Cirencester Park access road



  • Kasspa
    Kasspa Club Member Posts: 379
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    edited June 2020 #92

    Glad I've come across this topic as we are booked in for 2 nights en rte home from Woolacombe after a 15 day tour of the south west......

    Will watch with interest & perhaps decide to drive straight home! 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited June 2020 #93

    I doubt you'll get that bus around there 😄.

    Mind you, after the lanes of the SW, it'll be child's play😋

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2020 #94

    When you get your call from the cc about payment and your time slot you could put the questionwink

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2020 #95
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  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited June 2020 #96

    i think something obviously went wrong in the consultation process. Was the Club railroaded or did they drop the ball? The design looks absurd for the vehicles that will use it. I might venture to try it solo but certainly not towing.


  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited June 2020 #97

    Do you not think that the "relevant" CAMC person was on furlough and therefore not able to be involved?

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited June 2020 #98

    I believe planning was started in June last and approved around December. So no excuse of C19 over that period. We actually visited at the beginning of September and middle of October and didn't see any notices, although I suppose they would have been posted somewhere.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited June 2020 #99

    Surely the college would have realised the plans would effect the caravan site that they would have made sure they Club had its say?


  • Kasspa
    Kasspa Club Member Posts: 379
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    edited June 2020 #100

    Did the video not show the old pot holed road adjacent to it?

    Perhaps it would be safer just to re-open that!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited June 2020 #101

    As I mentioned up thread the Club site appears to be on land owned by the Bathurst Estate and it would seem the consultation went via that route which suggested a five metre wide road was required. Apparently the College, who own the land the road is on rejected that suggestion in favour of what we now have. Given that the Club did not seem to raise any objection at the planning stage could suggest that perhaps, as the land owners, the Bathurst Estate was acting on its behalf? If they removed the boulders I think most people would be happy. However the concern on the College I expect is that if you remove the boulders the edges of the road will become rutted so perhaps we are in a Catch 22? Whilst I can understand the Club not wanting to spend money on something they don't own I do wonder that if they had been prepared to contribute to the cost they could have had a far greater say in the outcome?


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited June 2020 #102

    Well they could volunteer to pay the cost of renovating the old road tied to having a one way system for most of the route but one asssumes there were reasons for replaceing the old road  in the first place. Perhaps its reuse could be reconsidered in the light of what has happened?


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2020 #103

    The Old lane was only a single track if you kept to the remains of itsurprised ,the only way it was  able to be used in some places by two vehicles,was because of  years ofvehicles  driving via what in the past was the verges?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2020 #104
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited June 2020 #105

    Only time we have ever stayed at CP was in the 1990’s. We arrived in a horrendous storm, don't think we could even see the road, let alone the pot holes. Our welcome wasn’t up to scratch, nor was our pitch, so we have never been tempted back. We found a lovely pub based campsite just South and that’s been our choice ever since. 

    Sadly, it does need that new road sorting out, if folks are cancelling stays there, it is a popular stop for many, in a nice area.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2020 #106
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  • DaveT
    DaveT Forum Participant Posts: 174
    edited June 2020 #107

    It would be difficult not to believe that this has been a carefully planned scheme by the college to rid themselves of the club site. The entrance road is totally unfit for purpose and the boulders are there purely to discourage use. It will be absolutely fine for the cricket and tennis clubs and the local dog walkers (some of whom use 4x4's). It is a large site which is located far enough from the centre of town not to cause offence. Why someone has now decided to modify the road scheme is open to discussion. The club brings a lot of revenue to the town. Perhaps the chamber of commerce need to be made aware just how much! In these difficult times I do find it short-sighted that Cirencester want to ignore this additional and in some cases essential income. If (and I doubt) that any modifications to the road are made, there should be no concessions made (i.e. just the removal of the rocks), it needs to be a 5M road as anyone who has seen the walkers, pupils, cars, vans etc that use it will attest. Sadly for us, it looks as though our visit last Christmas will be our last. Thanks to Dan and the OP for highlighting it.

  • DaveT
    DaveT Forum Participant Posts: 174
    edited June 2020 #108

    I have contacted the Cirencester chamber of commerce to  remind them how much income the club and its members generate for Cirencester. I have also made it quite personal by including in my e-mail (as a CC:) some of the businesses we use (who actually may not be aware of this ludicrous road scheme). I guess they won't be happy. In my opinion, the site is now untenable and there is a threat of closure or reduction in size. Either way, as it stands we have a lose/lose for us and Cirencester.

    Anyone who would like to help can either contact the chamber of commerce by phone or at this e-mail address.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited June 2020 #109

    The main risk from the old road was down to the huge deep potholes. Which could easily cause damage to power movers if you entered them at any speed. Fortunately the road was straight, except for the last bit, and you could see if anything was comming towards you before you turned in. There were plenty of places, once past the house near the end,  where you could move over and pass, even another caravan.

    Now there are two right angle bends before the straight with no passing places and added land mines (rocks). Even on the straight the size of the passing places will not permit two caravans to pass. If you mitigate this with all out by 12, earliest arrival 1, there are still occasional bin lorries, delivery lorries to the cricket club, tennis club and site, as well as MH's exiting for shopping etc.

    Unfortunately I can't see the old road entering into any reappraisal. One of the main reasons for the new road was to separate students from traffic. 

    If the rocks stay, I can't see much of a future for the site. Even without them folk may be put off.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2020 #110

    Presumably, as when I have applied for planning, any adjoining party likely to be directly affected would have been informed of the application. If one did not make a response I would not chase them up ..... would you if your application suited your requirement? 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited June 2020 #111

    Its hardly the run of the mill household application ET. We are talking about something which could have/has had a major effect on someones business. If there had been no reponse, as the owner or agent of the plan I would think I wonder why. Did they receive the notification? It might be wise to at least submit a prompt.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2020 #112

    Why did the plans get approved it seems , during lockdown when a lot of those involved could have been furloughed or working from home, so any corespondence could very easily have been missedundecided

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2020 #113

    The ones that I made at work were not 'run of the mill' either. Mainly for household waste public recycling facilities. As well as advising interested parties of the planning application I also did them the courtesy of providing a copy of the submission and plans by recorded delivery along with a covering letter and my contact details. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2020 #114

    The club would surely have had staff opening post at HQ one imagines. If they were advised and did not respond that was their own look out

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2020 #115

    Did the staff at the site know about it? their input could be helpfull

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2020 #116

    Question to ask the area manager

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2020 #117

    Who is the sites first contactwink

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2020 #118

    If the CMC wanted to influence the road layout they had the option to engage a competent highway engineer. From my perspective a 3m wide carriageway (if that is what it is) is too narrow to accommodate vehicles and pedestrians (or wheel chair and other mobility forms) regardless of any other aspect. Maybe the local highways authority thought otherwise.  

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited June 2020 #119

    I've just received this email from the club to my email of 8 days ago and now it seems so have many others on FB so it seems a generic reply to members.

    Good afternoon,

    Thank you for contacting the Club regarding the details and design layout of the new access road to Cirencester Club Site. The single-track road is owned and has been developed by Cirencester College to replace the former single-track road on a like for like basis but in an alternative position.

    Whilst the Club had visibility of the proposed layout at planning stage – including the addition of official passing points which the former single-track road did not –  we were not aware of the inclusion of boulders in this scheme. Whilst we understand that the college have used these boulders to preserve the integrity of the banks at the side of the road, we are encouraging them to consider alternatives as it is these boulders which are causing the greatest concern.

    Our Head of Estates and operational management team are now working with the College to encourage improvements to support our members and all users of the road.

    "The former single track road on a like for like basis!


     It hasn't been built the same as the old road. It is a lot narrower, it has bends and earth sides which will obstruct vision.

    "These boulders are causing great concern"

    Whilst this is true for caravans and damage there is no mention of the safety of pedestrians who have to share the road.



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2020 #121

    As i posted earlier ,i do not think the Road is Narrower it just the old road had been made "wider" over the years ,, vehicles have as found in numerous places where roads are/were narrow made them "wider" by useing the "verges" 


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