LPG/Gas-It for use in Europe

We're heading off to Europe in a short while for several months, mostly in Scandinavia. I'm think two thirds of the overnights will be off-grid with a third spent on campsites. With this in mind, would it make sense to replace the existing 6 Kg calor with two 6 kg Gas-it bottles which can then be filled from a petrol station? It seems LPG is far more likely to be available than calor. For the times we will be on a campsite we can use EHU.
Interested to hear any alternatives you may have.
The gas will be used to heat water and the van (it could get pretty cold in Norway!) and provide for cooking.
We had entertained the idea of fitting a diesel heater, but decided against drilling holes in the newly purchased van.
Unless the Gas it bottles are a fixed installation, like our Gaslow, with a pump filler connection on the outside of the van, you could experience problems in being allowed to fill them. They will also empty fairly fast if you have one of the large fridge freezers. We have only stopped for 3 off grid Nights so far in 22 nights, only heated a bit of water and minimal cooking, as it’s been so hot and have used about 8 kg. Although there will also be a bit of use by the fridge while in supermarkets restocking.
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Those large Dometic fridge freezers, although very useful as we don’t need to shop as often, certainly do guzzle gas when not on EHU. I believe Another David amongst others has experienced the same. Not really a problem, as we don’t intend doing more than 5 / 6 off grid sites on our tour and of course we can refill if required.
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Hi All,
Really useful info - thank you! We do have a full-height fridge/freezer, so that might be a concern..
So, from what I can understand, we wouldn't be able to fix the filler for either gas flo or gas-it within the locker, it would have to mounted externally, on the exterior of the van. Is it a case they don't allow you to fill the cylinders otherwise?
I've also been told that the regulator used for calor, gas-it, gasflo are all different, so you wouldn't be able to have one calor and one gas-it, for example? I liked the idea of having one cylinder that you could exchange with one that you could refill, kind of covering all angles.
Cheers all
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I bought a 7.5Kg Safefill shortly before my recent trip to France and started out with 10L of gas. It did 9 nights off-grid and 14 nights on EHU before it ran out and I switched bottles. I was surprised how long it lasted given the hard work demanded of our large fridge/freezer in the heat.
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Just about every service station on the French autoroutes has LPG (GPL) and I topped my fixed tank up OK using an adapter that I carry. I did notice however that it was forbidden to fill cylinders from these pumps.
If you are going mainly to Scandinavia it may be worth investigating what type of cylinders are popular there, buy a “tail for the bulkhead fitting before you leave the UK then buy a cylinder when you are out there.