Spain in Jan/Feb 23

Peter H12
Peter H12 Forum Participant Posts: 3

We're considering touring southern Spain (and into Portugal) for 8 weeks, partially funded by turning our heating off for the period - as if no-one else has thought of that!!  The sites bookable via the Club are pretty much full and we're having difficulty getting any information on what sites are available via ACSI.  We don't want long term pitches, but would like to stay for 5-7 days in each.   Before we book the ferry (Portsmouth to Santander) are we likely to run into difficulties finding available sites?  We'll be towing a caravan so temporary overnight stops in laybys/aires not really an option.  For those who have any experience of touring Spain in the winter, your advice would be appreciated!  


  • Vi0letandDavid
    Vi0letandDavid Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited August 2022 #2

    HI. We have travelled around Spain in the winter for the last 10 years (pre covid) and never had a problem with finding open sites. We are going again in October and are presuming that if it says in the ACSI book that they are open they will be.  The only 2 sites we have ever had to book is Tourist campo in Portugal and Bonterra in Spain. You could Email ACSI and ask if there book is acurate, also sometimes we have asked the site staff to phone ahead and see if our next site is open.

    Happy Travels.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited August 2022 #3

    Nothing to do with Spain but might be wise to check your house insurance regarding heating and the possibility of burst pipes, any problems might trump any savings by not having it on?


  • obbernockle
    obbernockle Forum Participant Posts: 616
    edited August 2022 #4

    Good point DK. Most house insurance policies limit absence to 30 days, however, contacting the insurer may reveal the possibility to extend this for a fee, and to undertake certain security conditions - heating on frost stat or off and completely drained down (a damp house may ensue), window and door locks, regular inspection visits. I'm not trying to put the OP off the idea, but to take full account of the cost of not being at home. There are other costs but I am simply mentioning house insurance.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2022 #5
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  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited August 2022 #6

    We left our house for 6 months over winter about 10 years ago. Had to drain down all the heating system I seem to recall.

    Also check the number of unoccupied days under your policy  most are 60 days, some 90 but the other club did do 180, not sure if they have insurance department any more. Check there are no clauses regarding someone to visit every x days.

    remember when you return your property will be Stone cold, we were away for beast from the east 2010. Took days to rewarm and 1930s solid construction. Might have been better to leave ticking over. Hindsight such a great thing 🤣

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2022 #7
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  • Peter H12
    Peter H12 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited August 2022 #8

    Thanks all, my comment about turning the heating off was a bit tongue in cheek.  We have a Hive thermostat so can control the temperature remotely.  Also have arranged 60 day absence home insurance which will be sufficient.

    More of a problem is getting a reply from the first three campsites I've emailed!! 


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,522
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    edited August 2022 #9

    I have toured Spain once in the winter months, January to March without bookings and always managed to get on a site. Its the coastal sites which are close to facilities that are less likely to have available pitches. It is wise to book any of these but if you start looking for a site early in the day to give yourself a chance to move on to another if the first choice is full it can be doable. Alternatively phone a day in advance to see if you can secure a pitch. The latter course of action is probably the better idea for caravan owners, it is easier to chance it with a motorhome because at a push you can always wild camp, something I have never had to do in Spain.





  • montesa
    montesa Club Member Posts: 168
    edited August 2022 #10

    Hi Peter, 

    fwiw …

    We are Car & Caravan also and have overwintered via overland France down to SE Spain in Jan / Feb / March in 2018,19 & 20.
    Initially we also experienced a similar concern to yours mainly being worried about sites being full. Worry not with a little pre prep.
    3 recent years of Touring has adjusted that view greatly. We have a basic plan, via Tunnel, with a few options and set off southwards. 
    Many sites are inundated with advance enquires from folk sat on a keyboard who never even set off let alone turn up - hence little feedback from emails. It is common we found for sites not to charge advance deposits. We have yet to be stuck for a site with a little pre-prep and maybe a simple ‘please expect us at 3pm’ phone call ahead at a lunchtime. 

    It is my understanding that the CMC’s specific allocation of pitches & rally’s do get booked up by eager members but they usually represent only a small proportion of those pitches actually available on most sites - there will be exceptions. Think the huge site at Alicante adjoining the AP7 has about c1500 pitches in total. 
    Pre allocated CMC & budget ACSI pitches are often at reduced rates to the site so limited numbers or allocation. 
    There are some popular honeypots widely promoted on Forums that are busy with regulars. Compact Bonterra Park at Bennicassim is one. We have overnighted 3 times there on a turn up only and had choice of various mediocre but expensive pitches. NB There are two cheaper other sites in Town albeit not as favoured. 

    I would though suggest you get the Biscay winter cruise booked early to avoid irritation - nb all pet cabins & kennels long since gone. 

    Please do tour around as you so wish but be prepared to also perhaps follow or avoid the weather. We went with a Touring idea but ended up settled at a site we liked for 6 weeks and have returned now for even longer. 

    General Tips. Consider acquiring a 13kgs Repsol / Cepsa Gas bottle for 1/3rd price propane usage & easy refills in Spain - we have a Calor Lite as an emergency. Consider a cheap fly drive week this Autumn to visit some of your preferred choices prior. The ACSI booked is great for reassurance of the many other options for sites. Many sites do have un-realistic glowing reviews and dodgy old pictures. 
    Enjoy your planning !



  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,927
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    edited August 2022 #11

    Peter H, You have got a lot of good advice from experienced people and I hope you will report back after your tour and let us know how you found it down there.

    One of my own regrets  is that I never got to see all the historic places  in Andalusia. - not the Costas which never appealed in the least,   not in mid winter because our tropical,  independent winter holidays were well established, and not actually taking a caravan all the way down there to the far south of Spain at all.

    What I had in mind was an independent fly /drive or fly / rail tour of Andalusia,  - and in Spring rather than winter - to se Ronda, the pueblos Blancos, Cordoba and all the other places I would have liked to see, but after wandering  20 countries that one has escaped me.

    So I hope your own tour goes well.