What are you all up to
Tammygirl sounds like a wonderful weekend, making memories in modern speak believe.
Nice weekend with son, he's texted to say he's home. Dog didn't even look up as he left 😲😂😢. Went were going out for dinner last night to celebrate OH birthday tomorrow but things changed, what's new? So I did a spag bol, lots for the freezer too 😉. So booked lunch today at our 5th choice, everywhere was full until after 3pm, normally acceptable but wanted earlier today not impressed it's now a Vintage Inn very slow service, got my drink wrong dry martini if you've not got it I don't want a cinzarno, it was! Ordered at the table at least 15 minutes wait 😲 We all had roast beef, not the best. Son paid bless him. Off to make a salad for my tea now.
Fireworks going off all around luckily dog not bothered. Some sound like bombs and are rattling the windows 😲😲😲. I'm not keen on them. OH said loud bangs as he walked her as it was barely dark. They made him and the dog jump. Why are they so loud these days? Why do they have to be used so often? They seem to be available all year round. Keep your pets, and yourselves, safe.
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We got back from our lovely trip to NI on Tuesday afternoon and OH had his carpal tunnel op on Wednesday (I had to get him to hospital for 7.00am!!). All went well and he was home later in the day. Sling discarded yesterday and he was allowed to take the large and cumbersome bandage off today so he feels much more comfortable. Stiches out next week so hopefully he will be able to drive again then. A recent routine blood test threw up some problems so he had an appointment with a urologist at Stamford hospital first thing Thursday morning. The consultant was quite reassuring so we feel a bit happier. He still has a kidney scan and a bladder scan to come so fingers crossed.
We had a smart meter with our previous energy company which never really worked properly. I felt it was for their convenience so that they didn't have to come and read our meters. Having moved to So Energy a few months ago we were told that the smart meter doesn't transfer. So Energy say they are not going to supply smart meters until they are all transferrable which suits us.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend with your grand-daughter TG. Isn't it great to be able spend time with them. I loved spending time with 2 of ours in NI, especially 10 year old grand-daughter who is such good company and a real little friend.
Your house must seem very quiet and empty now brue. Our daughter and eldest grand-daughter lived with us for nearly a year when our grand-daughter was 6 and I really missed them when they moved into their own house. I hope your son and family get the keys for their new house on time.
Our little female cat (the real Millie
) was terrified of the fireworks last night and hid under her blanket in her igloo bed. She doesn't agree that the fireworks are no louder than they used to be. It sounded like WW3 out there.
The Cathedral had a special Evensong for all the volunteers this evening with tea and cake afterwards. It was such a lovely gesture and a great opportunity for some of us to meet up and get to know each other.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend.
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Nice to catch up with your news Millie, as you say, fingers crossed for Mr H that the tests are ok and I hope the op is a success, good to get the stitches out soon. The evensong for all the volunteers must have been enjoyed by all the volunteers, something in return for all your efforts.
We've hardly had any weekend fireworks, unusual for round here but I suppose there's tomorrow coming up for a few more.
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Glad you had a good time with the family milliehull. Shame you had to hit the ground running, but at least it's done now hopefully recovery will be straightforward. Thinking of you both with regard to tests. The evensong sounds lovely.
Just let the dog out to use the facilities and was pleased that we weren't in the way when this arrived! M use have been going some to stick in the ground it isn't soft 😲😲. Whoops forgot to resize photo. Back in a jiffy. Phew made it with loads to spare!
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Glad that you had a good trip to NI, millie, and that your OH's op has gone well. Hope that the test results are fine. It sounds as if your Evensong was a great way for all your volunteers to meet and get to know each other, as I guess you'll not have met quite a few of them yet.
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My much younger cousin has started researching our family tree and I keep getting updates from Ancestry about the matches that have been found and I know that most of them just don't add up.
I did a lot of family history research when I first retired and loved going down to the Family Records Centre in London. It was a great place and I met some lovely helpful people (and also spent a small fortune on birth and marriage certificates!). It's not quite the same sitting in front of a screen. How lovely that you found a photo of your gt. gt. uncle brue.
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Miserable day today, no rain just grey skies.
OH been busy all morning helping out with the village Christmas lights. They have a few more sets this year so needed to get them strung up into the trees. None of the volunteers are under 60
and there they are climbing trees and ladders daft lot. He is now fast asleep in his chair.
I've spent the morning cleaning through the house doing 3 loads of washing (again) making 2 pots of soup and blanching and freezing a load of veg. I've still to peel and cook a huge bag of apples my friend gave me.
My beautiful, generous, grand daughter has very kindly given me her sore throat and head cold
Next doors cat having begged for food, is now sleeping it off on Grand daughters bed. Not yet stripped for washing thankfully. She's been there for about 4 hours so far.
That's the washer finished again so will go and pop it in the tumbler and make a start on the apples.
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Oh, stop moaning Tammygirl, you would only be wasting your time doing housework or something similarly pointless if you were not enjoying yourself cooking and suchlike
Hope you manage to recycle the GD's gift -- send it to a place / person who can make better use of it !! Somebody like a hard working, worn out politician perhaps
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ABM, I never moan
just letting folk know what I'm up to today
OH now wide awake, cat also awake and has gone back outside.
Decided I've done enough for today so apples will have to wait. I'm going searching the internet for interesting recipes for apples
GD's gift will almost certainly be shared with OH
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Some days just creep up and hijack you.
Got back from town late this morning after supermarket shopping and visiting library etc. to find both our caravan and hour household insurance renewal letters waiting for me. They're not due for another 3 weeks but I decided not to prevaricate so sorted them out this afternoon, a job I hate doing. Had to switch household insurance to save over £120 but caravan insurance stayed with Saga. Glad they're now out of the way.
Booked a few days away at Warwick Racecourse site for next week, yippee.
ABM - Freezing the light in oven didn't work either, unfortunately, but Mrs WN used the ice cubes to lace her Southern Comfort with so she sends her thanks.
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Enjoy Warwick WN, we did last week. There’s a stunning remembrance exhibition in St Mary’s Church at the moment and into December.
Quiet day for us, dog walking, bit of housework, but found one or two Xmas presents while doing a bit of shopping, hoping to get sorted before end of November. Just listening to fireworks outside at the moment, hope tonight will be the last of them.
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Shopping this afternoon! This generally involves me sitting in the car, looking after the dog, while Carol goes into the shops. The only one In allowed in is the one where we can take in the dog...... known as 'Lizzie Shop' 😀 .... Pets at Home!
I don't even get the pleasure of driving my own car! I'm hoping the consultant will give me the go ahead to drive. Physio signed me off on Monday. I asked him about driving and he said he wasnt allowed to make that decision.... it has to be the consultant and the insurance company! 😩😩
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Hope that all goes well for you David.
Busy day returning 2 x Color cylinders and getting a refund 💷
Looked at a new caravan, more research to do before any decision made.
Drove home via the East Coast stopping for fish and chips then stopping just south of a Sea Palling to sea the seals.
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Good luck David.
Had lunch out with one of my cousins and her husband. Had a grand time. Haven't seen her since the funeral 6 weeks ago but managed to have a good chinwag and a laugh. They were treated by a friend of theirs to a week in a cottage at St.Ives in Cornwall so have destressed quite a bit.
Must renew my passport in the next day or so.
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Bit brighter today and no rain so can't complain.
OH at his ''Men's Shed' this morning so another morning of peace and quiet. How did I celebrate it, I did the ironing of course
Lunch over and he went outside to make a new canopy cover for our elderly next door neighbour, think he is trying to avoid getting my cold
I stayed nice and warm sorting out some old photos, we have hundreds of the things that nobody looks at anymore so decided to give then a cull. That now done I need to catalogue what;s left and put them back in the attic.
Went out for a massage mid afternoon on my neck and shoulders, another one booked for 2 weeks time.
Back to the photos now.
Hope all goes well with the consultant DSB
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Hope all goes well DSB and also that your cold soon gets better TG.
Tim Peake's Space Craft is being dismantled today and will leave Peterborough Cathedral very early tomorrow morning. We are all very sad to see it go. It has been a marvellous and exciting 3 months.
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Very best wishes for a successful outcome David, Bet you're itching to get out there to see what "Damage" those Stand-ins have done !
Glad I'm not the only one on Photo Sorting Duties, TammyG, Will the massage help you to get thro' all that ironing ??
Only one thing to say about taking down the Tim Peake Space Craft MillieH -- " 'Ware Spiders"
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Have a wonderful time Husky.
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Our next door neighbours has just changed their caravan for the same reason as they have a two year old Grand Daughter that goes away in the van with them. I was talking to the grand daughter yesterday who was walking by with her gran as I was washing the motorhome. The grand daughter proudly told me that "her" caravan had bunk beds