New booking system with deposits
Can you tell that to majority of the motor caravans on here (including us) that they are overstaying their time here
Since the latest must haves being motor caravans if the site they are staying on has good transport links or local attractions then they seem to be used like a caravan without tow vehicle
In places that do not have any of the above ,motor caravans are either low in numbers on a site and those that do come have alternative transportation with them or stay a couple of days
Ps there are two fifth wheel and one yank tank in here
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Site staff are bound by the terms and conditions of their employment. Some choose not to comment at all, some are careful in what they do say. Away from work they might have an alternative view, but not in the public forum.
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Yes, possibly different approaches to touring and preferences exist but I dont know where the data is to substantiate much of this. Fact is that at present, subject to pitch availability, both methods of holidaying are possible and being ‘enjoyed’. Seems only sensible and fair to me to cater for as many members preferences as is possible. Yes, it may on occasions hinder one’s wishes but that can happen both ways. When a site is full, it’s full, that’s been our observation for most sites we’ve stayed on during this season, what would be interesting is to have an insight into the bigger picture (not just one site) across the whole network. Yes, possibly different approaches to touring and preferences exist.
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It is obviously how it is now.
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But surely people who spend, as you previously mentioned, 2/3 weeks on a site, have no greater entitlement to be there than those that only spend a few days at each site. Its equally likely that that someone that tours by spending a few nights here and there provide the Club with as much, if not more, revenue as someone who sits on one site for three weeks?
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No they would be loosing revenue by stopping us book 2/3 nights, which on a consecutive tour is clearly going to include weekends. As weekends are independently popular, clearly if you want to guarantee a 2 / 3 week period you are going to have to get in early. I suspect that is your major bone of contention. As this will shortly require a deposit of £110 / 170 some 12 months ahead.
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Posted on 25/08/2022 16:33 by Briang
we like to book early as we stay for 2 or 3 weeks at 0ne site if we don't book early we will not get our time at the site we won't due to people booking 2 or 3 nights. There should be a minumum of 7 nights mostly for motorhomes
Posted on 26/08/2022 09:48 by Briang
Most Caravanners stay for 7 or more nights. Motorhomers the majority of them stay for only a couple of days. I have seen this so many times. This is the problem it stops people booking for longer periods. The club must be losing revenue by allowing 2-3 night stopovers on the weekend and lots of space in weekdays.
There are so many flaws in these arguments that it is difficult to know where to start - and that's quite apart from the grotesque, anti-motorhome prejudice that it reveals. Others have already covered a lot of the reasons why the notion of a 7 night minimum booking is, frankly, bonkers!
Anyway, what does "mostly for motorhomes" mean? Does it means that sometimes those in caravans will also be barred from booking for less than seven nights? Or does it mean that some motorhomes will be allowed to book for seven nights on some occasions? How would the club decide?
I wonder just what the impact on revenue would actually be if motorhomers had to book for a minimum of 7 nights. It must be the case that you would lose more bookings that you might gain. Moreover, what possible justification is there for confining this to motorhomes - if that is what "mostly for motorhomes" means? Think about this for a moment. I mean really stop and think about it. Imagine the club putting out a pronouncement stating that if you are a member, but use a motorhome, you can only book for a minimum of seven nights on sites. Why would any motorhomer bother to join? Imagine the uproar!
What about people who travel a long distance? If I go to Scotland, for example, I stop at least once on the way for one night only. I've done Ayr in one day, but to get north of the central belt in one day is too much. If I could not work that way, I would have to question touring at all. I would use hotels and book a self-catering place at my destination.
I could go on and on about this, but I'll spare my fingers.
I get why Briang needs to book early and he's plainly right about that; people who are "amused" by others who book early are just hypercritical and insecure about their way of working. But Briang just needs to carry on booking early and leave the rest of us in peace to book for whatever number of nights we choose.
In fact, as a point of interest, I probably stay longer on sites than most motor homers.
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It is understandable that many members are annoyed that the new booking system has not been sorted yet and we have not been told why, especially as some people have to book in advance due to various commitments which they may have, or arrangements which they need or want to make, which apparently certain people do not have the common sense to realise!
When on site, I am sometimes aware of what my nearest neighbours do, but unlike some members, I don't go around all of the site, noting down how many caravans or motorhomes are on site, when they arrive and when they leave, whether they change pitches, if they go off site for the day with their car or M/H, nor do I seek out the wardens or assistant wardens and give them the third degree about anything and everything to do with the Club or their job, including their terms of employment and/or gripes about their job. One would think that they could find something more useful to do with their time!
I don't book far in advance but have no objection to anyone who may do so and I don't have a downer on other members because they have a caravan and I have a motorhome. I do however, think that it is very selfish and frankly ludicrous to suggest that there is a 7 night minimum stay on a site. I wonder how many people would actually bother to own a caravan or motorhome if all sites had that policy?
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Very true, all of it! Even worse, does the poster mean the whole timetabling should be blocked for Friday to Friday only like some holiday ‘caravan’ sites? If not and it’s a minimum of any seven nights then the same issues will be evident. Worse still, you may end up with empty unbookable pitches if the suggested rule was strictly adhered to and always implemented.
No, best kept as it is, transparent, simple and fair to all caravaners, trailertenters, campervanners and motorhomers etc. First come, first booked, first served, that’s the best policy.0 -
It seem you are again out of touch with what it seems is quite a large amount of site staff and their feelings are at this present time , just because one may? be happy with their lot
since OH has been unwell , on numerous sites we have used the site staff have been very , as usual concerned as to how she is , and in most instances checked on her when working in the area which is very often as we are near. the disabled facilities and it seems they are not happy Bunnie's with their situations
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JVB. How lucky you are that staff keep an eye on your wife, they are obviously very kind even though they are very busy and have work to do. I expect HO would be pleased to hear from you concerning your praise for the caring input of these individuals. They are obviously going the extra mile for you.
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I was commenting regarding your response to TDA's post in which she said -
"Site staff are bound by the terms and conditions of their employment. Some choose not to comment at all, some are careful in what they do say. Away from work they might have an alternative view, but not in the public forum."
To which you replied -
"I think maybe that is how things used to be"
And I said -
"It is obviously how it is now."
We know full well that staff are bound by T&Cs and what TDA says is absolutely correct. You confirm this by the very fact that they moan to you but not in public.
Therefore your opening comment is shown to be both incorrect and impolite. The part of your post relating to your OH, although very touching, is completely irrelevant to the points made by TDA.
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I suppose that would solve the "Sunday Departures" issue at a stroke as no-one would be booking a weekend stay.
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Or do as one of the larger UK holiday provider does, offer only three night weekend breaks, four night midweek breaks or seven night breaks. That should just about change kill the wonderful nature of touring as many of us presently know and enjoy it.😟
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I get it that the Club needs a new booking system. I get it that some challenging IT issues are holding the launch up. What I don’t get is the Club’s continued silence online and anywhere else giving us all an official update. Someone earlier in the thread posted a great draft of what he though should’ve been posted. As an ex Communications Manager myself I could probably knock something up if anyone from the Club is reading this!
Keeping the membership engaged and informed is paramount. Unfortunately the Club scores 0/10 in this department.8 -
Wouldn't we all like to know!!!! If what I see on social media is anything to go by there are certainly getting a lot of people asking even if they chose to ignore this forum? Perhaps the situation is more fluid than we know and perhaps they think they have cracked the problem only for another to arise?
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DK...As Im sure you are aware.....On Twitter, they do reply...almost immediately questions asked including when is the new booking system being launched (Latest is September). This, together with the constant server error messages and slowness of CT is an obvious statement as to how the business views this forum....
New blood at the top required....
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Is anyone able to book anything from June next year onwards yet? Reading the comments above it seems they were supposed to be released from June 25th, but its September 4th now and I still cant.
Will be looking at other sites soon if this carries on
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It seems as if there were more problems trying to introduce the new system and intigrate advance bookings as well?
As the club seem to be unable to keep us members up to date with whatever is the latest problem is then it is just supposition
See what happens after the 12th of this month as I understand that is the latest date given for the Launch 🤔
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You just couldn't resist eh jvb?
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Hear yea, hear yea, (🔔🔔🔔) latest gossip, now going live🤣🤣🤣
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For one reason or another some of us do want to know when June onwards will be going on sale ( which seems to be linked to the release of the new system) The club is doing itself no favours by the continued lack of any factual information in this matter. Where there are facts there is no need for rumours or gossip.