Club AGM 2022

For anyone interested, but not sure where to find it on this website, here is Agenda for Club AGM 2022.
Thanks TDA.
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No probs. Ro would probably have mentioned it at some point, but it’s not that easy to find if you don’t use website a lot. Hopefully there will be a link for submitting questions, and to view via zoom (or whatever system they use) at some point shortly.
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And some interesting reading there too about the club in general
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Indeed. Nominations should have been in back in July, and we were informed about it via Club Magazine. I can’t recall seeing anything on this website back then, but I could be wrong.
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The Financial Statement makes grim reading in my opinion. Big investments in sites from big site profits, all good if It's for caravanners, but it isn't is it?
IT investment cost £7,000,000! Shocking.
Notable that the council is nominated by the executive committee and (did I read that correctly?) approved by the council.
Must read it again.
Moderator comment: Part comment removed as contravened our community guidelines
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That’s where my link is from Brue👍
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This is the link to the 2022 AGM I imagine in due course they will add a link to where questions can be asked?
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I am sure I posted here last night. Perhaps the wee dram distracted me. How would one know that the post had or had not been made?
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You did post in the "New Booking System" thread about the AGM? If you want a quick method of finding posts just click on your Profile and it shows latest activity.
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Thanks, David. Perhaps a Gremlin cut and pasted it there while I was taking a wee dram?
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I received an email yesterday from the club with the agm link and outlining voting procedures. Said info about remote attendance would come in due course.
Lack of election to any post is a bit grim. I know it depends on people being willing to do the jobs. The Council seems to have a number of retired employees. I also see there seem to be vacancies on the Council but no encouragement for participation. The council doesn’t seem to have many ordinary members on it. And why does the Club need a Chaplin?
what was it someone said about the State of Denmark? (apologies to any Danish reading this!)
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"And why does the Club need a Chaplin?"
I could say the club has many Chaplins.😆
Seriously, it's a question asked before and the lady concerned posted here outlining the Chaplain's duties of pastoral care for the whole club community of any and all denominations. Personally, I'm not convinced of the need.
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As I read things, all but one nominee is a re election, that being the more obvious younger nominee.
I don’t worry about the Council, they rumble on as they have done for years. The ideas, the policies, the changes, the implications come from elsewhere…….
At the moment, given the still ongoing rise in tourer purchases and staycations, the membership figures, the willingness to pay to stay on a site regardless of how much it costs, all this is still giving a healthy profit, and therefore carte blanche to carry on putting in place policies that continue this trend.
The “Club” was Member focussed. What we have now is Business focussed. Sites are happy to do their best for visitors. HQ view fee paying Membership as impersonal units for the extraction of cash in as many ways as possible.
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iIs a Club if you care to partake in Centre membership and if it wasn't run on business lines there would be no Club sites or services. Even if there are profits, excessive or not, it all goes back into further providing facilities for members.
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This is the Ask a Question link
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Here is the link to vote.
Select the Chairman as your proxy and then vote against every resolution.
Make those responsible for the shambles of the booking system, deposits and destruction of the ‘Club’ and turning members into customers know they need to go.
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Much as I dislike the recent moves, I think how we vote is up to the individual and perhaps it’s not right to attempt to influence others by telling them how to vote. 🤷🏻♂️
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In my view it is wrong to take out the debacle of the introduction of the new booking system on those standing for office. They are all volunteers and have very little to do with the day to day operations of the Club. All they do is set policy, largely from feedback from members and in this case would have simply made the decision that the changes should be introduced. The nuts and bolts of how it was done would have been the responsiblity of the the paid staff, i.e. the DG and his team.
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Despite the fact that we received an email about the AGM and voting procedures on the 29th of September, to date we haven't received the voting email. I'll wait until the 18th, when reminders should be sent out, to see if we receive that email.
I did try the link posted above on this page; didn't work. Apparently there is a Unique Voter Number? Although the details to be filled in asked for membership number, title, first name, last name. nowhere could I see where it asked for a voter number, tried twice.
Ho hum.
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Agreed. These are the policy makers.
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Root & branch change is needed. Everyone in office(decision makers & managers) at the inception of the new system need replacing. They have displayed total ignorance & dereliction disrespect & discourtesy they have no part to play when dealing with a loyal & faithful membership who have & are still struggling to attain what they have pre paid for.
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It's difficult to comment further because I/we do not know the degree of interaction between the DG and the Exec once a policy decision has been made. Was the new system presented to the Exec, one would hope so? Who signed it off, ect ect? From what we are made aware of the Exec and its committees seem to operate at arms length from the day to day running of the Club.
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Yes was about that time too.