Bristol Site
Many thanks ET, I was hoping you would come on to shed so professional light on the matter. From what you say it is difficult to see what the Transport Development body is complaining about. The distances quoted in the Club's submission are 120m to the left and 142m to the right.
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The site is next to the Bedminster Cricket ground which is also used for over flow parking when there's a football match on at the nearby stadium. There will be times when access to the site is impinged, eg local roads closed for the Balloon Fiesta etc apart from that it's a typical city area with a steady flow of traffic during the day but quieter at night.
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To me many of the documents by officials objecting to the campsite are somewhat spurious. They mention tidal flooding which is a one in 200 year event! They mention increased traffic although the events mentioned by Brue above far outnumber any increase from the building of the campsite. The Senior Conservation Architect mentions the visual harm the site would cause. No house owner will be impacted as there are none. Mention is made of the impact on the Clifton area and the Suspension Bridge of a site " Will be affected by the clutter of caravans" What he fails to mention is that where it might be visible you would need a powerful pair of binoculars to see that clutter. It seems to me that the Council don't actually want a campsite anywhere near the City!!! Perhaps the Club need a decent Planning Consultant who would challenge the objections?
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Perhaps it's a good time to go for planning permission. The whole Covid thing may make folk think slightly differently. Bristol like many other places will be desperate to get its tourist economy going again. In normal times it would benifit from many overseas visitors. Those are likely to take a long time to recover and may not depending on how things pan out. It would seem stupid to throw away an almost guaranteed income stream.
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Emailing may be the better option if taken into consideration but not published online.
EDIT: Just read through the Privacy notice again, even if you Email it will be added to the site with all personal details, minus Email address and phone number.
I have emailed them my comments in support of the development anyway stating I have withheld my full name and address for security reasons. They can either consider it or not but I feel I have done my bit.
Perhaps if enough of us do this it might have some impact!
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I didn't bother checking the privacy terms etc but in the automated response I received it states they require your name and address for the following reasons:
A name and postal address is essential when deciding whether to grant planning permission because it allows us to assess the information and take into account where you are in relation to the application.
As I have provided a reason for submitting the request and my position in relation to the request, I do not feel as a none resident in the area any further information should be necessary.
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It's a public matter and all contributors have to be seen to be publicly verified. I wondered if the club could have asked for support from members in another way but it boils down to "being in the public domain."
The Baltic Wharf site is unique in it's waterside position, this site doesn't offer the same but it would provide a base for much needed visitors to explore the area.
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It’s simple really. Anyone wishing to support the application and retain a degree of anonymity just needs to write, email, whatever. It’s announcing what you have done on here that destroys your anonymity! We all use a forum name, rather than our own, probably only a few friends that might make the link?
(Unless of course your forum name is your name, in which case any anonymity is history anyway!)😁
PD, in the past, when we have supported or not supported planning applications, we have always had updates on that application even if out of our area. We still get the odd letter from East Lothian regarding a wind farm!
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I think the problem viz a viz adding an official comment to the planning application compared to sending an email of support is that the latter could well be ignored during the planning hearing. For my sins I have made a public comment because I wanted not only to support the application but also to challenge some of the conclusions reached by Local Authority officials. At the end of the day what I have written may also be ignored as those officials will, no doubt, continue to support their own conclusions. The process is that the application will come before the Planning Committee who in the main are ordinary Councillors and we have to hope they will look at the project overall rather than just the nitty gritty of what the planning guidelines say. To my mind the greater number of people who are willing to officially comment on the application the more likely it is to have some influence. I suspect the majority of us are at a disadvantage as we don't live in Bristol and as such our comments won't carry as much weight. What we have to try and do is plant the doubt that the planners are making a mistake by rejecting this application.
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I agree fully DK. Better a well thought out letter than a basic email, even if the letter is emailed😁
I think it needs support from other than Bristol area as well, showing how tourism can help an area.
I am not a fan of Planning Committees. I have sat in on some, eyebrow raising at times😲
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I can understand people's concerns about privacy, in fact I had a few concerns myself but then I thought if I am serious about making a comment to the application I have to bite that bullet. Just hope the bullet doesn't ricochet back at me!!!
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(Unless of course your forum name is your name, in which case any anonymity is history anyway!)😁
Even knowing my own name and location I have never been able to find anything on the internet about myself
Using my username will find hits though but nothing that I need to hide and it is used by many and so loads of hits
It is interesting though that somebody who thought they were security conscious had no idea. Following a remark about security online I sat down one day, about 10 years ago, and tried to find information online about her.
OK I new where she lived but I ignored what I already knew. What did I find armed initially with her e-mail address?
Her middle name
Her Address
Her date of birth
Her daughters address (same house)
Her mother's maiden name
Her Date of birth and was able to work out her daughters date of birth by a birthday comment on facebook
Her son's address and name and his wife's name
There was more but as it was about 10 years ago I can't recall the rest.
Most of the info took 20 mins but in total I spent an hour.
Her mistake was posting her e-mail address on a forum which had a grandparent's surname on the post even though I did not recognise her forum name. A google search on her e-mail address had that one hit. The rest fell in place easily.
It is surprising the silly things that folk post. On a caravan forum a poster had mentioned helping another member out who lived just round the corner and he named the street of the other member. I sent him a PM to warn him that he might want to get admin to delete the street name and told him that he might wish to change his I also told him and his friends full addresses. Pretty easy and the PM was sent about 5 mins of me seeing his post. His avatar had an image of his caravan on the road outside a house made distinctive by the wide curve of the pavement outside his house to where the road was set back. The street name that he mentioned made it very easy as it did not have more than 3 or 4 hits on google
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There are quite a few comments on the planning application from members. It's entirely up to them if they want to comment, it's good to see there is support out there. In some ways the numbers staying on Baltic Wharf over the years should also support the application, I see the SS GT Britain notes they have enjoyed visits from many CAMC visitors and supports the provision of a new site.
I note that there is also a change of use application for the children's nursery, near the proposed site alongside the cricket ground. So two applications close together in the same area.
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ET there is no point in making it easy for anyone.
DK I too thought hard over whether to go public but given our views are not going to count for a great deal, I decided an email was my preferred option stating that I wished to withhold my full name and address. If that is unacceptable and it is not taken into any account. so be it but I have not received a reply that this will be so. Knowing how little account they will take of public opinion it won't matter. They may well also consider wisiting members comments biased.
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Completely right about outsiders commenting whichever method is used as they probably won't count for much except in showing the demand for such a site which might influence the lay people of the Planning Committee. The route to overturning the objections is the have a good planning consultant and a specialist Barrister if it were to go to the Inspector. I hope the Club has such a person.
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The CityKamp website shows what sort of campsites other cities have. Bristol deserves better than this mean little proposal.
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Looks like the determination has not yet been made in spite of the deadline being passed. Folk are still posting comments about the application. I don't expect the Club to comment but anybody local got any further information? Perhaps the delay is good news?
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Have sent this comment in support of application. It would be a great pity if we didn't have a site with easy access to Bristol. and particularly the harbour front.