Brave New World?
Usual reply when there is no real answer, and then decide the usual pop at others is a deflection ,
And I note you are another have not read the post i was replying to in the first place,
Ps I retired in 1994 and have done the Europe bit and with both types of LV ,and have no problem with others doing it but , this country has just as many places that match "over there" but of course that seems alien to some
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WN wrote "eventually all will return to pre corvid levels."
That'll be something to crow about.
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Certainly not raven about it at the moment and I think it'll be several summers before caravans will be making that migration abroad. 😉
Sad really but possibly very true. However I'll happily make the most of over here whenever and wherever I can.
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Our world will and has changed immeasurably due to virus.
Commuting will still happen but the victorian working ways have gone forever. The pollution will come back, for a while.
Communication IT has evolved and continue to evolve and will dominate our lives even more. Some good some not so good.
Oil will not dominate the world economy, we really dont need it or the power brokers that control it, the world is brave enough to make this happen.
A new political word will emerge, my childrens generation (and certainly the generation after them) do not accept that any of the communist, socialist, capitalist worlds work. We have a right wing government with a huge majority enacting more socialist policy than any Labour administration. Just doing good stuff without dogma actually may work. Something good may come from this.
Celebrities have been shown to be pointless and not needed, lets hope we can expand on this and reward people who do good for society.
The world of 'stuff' has been shown to be a commercially driven racket that society doesn't need. More people than ever realize that you don't need stuff to be happy.
In time, historians will mark this as one of the most significant changes to humanity.
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Pristine, pre C19 untouched paper. When I write one, it could be the first time that paper has been touched for years. I shall hand it over wearing gloves, and then it’s the responsibility of the recipient😁
You’d be surprised how many CLs are happy to take cheques, and cottage owners. However, if it’s possible I would pay by BACS transfer, but we would still roll in on a whim to some sites😁
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We still hope to do more overseas travel. We might even have to do it in our MH now, as it’s probably the safest and least reliant upon having to share transportation with others.
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We will continue to travel to Europe and the rest of the world once this is over.
If the holiday insurance is costly then so be it, we didn't work hard most of our adult lives to sit at home and count our pennies in our retirement.
We have never wasted money and that won't change, we rarely eat out, I can't remember the last time we went to a pub, unless it was for a meal. The money we spend when away in the van is pennies compared to what a cruise costs or a hotel based holiday for that.
We have already booked and paid for our flights to Lanzarote next March.
If we can't get away to Europe this year then we will tour the UK once its allowed.
JV, folk can do both you know. We lived abroad for 20 years and saw a fair bit of Europe then, we like the variety of countries both over there and here. Weather does play a part of it but its not the be all and end all. For me its about the open spaces, the people, the way of life and the fact that I can go for a bike ride without putting my life at risk
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BC(before Covid-19) AD(after disease) yup, it’s certainly a new era.
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JVB, being a lifetime member doesn't give you license to break the community guidelines
Just saying!
The thread is better open than another one closed eh?
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Give it a rest, eh. 😬
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Good post, TG!
We're pretty similar to you, love to get away both in the UK and around the world. And although we use hotels these days, in our younger days we toured a lot of Europe camping. We stayed in Cyprus and Lanzarote for many years when working and restricted to set holiday dates. Nowadays we have had more time to visit different countries and get further afield whilst still spending a lot of time in Cornwall and elsewhere around the UK.
We have a Greek Islands holiday booked for the end of September and would love to think we can still go. But there is so much uncertainty around at the moment that we'll leave it till the last possible minute to make a final decision. It may mean us losing our deposit and insurance money but that's nothing compared to remaining healthy.
One big factor for us will very what would happen when we return to the UK - I've read that it's possible folk will be told to isolate for 14 days on returning and for us that would be a deal breaker - we can ask friends to look after the dogs for a fortnight but I think a month might be stretching their good will a bit too far,
So many factors to consider but at some stage I feel everyone will have to accept some new form of normal and get back to doing the things we all enjoyed before the current crisis.
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Fortunately for us the last hotel holiday we went on was in 1980. Although we have used hotels for the odd night or two over the years, we have never been particularly keen and don't desire a cruise, so we are not going to miss any of that.
It's either been tents, self catering cottages, or in later years caravan and MH. Although we like visiting the occasional city and particularly like visiting National Trust / English Heritage properties etc. We are equally content to walk in the countryside all day. Even before having the MH we looked for sites with good public transport links. As we will no longer be keen to use this, in the immediate future it will be more important they have good walking direct from the site.
All that remains is to see on what basis the sites open up, as I think it will be a fair while before we are comfortable on an anywhere near full site.
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Very Patient indeed, Brue ! Wonder if the Autumn Show at the NEC will go ahead. It should be safe to travel there 'cos there is the Birmingham Nightingale Hospital on site at present so if anybody should cough, splutter or get over-heated about prices of 'vans or accessories there will be plenty of beds, nurses, oxygen ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
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Just a couple of days ago you said this (which I very much agree with) to JVB, David -
"As you say and I paraphrase there is a big world out there ..."
No need to restrict yourself if you can't get back to your first choice location - try somewhere new, you never know, it might be even better!
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Hi David, unlike you and TG we do eat out quite often and I would say it’s what my wife misses most about the current situation.
We enjoy having a BBQ and the associated drinks, it’s more an event with food and drink than just “doing dinner”, and when we holiday with our MH buddies we cook on day, them the next then eat out.
We have tried cruises, three so far, and for the last three years have done an AI haul holiday early in the year with the same friends. This started after seeing that a holiday in Mexico was no more than going to Tenerife when looking for something to fill the gap between Summer trips with the van.
Enjoyable though this was, as an addition to using the van, we had already decided that next year we would try something different and who knows what the options may be by then.