Price Rise
Of course naming the site would be good for others to be able to share in this better equipped and cheaper site even if it doesn't have meters?.
Actually it doesn't give any indication or shows anything of what part EHU plays as you haven't given any other details at all, and we don't know what the current part EHU plays? Just because it's cheaper (and better equipped) than a club site doesn't mean that's because of the EHU element?
I suppose we'll have to wait another six months to really find out, till then it's merely speculation on your part?
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Well YT, I've liked your post so you can just whisper the site details to me, as it sounds just the sort of site we like to use.😍
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As an early Xmas present to Ct users
Tonight I can reveal the site we will be on for Xmas and new year
It is Southerly camp site at Roughton near Cromer it was originally two CLs but is now a 20pitch site some grass and some nearly hardstands it is owned by a retired Farmer who lives in the Bungalow on the entrance and he is very proud of the quite new toilet block and at this time is £23 per night for a couple includng EHU
There is a bus stop about 300yds away on the main Norwich to Cromer Road where there is a popular hostelry The New Inn and also a popular fish and chips and als close on the main road is a fuel station with a shop
There is not a dog walk on site but about a mile away is a National Trust property the name of which at this time escapes me
We are booked for this year and for two more stays next year a gourd on his garage tell you of your pitch and he will come to see you at some time
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That's the one and if going to Cromer turn right out of the site past Felbridge Hall turn right at the road island onto the A148 which will take you to Cromer without the Traffic in the town centre past a Liddl and turn left past Morrison's will take you to the cliffs
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👍 Thanks, YT. I will certainly have a look around there, with every chance of us visiting it sometime, that is if I can identify it.
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Sorry JVB, I confused your post with that of YT.
Just now waiting for him to give the big reveal!!😀
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Not so. JVB posted details of his site and nobody has picked it over as you can see. You make excuses for others not doing the friendly thing.
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Well that is your perception on it and not a fact.
And it could be agued that maths doesn't lie. If after forensic investigation as you call it, although others might call it fact finding, and looking at the site in question it is found to more expensive than claimed shouldn't others be allowed to know that?
If I recall correctly the last time this was discussed the useful suggestion (apologies I can't remember by who) was that if people do not want to name sites on a particular thread like this one then post it on the sticky small private sites thread, like NTH did today, where this practice has as far I can recall never been done.
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I would have thought you would have realised that there are increases to cover other than just the cost of pitch electricity. There have been increases in site upkeep costs, the minimum wage and of course the site must cover the cost of running facility blocks etc. I wonder what the increase would be without metering, 20 or even 25 percent?
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Of course PD but as it's been a while since I replied to you it's worth reposting yours to make sense of this reply:
It is not only the Club that is increasing its prices. I have been keeping an eye on a couple of commercial sites who provide metered electricity and one has put its pitch price up 10 percent, the other has yet to publish its 2023 prices but I expect them to increase their prices as well
Now it's been shown that club sites prices, and the many I have, have gone up by under 9% (8.7% in my max increase on a SP) and it's often posted that having meters is one way of reducing costs or keeping them in check, yet here is a site with meters that is putting up its prices by 10%. Club sites have all those increases in site upkeep costs, the minimum wage and of course the site must cover the cost of running facility blocks and have EHU yet have kept price increases lower.
As I said I found it interesting and perhaps, maybe, sometimes show that meters will not keep cost down? But as I said percentage increases are meaningless as you haven't actually given the prices increase in money terms.
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I wonder what the increase would be without metering, 20 or even 25 percent?
As you've added an extra part while I was replying, so it would have been maybe 20 to 25% without metering yet club sites with metering have kept their increases under 9%?
People have posted that perhaps meters won't mean cheaper sites and/or less % price increases and here is one example where that looks correct? Only one example, though you mention a possible other site, of course and as said actual money rather than percentages it would give a better picture?
As I said just an interesting observation, nothing more.
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Well said. I would support meters if, it dropped the pitch price by say £5 or so. That is about the difference between a non ehu and an ehu pitch.
I am happy to pay for what I use, not so happy to pay for those who leave heating on full all day and night even when they are out. I try to be as economical as possible while still being comfortable. I have the same principles at home.
Maybe this winter lots more folk will learn to be more economical with power😉
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The Government, Ofgem and the electricity providers have for years been trying to convince us that using a smart meter will reduce consumption. In reality all they do is inform you how much juice you are using making the cost blatantly obvious.
I agree DD, however, I have just had to have a smart meter fitted for two reasons.
1. My meters were 20 years old and accuracy was no longer guaranteed and my supplier was replacing them.
2. Some tariffs were not available to me without a smart meter.
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I've looked into a Smart meter for our electric.
Our meter is over well over 20 years old probably not now accurate.
We have solar panels and poor mobile phone signal where we live. So probably wouldn't be able to have one fitted, not that I want one now after ready the problems that folk are having with them if they have solar panels.
It is worth mentioning that folk don't HAVE to accept a Smart meter if they don't want one.
I take it is another incentive by the companies by limiting special offers to Smart meter owners only.
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Agree DD but didn't see much point in not having them as they were being replaced.
You do get a much more accurate day to day picture and analysis of what you are actually using especially if you go on line to look at what is actually recorded by the supplier.
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I take it is another incentive by the companies by limiting special offers to Smart meter owners only.
We are getting a bit off topic here but it was a pity the government in considering how to reduce peak consumption didn't follow through with the idea of introducing off peak tariffs which of course only those with smart meters could avail themselves of.