What are you all up to



  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54542

    I agree Nellie i hate a dirty van ours was filthy when we got back on Tuesday and it was washed within an hour of us getting home same with the car it gets washed weekly 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,175
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    edited March 2023 #54543

    WN think Mrs WN would like these u tube vids, mixture of canal trips, art and poetry 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,901
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    edited March 2023 #54544

    Just logged on. Thanks Oneputt. Very thoughtful. She asked me to send her thanks. She tends to watch a lot of vids before sleeping  so will add these to her home list. Hope all is well with you, Mrs. One and your brother.

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited March 2023 #54545

    NTh washed the van yesterday, today it was washing the Sailability boats (Sailability is like RDA but with sails) so tomorrow will be having a lie in! I wonder if Bobby Dazzler would work on the boats!


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited March 2023 #54546

    Well done! I washed the car today and gave it a Bobby Dazzle as I did last time. It made for an easy clean this time round, so there should be no problems with the boats, in fact it might make them go just that little bit faster through the water!!😁

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,947
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    edited March 2023 #54547

    I tend to avoid washing the outside of the car these days.  I concentrate on cleaning the inside and then take it up to the local hand car wash, who do the outside and do a really good job.

    I do the caravan myself - the roof with difficulty!!  Then I 'top it up' frequently by doing the sides with a 'dry wash'...  Mind you, as we're changing the van, I suspectcit might get a lighter touch this year.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,175
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    edited March 2023 #54548

    Grey but dry here at the moment

    Need to try and sort out our van this week, pump up tyres, get rid of bird muck and sort out the inside prior to our first trip of the year.

    We have a barge crane coming into the port to lift the new bridge sections into place.  Flew the drone for the first time this year to see if I could spot it. Too far out to sea at the moment to get any meaningful photos 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54549

    Sounds like lots of cleaning going on. smile

    We had a nice woodland walk in the sunshine early this morning very muddy after recent rain out but good to get out. Lots of blossom appearing, Magnolias about to open.

    On Friday we saw an Agatha Christie play, The Hollow, a full theatre, I think everyone enjoyed it..didn't guess the culprit. wink

    Daughter's partner is cooking a chicken roast for us today, we encourage him as he does very good roast potatoes! 😋 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,411
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    edited March 2023 #54550

    You can’t beat a good roastie Brue. Enjoy your meal.

    No birds around early yesterday morning on the feeders, which made me suspicious, it’s usually like Piccadilly Circus. Then this morning the hawk flew into our apple tree. Due to this I won’t be feeding the birds for a while, it is getting a bit warmer so they should manage, better to have to search more for food than being sitting hawk fodder.

    The garden is springing into life with shoots, primroses and daffs everywhere. I do love spring.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54551

    We are just home after a nice couple of nights at Ayr Craigie Gardens club site. Site wasn’t too busy so had a nice relaxing weekend. Easy 35 min tow home today and caravan now back on its space in the driveway. Going to clean the Volvo this afternoon as it’s a lovely spring day here might even get some work done in the garden hopefully the cold weather is behind us now.

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54552

    Exhausting few days, it was our annual fund raising Coffee Morning in the Guide Hall we help to look after.

    Friday was tidying, setting out tables, getting the kitchen in order, and laying the coffee tables, we were there from 10.30 till 16.00, and later 18.30 till 20.30.

    Saturday we were there from 08.45 till 13.30 for the event and first clear up.  
    After a late lunch we did the counting of the proceeds, a good result of a bit over £1800.

    Today were were there again for 3 hours to complete the clear up.

    And tomorrow morning I will be staggering to the bank with about 8kg of coins.  

    Then it will be time to start preparing the van for DD & Co to use it in the school Easter break.

    I think we are getting too old for all this!!  Everything is aching now.   🙁

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited March 2023 #54553


    Got the glass cleaner out and did the inside and outside of the car's windows and then the shower in the house. Might try it on the van's Windows tomorrow. It has stayed dry most of the day and was quite warm this morning but a definite drop in temperature after lunch when the wind got up.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #54554

    All this talk of cleaning cars and caravans makes me feel guilty 😁 the most energetic thing I did today was move my sunbed in line with the sun 🤣🤣  didn't cook tonight either with it being Mother's day we ate out.

    Sun still shining nicely but we have the Lanzarote wind the last few days. I don't mind it as it makes it pleasant to sit out without it being to hot. OH doesn't like it though so tends to sit on the patio which is more sheltered. 

    Caught up with more friends that arrived on Thursday, had a good chat and lots of laughs this morning by the pool.

    We have really good neighbours this week, Irish one side, Welsh the other and English above the Welsh neighbours. Saturday afternoon was lively watching the Rugby, all cheering and shouting, lots of friendly banter, great afternoon 😊😊

    Good to hear folks plans for getting away and others who have been away. 

    Hope the bad weather is now blowing itself away. 


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,901
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    edited March 2023 #54555

    Busy day today.

    Spent a good session at the hospital this morning with the physio. She was able to access my x-ray which fortunately showed no break to the wrist area so we put the swelling down to a sprain, which is now vastly reduced.

    Then home for lunch and then off to Chester for dental check-ups and hygienist for both of us. No work needed for either of us. Got home late afternoon. We managed to stay dry but it did rain on the way home. Chester was busier than we've seen it recently and all of the roadworks now finished.

    How long do you have left over there Tammy?

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited March 2023 #54556

    Had a weekend of mixed emotions,  youngest son and his girlfriend have been down from Manchester, lovely to see them both.  We then heard on Sunday my Aunt who lives in Canada had died so it was a sad end to the weekend.

    Nellie and Francis you are so good keeping car and caravan clean, ours are lucky if they get washed once a year! OH always says why wash it, it'll only get dirty again. 😂😂 

    Good news re your wrist Wherenext 


  • GEandGJE
    GEandGJE Club Member Posts: 515
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    edited March 2023 #54557

    Just got back from an open top bus tour of Perth WA. Just about bearable high 20C's. Interesting fact, all of the old historic buildings pointed out in the tour were built by the early convicts.

    Off to Freemantle tomorrow.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54558

    Trying to work out the time difference GEandGJE! Sounds like a good trip. smile

    Warmish here this morning. Had to cancel part of our next break, can now feel the difference with CAMC,  said goodbye to our payment to them.

    Extra dogs arriving any minute so busy morning.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54559

    Another rainy day today, but at least I did get to the bank yesterday without getting soaked, and the cashier agreed with our total.

    In the afternoon  I managed to fit a new push button for the toilet flush, and connect up the water system, which is working fine, as predicted.  

    I am now in mid clean of the system, so it will be flushed out today, and we can do the interior cleaning this afternoon.......dusting, hoovering,  cleaning kitchen and bathroom......then load up contents on Friday.

    Also have the new AlKo pads to fit.

    Hopefully the rain might stop long enough for us not to get soaked!


  • GEandGJE
    GEandGJE Club Member Posts: 515
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    edited March 2023 #54560

    Hi Brue it's  21:35 in the evening.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,901
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    edited March 2023 #54561

    Another busy day, mainly running around getting to places. Car into Chester for towbar to be fitted so Mrs.WN followed me in and brought me home. Quick coffee then off to get some food in. Lunch then back to Tesco for a Click and Collect that I almost forgot about. Back to Chester to pick car up. Ready for touring now.smile

    Mrs.WN had a telephone consultation with a Doctor at our surgery today. I filled in an e-consultation form the other day. Doctor was a bit bemused as he tried to look up her last blood test. She's never had one done for the surgery. Only ones she has had are for 2 Operations, the most recent of which is nigh on 20 years ago and the other was 35 years ago! So I guess there will shortly be a request to have a blood test done.

    Commiserations Helen. Unfortunately there's been a spate of deaths in the close over the last 6 months with the latest being a lovely lady a few doors down from us over the weekend. We do have a fair portion of OAPs in the close, ourselves now included.

    Good news. Our Camellia made it and is now in bloom! Something we haven't manage to kill in the garden.laughing

    I could do with some of that Perth heat. 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,766
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    edited March 2023 #54562

    Gosh you have been busy WN time for a quiet evening?

    Did a bit of gardening this morning as weather good and then pm took a older small pop up growing green house to friends and they were very pleased and got a bargain so after a chat tea/coffee they said about the strikes starting to affect fuel deliveries so we went and got some fuel for our car and next to us was a local motorbike display team lorry he was there ages anyway he pulled away so had a look at the pump 200.17 litres and 312.00 plus euros yikes glad our bill was a bit cheaper wow. 

    More gardening tomorrow whilst weather is good and then Thursday off shopping to Villefrance and will get some fuel for my car if any left.

    Off to friends for a meal on Saturday as they are now back from UK and a lot to catch up on so looking forward to that as our friend is 65 today.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,901
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    edited March 2023 #54563

    Gosh you have been busy WN time for a quiet evening?

    A homemade curry followed by a beer RK.

    I always have strip down memory lane when you mention Villefranche. It was a lovely walk alongside the river from the campsite to town. Not too far either.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54564

    I always have strip down memory lane when you mention Villefranche. It was a lovely walk alongside the river from the campsite to town. Not too far either.



  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,766
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    edited March 2023 #54565

    That  made me laugh WN, do know where the campsite is. Enjoy your evening meal we just had a pasta dish very nice especially as OH cooked it.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,901
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    edited March 2023 #54566

    It's  a good job for all concerned Bakers that my strip is restricted to my memory!🤣

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54567

    Glad you got the towbar fitted ok WN. We had ours fitted to our new car within a couple of weeks of getting the car wasn’t actually as expensive as we though it would be and it’s been put to good use already been away 3 times over the past few weeks. Hope you get away soon

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,510
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    edited March 2023 #54568

    My husband’s new hip is now 10 weeks old, and he had his final hospital appointment today. He walked in a lot faster than the last time. He’s now referred back to his GP and no more appointments. The hospital  - private, but he went as NHS - supplied a pair of crutches. So we took them back today - “oh no, we can’t take those”. So we’ll put them somewhere safe “just in case”.

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited March 2023 #54569

    So have had appointments with GP, BP had dropped so I had postponed any thought of a trip in the newly washed van. Found out it was one of the tablets now stopped, am at risk of diabetes though, so now I am feeling better after leaving it a day, have booked 6 nights at River Breamish, with walking boots to get the exercise in !


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,766
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    edited March 2023 #54570

    Glad all ok for your OH Goldie146 and how did your old Landrover do in its MOT, I got a French Landrover mag for OH with lots of old vehicles very interesting he says but if you want to buy a new Defender Diesel the Malus (Tax) on it is 50,000 euros extra to the price which is over a 100,000 euros they like to make sure you want to drive a diesel over here, this tax is imposed on all diesels and petrol new and old even small amounts on hybrid cars as well.

    Hope you enjoy your break at River Breamish robsail  have been to it and a good site and glad all okwith your health issues, OH is type 2 diabetic and ok with all the checks he has here and due to see a nurse next month instead of the doctor sounds a bit like a diabetic nurse in UK so will be interesting  to see how he gets on and she will do his prescriptions for him as well.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54571

    I spoke too soon.......another caravan problem.     ☹️

    Flushed out water system this morning then in the afternoon we both went out to start the cleaning.  OH did the fridge then went  to start in the rear shower room, and discovered water on the floor round the edges (the van sits tipped back on the drive).  Turned off pump and looked under shower room sink, removed base shelf and saw a fine spray of water coming from the HW supply pipe.

    Mopped up as best we could with towels then took a closer look.  Pinhole in pipe with water spraying out when system was under pressure, just where  pipe disappears through into an inaccessible void between 2 walls, so impossible to cut and join in a new piece, the whole pipe will need to be replaced.

     No idea how much water has leaked out  as it has gone into the void and under the shower tray, but could be a fair bit as it was yesterday that I filled up the system.

    Managed to remove old pipe with a cord attached to allow new pipe to be pulled in, but have not been able to get the new pipe through past other pipework and cut edges of a presumably smallish hole.

    Will bring home my little camera on end of flexible pipe that DD has borrowed, excellent for seeing into small spaces, but looking like I may need to figure out how to re-route the pipe, which will not be easy.