Dynamic pricing to be introduced



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #182

    I got the impression the poster concerned was questioning the raised prices and the lack of "club" sentiments in the organisation. They maybe well aware of the club operations if they feel things have changed. Luckily voices can be heard on here and hopefully not dismissed or disregarded. I've noticed a lot of new people raising comments on CT which is good, they have a voice and a desire to express themselves. smile

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited March 2023 #183

    In part, we are saying the same thing but not totally.

    As to new voices on CT, wouldn't it be nice if they were encouraged to stick around? CAMC could help in that direction by having a bigger presence on CT which is, after all, part of its own website.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #184

    Yes hopefully some will continue to get a sympathetic response on here especially regarding problems with the booking  system including "flexible pricing" and questions about the direction of the organisation. As CT is membership based many do get helpful responses from fellow members (and non members too.) Input from the club is missing but there are a lot of useful responses from contributors.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,155
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    edited March 2023 #185

    I think there are quite a few first time and occasional posters who have no interest in becoming a forum regular. We all lead different lives. Club Together is here for all, whether that be a single question or just expressing a view on Club policy. There are also those where CT is obviously part of their daily routine.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited March 2023 #186

    It is significant that many of the 'new' posters have come to complain about the various shortcomings of CAMC, adding to some of the disenchantment expressed by a number of the regulars. I never quite understand the rationale that Corners expounds suggesting that CT is 'not' reflective of the membership as a whole. Why should it be different?

    It's certainly clear that the overall tenor od posts on here do reflect the somewhat adulatory and sycophantic letters that appear in the magazine. I wonder why that is?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited March 2023 #187

    I never quite understand the rationale that Corners expounds suggesting that CT is 'not' reflective of the membership as a whole

    It's very simple, and based on the basics of obtaining a statistical sample to reflect the views of the whole population, otherwise it's pointless and useless.  It's all to do with the size of sample and how the makeup of that sample should reflect the overall membership.

    Firstly sample size. How many regulars are there on CT, 10, 20, I would say somewhere about 30 to 40? What would you say CY. And what percentage is that of the whole membership?  That's the first stumbling block to me.

    From what I can gather, the regular posters are mainly retired, second big point, and do not tour with their children, third big point. Male female split, income... The list just goes on. CT is not a fair reflection of the membership, I cannot see how anyone can argue it is?

    I wonder why that is?

    Easy again two different samples and populations perhaps? And of course the club magazine is an advert for the club so it is not going to publish anything going against that. When you worked in banking did your bank publish negative reviews?

    But again at the end of the day it's how many outfits roll onto club sites not posts on here or on the magazine, and that appears to be doing alright?

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,894
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    edited March 2023 #188

    The Club re named itself. The next step would be to re name CT as Complain Together. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited March 2023 #189

    I think it's known already as Critics Together in the higher echelons of the club as posted the other week?

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    edited March 2023 #191

    We used to call the magazine “Pedants Monthly” back in the 1980’s, so nothing much has changed. 🤣 

    Mind, I do think that certain decisions taken this last year or so isn’t driving much in the way of plaudits, although the Sites are still nice on the whole. There are two distinct aspects of the Club nowadays, the Sites (still nice if more expensive) and Club Management and governance (no comment). 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited March 2023 #192

    There are appear to be this idea that what is posted about on CT somehow is representative of the membership in general, I think that is just nonsense really.

    So why is the Club about to trial electricity meters? Why were deposts introduced? Why can you now select pitch type on booking? These were and are items probably initially and frequently requested on CT over the years. I don't think it is nonsense at all.



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited March 2023 #193

    You're being selective in only looking at certain things requested to justify your view and it has to be said things you approve of. Also you've posted selectivity while missing out all the valid examples given to CY showing why it is not representative. 

    But what about all the other things 'requested' with as much vigour that have not happened?

    Charging for and a limit on dogs, club sites becoming adult only, and what about moving the arrival time back to 12 (lots of posts for that), what about the issues of weekenders blocking longer stayers, what about the removal of deposits since introduction (just as requests as those asking for them in the first place), what about going back to the old booking system, and the greatest discussion point of all one of all why aren't prices going down? Surely by your logic as this is discussed and requested so much there should be a result by now?

    All of those I recall have been 'requested' with as many posts as the ones you quoted yet they have not happened.

    It is nonsense to say just because things are 'requested' on CT that they happen, in my view

    In any case as I posted with numerous examples statistically CT cannot requepreset the membership. Age, sex, working, retired, family, touring with children. How many on CT are below a certain age or with families? it fails on all of these. I'm sorry PD but you cannot argue with maths, it is the ultimate judge. Can you give any reasons (apart from some things being requested and happening) that is it statistically a valid sample of club membership? 

    To answer your question I would say they are being introduced because of a few simple principles, operational reasons and/or profit.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited March 2023 #194

    PD, I think it’s highly unlikely that any of those measures can be accredited to the posts on CT. Direct representation to CAMC, surveys, AGMs, even Facebook will have much higher regard than us few posters here. The Club Council will have had quite a large say in those matters too but us few, nah.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #195

    You are right of course but we have worked it out that with the much cheaper site prices that can be found in most European countries it costs us no more overall. 

    The cheaper sites compensate for the ferry cost. Our breakdown is covered by our bank account as is the holiday insurance, which we would have anyway. 

    If we were only going for a couple of weeks then it would be different but we go for anything from 6 to 11 weeks. 

    The comparison was worked out using CAMC sites. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited March 2023 #196

    I don’t dispute what you say but, apart from discounting the cost of travelling, the poster was drawing a comparison between CAMC site prices and those in Europe which we know is not comparing like with like for numerous operational reasons.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,071
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    edited March 2023 #199

    Dynamic pricing he certainly been introduced. Looking at the prices for a site yesterday there were 4 different prices over 7 days depending on whether the occupation level showed as being low or not. That can't be right, surely? Isn't DP supposedly come into effect days not weeks before the prospective booking?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited March 2023 #200

    DP is in place all the time, Nellie, and depends on the availability of your chosen dates at the time you place the booking. That’s why if you book 6 months ahead the price might be cheaper than if you were to book 6 days ahead. It’s in a constant state of flux.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #201

    The site we'll be using soon now has 20p and 30p differences over selected days. 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,894
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    edited March 2023 #204

    Of course you can still be spontaneous - just look at availability and prices a day in advance and book at that point if you are happy. You lost your deposit because you chose to book ahead, Sorry.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #205

    So are we saying that you will lose your deposit, even if the reason for cancelling is a genuine reason, one you have proof for?

    There are many reasons that folk might have to cancel, bad weather being one. Easy enough to check that. Surely the deposit could be held over for another booking in those circumstances, most sites, hotels, cottages etc are willing to do that. 


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #206

    Unfortunately you would still lose money if you didn't take up the "spontaneous" booking. The 21 day cancellation limit applies.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited March 2023 #207

    You could just turn up or phone ahead on the same day! Judging by the downturn on pitch bookings this should be possible on all but peak times.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    edited March 2023 #208

    Apparently, each late cancellation (anything inside 21 days) is now subject to individual scrutiny. Someone posted a few weeks ago about not travelling because of snow at home. They challenged the decision, but no idea of outcome. 

    If you can do it, booking at very short notice means you won’t lose a deposit, but DP might mean you pay more for the pitch. It’s a question of finding out which is the most cost effective in terms of money losses. Some won’t be bothered and just go with either option. Others will look for a more customer friendly approach such as moving dates without penalty with another provider.

    It’s early days yet with this new system, but would be good to get some genuine feedback around how folks go on with cancellations inside the 21 days, and see what the Club response is like.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,155
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    edited March 2023 #209

    TDA said :- It’s early days yet with this new system, but would be good to get some genuine feedback around how folks go on with cancellations inside the 21 days, and see what the Club response is like.

    This is usually the sort of information that comes out in answer to AGM questions, or it may be contained in the Annual Report. Is the Club actively asking members their feelings on the new system? Core data would show how many cancellations there has been within the 21 days but will they be able to tell us how many of those cancellations were due to people just moving a booking or whether there was no corresponding new booking?


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    edited March 2023 #210

    I don’t think there will be any admittance that there are major issues with the new system to be honest DK, certainly not beyond the apology that still stands on TP, and the occasional response from staff members. All the HQ staff who might have been involved in any decisions taken don’t seem to have put their heads above the parapet much since mid September 22. Same from Exec Committee members as well. I am sure they all know the degree of issues still to be resolved, and the degree of dissatisfaction expressed via various feedback methods, but whether “you said, we did” applies, who knows🤷‍♀️

    The bottom line will be how well bookings are going. That is the only thing likely to have any impact. Feedback from users around issues will help other users, and help them negotiate the system, cherrypicking what’s best for them. 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited March 2023 #211

    I have seen posts acknowledging refunds have been made for last minute cancellations. Typically, on acceptance of the reason, this seems to be via the issue of vouchers covering the deposit.
