Servicing calls at CLs for Motorcaravans
Interesting info regarding the discharge of domestic waste into a public sewer. You just need to ensure that this is a foul sewer and not a surface water drain
Discharge of domestic waste into a public sewer
I've shown the relevant section for ease:
You do not need a permit:
Discharges in sewered areas
You should discharge your waste water to the public foul sewer whenever it’s reasonable to do so. You do not need an environmental permit to do this.
You must consult your sewerage undertaker before you:
make a new connection to the public sewer
discharge anything other than domestic sewageMaybe you just need your own set of manhole lifting keys!
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Peedee. Would you mind sharing with us the source / results of the Survey you quoted that had 9,000 motorhomers respondng?
Ted, the survey was conducted by CAMpRA (Campaign for Real Aires) in Novemeber 2020 to sound out the views of the membership which at the time stood at about 10,000 members. Current membership is just over 15,000 and still growing. It is available on their web site in their document library.
A survey is currently ongoing in Germany and France to also seek the views of motorhome owners over there. All the surveys are obviously aimed at gathering more facts reagarding establishing UK Aires. The strategy document also makes interesting reading.
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So it would not work then
The two seperate 2x CLs under differnt names on one property we stayed at last year cc site in area full
had a board with names and where to pitch on a board at entrance as owner/s were not on site except morning and evening ,new toilet block shared by both CLs a prime site for those told Cls offered Dump and Fill to use
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But those times are when some on the CLs are generally either leaving or arriving, so any non-stayer would cause problems on some sites, depending where the facilities are of course. How about between 3 and 4 pm when most new arrivals will have set up and before those already staying on the site are returning from their day out.
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I can’t speak for Scotland really as no idea of where BM is touring, and why it was so difficult last year. It does appear that there are less CLs, less BritStop like locations available, but from past experience of touring some areas up there, it doesn’t seem to lack campsites or caravan parks. We were up there three weeks early September and as I said in an earlier post, winged it without booking more than a day ahead, and averaged around £13.50 per night.
I don’t think we will have any problems finding a pitch, we need a lot less than some folks like or need, might need a bit of compromise on locations. There are over 2000 CLs, only Members can use them, and let’s face it, many don’t or won’t for a variety of reasons. What we pay might be a tad more, but really not worried to be honest. Bring it on....😁
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I think I can see your point
. After all:
As some site offer hard standings I expect them all to do so.
As some sites offer EHU I expect them all to do so.
As some sites offer free WIFI I expect them all to do so.
As some site offer fully serviced pitches I expect them all to so.
Etc, etc.
Would you agree?
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Well that does add some important context to your earlier post:
A survey last year in which 9000 owners responded indicated 96 percent of owners were willing to pay £10 per night just to park overnight and would pay more if there were motorhome services available as well.
These 9000 you initially posted were not a random sample that represent all motorhomers but a very biased one, that is they all want Aires as they are campaigning for them.
It's a bit like asking 9000 smokers the price of a pack of cigarettes and should we have more places to buy them. Not saying that MH-ing is the same as smoking but you get the idea?
Saying that 96% of 9000 out of 10000 who want Aires are prepared to pay £10 really tells us nothing about what the general population is prepared to pay?
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Some members of both major clubs, expect all the facilities you mention on all both clubs sites now , and that is although when going to book it does advise what is available
some friends of ours regaled us at several in van or at home visits the unbelievable antics of members, when on both faciity and non facility sites
Like walking round a non facility site in dressing gown looking for the shower block
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Actually my post wasn't correct which shows how little notice CS has taken of it.
The survey was carried out in September and publshed in November and was advertised widely on social media. I definitely recall seeing it on "Fun" the largest UK motorhome forum on the web.I believe it was also advertised on Pub Stopovers.
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No I did notice your corrected post on page 9 as I said prepared to pay in the last part of my post . You said acceptable I recall?
Either way, in your original and corrected post, you cannot deny it is a very biased sample and really cannot be taken as representing the general population of all MH.
All those responding were members of one particular group and one group that is campaigning for Aires. One cannot say it really represents anything but their own interests in the matter. It is hardly surprising that 96% were in favour of a course of action that would benefit them?
As I said a bit like asking smokers about if they are in favour of something to do with smoking.
I really am neutral on this topic either way, but I think that posts should give a balanced viewpoint?
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Some very interesting stuff via that link PD. Had a good look at the Cumbria- Northumberland tour link, as it’s a tour we do quite frequently. Will find time to have a good look at some of the other stuff as well, lots of information to read. 👍
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Either way, in your original and corrected post, you cannot deny it is a very biased sample and really cannot be taken as representing the general population of all MH.
You can think what you like CS, I have seen official stats from surveys with a lot less samples than that and any owner who was aware of it and had access to the web had the opportunity to vote.
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Apart from the point that you didn't answer my question about it being a very biased survey and my only 'thoughts' were about giving a a balanced viewpoint which your post or survey didn't (did it?), it is not about what I think on a number of levels is it PD?
It is about using good sampling processes to show that a survey represents the general MH population who might use such a facility. Yours did not.
It is about what CL owners think, so far owners on this thread have said they are not going to go down the OP's route for various reasons. They are the ones you will have to convince.
I have seen official stats from surveys with a lot less samples than that and any owner who was aware of it and had access to the web had the opportunity to vote.
Again please share your official statistics and sources and a definition of what official actually means? What official organisation are you referring to?
Also surveys with a lot less samples ? What does that mean? If you have a smaller sample it will be more less likely to represent the general population? Why would a lot less samples make your case stronger to owners?
any owner who was aware of it and had access to the web had the opportunity to vote.
I'm not sure what that means it is sort of self evident?
I'm really not against this idea though those that run CLs appear that way. So as been said upthread somewhere else and by NTH and TDA before, make a business case to them or get/support a group of people together to put up so money to make it happen?
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A survey last year in which 9000 owners responded indicated 96 percent of owners were willing to pay £10 per night just to park overnight and would pay more if there were motorhome services available as well. I think there are very very few who expect to pay nothing and of the 4 percent who wouldn't pay £10, considering it to be too expensive, they would probably be willing to pay something.
I didn't comment before on all what went through my mind at the time of our post. It says 96% of responders were willing to pay £10 to park overnight without fill and dump. It does not indicate what they might be willing to pay for fill and dump - only that if those facilities were provided that they would pay more.
Not totally relevant.
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keen to make a difference.
Most self-interest groups are. No idea what they are doing to achieve their aims. I supposed that they wee striving to promote the provision of Aires. But it seems that overnight parking without facilities is also desired.
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I think the idea of more aire type stopovers will come, but they will have little to do with the Club, it’s Club Sites, or CLs, simply because they are a different model.
Personally, I have no problem with this, we have happily paid our Membership fee, toured and stayed on both Club Sites and CLs for the last 30+ years, enjoying what has been provided for us by both Club and CLs throughout that time. That’s using a camper, caravans and now a small MH. Ok, we use less Club Sites now, mainly because of the prices and how busy they are, but the CLs are great, and provide just what we want from a tour. So personally no, I don’t see a need for CL owners to have to consider changing the balance of what they provide.
That doesn’t mean we don’t want to see more limited stopover options provided by others. Even with a caravan, we always required a transit stay if going a long way, and lots of such options are simply not there now, or not as safe. My hope is that some of the big land and property owners, NT, EH, CADW, National Parks, Forestry Commission will get on board and look at possible rural stopovers, with LA’s providing more urban, semi rural provision.
A big test of course will be what happens when the World re opens for travel, and just how much usage places get when those that are biding their time can head off overseas again. Hopefully therewill be a viable need, the growth in MH ownership is still happening.3 -
I agree with your point about stopovers and many laybys are now occupied by HGVs on their legal driving breaks which i agree is a good bit of legislation , the problem is when towing and advised by driving organisations and illuminated road signs to take a break after two hours driving and i find as i have got older i can qute agree ,it is diffcult in the UK to find any where for a stopover ,even service stations have HGVs filling caravan parking areas
How about petitioning the Clubs (both) for members to have a driving break using the LNA on sites when towing,
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If the staycations are going to be the future ,then i can see there may be some will cash in and prices will really go up, unless we get Mr Branson to start up his own "Easy Camps" to fill the gap in the market
Thats if the nimbies and ground available allow
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I'm not particularly interested either way as the big change will be the electrification or alternative propulsion of vehicles so that's another thread...electric chargers on CLs anyone? Stop offs to charge? So many changes ahead. I think we're just going to enjoy what we've got at the moment and book sites before they get full!