. So I rang Specsavers who were wonderful. I got an emergency appt. Luckily OH decided to drive me there as they put eyedrops in and then did a very thorough examination. The problem is still there (and is very annoying) but it is not what I feared. I am most impressed with their service. Well the 2 old crocks (one still recovering from a chest infection and the other with a wonky eye) are off on holiday to the coast today. Where there is a strong east breeze so we have packed our winter woollies. Wish us luck.

    Regarding foreign visitors - we are having a sudden influx of foreign visitors to the Cathedral. I took a group round last week with a couple from the USA and a couple from Germany (I avoided taking them to our Edith Cavell memorial undecided) and I have a big tour in a few weeks for a group from Belgium. It is lovely to see them all.

    I am enjoying everyone's photos. I love your photo of the handkerchief tree brue. I took a photo of the one in the cathedral cloisters last weekend and will try and post it in a minute. 

    PS note to self - must remember to thoroughly water our sweet peas before we go away.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #55893

    Aww, can you send some antirrhinums my way Brue, I love them cos the slugs don’t like them. We are usually plagued with slugs here, shady and often damp near the woods. Although with all this sunshine for weeks they do seem fewer. I hate to say it but we could really do with a very wet day here - just one mind!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #55894

    The handkerchief tree in the cathedral cloisters. My photo doesnt really do it justice.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #55896

    Enjoy your holiday Millie, hope you both feel better soon, nice to get some sea air. smile

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,075
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    edited June 2023 #55897

    another lovely warm morning here not a cloud in the sky. So far not been able to fix the issue with the Truma so it’s looking like we will need to put the van in to the dealers. Not much planned today May just relax on site as we did when we were away last week we haven’t had any rain for almost 10 days now very unusual for our part of the world.

    Millie - have a great holiday hope you and Mr H feel better soon 

    David - Hope all went well with the collection of the new van 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #55898

    Our plans for going away in the caravan tomorrow have changed as OH got a call to go to the Cabinet Medical so he went yesterday and a extra medication to do so went to town am and got the new single use injection pen and will have to go to the nurse twice next week and be shown how to use it so holiday now moved to 23rd for 5 nights as he has service and CT on 12th for 3 days and then more medical appointments the following week and hope that the weather will improve after the storm we had yesterday 36mm of rain more forecast for today and tomorrow but so far none today yet, will find chores to do next week if dry mowing and strimming as I did a load of dead heading yesterday  before I knew the changes still plenty to keep me busy.

    Hope folks all ok and take care.

    A quiet day as no packing to do.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #55899

    Sorry should be car for service and CT ha ha not OH although he says it feels like a service at the moment.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited June 2023 #55900

    "I too hope that Ros's GP appt went well and that she got the appropriate pain relief"

    Thank you millie.  It did, indeed, go very well.  Our GP - when you can actually get to see him - is excellent.  He was most sympathetic and understanding and went to great lengths using his skeleton in his consulting room to try to explain what had happened! What is baffling is that two of the fractures are in the sacrum - which, apparently is the thickest bone in your body - yet she fell on her face.  None of us can understand how that has occurred. Nevertheless, he upped her pain relief - (with advice about possible addiction!) - and has also started treatment for osteoporosis - pending blood and bone density tests - but as he said - "it isn't going to do any harm". He explained - in answer to another question on here - that an X-ray would have been very unlikely to have detected the breaks. He also said - that given the same circumstances - he would have gone down the private treatment route!!

    It looks like it's going to be a long haul until the fractures mend so our caravanning exploits are on hold for the forseeable future.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #55901

    Good luck RandR. Fractures are worse than breaks and often more painful. I speak from experience so wish Ros as speedy recovery as possible. There will be a positive to this and that is your manservant skills will considerably improve.wink

    Sorry to rub it in but we've been busy sorting out the car and caravan as we're off to Angelsey tomorrow for 8 nights. Managed to swap an empty 4.5kg Butane for a 7kg one. Prefer the smaller ones but the FloGas suppliers around here are only swapping those at the moment, not supplying new customers.

    Weather been lovely in this neck of the woods.

    Hope medical malfunctions don't stop you enjoying yourselves in Norfolk Millie.

    Francis - Hope you can get your problem sorted quickly.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #55902

    Glad you have been to your GP Richard and hopefully Ros will improve.

    Enjoy your break WN. and others who are away.

    OH has managed to get an appointment with a Endocrinologist none in our department of the LOT and next department not taking new referrals and he did not want to go to Toulouse so have found 2 in Albi so now booked and she speaks English so a day out next month 21st July have always wanted to go to Albi so will get to have a look around once appointment over about hour and a half from here but will go a bit earlier at least it is a week day not weekend.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #55903

    The Cathedral is worth the visit to Albi RK. Hope OH manages his meds ok and you can indeed get away sometime soon.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #55904

    Hope things progress well R&R, it's been quite a marathon. 

    Sorry the RedKites have had to delay their break, hope all the appointments go well and you can get away asap.

    Daughter no2 has just come back from a break in Delabole on a little non ehu campsite where you can overnight for free if you buy a meal in the pub.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #55905

    So glad that ros got the appropriate pain relief and the GP was sympathetic. I do hope she can begin her recovery now. I hope that RK's medical appointments go well and you can get away soon. Enjoy Anglesey WN.

    We arrived at the coast mid afternoon after a good journey with no hold ups. The sun is out and the sky is clear blue which we will settle for even though there is a bit of a chilly breeze. This is our view for the next 2 weeks



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2023 #55906

    Not had a chance to read all the post from yesterday because of this nearly useless site going down so early last night.

    Good to read that Ros got to see your GP, Richard, and fingers crossed  that the pain management helps and it isn't too long before you both can get away in the van again.

    Millie, enjoy your stay in Norfolk, and WN hope your trip to Anglesey  goes well. Sorry to read that you have had to put off your trip, RK. Hope you are able to get your van sorted before your next long trip, Francis.

    We went into Malvern yesterday and after a walk around Priory Park, which we'd not done before I went and had a quick look around the Priory itself. Couldn't  stay long as there was a wedding going to take place there, so will have to go round again  another time. Today we walked from Castlemorton Common  to the Eastnor Obilisk and then onto Swinyard Hill, the southern  outlier of the British  Camp section of the Mavern Hills. Has been  another fine hot day. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,704
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    edited June 2023 #55907

    An evening walk.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #55908

    Those Commodes look a bit awkward to use Nellie and you'd have to be on really good terms with your neighbour.😂

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,487
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    edited June 2023 #55909

    "Home of the sevens"

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2023 #55910

    I just hope that the pup does not decide on walkies at 5.00 am !!

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,704
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    edited June 2023 #55911

    A few minutes ago. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,487
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    edited June 2023 #55912

    There’ll be a dozen by the morning, Corners 😂🐰

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited June 2023 #55913

    Don't joke, Tinny.wink  Ros's daughter and our granddaughter are both soft touches for animals and already have one dog, 4 rescue cats and two guinea pigs and have recently taken on 4 rescue rabbits on a 'fostering' basis - all males according to the rescue centre.  We joke that they're running a zoo between them.

    Well - those 4 rabbits suddenly became eight, yesterday - think someone at the rescue centre needs to go back to their biology lessons!smile

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited June 2023 #55914

    "It looks like it's going to be a long haul until the fractures mend so our caravanning exploits are on hold for the forseeable future"

    tough one Richard, hope the "forseeable future" is not too far away, we thank our lucky stars that after OH's stroke we are able to get away in the van even if it is only the UK for now, but it has put a brake on our over there exploits until we can get some insurance sorted and OH feels more confident on her feet, buy hey!, here is just beautiful just now so no complaints off to Deveon on Wednesday laughing

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #55915

    Thanks for you replies folks we will get away on 23rd, great photos NH fond memories as well, we used to live in a top floor flat on Bellevue Terrace and had superb views across the Severn Plain and loved listening to the Priory bells, the flat  belonged in those days to Warwick House expensive clothes shop (now expensive apartments) and as I worked in the office got very cheap rent so it did us for a year before we moved to West Malvern.

    Going to be very warm this week off to a local boot sale soon next to a very large Convent and parts of it is now used for overnight stops for the Pelerins walking the Compostella Way.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,075
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    edited June 2023 #55916

    We are just home after an excellent weekend at Ayr Craigie Gardens sun shone the whole weekend and it was very warm that’s two weekends in a row we’ve been away and had excellent weather beginning to forget what rain looks like it’s been well over a week since we had any. Just relaxed at Craigie site very busy. Easy half hour tow home today heading up to the caravan dealers shortly to get new pads for the stabiliser as we have been getting a groaning noise from the hitch when the stabiliser is on take the stabiliser handle up and the noise stops so when we got home this morning I took them out and they are very worn so that’s the job for this afterboon. Also phoned the local caravan dealer yesterday and have managed to book in the van for them to look at the heating system next week hoping it’s not going to be an expensive job. Don’t think we will be away now until the beginning of July when we head off on our main holiday to the Cotswolds as I have a couple of classic car shows in the next couple of weekends. Will get the Volvo washed later this afternoon as it’s too warm to do it just now.


    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited June 2023 #55917

    Francis - I looked up that error code that's showing and it's indicating a fault with the 'combustion air motor' - whatever that is - suggesting it has to be replaced.  Hope it's not too expensive - but knowing Truma and the cost of their parts - I'd brace yourself for a shock.  Hope I'm wrong.

    Mine packed up a few months ago - just after the elements had been replaced for the second time but our lovely Chief Tech from ALV came down from Durham on his day off and fixed it.  It turned out to be nothing more serious than a loose wire in the 240v power supply unit!  Doubt I would ever have found that.

    Please send some of your lovely weather to East Yorkshire.  Despite the BBC forecast suggesting warm and sunny today - it's dull, miserable and not that warm!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #55918

    I feel this very warm weather that some of us have been enjoying is just too good to be true. No doubt it will reverse at some point and we'll be demanding our weather back. winklaughing

    Hope you get everything sorted before your next trip Francis, the Cotswolds will be a good base for a holiday.

    Also hope Wherenext has a relaxing break too. We are headed for Pembrokeshire later in the month but not with the van. After that it's all go with family visits here and some extra dog care whilst our eldest goes off to Jamaica on a big holiday.

    Usually there are quite a few Sunday walkers on our footpath but all is quiet...must be too hot for them. 🌞

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #55920

    I wonder if you'll enjoy an "Ulster Fry" for breakfast Moulesy?! It will supply you with plenty of energy to explore all the sights! Have a good time. smile

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #55921

    If you're having the fry M then make sure it includes white pudding, just don't ask what's in it.

    Arrived safely on Ynys Môn. Lovely sunny day. CL very nice. Not trusting this machine for more text.