Pub Chain Bans Use of Phones

Apparently the Sam Smiths pub chain is banning the use of mobile phones within their pubs insisting that customers go outside as smokers do. A brave business decision perhaps ?
I can see it now..
Do you want to come to ours next Friday ?
Oh hang on I'll just pop outside and check my calendar ..
Brave decision indeed but I'd support them.
I've just spent three days at what was considered to be a top hotel with spa facilities. The facilities were wonderful but the lounge bar area was like an open plan office; laptops and phones everywhere you looked, with business meetings going on all day and evening every day and we even had interviews taking place at the next table to us. Not the relaxing atmosphere we'd hoped for.
With sufficient accommodation within the building, including a conference suite, we weren't impressed with the use of the lounge area but the hotel clearly had no objections. One to cross off as we won't return.
I dislike sitting down for a restaurant meal to be faced with groups of 'diners' all on their mobile phones.
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The idea of restaurants and cafe's.pubs and other eateries, is that the clients are there for social reasons. i.e to talk to each other face to face, enjoy a meal and relax.
I think it's a great idea to ban phones, tablets and the likes, from these places. As you check in your coat to the cloakrooms, you could have a system where you check in your portable devices also.
I did take my laptop on our last weekend away but had little time or inclination to use it.
Caravanning or Mototohoming/camping, means getting away from it all. so why would you need a laptop/phone anyways?
For those who just can't miss a Netflix 'first' or the new blockbuster on 'YouTube' then your certainly not going to get the best from CAMC site wi-fi. Also at £3.00 a day per device, it's just not cost effective.
Speaking of Internet access, would it be possible to have a 'wired' RJ45 point for each unit at the mains outlet post next to the pitch, rather than rely on the rather slow and sometimes unreliable Wi-Fi ?
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“Speaking of Internet access, would it be possible to have a 'wired' RJ45 point for each unit at the mains outlet post next to the pitch, rather than rely on the rather slow and sometimes unreliable Wi-Fi ?”
Why would you want it (whatever it is) when you’ve already effectively said there’s no call for lappies/phones when caravanning as you’re there to get away from it all?
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For me a smart phone is just part of life now. You have everything on them these days. If you go out with friends you may want to show each other some pictures or whatever of what happens to come up in conversation. I don't agree with customers being glued to phones in a way that implies it's more important than the people that you are with, but they are a handy tool, and are useful sometimes. Its a pocket computer. There are things that I find far more irritating in pubs than people on their phones, TVs in pubs being a pet hate of mine. Sam Smith's must be doing really well though, as its a brave choice to do anything which may drive away potential customers, especially in the pub trade.
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It doesn't bother me in most places, trains and theatres usually means close proximity so not keen on that if I'm next to the user. I always find it sad when parents of young children sit with phones, ignoring their offspring, presumably the offspring will then do the same to their parents sooner rather than later.
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It depends on the circumstances. A person on there own using their phone in a silent manner (not for calls) I can't see the problem. A group of four who have met up for a drink, it seems a bit silly. Although again if it is silent use, it is there choice and does not really annoy anyone. Pads in particular are used for so much these days, including reading a book or a newspaper. I read mine while eating breakfast. In the past it would have been the paper variety.😀
However, parents / kids ignoring each other at the table by being glued to their devices is just plain wrong. For me though the worst is the mother / father with the push chair, glued to their phone call / texting. Even crossing roads, totally oblivious to everything around.
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£3.00 per day? get a years subscription for £27.50,
and it is not designed to be used for streaming
And as for banning phones great idea hope it spreads ,already in our area more shops have notices "adviseing" that you will not be served if using a phone
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Sam Smiths has banned swearing as well. They promote, as they call it, Victorian values.
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That though crossed my mind as well. All depends if table legs are covered up to lessen inflaming of male desires. (Other desires are now of course recognised, but we’ll ignore that complication)
Sounds a tad like a curmudgeonly elderly Yorkshireman in charge to me!😂
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Do you not think it's just a publicity stunt? I thought Sam Smith was a singer? Personally I prefer to be treated as a grown up. In the unlikely event that I need to use my phone in a pub or a restaurant I will use it. Obviously I will try and be as discreet as possible in doing so.
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Sam Smiths banned customers who arrived on motorcycles as well. He’s an absolute beauty is Humphrey Smith, now in charge. He took another tiny brewery to court for allegedly using Yorkshire White Rose emblem on its beer, that was being sold to raise funds for Air Ambulance I think it was. And he backdated claims from some staff who he said had been putting too much beer into pint! Work that one out! 🤔
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You can't assume that all telephone calls are unimportant. What if the hospital wanted to get in touch with you regarding your upcoming treatment. Most reasonable people would accept that it would be important for you to use your phone in such circumstances. I don't go to a pub or restaurant with the intention of spending time on my phone but I do reserve the right to be able to answer a call or make a call if I need to in particular circumstances. There are circumstances, for instance like going to the cinema or the theatre where I would turn my phone OFF but a pub or a restaurant does not fit into that category unless it was something special l like Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons (I wish!)
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but I do reserve the right to be able to answer a call or make a call if I need to in particular circumstances.
You don't reserve any right to make or answer a call on someone elses premises, If the pub/restaurant owner says no, then it means no. You accepted the terms and conditions on this forum, in fact you apply them so have respect for theirs when entering.
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I find that most communication these days is done by text or FB messenger or Whatsapp rather than ringing and speaking like we used to do. It has very little impact on others around you in any case. When we are out in pubs it may be friends finding out if we are out and where we are. Its rare for my phone to ever actually ring these days unless its a spam call. But it won't ever go off in a Sam Smiths pub as I won't be going into one.
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My phone has three functions
It rings, and i will answer if appropriate or not on silent
It has a voice mail that is available if on silent and a message can be left
It has a method whereby someone can text me
i thought all phones could do that to stop annoying others when in company or nearby
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Old ones can be a tad trying at times.......... 😂
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I have not issue with folk texting or showing each other photos or the like when in a public place, what really gets my goat is the loud over the phone conversations (most a load of rubbish) and now we seem to be suffering 'face timing' in public.
While on holiday recently we had' face timing' going on around the pool, in the restaurant and bar. It really gets on your nerves when trying to relax by the pool, reading a book, to hear someone loudly 'showing' their friends and family what the resort looks like, while having a running commentary at the same time.
Well done Sam Smith's I wish more places would ban protracted phone conversations in public.
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This is a bit like behaviour on club sites, everyone, well mostly, appears to want people to behave in 'their way', no loud conversations on face time but I assume it's OK for normal ones?, no face timing around the pool? even people on another table can't use their phones, or even a couple not talking to each other but on their phones annoys people? or even those that dare to answer a phone call? as somehow this impinges on your 'quality' time.
Really? Maybe those others really object to the way you behave?
I go out, I enjoy the company of those with me, I really have no interest in the another table or whatever or however other people on another table (read pitch too) are up to.
if that is way other people want to choose to spend their time let them get on with it.