Tape worm treatment coming back to UK

Just a heads up to anybody coming back to the UK with your dog.
As we know the paperwork required has changed. The Animal Health Certificate has a section for the vet in the EU to complete when administering the tapeworm treatment.
We have just returned from France (no 'van though this time) and it was clear that the vet who administered the tapeworm treatment was not confident about what she was doing with the paperwork.
On returning to my car I noticed she had entered the batch number instead of the date and time of the administration in the requisite section. Clearly this would have caused us difficulties as the time and date are critical. So I returned to the practice to point out her error. She corrected it using correction fluid.
On returning to the gite I noticed she had managed to enter the incorrect time!! and I wasn't happy that she hadn't in anyway way endorsed her alterations. So back to the practice which luckily was just 15 mins. away.
She was not particularly happy that I insisted she endorse her alterations with her signature AND practice stamp but I pointed out it wouldn't be her unable to get back to the UK as planned but us.
She relented.
At pet reception at Eurotunnel the staff informed me I was entirely correct to insist on her endorsement as without it we would indeed have been refused travel until the dog could be re treated and us re booked 24 hours ahead.
So in short, check your chosen vet knows what they are doing with the new AHC and if they do mess it up make sure they countersign the amendment and stamp it with the practice stamp.
This is very interesting as the same thing happened to us in italy, and we had to get the local Vet in dunkerque to fax the italian vet to prove the time the tablets were administered. So the advice is make sure you get the vet to put the time on the form. You can download the instructions in other EU languages http://apha.defra.gov.uk/External_OV_Instructions/Export_Instructions/Certification_Procedures/Small_Animal_Exports/Animal_Health_Certificates.html
In the panel on the right on the site are the sample forms in other languages with the detials of where the treating Vet needs to sign, date and importantly put the time on. Hope this helps. We print off both the french and italian versions depending where we take the dogs to the vet.
Cheers Donna