How's your footy team doing?



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,120
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    edited May 2022 #1472

    Yes, hope they make it, but it would be a bitter pill for ABM to swallow, with Vale replacing Crewe in the 3rd tier.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,120
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    edited May 2022 #1473

    WN, don't know if you noticed but your local team did themselves proud today by defeating Stockport, and now lie at the top of the table. Could they end the season as champions with direct promotion into League 2?

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1474

    Can I add my “well done” to The Gas Moulsey. Was it 7-0? While we were beating your rivals from across the city.

    It’s been a fantastic season for my lot an’all. A team which just about all the so called pundits and predictors were tipping for relegation finished third in the Championship . They won exactly half the matches played (23), lost 10 and drew 13.

    The team cost next to nowt, all free transfers and loans.

    Now it’s on to Kenilworth Road on Friday with the return leg at the JSS next Monday

    UTT Rog

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2022 #1475

    Not really, Nellie' Coz they are to us like  Liverpool are to that second string team from Manchester  --  most deffo NOT friends yell



    And I Don't mean United Ladies  wink

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,120
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    edited May 2022 #1476

    Hope you come out tops in both those games, and then than one that hopefully follows. If so will you be heading down there for the play-off final?

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1477

    Thanks for that NH.

    Speaking of play off matches. Yorkshire people are often unjustly accused of being tight😀. But a glance at the ticket prices for the four teams in the playoffs is instructive.

    Luton are charging £32 for home and away supporters; Forest’s price is £28.  Both the Yorkshire teams are asking £20 .

    I got tickets for myself and my GS today at £10 each since both of us are concessions 

    Incidentally I read today that Town have been one of the cleanest teams in the EFL this season. They’ve had no red cards and the second fewest yellow cards. I’ve also read that we’ll have VAR for the playoffs so hopefully if they use it properly that should ensure a level playing field.🫰

    UTT Rog

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1478

    Sorry didn’t read your post properly. Yes we’ll hopefully go to the final if we’re good enough to get there.

    Last time, five years ago, Town took over a hundred coaches so we might look to going that way again. However we’ve got options.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited May 2022 #1479

    "I am only going to say dis wonz Monsieur Nellie. Wrecks 'em are NOT my local team. U understand?"wink

    I still wouldn't trust Joey Barton as far as he could throw himself Moulesy. Waiting for someone to give him a reason for pulling the pin out of the hand grenade. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,120
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    edited May 2022 #1480

    I did say "local" team, WN, not your team in the proper sense. However Stockport managed to win tonight, so it looks like the playoffs after all. Guess you wouldn't have been gracing them with your presence even if you had been home.

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1481

    All to play for at the JSS on Monday night now. I don’t know what happened to VAR but it seems it’s only for the final. I wonder if it’s something to do with state of Luton’s stadium. To say Kenilworth Road has seen better days would be the understatement of the century, perhaps they couldn’t fit the technology into such a small place!

    I heard probably the silliest bit of punditry ever last night. Town could well have had a penalty within 15 seconds of kick off, but the ref bottled it. One the of the “experts” said it was probably too early in the game for the ref to give it. I didn’t know you had to have played a set amount of time before you could be awarded a penalty. Unbelievable Jeff! The ref was from the elite greedy league squad who seemingly are lost without VAR.

    UTT Rog

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,120
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    edited May 2022 #1482

    Well you got the only goal, Rog, so Wembley bound, and find out tomorrow who you will play, although I guess Forest are favourites for that game.

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited May 2022 #1483

    Get in ⚽️⚽️!
    Wemberleeee, 🙂🙂🙂🙂.

    Recommend the Club’s Denham site for a long weekend, with fast trains to the stadium station.


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1484

    Yes we were dreadful in the first half but the best team by far in the second.

    The JSS was full to capacity and bouncing at the end. I didn’t know what the referee was doing at the end he came across to the tunnel before blowing and when I looked the back Lino from the far side wasn’t far behind him. Then I realised they had correctly predicted the pitch invasion which followed. 

    Amazing scenes at the final whistle at least 5,000 people on the pitch.

    Forest look favourites to join us at Wembley and I think they’re favourites for promotion as well, but you never know.

    UTT Rog😄😄😄

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1485

    Wasn’t a classic but good old Jordan Rhodes has still got the poacher’s instinct .

    I haven’t seen the stadium that full since we were last in the greedy league. We’ll see if the Blades can turn it round tomorrow. If it is a Yorkshire derby then the last time we played them at Wembley it went to penalties and all 11 players from both sides took one with our keeper scoring and their keeper blasting over the bar. The shoot out took nearly as long as extra time.

    UTT Rog⚽️⚽️⚽️

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1486

    Crivens, the M1 is going to be busy on Sunday week. I wasn’t looking forward to trying to book tickets on the infamous Ticketmaster web site after reading the nightmare stories on the Town fans forum, but once I had registered membership with the club’s website it was relatively uncomplicated. 

    As the SIL has to work on the Monday taking the caravan down sadly isn’t an option, and since my other GS wants to go with us, we’re driving down to Islington where we can leave the car outside his house and thence on the Tube to Wembley. Not going down the M1 it’ll be the A1 for us.

    UTT Rog

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited May 2022 #1487

    “Crivens” 🙂, not heard that since I worked in scenic Grangemouth! 
    Good luck, and enjoy the game. Your grandsons will certainly love the Wembley trip.
    Big game for City on Sunday, v the Seals. (picked that one up from a Baggies fan I worked with some years ago). 
    Had a good season, whatever happens…..🙂⚽️🙂

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1488

    That is a new one. We’ve always called them Aston Vanilla.

    Living in London my eldest grandson  goes to Wembley quite a lot. For some reason he’s into boxing .He was at the very first Cup final there and I gave him some brass to buy an extra programme to keep pristine as I thought it might become a collector’s item.

    The youngest one was there for Town’s last appearance five years ago but this year should be a bit special, he’s just recovering slowly from long covid which has kept him away from the JSS for most of the season. He managed to go to the home leg of the semifinal and that was his first match since the start of the season 

    I’m sure we’ll have a good day out, I’m not confident of a win however 

    UTT Rog

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited May 2022 #1489

    Well done to Man City and Pliers who must be "over the Blue Moon."

    They did make it hard for themselves though. Must have been a nervous 70 minutes or so.

    Good luck to the Terriers.


  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited May 2022 #1490

    Good Heavens, don’t they put you through it. 😱  
    Played some brilliant football all season, then were awful on the final day. A bit like how we managed to blow it in the cup competitions. 🤔
    Never mind….  
    Philippe Coutinho had a vey good game, best player on the pitch by far. 
    Good luck to Town, and to the Dippers in their very big game.  
    We’re booked on the ferry to Santander, Friday evening, hopefully will get to watch some sport in the bar. 


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1491

    Well done City. My OH’s family were all City fans they’d be well chuffed.It looked as though Gerard’s lot had done the dippers a big favour but three goals in six minutes to turn the match round is true class 👏👏👏

    Thanks for the “ good luck “ wishes and UTT


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1492

    Just thought I’d mention that the club chairman, his wife and 11 other supporters set off on their bikes yesterday to cycle to Wembley to raise money for a memorial garden at the JSS for a young Town fan who sadly passed away a couple of months ago after a long fight with cancer.

    Also it’s a big double header this weekend, the Huddersfield Giants are at the Tottenham stadium tomorrow in the Challenge Cup final.

    ”What little town is emptied of its folk this pious morn?”

    Hopefully this bit doesn’t come true “ and little town thy streets forever more will silent be, for not a soul to tell why thou art desolate can e’er return”

    UTT Rog 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,120
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    edited May 2022 #1493

    Hope you all return singing and dancing in celebration, Rog.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited May 2022 #1494

    ”What little town is emptied of its folk this pious morn?”

    I'm never sure when a Grecian Urn is mentioned whether I'm thinking of Keats or Morecambe.undecidedsmile

    Good luck to the Town but as a club that was favoured with fighting relegation at the beginning of the season it will have been an exceptional one whatever happens.

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1495

    Thanks however I’m not sure I’ll be singing or dancing having driven there and back, especially with a 4-30 kick off (well done Sky🤬)

    If it goes to extra time and penalties it’ll probably be the early hours before we get back.

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1496

    You’re right it’s a quotation from Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn. I’m not sure about  Morecambe did he get the right words but in the wrong order.

    You’re also spot on it’s been an excellent season and I’m not over fussed if we don’t go up. However if you believe in omens, Town were widely tipped to be relegated five years ago, and the underdogs against Reading, and look what happened 😄

    Win or lose hopefully we’ll have a good day out.

    UTT Rog

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited May 2022 #1497

    "What does a Grecian Urn?"

    "I don't know. What does a Grecian Urn Eric?"

    "About 5 drachma per hour Ern."

    Not quite up to Keats' level and not much funnier either.😁





  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2022 #1498

    Well according to BBC Sport the 'Urn' that Forest picked up will be worth about 170 MILLION  to them money-mouth !  I hope Rog and  the others had a thoroughly enjoyable day despite the result and the hordes of cyclists on the London streets today  -- totally ignoring the traffic lights as usual !!

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1499

    Not the result we wanted and it would be easy to say “we wuz robbed” and we were by a fat unfit referee given the game as a retirement present. VAR was supposed to prevent the sort of travesty we saw yesterday. All the reviews I’ve seen agree we should have had two penalties late on.🤬🤬🤬

    Rant over. Yes Brian I  had a grand day, spent some quality time with my eldest grandson, who I don’t see as much of as I’d like. He lives and works in London now.

    I took a picture of the SIL and my two grandsons sitting outside a pub in Archway and sent it to my OH. She texted back is that your lunch? I texted back no its just pudding. Not very funny

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited May 2022 #1500

    Darn it I pressed the wrong button.

    I wish Forest all the luck in the greedy league next season, they’ll need it . I was chatting to a Forest supporter at the services on the way home and he reckoned they would be straight back down. They weren’t any better than Town yesterday we even had to sore their goal for them😳

    Onwards and upwards, looking forward to next season already. The main interest now turns to who will we sign and who will we let go.

    UTT Rog

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2022 #1501

    I've been hunting down a few "Old Timers" on the Introductions thread - haven't found any knights or Ladies of the Realm yet !!  Well I did think that a few would appear if only to beg a crumb or six from our plates this week  cool.

    Still I've found an early post by Jill ( with a J of course  wink ) which might surprise her a little !!