WiFi waste of money?
I didn't say that at all, you are posting one line out of context and if you read my post fully and carefully again below, I merely expressed what people should do if they want wifi so much over what club sites offer.
the thing is, very simply, is that the club does not offer free wifi, if that is so very important to you (rather than excellent sites with very good clean facilities...) and critical to a good stay then don't use club sites and use another site where your preference will be met.
And of course it is not free at all as you keep saying, nothing in business ever is, it just built in to the price. It is no more 'free' than EHU is at club sites. There is a cost to provide it, you do not know if the increase from one year to the next (which happens on all sites) has some element of that cost. The club could provide 'free' wifi and increase the cost to cover it next year. But then (it has to be said with respect) as you are often one to complain about how expensive club sites are already, would you be happy for a further increase?
But I am happy to know that there are site as you suggest, then everyone wins, people who want both will naturally choose those sites over club sites?
I mean no one is forced to choose a club site are they? (yet many do in greater numbers than other providers)
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If WiFi was so important to me then hy on earth would I depend on someone else supply when there are many good personal devices and connection packages around?
Yes, sometimes the club service is pretty patchy, it only costs 25 quid a year regardless of how many hours logged in, if it's not good enough then get your own supply and stop bloody complaining. (said to no one in particular
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the thing is, very simply, is that the club does not offer free wifi, if that is so very important to you (rather than excellent sites with very good clean facilities...) and critical to a good stay then don't use club sites and use another site where your preference will be met.
Its not mutually exclusive. It is the norm that most commercial sites in the price bracket of the club sites now offer free WiFi, they understand the importance of this. I have not used a commercial site that did not have spotless facilities many with very modern facilities. The perpetuation on these boards that the only place you get a decent bathroom is on a club site is misleading.
WiFi is the norm, the vast majority of society use it, in fact a quick search show:
Age 65 Plus 18%
Age 55 to 65 65%
Under 55, 97%
A quick troll on the net looking at trends (something the club must do) give a few useful stats. The main one is that good WiFi provision is now the most desirable attribute when people book a holiday.
You can accept that society has moved on or you can remain in your own world.
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Again saying things that I never said or commented upon
I did not say they were/were not mutually exclusive
I made no comment about how society uses wifi
I merely said that the club does not offer 'free' wifi at present and if you need that 'free' wifi, if it is so very very important to your stay then you will have to go elsewhere.
other points:
they understand the importance of this.
Good then why do they not have the occupancy rates that the club has?
The main one is that good WiFi provision is now the most desirable attribute when people book a holiday.
Really? then again why does the club have so many full sites? Why do people on here complain so much about not getting pitches? Your statement is not supported where it matters.
You can accept that society has moved on or you can remain in your own world.
strange rude thing to say and no bearing on the facts at all really
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"The main one is that good WiFi provision is now the most desirable attribute when people book a holiday."
Really? "The most desirable"? More than location, scenery, places to visit, restaurants etc"? We must take very different holidays to some then!
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I think it astounding that Phishing's quick (very quick?) trawl of the net came up with that conclusion.
I also think we all accept that society has moved on but that doesn’t mean that Wi-fi is top of the list when it comes to selecting a holiday destination. Things aren’t that black and white.
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"I merely said that the club does not offer 'free' wifi at present and if you need that 'free' wifi, if it is so very very important to your stay then you will have to go elsewhere."
Excellent business model? Club don't have that so go elsewhere, which generally I do. What happens when the now under 55s are the majority active membership. Good for the club?
"Good then why do they not have the occupancy rates that the club has?"
Because historically they have a large customer base and not enough provision. Also the age/user figures I gave in my reply may give you a clue. BUT...They do, many of the best commercials are harder to book than club sites, even though the require deposit. What are the club occupancy figures, do they make them available to the membership?
"Really? then again why does the club have so many full sites? Why do people on here complain so much about not getting pitches?"
Again, supply over demand. I use both and trust me there are some very good commercials in the same locations as club sites for less cost. People complain about not getting pitches because of the booking system which in my opinion is preposterous but favoured by the majority of the membership so I accept this is the way.
"I did not say they were/were not mutually exclusive", no but you clearly implied it with your statement "rather than excellent sites with very good clean facilities.." WiFi and toilet facilities are not associated so why perpetuate the myth that non club sites are not as clean.
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No I did not imply, note the rather.
It is interesting that when other non club organisations review any site, the phrase, up to caravan club standard is often cited, saw sush a phrase only recently, so maybe they believe the myth too?
Actually I don't know about many other sites, and never perpetrated any such myth, you are being disingenuous and all I know is that club sites are always clean and spotless, and they do have that reputation, read some reviews.
But if there are other sites as good, you would expect them to be in demand, but for whatever reason the simple fact is they are not. More people want to come to club sites, even with the poor (as defined by you) booking and wifi. It has been that way for years, since I joined in 1999 and has continued so. You can develop spurious counter arguments that you think explains the club's popularity but you cannot deny the popularity of the club.
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"…you clearly implied it with your statement "rather than excellent sites with very good clean facilities.." WiFi and toilet facilities are not associated so why perpetuate the myth that non club sites are not as clean."
I saw no implication, Phish, nor did I see any perpetuation of a previously unheard of myth. I think you’re reading far too much into the words.
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I do not deny the popularity of the club, I am a member and use some of the excellent services they offer.
I did not use spurious counter arguments, there are many commercials and CLs that offer better for less cost than the club sites. Why you state the commercials are not as popular is totally unfounded, as I previously asked - what are the club occupancy levels?
The only reason the club sites are "popular" is that the membership demand out strips the number of prime sites available. This is not a sign of popularity or quality but an indication of the success the club has at retaining the membership and offering a product that offers value.
Having good WiFi with sufficient bandwidth is a total necessity to many people. Teenagers fall ill and fail to function normally if they don't have WiFi, may people have work commitments when on site, people like to plan, walking, cycling etc. with downloads to things the stick on their arms to track them and show the world were they have been. When these people become the majority of the club membership (5 years?) then what?
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as I previously asked - what are the club occupancy levels?
I think we once showed 75% occupancy rate across the network at peak times in a previous discussion based on LA, some sites running not only at 100% most of the time but at over 100%, 110% + I recall (yes that is correct - strange isn't it further details on request but it come from a warden).
The only reason the club sites are "popular" is that the membership demand out strips the number of prime sites available. This is not a sign of popularity or quality but an indication of the success the club has at retaining the membership and offering a product that offers value
I think your last paragraph is perhaps tongue in cheek.
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Prompted by the advert in the recent C&MC magazine I purchased a portable WiFi unit, not from the club but from Currys where they had an offer. Proposing to convert it to PAYG after first month. Works splendidly at home, connects more items than i've got, not tried it on site but have high hopes.
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I have paid for CC WiFi for the last 2 years. The biggest problem which is self evident at Clumber Park is that the WiFi coverage is OK but the speed available to the sites location is woefully slow.
We have a mobile EE router on board and mostly we get a signal so don't need the CC for telly viewing. On sites like Clumber where the phone signal is all but non-existent a good WiFi service (include speed here) is very important. I pay extra for CC WiFi but find it patchy at best service wise.
Why not only have WiFi provided on site where phone data signal is difficult and then do it properly by using a dish to pull in data at a fast and useable speed for distribution hi a the site WiFi aerials? Using a copper phone wire many miles long seems to be a real issue on most remote sites. A radio delivered connection at the site for redistribution males good sense I think. I do not think charging anything to non users is fair at all. In the same way - I object to not getting a cheaper rate for not using the showers, pot washing or children's playpark.