Wifi Price rise
I noticed, too.😃
I'm not sure about making money this year, Dooby. You might have noticed that sites were closed for at least 3 months and extra costs have been incurred due to C19.
Have you not thought that someone has to pay for the Wi-fi and if it became 'free' the cost would inevitably lead to an increase in fees elsewhere?
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There can be no such thing as free wifi on a caravan site. The users of the site effectively all pay for it out of pitch fees as this is the income source for any site.
Many say that they won't pay for it and prefer to tether to a phone or use a mifi. OH and I pay for a single user. It suits her at the van she is more likely to read a book. I use it happily on CMC sites however and now I never read a book. As we don't watch TV I am often on the CMC wifi. If OH wants to go online at the same time we use a mifi for one of us and it used if needed out and about, or on various sites. For us it makes economic sense as well as a second string. I don't wish for those who choose not to use it to pay for my usage. I suspect that on many sites if it was 'free' (in reality included in the fees) there would me more users and the system would not cope.
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I choose to eat at places that advertise free WIFI D69, I’m with you on that👍🏻. It’s a good draw although I doubt C&MC need a draw to get folk to use their sites as many use them regardless of price.
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I choose not to use wifi when I am eating
I only use internet when at the caravan or maybe for directions in towns or cities. We all have different wants.
I doubt C&MC need a draw to get folk to use their sites as many use them regardless of price.
Maybe many use them despite the price as they like what the sites provide to them.
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There is no "free wifi" the price you pay at the till for goods/services is inclusive
The wifi where available on most club sites is contracted out to Airangel who are responsible for any "problems " with the system on sites you will notice it is them them you pay the fees to, and can only be done when on sites to them not the club
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I was relating to eateries👍🏻, if I see ‘free WIFI’ I eat there if not I don’t. It’s free to me😊
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I agree completely👍🏻(C&MC) the eating thing we differ I like to keep in contact even when refuelling it helps my digestion, I guess it’s what you are used too, I don’t lift my pinky when drinking either. . .Always the rebel eh?🤣🤣
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Thing is, "free" wifi in pubs, restaurants, banks or even campsites is very limited, fine for browsing or checking emails - but what (many) folk may be expecting is similar to what they experience at home and that is a non starter for "free"!
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As this is in the club membership section and M I think your point is not applicable really. M is correct.
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I think you have misread my post again ET, btw is adjudicating the new CT word for daring to agree with someone?
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As I'm sure you know M was talking about free wifi in pubs, restaurants... in the UK and he was not in error, I've found the same yet your point was about one site abroad.
I mean this is the club section and the OP is asking about wifi on club sites, nothing to do with overseas touring so your post was off topic and not useful unless the Op was asking about that?
If you had posted about a UK (club) site where the 'free' wifi better than what M had described you may have had a valid point, have you such a site in mind?
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yet I was not doing that, merely replying to a post, is that not allowed anymore without such a comment from you?
The same application of adjudication could be applied to other post and indeed your posts but I'm too polite to do that.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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I have always used the club wifi, right from the very start, even though the connection is not great on some sites. I last purchased 12 months worth for £27.50 on 14th September 2019, but for various reasons I only had chance to use it for a 4 day period in November 2019. Earlier this month I spent 2 nights at Tewkesbury Abbey C&MH club site and tried using the club wifi but found it very difficult to connect at all and when I did connect it was very slow. As a result I started using my mobile phone connection on 4G and found it very quick to connect. I will be using this in future even though it appears that the caravan club wifi period has been extended, without cost, by about 3 months. I assume this is because of the shutdown period due to covid. Could anyone please tell me if using 4G is as safe or safer than using the club wifi.
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Well done on discovering 4G. I think I've said before in this thread that I tether my pad to my phone and use 4G. It doesn't eat a tremendous amount of data, depending what you use it for, and is far more efficient than club WiFi. It also works in many more places.
Public WiFi should never be considered secure and the mobile network is thought safer. Some folk even use mobi at home rather than a landline broadband system.