Covid Vaccine - Temporarily locked
Not ideal, but how many in that queue, have in their day gone to a rugby stadium and stood in the freezing cold for 3 hrs waiting for the first try to be scored, at least at the end of your wait you know that you have gotten something in your body that hopefully will help to save your life, my advice is to take a flask of coffee with a wee dram popped in , your fold up camping chair and your back copies of the club magazine
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I tried again to call the local hospital this morning who are vaccinating by appointment (I am eligible )and they hadn't even opened their lines 30 mins after they were supposed to. I am trying to find out if other centres are to be established because clearly the only one I know about in our area is overwhelmed and there is little chance of making an appointment there.
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Yes, lack of health and safety would be such a trivial excuse wouldn’t it?
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You must have had one to run your shop HD, you know, what to stock up on, when it might be needed, where to get it from, who might deliver it?
Or maybe you had enough common sense and experience not to require one.......unlike this bunch of bumbling amateurs.
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Certainly not, but for some reason that even my daughter cannot work out is that you have to have 2 people present when giving this jab, then there has to be a period of 10 -15 minutes of observation after the jab. There are also lots of issues re the handling of the vaccine, very important procedures and processess are followed to the letter if loads of vaccine are not to be wasted, Oxford one will not be so difficult or so i am told. laughing
That is the case for the flu jab at our health centre. No idea if it is a requirement, but they have one on the computer checking you off, the other administering. They swap over periodically.
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I'm really looking forward to reading your essay on how you would have known that the virus would mutate in such a way. How you would have ensured that there were sufficient vials. How you would speed up the batch validation process. How you would speed up the vaccination process and tackle all the other challenges this pandemic has caused. Every day is a learning day
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The observation period is there to make sure no one has an adverse reaction. Not everyone is aware they might suffer anaphylaxis. You don’t clog up a vaccination seat, they have socially distanced sitting areas, with someone checking all is well in that area. Mum was given a sticker with a time on it. After 15 minutes, she was allowed to leave. In the meantime she and I read through the information we were given, so it wasn’t wasted time. I cannot fault in any way how my Mum’s first vaccination went at our local Leisure Centre. Staff very organised, building well set out, and these were very frail vulnerable people, needing a great deal of help.
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"Or maybe you had enough common sense and experience not to require one.......unlike this bunch of bumbling amateurs."
I guess it is easy to mock whilst sat on the sidelines, but when there are so many balls in the air it is easy to see why it is difficult to keep them there e.g.
yesterday on the TV news a pharmcist was asking why they were not being used to give the vaccine, in the news today pharmacists are saying that they do not have time to give the vaccine due to other workloads e.g. making up and delivering perscriptions, maybe they should draft in some responsible teenagers to help out fill in excel spreadsheets etc, afterall they are not doing on-line learning, my daughter had just 5 students log on yesterday, they have all been provided with iPads etc
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Result to my enquiries. Another centre is being established next week and I have been informed I will be contacted by phone to attend that one rather than call them for an appointment. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.
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Not necessarily, it depends on the system. Here in MK the instruction is to ring the dedicated number at the hospital but only if you are in a certain age group, no doubt that age group will change as they progress through the vaccinations. The venue for the vaccinations is actual in the Academic Centre at the Hospital which is a separate building. It is possible that more venues will become available as the vaccine becomes more readily available but I doubt it will be down to all medical centres as some are quite small, but we will see.
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Come off it LLM. It’s not rocket science to predict that a flu like virus will decimate a care home if a patient with it is let loose. It’s not rocket science to observe what was happening in Italy in March and then realise the same was going to happen here in April. It’s not rocket science to predict that if your country isn’t set up to manufacture PPE you will be in deep sh*t and there will be world shortages. It’s not rocket science to realise that to vaccinate millions your logistics, training and delivery will need to be in place. Don’t you think that the country might now, at this very moment, be reaping the idiocy of allowing people to disperse willy nilly all over UK over Christmas?
The other thing to remember is that there was just such a “what if” training and response scenario played out in UK a few years before this pandemic, and all the failures where highlighted at the time. And ignored. I call that rank incompetence, but others will be more forgiving.
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Hi PD,As others have said you wait till invited.
We have heard the message to this effect from our GP, when making n appointment, and there have been two appeals on local TV/Radio for people not to call Plymouth Derriford hospital as the call centre has been "inundated" with callers asking to be vaccinated.
What prompted you to call?
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How were we going to stop those going "willy nilly"all over the country against advise ,when we have over the years eroded any semblance for respect for others, with the drive by some to not stop anyone doing what they deem their rites?
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I hope you appreciated the pat on the head, my children forgot any discomfort immediately👍🏻
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And the “schools will be open and are safe” sound bite. That’s going really well at the moment......
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Big plus one to that, all changed within 24 hours!
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But as we in this area were aware,it was just before christmas that it was noted the virus was not doing what the experts had expected,,hence the frantic reappraisal of the situation a such short notice as has been with this lockdown ,as was the knee jerk reaction by the Macron government
even though it seems the mutated strain had not been picked up when it was in Denmark
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I agree that allowing mixing at Xmas was a big mistake, far worse was allowing schools and Unis to open. Kids and young adults are brilliant vectors.
As for the foresight has it not occurred to you that it all takes time, time that was not available to ramp things up. For example you tell me how you would design, build, test, and ramp up the production of a vials in such a short period from scratch.
It is just easy to sit back and criticise. Do you think it helps?
Now instead of demonstrating your 20/20 hindsight how about giving us a view of the future and of what you would do now.
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When was the government warned?
The same "Hand wringing" was being done by some school heads that were saying it was to late to get testing organised ,but there was also those heads who did not see a problem
It is the same in any situation, some can organise some have more of a problem
, If the "experts?"( not those who are expected to be advised by them) as they keep advising, it is still a very new situation we are in and a very steep learning curve