Covid - news and views



  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,091
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    edited January 2022 #2042

    "People are entitled to believe what they want but what they are not free to do is to impose those beliefs on others. There was some evidence that right wing agitators had infiltrated the group."

    yes, and the High Priest of all this unrest is the very intelligent Piers Corbyn, who in my opinion is trying his best to get arrested so that he can become something of a martyr like figure, and i suspect the authorities realise this, and that is why he still has his freedom.

    So the authorities are between a rock and a hard place, let him roam free and try to keep his destructive actions to a minimum, or lock him up and have an uprising of his followers, either way he wins.

    Cant believe his followers are so stupid, not long ago he was exposed as happy to accept  10K if he did not attack the AstraZeneca vaccine, having been duped by pranksters.

    Makes my blood boil when i see these people, especially as one of ours spent 24 hrs over the New year sticking needles into peoples arms.yell

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,091
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    edited January 2022 #2043

    "where are these morons getting their info and why do they believe it, it is beyond me."

    do a search on Google for Piers Corbyn, his moniker is all over this

    "Piers Corbyn Denies the Coronavirus Pandemic & Says It's a 'Psychological Operation"


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited January 2022 #2044

    Just in case anyone is interested (and you're probably not) had a few phones calls this morning regarding supply work. One local school needs 10 supply staff for this week.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2022 #2045

    According to later reports the raid on a vaccination centre in MK ,they got wrong as it was a test centresurprised

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited January 2022 #2046

    President Macron seems to be taking on those who don’t want the jab and taught me a new French phrase into the bargain.😂

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited January 2022 #2047

    Good thing he did not use those words on here. He was right though and we need a much more robust action against the antivaxers in the UK

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited January 2022 #2048

    Robust action. Like what, hung drawn and quartered?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2022 #2049
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  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2022 #2050

    If I read the reports correctly M Macron's statement/sound bite (which, judging by the reactions in the French parliament have little chance of being put into effect) were aimed against all those unvaccinated.

    So it's maybe worth pointing out again that not everyone which is unvaccinated (many for reasons I can't being to understand) should be considered an "anti vaxxer". It's worth saving one's  wrath for that latter group. 

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited January 2022 #2051

    or robust action if you’re a tennis player with lots of powerful sponsors and friends?

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited January 2022 #2052

    The powerful sponsors and friends didn’t seem to out-way the political implications. They are deporting him.👍

  • dave the rave
    dave the rave Forum Participant Posts: 806
    edited January 2022 #2054

    According to face ache........hung drawn and quartered is inciting violence and murder and "my friends" post was removed and despite my objection has never been re instated.It seems that the whole world,not just anti vaxers has become a very different place.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2022 #2055

    Surely it is things like pictures,  mirrors etc which are HUNG undecided  Seem to recall having been given Lines at school to hammer that home !!

    Hanged Drawn and Quartered I believe to be the punishment for humans  innocent

     As the saying goes :~~ Every day is a learning day  kiss

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2022 #2056
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2022 #2058

    How is Macron going to talk his way out of the new covid  variant  that has been found in the South of France?

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2022 #2059

    JVB - it defeats me why you continue this nonsensical finger pointing.

    Any new variant is grim news but M Macron has no more need to "talk his way" out of it than Boris had to for the delta variant and I don't remember you gleefully jumping on that news at the time.  

    Let's just face the fact that it's bad news all round. frown

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2022 #2060

    Was it not Macon who was the main voice complaining that he did not want UK citizens in France when we had an outbreak,?

    But then we did not have an election looming, as he has

    It works both ways surprised

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2022 #2061
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2022 #2062

    Not at all worried   just as many others who have noted the actions he has taken with Covid variants from other countries ,that Macron  has taken against the citizens from  those countries particularly this one,

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,590
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    edited January 2022 #2063

    I understand that the French variant may be called Pi (Π) but Macron prefers Tarte 😜.

  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited January 2022 #2064

    My OH has just received her 4th  Covid jab.I await  mine-both of us having underlying health conditions.She has had them all now-2 Astra Zeneca,one Pfizer and ,to top them off,a Moderna.

    No ill effects from any of them for her other than slight headache,such as the flu jab gives you.

    She is much more relaxed about going out and about now-albeit always with a  mask on.

    Despite 3 Pfizer jabs and" precautions" I caught a stinking cold  over Christmas .It was not Covid ,as I was tested and tested again -at the OH's insistence.

    So,Life goes on and you can still catch an ordinary cold -just like I do most Christmas times!

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2022 #2065
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  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited January 2022 #2066

    I don’t see anything wrong with stopping an influx of visitors from heavily infected areas-its common sense. The Countries that don’t adopt those protective options are the ones to worry about. I’ve never been a xenophobe, I am European but welcome all nationalities who won’t import diseases or Coronavirus to the UK👍🏻

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2022 #2067

    Absolutely agree - what Boris and Macron (and others of course) have done is to (in their judgement) protect their citizens as far as is possible. And it's often quoted that the first job of government is to do exactly that.

    We can, and have done, argue about the effectiveness of measures taken by different governments,  but that's a separate issue.

    Finger pointing at individuals and particular nations achieves absolutely nothing.

  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited January 2022 #2068

    Had a phone call yesterday to say I was eligible for a fourth jab . I agreed and the nurse was at the front door within an hour and the job was done. I didn't ask what Vaccine it was and neither did I have an additional card to say what it was. All alright as far as I am concerned ,however my Son is very anxious over the lack of information I am without.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited January 2022 #2069

    We have both had two really bad colds, very unusual for us, and like you we tested each time. We are in similar situation K, OH still needs to be very careful, particularly as he will be having more surgery later this year. But we are getting on with things our own way, do what we consider best for us, and those close to us. Most (but not all😡) family and friends we can trust to understand why we are being so cautious.

    Al the best, hope the cold keeps away👍

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited January 2022 #2070

    If it’s anything like the three jabs we’ve had, they showed up immediately on our GP record. If you have online access you should find the information there. If you don’t currently have access you can request it, or at least get them to check up on what you were given.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2022 #2071

    Adp. I think I'd phone the gp surgery and ask them to check the details for you. Good to hear that the extra vaccines are being done.