When is a rule not a rule?



  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited May 2022 #122

    Deleted User by me

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited May 2022 #124

    Who does the club serve its customers or staff?

    Well both really in my view, one without the other would make for a very poor club. The club serves us if you like by having good quality staff who want to help us and do more than a good job. The club has to look after its staff and listen to their needs, if they say having arrivals at 1pm would be a real help shouldn't the club listen? Perhaps making sure they have enough time to do their job makes for happier and better wardens? . 

    I see from a number of posts that the thought it is we should just abide by what the club decides and why should they consult us.

    So how should they do this? 

    They should because we are the members, we pay our membership fee and we pay for site nights.

    But as stated above the club has operational day to day control of its sites and if one doesn't like what is offered don't rejoin or use club sites. Are  you expecting every single decision to be consulted upon? What about prices, isn't that more of a issue than one hour?


    For me this isn't a major issue, in fact it's not even a minor issue, it just is. That's the arrival time now.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited May 2022 #125

    this forum and most others are a far cry from the real world.

    +100 there

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited May 2022 #126

    The site we are on at the moment has a board outside the reception saying “earliest arrival 1pm” ,we are pitched in view of the the entrance and 2 caravans have turned up at 12.10 , now , does the warden let them in or stick by what the board says ? , well ,the warden has just let them in , so why put the notice out if they don’t stick by it ?

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2022 #127

    Try to get there say-30mins after opening time rather than a few minutes prior. I’m sure everyone has 30mins out of 24hrs to spare👍🏻🙂

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,463
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    edited May 2022 #128

    I’m not missing the point at all. I explained to you briefly earlier how the club - which belongs to all of us - is run and how to go about changing something if you’re not happy. I see little point in you repeating a question that none of us can answer. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • HarryTheHymer
    HarryTheHymer Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited May 2022 #129

    Doesn’t belong to us nor is it a club


    Registered office address
    East Grinstead House, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1UA
    Company status
    Company type
    Private company limited by guarantee without share capital
    Incorporated on
    31 December 1959

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,463
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    edited May 2022 #130

    I think we all know it’s no longer a club in the old fashioned sense but it is a limited company in order to protect us all. Should CAMC become insolvent, we are each liable to fork out the princely sum of £1. Without the protection of the Ltd Co status, who knows where an insolvency practioner may look to recoup potential huge losses.

    You’re not thinking of a Public Limited Company quoted on the Stock Exchange and with shareholders needing to be paid dividends, are you?

    Btw, welcome back although it seems as if you’ve never been away.🙂


  • HarryTheHymer
    HarryTheHymer Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited May 2022 #131

    A Building Society is owned by its members too, but it’s in practice a business. Ditto the Caravan ‘Club’, it’s a large National business with a multi million £ turnover.


  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
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    edited May 2022 #132

    Just thought I'd chirp up and say that, whilst on a club site two weeks ago, on a pitch with a view of the entrance and exit, the first arrival came in at 10.25 hrs and was left outside reception until 1200 hrs (this is currently still the time notified on email and website).  wink

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,463
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    edited May 2022 #133

    In a nutshell. Both are 'mutuals', ie owned by members.

    Therefore, as you agreed, the club is ours👍🏻. Yes, run as a business and we all know that some businesses are run better than others.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited May 2022 #134

    But the booking emails could have said the old 12pm arrival time and in which case as described above the wardens are showing some leniency and letting such booking on. 

    We have been told, and posts appear to support this, that once the booking time issue is resolved they will be turned away. And indeed posters have said people have been turned away. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2022 #135

    Everyone now gets this on their booking information. So it's up to people to check the updates out for themselves.

    I don't know what the solution is in reality, the other club sticks firmly to the 1pm arrival rule and I think this is accepted, queues or no queues.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited May 2022 #136

    We had booked 3 sites on this tour and when we booked them about 7 months ago the arrival time on the e-mail was 12 , we then were sent a reminder e-mail of our booking a week before we were due to arrive that then had the 1pm arrival, so not really a reason to turn up early, it’s more down to members not reading their e-mails or ignoring them 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited May 2022 #137

    Well it has been posted that the 12 pm arrival time is still being shown on both not only by a serving warden and by a recent poster I think?

    Even if it's only shown on one then I think it's only fair to let them on as I must admit I don't tend to look at the reminder emails in any detail, in fact I got one today  Hurray - your pitch awaits. I would imagine that perhaps new members might but those like me wouldn't.

    I've just looked and one have to scroll down quite a bit to see the (correct) arrival time on today's, but then I read it here but not all those staying on club sites read CT, very few I would think.

    Either way soon being let on early won't be allowed.

  • blue
    blue Forum Participant Posts: 15
    edited May 2022 #138

    My complaint ( which I have been directly in contact with the club sites dept) is not about the enforcement of arrival time but the alteration of it from 12 md to 1pm across the network. This was initially done for deep cleaning during Covid. For 35 years before this wardens managed to carry out their duties and open up for 12 md, so why do they now need to delay opening until 1 pm now Covid restrictions are over?According to correspondence with the club it is purely down to what the wardens want. If this is the case the tail is wagging the dog. That is why I posted in the first place. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,463
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    edited May 2022 #139

    They obviously find it beneficial for operational reasons which, in the long run, is for the good of us all. That isn’t tail wagging the dog, which term, btw, is very unflattering to the site staff.

    You've had a response from the club and, to be perfectly honest, I can’t see what your issue is with it but you know how to go about requesting change. 


  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited May 2022 #140

    Let’s hope that when the 1pm time is official then the wardens implement that time and stick to it and don’t get bullied in letting members on early just to have an easy life 

  • NutsyH
    NutsyH Club Member Posts: 535
    edited May 2022 #141

    Bear in mind that the departure time has been altered from 11.00 to 12.00 noon. So I am on my pitch, in process of packing up. It's 11.00am. Some clown arrives early, site is full. Am I expected to suddenly leave to make room for said clown?

  • HarryTheHymer
    HarryTheHymer Forum Participant Posts: 153
    edited May 2022 #142

    But we’re a ‘club’, surely it’s only right the tail should be wagging the dog it owns?

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited May 2022 #143

    But you don't pay a subscription to shop at Tesco ....

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,463
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    edited May 2022 #144

    The way I read it, Blue considers the wardens to be the tail 🤷🏻‍♂️. As for 'club', I think we’ve covered that.🙄

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited May 2022 #145

    Agree with that entirely and someone did post upthread that they had been turned away.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited May 2022 #146

    I don't think it's anything to do with Covid being over, it is about listening to site wardens and taking their views into account. It may have been a big strain to keep things as they were, two examples might show this.

    On a single set of warden site I use the office was closed till 12 as the toilets had to be cleaned. The wardens would have to ensure they did that by 12 and I did see a few times they made it back to the office to book in new arrivals just in time but often they did it with about 10 minutes to spare, I have no idea when they had any lunch?

    On another large site Seacroft, whenever an outfit left before 12 a set of wardens would come along and do any jobs around the pitch and they had to do that before 12, of course if everyone left at 12 there would be no time to do that. Now they will have time to do that a little easier.

    Members and wardens are part of the 'team' if you will, one of those circle of life things, without us there would be no wardens, without good wardens there wouldn't be such a good club as there is now. It's no good having disgruntled wardens. The club has a duty of care to wardens as well. 

    Let the wardens have this hour and perhaps their lunch, it really doesn't impact on anything really. 

    But if you find this loss of this hour too much then use a different provider though there aren't that many I would imagine that have arrivals earlier? 

    The club has made it's decision live with it.

  • blue
    blue Forum Participant Posts: 15
    edited May 2022 #147

    Yes I was referring to the wardens as the tail of the dog, my point being, if the reason the arrival time has been put back to 1 pm is only for the wardens convenience, that is just wrong. They are employed by the club and it is not for them to dictate policy. I do not in anyway decry the job they do but they are employees and the club should be doing what’s right and reasonable for the customer…. us members. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,463
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    edited May 2022 #148

    Then tell CAMC that. There’s nothing we can do and I keep telling you the best way to address the issue. Anyway, I don’t think I agree with your summary of the situation.

    PS. Corners has put it very well and I think "live with it" is the sensible option.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited May 2022 #149

    Re a post up thread re departure time, saying it used to be 11:00.

    Not in the recent past, unless I’ve been going to different sites from him/her, (sorry I can’t remember who mentioned it, more than once).

    Edit - it was NutsyH. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,463
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    edited May 2022 #150

    Yes, wasn’t it 12:00 for departures and arrivals?

    If so, it didn’t make sense to have the same time for both.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited May 2022 #151

    I don't think the wardens could dictate anything, I wish they could, but any reasonable employer will listen to its workforce and if possible and there is any advantage however small than why not listen and put into the place what they ask for? I certainly did that even if the benefits were marginal at best  After all it's the people at the face of doing the job that have the best knowledge about doing the job not someone in a office far away from sites (not saying they are not important too) that have no idea what it's like to clean toilets or keep a site to the standard expected of the members and the other hundred jobs a team of wardens do every day. If this one hour makes their working life, and remember they are on site 24 hour a day, a bit easier then why not? 

    Who is to judge what is reasonable and right for the customer, you? So far it only appears to be you who has any real issue with it. 

    The matter is settled so you can either live with it or use another provider, does one hour really make that much difference to you?