Pricing in the directory and online
I agree, how these pricing bands can somehow be difficult to read or work out and could put people off is surprising. Ok but if this true for some then book your site and at the end of the process before confirming your booking the price is given, base you decision on that?
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Wonder what that was for? For contribution to the world of Humour and Stupid Actions?
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Whale Island is notorious for naval discipline. Are you sure you want the draconian penalties for not parking to the peg?
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The prices are clear enough to a man of your education
That is my whole point. They are not readily accessible therefore they are "not clear enough".
There have been mutterings through the year about the level of pricing on club sites and it is my view that CAMC have deliberately sought to obscure the 2019 increases by making them less readily accessible.
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I thought that you were saying they were too difficult to understand.
Because I use internet I find it easy enough to see the price on the individual site web page.
Otherwise I would ask for a site price list which, in my view, should have been provided to all members along with map and book
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The only one of your list which I find concerning, rather than annoying, is the first one. The rest I can work with. Having a system that basically increases the price on your invoice in my bookings is just wrong. Dealing with this by means of an email saying you will only pay the old price, of which you may have no record, as you relied on my bookings, even worse.
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Steve. Badly handled yes.
When I booked in on site on 15th December I asked the warden staff at Southport Site if they knew when I had made my booking. The reply was that on their screen, alongside my booking there was a marker that showed bookings were made before 5th December 2018.
It does seem stupid that staff might have to carry out a mathematical exercise on arrivals for those that booked before this date. After all this seems the sort of calculation that a simple bit of computer programming should sort easily.
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the cock up on the 'buy now at old price'....
Could have been better handled
the change to an artificially low 'price from' ....
You could say 'artificially low' but this is actually the lowest price.
the lack of a distributed price list with handbooks
I think that was poor BB
the myriad pricing periods (upto 15 or so at many sites)
The result of mid week discounts.
the multiple price bands, upto 6 or so, some with just a 10p variance
An irrelevance in my opinion. I am happy to let CC number crunch.
add all this up and some folk are just 'unhappy' with the whole policy.
Maybe some folk can't 'add all this up' without bias?
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BB totally agree with every detail in your list. It certainly annoys me intensely.
The third item on your list has also caused me problems in finding the full price guide on line. I asked in another post for help in finding it. It can be found Here
Once you open the price list it will then lead you onto the 4th and 5th items of BB's post
The whole set up is mind boggling
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Surely Harry, with regard to :
the myriad pricing periods (upto 15 or so at many sites)
the multiple price bands, upto 6 or so, some with just a 10p variance
There has long been a myriad of pricing periods. Why is it suddenly a problem?
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Yes, the marker is fine. I would expect to see the marker as stated, I haven't queried that this would not be the case but I have queried previously the lack of sufficient notice about price rises and dead lines for booking at lower prices.
As others have said maybe the set up is at fault.
However, it isn't something I will lose sleep over.
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I also can't see the issue with the number of pricing bands. They are spread throughot the year. Surely when you are booking a site there are unlikely to be more than two in play. Mid week discount is not really a pricing band, it is as it says on the tin, a discount.
Personally I think a simple statement on the web page re mid week discount (as on the downloaded price list) would be better than showing them all separately and might stop some of the criticism over the number of price bands.
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Haven't been on CT much over the past couple of weeks for a variety of reasons, so I'm coming to this debate late and may have missed some earlier comments.
It does seem to me that some folk are making more of an issue out of this than actually exists. Yes, the price change on Dec 5th was ill thought out, but where are there any insurmountable problems apart from this?
I've only booked one club site for next year - I didn't wade through all the details on the price list - I input my dates, saw the final price, thought it acceptable and booked. I've no idea if there are different prices for the dates of our stay, it's the final total which is all that's relevant surely?
It seems that one or two folk are going out of their way to suggest problems in the new way in which the club is quoting prices - playing devil's advocate here, and with tongue very much in cheek, I might suggest that they've joined the "it's always been done this way, why change" school of thought!
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I miss typed brue, it should have been site page, rather than web.
The photos below are the years pricing for Cirencester Park, because it shows all mid week discount periods. Where as the statement at the bottom says it all and they could have been omitted. Greatly reducing the list length.