French Campsites Re-opening May?

hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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I am in touch with a site in Southern France that we visit regularly and they are planning to reopen on 15th May. They have consulted with local government and other campsites in the region and will take precautions if any virus threat remains in the area. This, of course, is with the proviso that borders are open and there are no prohibitions in force.

Good news or just wishful thinking?



  • marchie1053
    marchie1053 Forum Participant Posts: 584
    edited April 2020 #2

    I think it's wishful thinking. The Coronavirus Blog in the Guardian reported that France was considering extending the lockdown until May so that would make 15thMay very ambitious!


  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,760
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    edited April 2020 #3

    +1.  Lots of questions in relation to that.   Just a few to start with.

    Do they know something the rest of us don't? 

    Can they supply all the tests we so desperately need for health workers everywhere?  

    Do they think in just 6 weeks from now, it would be advisable for people to travel all over the place, when in China, where all this started over 3 months ago, new cases are still happening?

    Pie in the sky, wishful thinking, or, if this was 2 days ago, April Fool.

    I'd also say irresponsible.



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2020 #4
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  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2020 #5

    I do like the glass half full attitude of the French site management laughinglaughinglaughing

    I would think until folk can get a test that proves they have had the virus, then getting insurance will be hard.

    There may be those who wouldn't bother about that but I for one am not willing to take that risk and travel abroad without insurance.

    Hopefully by the time its ok (next year) we will have either had it or a vaccine will be available. 

  • marchie1053
    marchie1053 Forum Participant Posts: 584
    edited April 2020 #6


    I believe that the vaccine is still 18 months away. Travel Insurance will have to be available [but what a price!] because the Government will be 'reminding' the ABI of its service obligations. The even bigger 'but', though will centre upon COVID 19 cover. The present exclusion of this cover is probably not something the Insurers will be to concede for new policies ...


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited April 2020 #7

    Probably about as likely as the Tour de France going ahead, which unless I've missed it they are still clinging to.

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited April 2020 #8

    IMO we will be lucky if camping as we know it returns as early as next year, in France or here in the UK.
    I don't think that is a pessimistic view , more a positive one and requires there being quite a bit of luck. Here is hoping normality will return even that early.

  • Unknown
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    edited April 2020 #9
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  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited April 2020 #10

    The site we use in the S of France has said they MIGHT re-open AFTER the summer. I`m getting the impression this will be going on for longer than were led to believe in the initial stages not necessarily a full lock down but nor total freedom we used to enjoy. Aside from that when you see pictures of people dying in hospitals will you really have the confidence to travel in anything such as a ferry until the virus is defeated.

  • marchie1053
    marchie1053 Forum Participant Posts: 584
    edited April 2020 #11


    This is a 'cut & paste' from the Guardian Global Coronavirus Blog, posted at 19:00 tonight:

    The coronavirus death toll in France has reached 7,560 since 1 March, the health ministry has said. This figure includes hospitals and nursing homes.

    Of these 5,532 occurred in hospital, up from 5,091 on Friday. This is a lower increase than in previous days.

    The number of deaths in care homes was 2,028, up 612 from yesterday.

    There are now 68,606 confirmed cases in France, and 28,143 in hospital. Of these 6,838 are in intensive care units up from 6,662 the previous day.

    Of those in intensive care, 35% are under 60 years old, 60% are between 60 -80, 105 patients are under 30 years old).

    15,438 patients have been cured.

    Asked if France was seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, Jérôme Salomon, head of the French health authority, said: “It is not a drop in admissions to intensive care it is a drop in the increase.'

    I doubt M. Salomon left the Briefing and thought, 'I must speak to the Tourism Minister about the Camping and Caravan Season. It may have slipped his mind ...' undecided

    And, before the lockdowns started in Europe, France let UK know that it was not at all happy with Britain's treatment of the pandemic threat, and threatened to ban Brits from entering France.

    On that basis, I think Europe, much less just France will be either closed or barely geared up for tourism this year.


  • Lew Jack
    Lew Jack Forum Participant Posts: 25
    edited April 2020 #12

    I believe that Steve's ''cut & pasted' article from the Guardian (above) is extremely clear.  Any relaxation of the current restrictions on International travel is wishful thinking on anyone's part. Nothing wrong in having one's glass half-full but I'm fully accepting that mine is well and truly empty.  Keeping everything crossed that by the time Christmas pokes its head above the parapet, there may be some positive changes.  Meanwhile, my deepest condolences to the families of early departed relatives. Regards to all - keep safe & keep well. Lew

  • GlenandLes
    GlenandLes Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited April 2020 #13

    As France has just extended its official lockdown until 11th May I think it highly unlikely sites will be open for early summer trading - and I see the Tour de France has been postponed, with a suggestion it may be able to go ahead in August.

  • marchie1053
    marchie1053 Forum Participant Posts: 584
    edited April 2020 #14

    Tour de France rescheduled for late August now but a scientist at Edinburgh University has said today that the decision is madness. Assuming that the virus spread is under control by then [and that's a big 'if'], you will have thousands of people [mainly spectators], crowded into spaces like 'Dutch Corner',cyclists from different continents and a nationwide tour that will facilitate the spread of the virus allover again, right across the country.

    Even allowing a couple of weeks in the hope of missing the incubation period, that would take us past the end of season date, and I feel it is a needless risk to even think about France for this year.

    Perhaps next year, can't think of any other event that might cause problems ... undecided


  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Forum Participant Posts: 210
    edited April 2020 #16

    Just trust that the club continues to negotiate carryovers on ferry and sites tbh. Just where we will all be next year is in the lap of the viral Gods!

    Another hit like this next year isn't impossible and just how GB and the rest of the world would cope leaves me cold. Having just achieved my four score years my available touring years are precious, not helped by insurance ramp-ups which will almost certainly follow Corvid 19.

    As my van is on my drive and the sun is shining we are considering carting some wine and stores outside and having a make-believe French week!!!!!

    Stay Safe 'Vanners !!!!

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2020 #17
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited April 2020 #18

    Don't really fancy going abroad this year, even if it was permitted. If  we hopefully haven't caught the virus, I would rather not catch it several days from home. Much as we would like to spend September in Provence, I think we will risk the weather over here.🌧 If even that is allowed.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,760
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    edited April 2020 #20

    I have said similar on another thread somewhere.  Can't see going abroad will be an option this year, and like you, even if it was possible, I wouldn't want to.  

    In fact, we were talking yesterday to our neighbours - at a suitable distance of course - and we all agreed that once the lockdown rules start being relaxed, we'd all be quite nervous at going out "properly" again.  So the thought of even travelling to a caravan site, and staying there, at the moment seems really strange.  I really think we'll need to adjust again to being able to go out as we used to - eventually, whenever that may be.  

    I just hope we all get through this terrible time.

  • Paulpro
    Paulpro Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited April 2020 #21

    As an additional sad thought, I suppose that the longer this situation carries on, possibly throughout this year at least and even onwards, that the financial situation may well lead to some or even perhaps a lot of the campsites going out of business!

    Our own government is providing interim support in varying degrees to our own businesses but I am uncertain as to the level and duration of support that may be on offer to all the different business structures throughout the EU.

    We must face the sad likelihood that a lot of our familiar and favourite campsites, both in the UK and EU will not be available to us again - when this all manages to clear  away and our lives can resemble something near to normality.

    The ongoing threat to our lives presented by Covid-19 is not going to end overnight and any return to things as they were is likely to take months and months as things are gradually released and tested to see if there is any reoccurrence of the virus.

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited April 2020 #22

    The site I was referring to are saying that they are definitely opening this summer; just waiting for the OK from the authorities. They are also extending their opening season into October. Even if open, not sure I would want to cross borders to get there. Normally we would consider late August to mid-September.

  • Watendlath
    Watendlath Forum Participant Posts: 232
    edited April 2020 #23

    From the FNHPA about campsites re-opening from mid-May.

    It’s a Google translate but the gist is clear. It just remains to be seen if it happens and the UK lockdown allows us to travel, but it is a bit of light at the end of the Chunnel.

    Here, in essence, is the draft of the FNHPA's proposed health plan

    Phase I - mid-MAY
    Opening of all campsites by degrading certain services:
    No swimming pool
    Grocery with health protocol
    Restoration limited to takeaway
    No table service
    No bar
    Open sanitaire with cleaning and disinfection protocols
    Sense of traffic
    Limiting the number of equipment (example: one in two sinks)
    Reception equipped to protect staff
    Limited reception in number of customers
    Focus on digital solutions
    No pen available...
    No parties with the public

    Phase II - early JUNE
    Opening of all campsites as in Phase I with:
    Exploitation of swimming pools discovered or with open shelters (and adapted health protocol)
    No operation of closed swimming pools
    Restaurant/ Snack/ Bar: according to national opening level
    Animations/Games: priority for digital activities
    No parties with the public

    Phase III - Early JULY
    Opening of all services, with health protocol adapted to each campsite, and awareness messages for customers.
    To discover: Nicolas Dayot's intervention on BFM-TV



  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,922
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    edited April 2020 #24

    And to add to that last post is the statement today from Brittany Ferries that they hope to resume passenger sailings "in the near future" . Full statement by their CEO is on their website today.

    It comes after President Macron's visit to the Roscoff area today and perhaps a conversation the CEO had with him? 

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited April 2020 #25

    Interesting web site. Thanks for that. It is, of course, highly speculative. For example, restaurants and bars will only be able to open when the restriction is lifted everywhere.
    Can’t  blame them for trying to push the agenda: they are desperate to get back into business.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited April 2020 #26

    Having read the post about gradually introducing such things based on the risk factor with them being fully operational by late July, TdF is scheduled for August so has Mr Macron one eye on the economy?

    Germany, in contrast has cancelled Oktoberfest which, I suspect, is a more realistic assessment of things.

    I'm afraid the glass is more likely to be half empty rather than half full.

  • marchie1053
    marchie1053 Forum Participant Posts: 584
    edited April 2020 #27


    Just seen the UK & Eurozone PMI  Figures for 1/4 to April [basically key indicators of economic activity per country. Anything below 50 is a contraction, and the markets get quite twitchy when scores of 48 or below are reported, because that suggests a recession is looming].

    UK figure is 12.9, France 11.2 and Germany 17.1 ... The graphs for output just show a vertical descent, and the Bank of England has just said that this is 'the worst shock in several centuries'.

    UK Government will borrow £225 billion over the next 4 months [compared with a planned £160 billion for the entire year pre virus] which is very close to the £227.6 billion Government borrowing for the Financial Crash during 2009/10 year.

    If travel is permitted this year, a short trip to the local canal will be affordable tongue-out


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited April 2020 #28

    Are you planning to throw yourself in?

  • scoutman
    scoutman Club Member Posts: 442
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    edited April 2020 #29

    In the (extremely) unlikely hope of French sites reopening and Brittany Ferries running, would we be able to travel to the ferry ports (Plymouth) or will our goverment(s) declare this as non essential journeys?

  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Forum Participant Posts: 210
    edited April 2020 #30

    And will travel for over 70/80 year olds be restricted anyway? 

    A great many ifs and buts and a nightmare for recovery of funds or even vouchers!

  • marchie1053
    marchie1053 Forum Participant Posts: 584
    edited April 2020 #31

    No, CY.

    'Never say die', and jumping 'in the cut' [Black Country expression, the area of my birth] WOULD kill me! Ultimate irony; 'survived the pandemic but dived in the cut and drowned' would make a fitting epitaph, though.

    The retired population may be very much in demand under the new economy which will suffer a double adverse whammy of Supply contraction, with no outputs because of the shutdown; and Demand contraction because nobody is earning and will  therefore struggle to afford to buy. Provided that our Pensions don't dive into the canal, the 'Grey Pound' could see a renaissance!

    First purchase for me is likely to be a new laptop to replace the 'dying by instalments' keyboard with several sticking/malfunctioning keys. But that will wait until I can visit the store to test the keyboard.
