What are you all up to
Hope your op goes well tomorrw, OP.
For all those heading off tomorrow onwards my fingers are crossed that you get as good weather as we've had over the last weeks.
Glad you had a good day out at Stonehenge, brue. It's been a while since we last visited.
Good to hear that OH is slowly improving, B2, long may it continue.
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Same to you Tammygirl. I hope you have a great time in Lanzarote. We are all packed and ready as well.
Good luck with your appointment JVB. I hope you get a clean bill of health.
Stonehenge looked lovey in the sun brue. It is years since I have been there.
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Enjoy your holiday TammyG.
Good to hear you are enjoying your travels Nellie.
Hope all the planned breaks go well for others.
Hope Bakers2 (both) have had a better day and it won't be too long before a Bounty Bar is allowed on the menu.
I think we've seen the best of the weather today but it's been nice to see some warmth in the sun.
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We woke to frost on the ground again this morning, but did have a lovely sunny, cloudless day although it was not as warm as yesterday. Parked at Chapel Six Marshes and we walked, and Flyte ran, along the shore line as far as Moggs Eye, where the map showed a Public Convenience. It was certainly there, but was locked up!
Why do local councils think that members of the public don't require to use toilets in the winter, when in fact they probably need them as much or even more than during the rest of the year. We returned to the car using the English Coastal Path, as it was easier walking than on the soft sands, which are rather tiring when one has worn out knees. I even managed an hour or so Sat out in the sun back at the van, but I can't see me doing that again for a while after looking at the forecast for the next few days.
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Not looking good, East or West. We might delay our trip a few days, see if forecast comes up more promising. Lovely day here though again today.
Took Mum for a perm this afternoon, Party girl all set now for her 90th, unveil her new bedroom tomorrow, lunch out on Friday, a brief rest day on Saturday, then her birthday on Sunday with a tea at our house. And then later in week itโs my birthday. Which this year will last at least a week......or two! ๐๐ฅณ
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We've been envious of friends who have been away this past week in their MH. We are scheduled for a few days away in a couple of weeks. You just watch, it'll be cold, wet and 'orrible.
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"Mum bought some new face cream when we were away. She does have some funny Four Boils"
"I can't say I noticed them. Will the cream work for her then?"
"She says that she feels a lot younger"
"Have the boils disappeared then?"
"What Boils?"
"The Four Boils on her face"
" You numpty. I said Foibles not Four Boils!"
"Oh sorry. So, have the boils gone then? Ow, that hurt."
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Glad you can find some humour in this world today, WN.
Neighbour offered to shift some grass for two of his neighbours today. All went very well and we tidied up nicely afterwards.
Oh I forgot to say the grass was growing in the guttering on the highest roofs we have !! Think it might have been the stick he used to extend his reach that poked a hole in the rain clouds. Grrrr. Dried out nicely by lunch-time neither of us overly happy but he said it would be done this morning & by heck it was. Great to have good neighbours
Now it's time to assess the increase in my State Pension and to work out how many more nights on Club Sites it's worth
Hope you are all watching the grass grow in the gentle rain !!
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Wot a change in the weather dull and misty earlier then on second walk with Rosa the heavens opened and we both got soaked
also got yet another letter from the NHS this morning (getting quite a thick file) which seems to prove that i am now well under their care clutches) as its an appointment to see more "specialists",after my visit to the Royal Brompton Hospital in March
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Just got back from four wonderfully sunny and warm days at Cherry Hinton. On our way back today it rained a bit and now the motorhome is filthy. Another job to do before we swap it over for the new one in a weeks time!!!
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Dull and breezy here but no rain โ๏ธ as forecast.
Procedure went well this morning, as expected the injection into the top of my head brought tears to my eyes ๐. Just have to wait for the test results now. German doctor was effecient and very funny, he had the same sense of humour as Seb Vettel.
Hope your MH exchange goes ok David.
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Having a quick catch up, really pleased that everyone seems to have made the most of the good weather
Safe trip to Tammygirl and Millie hope you have lovely holidays.
Well done to your daughter Oneputt, that is quite an achievement, & glad to hear your procedure went well, hope the results are positive.
Hope all goes well for you to JVB66.
The weather has changed here too although not had much rain.
We have new neighbours opposite and they have almost gutted the inside of the house and now have scaffolding up to extend the upstairs. She comes from New Zealand and her brother is a qualified Rugby Referee he will be referring England's next 6 nations match at Twickenham, couldn't get us a ticket unfortunately!
Collected the caravan from storage this afternoon, decided to sneak a couple of nights away, despite the weather
now we have had some rain the roads where the quarry lorries had been were filthy, so now the caravan is too!
Bakers2 hope your OH is still on the road to recovery, wishing you both all the best.
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Hope your Mum enjoys her day ttda, and you enjoy your birthday break too.
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Home today,trying to shake off a 'bug' and waiting in for the AGA man ,,,AGAIN !! He's replaced the control board AGAIN !! Eating out AGAIN tonight !! Hopefully returning to my 'home cooking' tomorrow ,,AGAIN !!
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All the best to your mum for her birthday, tda, hope that the celebrations over the next few days go without a hitch.
Glad that your visit to the hospital went well and that the results come back all clear, OP
Sorry to hear that some have caught a bug of some sort, hope that you all get over it quickly, and those that are heading out this weekend enjoy your trips away.
Visited Old Bolingbroke Castle this morning, and then enjoyed a walk in Snipe Dale Country Park. Yet more frost on the ground this morning, and after a bright start a haze came in, the temperature dropped and we had the odd spot of rain. Our last night at Willow Cottage before we head on down to Barleywood.
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Not so warm today as the last few days, but at least dry.
I am hoping I can report success in fixing the Alde. The new pump arrived within 24 hours and the new control panel within 48 hours, so this evening I have installed both and everything is now working.
So as long as it stays working.....! Not sure if there is anything else that can go wrong with it.
The new touch screen colour panel is excellent and very easy to see and operate, so a good choice.
The first bunch of big jobs at "the house" is now complete, but there is still a long list of little things to keep me occupied. Plus DD has started adding new things that apparently are a priority, the main one being a gate at the top of the steps from the terrace down to the lawn. It is a wide staircase, so nothing ready made available. She would like me to make a gate before we go on holiday as we are away till after Easter.
So that will keep me busy.
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KjellNN - you deserve a holiday. Your list sounds like it will never end. ๐
NTH - have a safe onward journey to Barleywood. It's a site that we wanted to visit last year but all the weeks where we had annual leave booked, they sadly had no availability. It sounds like a nice popular site.
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Thank you Brue. It's only a cold but it got the better of me yesterday. I work in a large air conditioned office and people have been going down like flies for over three months. I lasted until this week so I think I've done well.
Our weekend is booked on a local CL to meet up with my sister & brother in law. She's cooking tonight and I'm in charge of food tomorrow night.๐
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Had a nice relaxing day. Mrs WN took MiL out to a local shopping mill type complex as they both needed new shoes. Can't complain as MrsWNs shoes were over 12 years old. Left me in charge. They managed quite easily without my prompting (I'll get over it).
Looked at re-arranging some of our summer bookings, away from the 2 club sites we have booked as the price seems rather expensive.
Hope those away have an enjoyable time.
How are we getting on Bakers?
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Definitely a site that would suit you I think, ADD. We only booked it a couple of weeks ago, and there was plenty of room then but it's full tonight. If you just want to be in this area there are lots of CL's close to here, including one next door and another across the road. Enjoy your weekend away.
Glad to hear that you've got the parts and that the Alde seem to be working, Kjell. Fingers crossed that it continues to do so.
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We arrived on site here this afternoon at 2 quickly got set up and headed out a drive. Went in to Morrisons for some supplies just sitting in the van tonight watching films with a couple of drinks. Hoping to get out a cycle tomorrow if the weather is ok nothing planned yet for the afternoon. Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend
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It was a very noisy night and stormy day today as we now have a very full pond of frog sporn there are at least 15 frogs churning up the water
Rosa has been trying to see where the noise is coming from but they dive under the water as soon as she approaches
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It was nice and sunny when we got up this morning so I went out a nice 15mile cycle very nice but the track was quite muddy. In the afternoon SWMBO wanted to go to a few shops so we done that but it rained most of the afternoon very heavy so glad i took the opportunity to go cycling in the morning. We aree now back at the van and the rain has stopped. Just planning staying in the van tonight and watch TV.