Booking ahead is unfair at some sites



  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited November 2021 #152

    Blimey A D whatever did you encounter for your wife to draw that conclusion ?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited November 2021 #153
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  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited November 2021 #155

    A D.....Sorry to hear that, rural area's means lanes as you know and weather in this country is all about luck. As for crowds and hassle one comes with the other and no doubt because of the Covid and flying restrictions both intensified. Don't know what site you were on, but we have always been satisfied with the conditions of the C& M C sites we have stayed at.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited November 2021 #156

    Some might suggest a mass desertion from the ranks of Club members. But where do they go? The Club is a very big player in the campsite market and inevitably anyone leaving the Club is just going to encounter the situation with deposits elsewhere and perhaps more rigorous requirements to pay up front 4/6 weeks prior to arrival. I imagine it will be met with some disappointment but probably accepted. Perhaps some older members whose thoughts might be whether it was time to give up might just hasten that decision. After a period of reflection I am sure it will all settle down?

    Talking it over with OH and one option when / if deposits are brought in is…. Rather than tie a lot of money up in deposits, which even if only £25 would mount up with the number we make, we might as well put it into another flexible booking with Brittany Ferries and go twice a year, rather than as we do now one tour here one over there. Then if for some reason we couldn’t go, all we would have to alter is one ferry booking at no cost, rather than numerous site bookings. All assuming things get back to near normal of course.😀

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited November 2021 #157
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  • Unknown
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2021 #159

     When at Willingcott you could have popped just down the  Road and said hello to JKwink

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited November 2021 #160

    I think from watching the AGM, the Club were pleased at the numbers who had chosen to renew for a second year, but then we are still in a pandemic situation, so no great surprise really. I suppose C19 and Brexit happening together were bound to require certain changes, new hurdles to going overseas, but plenty are more than happy to do it, and it was possibly a better option in terms of case rates, than here.
    Unfortunately, because of caring commitments, we are still reluctant to pay for expensive ferry/Chunnel fees for a mere 3 weeks maximum, and of course we have our elderly pooch in the equation as well, or we might very well have looked at France this year. I want to commit to at least six+ weeks though.

    Shame you had such a poor time in SW though AD, it can be a tad hit and miss. We knew getting down there would be fraught this year, hence why we took our time and hopped there and back on A and B roads. We dropped very lucky with our weather as well.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited November 2021 #161

    What many don't realise is that many members who take a real interest in the workings of the club are Centre members and ralliers. I'd be interested to know if their influence affects club decisions more than the rest of us? I don't think they'll be giving up and rally bookings already require a small deposit.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited November 2021 #162

    Thanks David

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited November 2021 #163

    Agree Brue, if you are a rally user, then Membership still worthwhile.

    Just out of interest, I know nothing about rallies, or Centres, but is there a price discount for a rally on a Club Site, can they use any of the Club Sites all year, or does the Club have any restrictions on when and where? Long time ago, but we got caught out arriving on spec at Dulverton, a normally not too busy Site was full with ralliers. Wasn’t an issue, we drove a bit further and had a nice week at Burrowhayes Farm instead. There was a rally happening at Exeter Racecourse when we left in September this year. This is very much I suspect where the “Club” heart beats.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited November 2021 #164
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited November 2021 #165


    I think I am right in saying that people that belong to Centres do have more opportunities to have input into the Club. Slightly ironic of course if they spend all their camping nights at rallies, so not using Club sites much, but possibly undue influence on how the Club do things?


  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited November 2021 #166

    Having run Willingcott site before I spent quite a bit of time (when I could) there this season helping out due to staff shortage. I probably spoke with AD!!wink


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2021 #167

    I understand that a  booked ,done via EGH rally on club sites do get a discount.? but not an individual member who rallies,

    But I understand not on all sites or at peak periods?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2021 #168

    surprisedIn the past your site was put forward to be an unstaffed site, with willingcott  staff "popping in to keep an eye on,it

    ,sounds as if that could be still on the cards if staffing levels do not improve over the network,surprised 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited November 2021 #169
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited November 2021 #170

    I could spend years touring France, in fact possibly just Aquitaine and never want to move on. 😂 All that history, wonderful churches and castles, and in many ways, so closely linked to the history of our own country. I think Tunnel would be first choice, I got seasick just motoring along in our MH a couple of years ago, so bad I ended up in A&E at Airedale District General, so just the thoughts of a ferry has me quaking.🤢 Maybe I could fly out, and meet OH😂 I had to do that back from Scillies, I was practically carried off the Scillonian on a flat calm sea. But we digress.....

  • Unknown
    edited November 2021 #171
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  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited November 2021 #172

    Thing is jv, I have an agreement with upstairs to stay on this site until I retire. If your theory becomes fact my retirement will be a little earlierundecided

    Apparently if we're all still here come the spring we will be fully staffed so I'm told. Fingers crossedwink


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited November 2021 #173

    Mb1 wrote "I'm all in favour of deposits and have said, on more than one occasion that, if and when they are introduced, it may affect how I book sites."

    How would it affect your habits if there was no deposit but a penalty scheme?

    As an aside, if CAMC wish to 'control' members conduct vis a vis 'no shows/late cancellation', a penalty scheme would be a better way than deposits as the amount of the penalty could be tuned to achieve the desired result. For well behaved members it would be 'business as usual'.

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited November 2021 #174

    A lot of people have stuff delivered to site Ad (remember that thread!!). Come mid season everything seems to blur overfoot-in-mouth What did you think of leisureshop direct AD? I've always found them to be helpful and reasonable. 

    No gas next year either.


  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited November 2021 #175

    I think your idea is very doable CY. Far easier to administer as well. 


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited November 2021 #176
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited November 2021 #177

    Agree. If the Club came down hard on anyone who transgressed Site or booking rules, it would soon get the message home to the few, and leave everyone else to get on with behaving as they should. It doesn’t really need deposits, just a limit on certain bookings at certain sites, at certain times of the year. Surely a booking system can be programmed to do this🤷‍♀️ You don’t turn up, you are charged for your full booking. You cancel within a stated period, you are charged a percentage. Club already operates this system on Experience Freedom. Incidentally, it costs £30 to amend a booking on there as well. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited November 2021 #178

    Is that a hint? 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited November 2021 #179

    We only tend to go for 6 weeks at a time, so wouldn’t fall foul of the rule. 6 weeks end of May to early July and again September / October. Now we have a MH we quite like touring in our own country, and utilising mainly CAMC sites for 1 / 4 day stays. However, given the number of bookings we make it may become a right faff, as well as expensive if any changes are needed. Not needing to book anything and the large Aires network, has a definite appeal in those circumstance

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited November 2021 #180

     As if I'd know CS!! Just my opinion.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited November 2021 #181

    Rallies on most types of sites (club or private) will usually be at a cheaper negotiated rate.