What are you all up to
My eldest daughter is a coelliac sufferer and my two grandsons cannot tolerate the protein in cow's milk. Occasionally when I go visit the youngest daughter and grand sons in Leigh and eldest comes with me we will pick up fish and chips from a Leigh chippy where I can order fish with gluten free batter and also with milk free batter. Really appreciated by all
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Lovely bright sunny day today.
Painting all but finished in the attic room.
More clearing out OH resisting over certain things but I'm sticking to my guns, its been up there 25+ years its going.
New carpet ordered, paid for and due to be fitted next Thursday so we now have a deadline to get everything done.
Big sister has invited herself and her OH for Christmas lunch
was going to have a quite day but hey ho! they were supposed to come last year but both came down the flu, so we had a quiet day then.
Re negotiated the bulk LPG contract for another 2 years, got a good rate for the amount we use and only up 50p from our current rate, its fixed for the next 12 mths. Still 1p lower than all their competitors in our area, not a lot but I do like to barter
Hope you are all having a good day and looking forward to the weekend.
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Have been at a local hospital this morning, OH signed off for a year now in the Glaucoma clinic which is good news.
Our DIL also has to avoid gluten, I found M&S had done a lot of gluten free Christmas treats this year so have bought a nice selection for her, life on some of these restricted diets can get a bit dull food wise. It's always good to hear things are improving for those affected.
Happy Christmas to all absent friends on here, I expect there are readers and occasional contributors who have been in the background on it's lengthy run. DSB David, started a popular thread!
Keep warm everyone, it feels a lot colder today.
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Colder? There I was all dressed up like Nanook of the North and lo and behold a young man passes me by dressed in shorts and T-shirt. Made me very old.
Sent our Christmas cards out today. Weird feeling as there wasn't a queue in the main Post Office.
Quite pleased though. Nipped into Aldi for some fish and saw our current favourite Red wine back on the shelf. So if Helen looks in on this post, there seems to be a few bottles of the Costiere available.
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There's a bitter wind today - but it's fine and the ground has dried up a bit. So yesterday and today the milk cows have gone out after dinner to munch some more brassicas.
I'm making myself get organised and wrap Christmas presents. I love buying them, but I'm not too keen on the wrapping. And the results reflect that. And I have to remember who gets what - sometimes I buy things with no one particular in mind. Anything leftover must be for me!
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Hope you have a great time RandR. How exciting!!
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We went on one of your U3A church visits this afternoon to a village called Woodnewton. It is where Coco the Clown lived with his wife in a caravan at the back of his daughter's house. He is buried in the churchyard there and his headstone is lovely with a carving of him in full clown makeup and hair.
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We have had a lovely last day up here on NYMoors. Not a drop of rain all week, bit of fog up on tops one day, and a cool breeze, but mainly blue skies and sunshine. Popped into a Thirsk today, we had a flat tyre yesterday, so got it checked out and then ambled round town for afternoon. All looking very festive. Helmsley Market day tomorrow, so we shall spend a couple of hours there and in the lovely deliโs, then wend our way home the scenic way as usual. Enjoyed all the Xmas lights in the villages and homes, time to put our tree up Saturday now.
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Sounds as though you've had a really good break TDA.
We decided to put the various Christmas lights up this afternoon, couldn't work out why some were missing and then realised son must have removed boxes from the loft for the removal van and they are now no doubt somewhere up on the NE coast.
Decided to go to B&Q to replace the missing ones and the shelves had virtually cleared out. Reduced display now on show.
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I know a few of you come to CMK to the Shopping Centre. Just a heads up that there is a new multistory car park that has just opened at the end of the Centre by John Lewis. ( handy if you need to use the loo in JL!) We used it for the first time this afternoon. Its a take a ticket and pay on end of stay type. They seem to use ANPR as I paid at one of the machines and as I approached the barrier it automatically went up! Although I haven't yet worked it out I wonder if you can pay at the barrier using a contactless card rather than the ticket machine but I don't know that as a fact and will have to investigate more.
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We found a new walk today....downstream along the Nidd Gorge from the Woodland Trust's car park near Scotton. We could well head back there again before we leave the area and do a longer walk in the other direction. Then it was shopping at Lidl in Knaresborough and a second walk on The Stray in Harrogate where Flyte was able to get a good run off the lead.
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Glad you've settled in, Nellie.
Went around the village delivering cards this morning, both ours and a few elderly neighbours who can't get about very well. Quite a nasty wind even in the sun.
Then took the ladies to a Garden Centre for bauble hunting whilst I stocked up on bird food.
Made an appointment to see a doctor, or should I say, will receive a phone call from one on New Years Eve for a telephone consultation, which ironically will be a fortnight quicker than seeing someone. Goodness knows how she is going to examine the area affected!
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Just came on for a few mins especially to see if I could log in and I find some grey person has pinched my very own piccy space -- wouldn't mind normally but He / She / It ain't got a beard nor wearing specs -- Have I been expelled from the Funny Farm AGAIN ??
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It's a bit like the Woodentops, if you remember them ABM? But anything is better than perpetual pumpkins!
A very cold scene on the Dorset coast today, decided to have a break and take in some bracing air. Glad to get home.
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Beautiful sunny but very cold day here, frost has not lifted all day.
Bit of touching up of paint work upstairs, then a bit in the kitchen to freshen it up. All looking good now.
Went out to buy a door for the fitted cupboard in the spare bedroom, we had a bi-fold door on it but I'm not keen on it so we will replace it with a full door. Having trouble getting one the right size that will allow OH to trim the sides to fit the uneven door frame
he will have to find a work around me thinks.
Finally made a start on the Christmas cards today, now written and ready to post.
Have a good weekend all.
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It was ill advised to have that audition for Doctor Who
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On second thoughts the new avatar image is more Tintin but without the quiff...
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That's right brue!!
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Yes a few tweaks again. Couldn't type on my tablet yesterday, no text box, but it was there on my phone! Both Samsung. Back today.
Another grey day again today, Wednesday and Thursday were cold and bright. Very cold but no wind yesterday today the breeze is icy.. no worries I'm going to cake nake today and we'll finish putting up the decs. A job I loathe but like it when it's done. It's also early for us a they usually go up the weekend before Christmas Day but don't come down until 12th night. Of course the house had to be thoroughly cleaned, don't do much once the decs are up ๐. Sorted some decs and took to the charity shop yesterday and stocked up on the last if the non perishable items.
What do folks do to display cards? We used to hang across the walls on strings but as we've had our walls plastered it's not allowed now! We have more than our surfaces and once curtains are closed, for long hours at the no, they're unseen. Answers on the thread please, too late for postcards.
Hope you folks are staying warm and occupied? Weather not looking good for travelling in some areas so take care if you have to be out and about.
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B2, Christmas cards, I slot them into our books as we have a couple of tall bookcases, when that runs out I Sellotape them to the doors in the hall.
By the way I copied the avatar, edited it to 500 and then used paint to "improve it," anyone else up for a go?
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We are away in the van at the moment just for a couple of nights. We arrived on site yesterday at anout half 2 it was very cold setting up but we had to go to Morrisons so left the heating on when we were out and by the time we got back the van was nice and cosey. It feels very festive here SWMBO brought a small table top Christmas tree and some lights to put round the van we havent even put the decorations up at home yet. We met up on site with relatives who have a MHome so we were entertaining last night in our van its an annual christmas meet we all have. Vry cold again today we are hoping the roads aren't too bad for the journey home tomorrow.
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Brue, must have felt telepathic thoughts from you as you typed. We have a solid bannister so have blutacked our cards in there. Very attractive they look too.
Like the Christmas avatar, are you brave enough to change yours?๐๐คฃ.
Two cakes made and left over ??? Mixture popped into individual cake cases and cooking in top oven, maybe ok as cakes or pudding with custard ๐๐. Didn't check the amount of mixed spice in the container, not enough so quick dash to Tesco's - freezing ๐ฏโ๐ฌ, cuppa finished off to clear up the kitchen. How do I make such as mess? No idea, dont usually ๐ฑ
Francis sounds lovely.
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Well, at least I'm good for something, even if
a) I'm just an example of a "Sitting Target" for various humorous digs, jibes or cheap mis-quotes
b) proof that my own presence is grossly over rated on 'ere
thrrrpppttt to the lot o yer !!
Happy to follow Huskydog's good wishes for folks absent from this forum !! Elsewhere I'll start a suitably titled thread unless I've been beaten to it .
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Grey start to the day but dry, then it went downhill from there. We now have lashing rain with hail in it at times. Wind picked up for awhile but seems to have dropped again. Bitterly cold out so I'm staying in.
I've had a crafting day, all 4 grand children wanted money for Christmas so its been deposited in there parents account and I have made up 'Christmas cheques' for each of them. I used my crafting computer programmes to make up the 'cheques' all personalised of course. Then it was time to make up the 'money wallets' that they will go in, again personalised. I love doing stuff like this just don't seem to have the time these days.
Christmas decorations not up yet, will be done next week but will be on the small side this year as no children around.
Bakers, Christmas cards get less and less each year, I do have a stand that I bought many years ago which holds loads. Its shaped like a tree with lots of branches, so cards are spread around it like leaves, looks nice once full up. Hate having cards spread around the surfaces so they don't go 'up' until I have enough.
OH been busy in the attic storage part for awhile, clearing out more things for the skip. Getting really cold up there so he's now back down in the warmth.
Stay safe everyone its not nice out there.