What are you all up to
About 7000 over the year, with about 55% of that towing. We tend not to use the car much at home, as were never there for over long and have plenty of jobs and appointments locally, so can use the bus occasionally to pop down to town.
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Maybe not quite as many, B2 but do try to do a minimum of 5mls a day with Flyte, and often quite a few more. Even on a bad day like today I've done at least 7 and still another walk out before bed.
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And the same goes for me too, HD. Best of luck.
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Can't add much more to that. I am having trouble keeping my eyes open now so it'll be a very early night for us both me thinks.
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I watched Christopher Timothy and Peter Davison do their second TV Great British Car Journey on the A30 to Lands End. Doesn't seem that long since it used take me eight hours to get down to Cornwall on similar roads. I sometimes miss those journeys through all the different towns and villages but they were marathon drives!
Hope Husky sees a buyer on the horizon before too long, sorry this present one has fallen through.
I sorted through more family photos (left by my Mum) this afternoon, if only she'd named a few names. I've pencilled in the ones I can remember although I'm not sure who'll be interested in them later. I've got a sort of indigestion from seeing so many different generations doing various things in unidentified places! I did spot an old warship on one and realised my Dad had been walking round the Dart in the 1930s.
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That was a very enjoyable programmes wasn’t it brue? Interesting vehicles, interesting journey, and two obviously good friends. We can recall doing the journey with M5 virtually empty apart from Cruise missiles😂, no bypass though Okehampton. We towed our small caravan over Dartmoor many a time. Hoping to catch the next programme.
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We watched Christopher Timothy and Peter Davison as well. What a great programme. They are obviously such good friends and comfortable in each other's company. OH loved all the old vehicles and I loved the route of the A30. That was the route always taken with my parents, down to Exeter and then on to Tiverton, many years ago. I loved it when they had to get out and push the old vehicle that wouldn't start!
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TDA and Millie, the journey our family used to do before the M5 was built involved the Cotswolds, the Mendips, the Levels, Exeter and the infamous by pass and onwards over Dartmoor and Bodmin moor. There were memorable passing places like Moorlands Sheepskin factory in Glastonbury and the Horlicks factory further on. Seeing the programme last night brought back those memories even though we joined the A30 further down. I'm looking forward to the next episode filmed in Wales.
I agree they are a good fit for this type of programme.
Invited out for lunch today, daughter has volunteered, a day off!
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What a horrible day has not stopped raining ,,just a about one hour between 0600_0700,we were hoping to leave today,if it stops before 1500hrs we will get ready,as storage closes at 1800hrs,if not it will be another night here, then leave after 0900 when traffic a bit less,but It will be a rush , to get sorted before my 0800 appointment tues,
Quite a few have left ,there was quite a queue for the MC service point earlier
Great program with those two "vets" both ways
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We are just home from a nice weekend break at Strathclyde Park C&MC where was stayed while attending the Scottish Caravan show. The site was surprisingly busy considering the time of year and the weather. A nice easy tow home today, I am planning on hoovering out the car and giving it a wash but it looks like it is going to start raining so will need to wait and see. Might be going away again next weekend but will keep an eye on the weather before deciding.
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Just watched Great British Car Journeys with Chris Timothy and Peter Davison as well. Lovely programme, there seems so little I like to watch these days! I had to laugh at the roadside picnic, our family always did that even on a short 50 mile journey. My Dad would get out the old Primus stove and kettle for a cup of tea and Mum would bring out the sandwiches, strange how it always seemed like a real expedition in the 50/60’s, or perhaps that was just us!
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The day stayed nice and dry for us and the sun even put in an appearance. We joined up with Nellie and his better half and went for a lovely walk from Follifoot village to Spofforth Castle, which is a delightful old ruin, a bit like the 4 of us.
After a bite to eat we had a quick drink in the appropriately named Castle Inn before returning via a riverside walk with views of nearby Redstone crags. All in all a super way to spend 4 hours.
Off to the neighbours soon for a spot of libation.🍻🍻
It's been great to meet up with them again.
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Rain stopped so got away from FM at 1400hrs ran into a couple of showers on A1 but got C/van away in sunshine
Some phone calls tomorrow have had a letter from Royal Brompton Hospital to make an appointment there?
And the renewal for Mayday ? and as our C/van is in storage do i or do i look else where after the "problems" that have come to light?
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A very dismal morning here - rain, rain and more rain and very cold with it. As JVB said it cleared up after lunch. I went with our daughter and grand-daughters to see Mary Poppins Returns this afternoon..We have been promising ourselves to go since Christmas. It was worth the wait. A lovely feel good film.
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Woke this morning to pouring rain
changed plans and decided to make a cake, wanted to try a recipe for Baileys Buttercream I found on the Internet.
Rain eased up at lunchtime so ventured out to pick up the caravan from our storage site. Got home and battery died, so motor mover wouldn't work, caravan stuck on the road!
Ever resourceful OH has another battery he uses in the garage , so with that sitting on the drawbar and jump leads to caravan battery we got it up onto the drive. The battery is fairly new, apparently I must have left something switched on!
Battery on charge this afternoon.
Tackled big pile of ironing while watching the rugby, well done England
Glad you had a successful trip Francis.
Brue missed the car journeys programme as we were out last night, going to watch on catch up when I get a moment.
WN enjoy your evening with Mr & Mrs NTH.
Hope all goes well JVB66
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Yes recall Morlands factory. We still only get onto M5 quite low down these days. We enjoy driving different routes through Cotswolds, our current favourite route takes us just past Stratford, down to Evesham, and pick up M5 at Tewkesbury..
Which reminds me, we caught another episode of Tony Robinson’s drone programme last night as well. He was at Hullalvington where the big commercial jets are dismantled, amongst other places. Another very interesting programme.
wallpapering most of day, never my favourite task, but it is looking good!
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Lovely day here, very sunny, day off from "the house" as it is my wood turning club afternoon.
Instead I have been to the Guide Hall to do a few things while OH has been catching up on the washing and filling up the bins for tomorrow.
School half term here so SIL is off today and tomorrow. DD is hoping I will sort out their TV aerial tomorrow, so may send SIL under the floor to pull the cables through. There are so many various cables down there, both current and redundant, it is difficult to know what is what! Same with the plumbing.
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Lovely day here in MK, do I sense the first warmth of Spring? Better not get ahead of myself!!!
The guys are here at the moment installing my High Speed Fibre Broadband. Quite a palava as they have to bury a co-ax sized cable across the garden to a box on the outside of the house, once done it should all look fairly discreet.
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Beautiful day here, also a feeling of spring, but a jolly chilly wind.
Managed some normal jobs this morning, washing dried outside 😀 smells lovely. Vacc'd through after visit from son and dog for the weekend, not just that but I haven't done it in more than 2 weeks
. Even managed to get to return an item to Tesco and restock with a few bits. Also phoned local florist who delivered birthday flowers last Tuesday, I was very saddened that the flowers and greenery were on the turn on friday/Saturday. Son ordered them for my OH and despite being a 10 minute walk from home there was an £8 delivery charge 😯. The eucalyptus is almost dessicated! They offered a fresh bouquet delivery, birthday flowers were an arrangement, this afternoon but I declined and they are happy to delivery in a few weeks when convenient.
Kicking my heels as OH supposed to be moved to Basildon today for OP on Wednesday. Feel like I'm wishing my life away at the moment. Would be a great day for gardening but I want to stay clean for a swift exit when I know he's on his way 😂
JVB hope you're sorting your phone calls 😉
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You’re forever waiting around if a loved one is undergoing treatment, can sympathise Bakers. What about a bit of seed planting, not too dirty, not too much that it can’t be dropped quickly, and a good way of passing the day’s? I like to bring mine on in house in small plastic containers on kitchen window. I did a garden project for my OH last year when he underwent major surgery.While he was in I scrubbed out and barked a new place for our garden swing, so that he could sit in garden and rest while I pottered about. Mind, it was during that glorious Summer.
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It's been lovely here, would like to do some gardening but can't walk easily yet on uneven surfaces so It's a bit frustrating. A lot of tree debris from the high winds last week, might manage a bit of picking up tomorrow. It's that time of year when things only look tidy outside for a short while and then everything starts to grow rapidly. I like this time of the year too as the views through the trees and countryside open up.
Good to hear you've got some jobs done B2, hope that everything for your OH goes ahead as planned. Hopefully not long to go now.
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Well, I've spent a fair few hours on this 'ere key-board so
I've got ALL my holiday sites booking done
with just the one
exception -- Bookings for the Grand and Glorious Great Dorset
Steam Fair have not yet opened
. So I'm having sneaky
peeps at a certain Web-site in between doing meaningful
like paying Bills, etc etc.
Still finding the temperature in South Cheshire is a bit on the
cool side so I'll pass a few hours drawing up the " Holiday
Schedule" so the family will, at least, know where I intended
going. That'll be me fully sorted so now I must send my Very
Best Wishes to Bakers 2, JVB not forgetting David DSB of
course, for a swift result & POSITIVE ENDING to their
personal & their Families Ailments. I know only too well how
these things seem so much worse when looking out onto
Spring Days.
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A busy day. There new bathroom is finally installed following the arrival of the loo today. There'll be a reduction in my daily steps though as I shan't have to keep trekking downstairs in the night!
Caught bus into town to buy 40th birthday present for DD. Stella by McCartney. I almost made the mistake of a six pack from that other purveyor.
Managed to arrange some travel insurance at a realistic price through the bank and then spent the remainder of the afternoon painting the bathroom door frame. All in all a good days work.