What have they done?



  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
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    edited September 2022 #272

    As we no longer have a list of price bands, it is difficult to see if there have been any price increases brought in with the new system. However, more obvious are the non facility sites. Sites like Altnaharra were £17 this year £18 next. Now they  show as £17.20 and £18.50. 
    I would think it extremely likely that other increases have been slipped through elsewhere.

  • Stewartwebr
    Stewartwebr Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited September 2022 #273

    Poorly managed, poorly communicated and poorly executed, complete customer service disaster. But they don't care membership is up and sites are full.

    However, wait until the airports are back up and running and maintenance costs start to come in for their units the myth of cheap holidays falls from their eyes and back to Spain they all head.

    Us members who have been with the club most of our lives shall no longer be there. 

    This is not longer a Club it's a business lets face it and they don't give a toss about us.


  • Sparkeyrjp
    Sparkeyrjp Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited September 2022 #274

    Everything that was right with previous web site is wrong with the update,

    I was keeping an eye on a particular site with a view to upgrading  from a standard hard standing to a fully serviced pitch , previously it was simple to see the availability of all pitches , now you have to make a test booking to find out ,WHY !! Surely it would not be difficult to see the current availability ,so booking dates could be adjusted , instead you have to make speculative bookings to find available dates . Perhaps real members should have been consulted , and run real time tests before the site went live , I get the feeling the upgrade is already unpopular and universally disliked

    The new site is over complicated not intuitive, and should be binned ASAP

    I knew the booking system was to change , with deposits now required , and support this , as there are far too many speculative bookings made blocking availability ,then cancelled at the last minute .That could have easily been incorporated in the previous web site .

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited September 2022 #275

    I get the feeling the upgrade is already unpopular and universally disliked

    I think you have to give the Club more time to sort themselves out. I have just had a look at late availability for Devon and I assume it only gives a list of sites with availability during the time slot you select. from the list you then select a site of interest and then you can see the exact dates available. What is wrong with that.



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2022 #276

    If the club are going to persist with trying to make the new system work  and even more work required to make it user friendly?

    Then it needs an instruction manual in english(not computer speak)to be issued to all members (and site staff) to enable some modicum of understanding  of how to work it ?

  • Amesford
    Amesford Club Member Posts: 700
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    edited September 2022 #277

    funnily enough last evening, I received a text from apple pay to say their app had been updated and would need to be reinstalled and even came with link to the download, how very professional. I have only used the app once to show my card to the warden who struggled to see it, so I just pass over my membership card  

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited September 2022 #278

    A help or prompt would have been very useful. Its a bit trial and error at the moment but I am beginning to find my way around. It is not so bad as first thought.although I do not have any bookings nor do I need any right now so there are some areas not tested.

    Going back to late availability, I think when there is nothing available it needs to be made clearer on the calender



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2022 #279

    Why should it be the end users (US the members)have to trial and error. the system as posted it has been about two years since we got a sniff of a new booking system ? and by Rowenas posts it seems it was still not ready to be implemented  even after numerous dates came and went 

    And will it ever be as user friendly as the system it is supposed to replace?

    At this time it seems it only partially works when a tiny minority of members try to use it

  • wellum1959
    wellum1959 Forum Participant Posts: 40
    First Comment
    edited September 2022 #280

    Hi, yes there have been price increases which I suppose is not unexpected.

    About a month ago i made a list of sites and their prices for a potential winter tour, January through to March. Based on just myself as a solo traveller and hardstandings, the vast majority of those sites have since increased by £1.30 a night.

    The highest increase i have noted is Castleton which has gone from £18.90 to £20.60 a night.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited September 2022 #281

    And will it ever be as user friendly as the system it is supposed to replace?

    It just works differently to that of previous. I think as members become more familiar with it, it will become easier and just as friendly. There is always resitance to change.



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2022 #282

    I posted user friendly not any resistance to change and unless there is a large amount of amendments to be implemented it will not be user friendly as members were used to with the previous system

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
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    edited September 2022 #283

    I realise you can do it PD and we may well be stuck with it. However, it is nowhere near as versatile as the old system, where you could get a list of all sites in the Peak District (for instance) and quickly scroll forward 8 weeks seeing what was available.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited September 2022 #284

    You can do this Steve, it is just a different approach in that you have to put in a time slot first for a location although I don't think Peak District is recognised. I think you can also scroll forward for the full rolling year not just 8 weeks.



  • Sparkeyrjp
    Sparkeyrjp Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited September 2022 #285

    I am not interested in late availability , I look for specific sites on specific dates ,

    To have to make a booking just to find out if there is availability on selected dates is  time and resorce wasting,

    and to reply to an earlier quote , is this change for change sake

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited September 2022 #286

    How else would you do it? You would have to go to the site to have a look regardless of what system was used and surely you haven't actually booked until you have paid.



  • Hja
    Hja Club Member Posts: 894
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    edited September 2022 #287

    I know there has been some comments re CLs up thread but just having a look in an area we wish to visit. Used the map as usual, identified a site, clicked on it, got the summary as usual so far so good. BUT I then wanted a lot more detail including reviews, price etc. I am sure you used to be able to click on the summary to be taken to the full page with all those details. No way of doing that.

    To view whole page I had to come out of the Club site, couldn’t find a way to go back, and start again, this time going to search country, county, know the relevant town and search on that. Sheer madness.

    I hope CL owners are realising what chaos this is. If it is not improved pretty rapidly then they will suffer.

    I was using an I pad, and Club web site.

  • Jogon
    Jogon Forum Participant Posts: 44
    edited September 2022 #288

    Simply put the new booking system is not fit for purpose

    It's not about (but is partly to blame) the delays in getting to book as a good majority of this would have been down to it going live afer so many different delays getting it ready.

    But the system itself is flawed as many areas of it are simply unworkable.

    I can't amend a booking but so far have received at least 3 automated messages as to why not.

    First being it was a member exclusive task....whatever that means as I was logged in to be able to get to it.

    Second, For whatever reason it asked me to again input deails of my family even though it had saved my family details previously.

    Thirdly, When inputting the details (again) it asks me for the d.o.b of my children but then does not allow the box to be edited, even though I could alter both mine and my partners,

    Fourthly, When attempting to amend again it tells me the accomodation has violated the tow off period rules (which it hasn't) and thats to say nothing of the amount of out of date information on the site, as an example the booking site page says you can make bookings up to May 2023...clearly not correct.

    There are many oher examples, the search facilty is utter rubbish, it doesn't do what it says and the list just goes on and on and bloomin on.

    To say nothing of my review not being published with no answer from the club as to why, despite my puting up a post in the forum about it.

    I've also been on hold to the club (as live chat again isn't working) for 45 mins while writing this post.

    I'm sad to say but I think this is to be my final year with the club, there appears little or no support from them, they're implementing rule after rule on their sites that seem to disallow people from enjoying themselves and with what seems like deteriorating infrastrucure and total lack of cohesion along with a poorly constructed website and seemingly no accoutabilty.

    By paying my membership/using the faciliies tells the club it's all ok, when in reality it's not, it's really not.


  • Number14
    Number14 Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited September 2022 #289

    Agreed hja. I am old enough to have a good idea of the layout of the UK in my head but I really don't know for sure which counties Stow on the wold or Fort William are in, for example.

    No, the natural way to search is by map.  Zoom your way to an area of interest and select some sites of interest and some of those sites will probably overlap into neighbouring counties.

    You are right. The old system took you straight to the detail CL listing but not any more.

    It makes me wonder whether those in high places within the Club have ever done any caravan or motorhome touring. Sad to say, I am left with the impression that the Club is not really interested in CLs because they don't bring in enough money.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited September 2022 #290

    You are right. The old system took you straight to the detail CL listing but not any more. 

    All it needs is a link adding to the summary CL page discovered using "Book a campsite", Why this was not done in the first place does make you wonder but it is an omission which should be rectified and could be done quite easily.







  • steve01
    steve01 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited September 2022 #291

    same as you tried for months to book for next  september by sheer chance my wife looked at the web page to find it had gone live , waited an hour ,got all the way to the check out to be locked out , and had to go back to the start ,finally got a booking two hours later utter shambles  

  • Jogon
    Jogon Forum Participant Posts: 44
    edited September 2022 #292

    I should add to this that I did get through to the club after 50+ minutes and

    was dealt with as ever in an efficient manner and the amendment was made.


    Doesn't alter how I feel but credit where it's due the staff whenever you speak to them (if you manage to get through) always are professional, courteous and efficient, they just seem let down by the walls around them crumbling.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited September 2022 #293

    As an aside, I have just been looking a t the C&CC web site and I am struck by how similar they are in layout and functionality.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited September 2022 #294

    Not just the website - the magazines, the sites, the uniforms, the membershit cards, the policies.  As I said a while back look forward to the merger in 2025. (We won't be told until after it has happened).  

  • youngalan
    youngalan Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited September 2022 #295

    What have they done !!!!

    Tried to find  cl on the web  site today  - impossible , didn't even try to make a booking on a Club Site.

    Please have a word with the CCC.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited September 2022 #296

     Peedee, anyone needing a CL doesn't need to get into the new booking system at all. The quickest way, as previously is to look under "Find a UK Campsite, click on CLs HERE

    Regarding the C&CC booking site you mentioned later I find it totally different and much less complicated. However it also has annoying omissions.

  • Kasspa
    Kasspa Club Member Posts: 373
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    edited September 2022 #297

    5th.... you still can't access my UK bookings on website, it still takes you to the page:

    "Where would you like to book".....

  • Thehappycaravanners
    Thehappycaravanners Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited September 2022 #298

    Just been looking on the new app at CLs , it is saying members and NON members allowed, since when, also what’s happened to the site reviews when looking for a site this was one of the most important parts for us, along with pricing which also isn’t there,

    Absolutely useless system 

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited September 2022 #299

    THC, I think the idea of non members being welcome is a positive move forward. It hopefully stops so many CL’s either shutting the CL completely or going Private. They all need to make £something🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Thehappycaravanners
    Thehappycaravanners Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited September 2022 #300

    If that’s the case what is the advantage of being a club member then, can’t say it’s cheaper club sites because even has a member there not that cheap nowadays.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited September 2022 #301

    I think the government of this country is a bit busy at the moment to be changing their regulation that governs the activity of Certificated Locations.  "Members Only" and limit of 5 is not of The Caravan Club's doing, you know.