What are you all up to
Francis, glad you are enjoying your Yorkshire break, we will be in the area, next week, looking forward to the fish and chips.
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It is lovely and warm at moment here. Noticed our garden is getting a covering of leaves now, that will be a task for later this months!
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Test photo from new phone. Ah, it worked, taken through window so could be better.
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St Anthony Head?
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Those are interesting little holiday lets across there, a nice little beach underneath them! Safe journey home brue.
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Brue, was the reason for not needing to reduce size due to the camera on your phone having the photo in that size already or did the phone re-adjust the size itself before sending it? Have a safe journey back.
We crossed the Pennines today on a blustery but dry morning, arriving home just before lunch so we had a trouble free journey, unlike the poor unfortunate caravanner we saw on the roundabout as we entered the services at Ferrybridge. The Police were in attendance and it was obvious from the rear damage to the 'van that there had been a collision with something. Anyway we later saw the police with the unit in the services and the poor gentleman driver looked very unsteady and they were calling for an ambulance. It may well turn out to be his last caravan outing as the 'van was very old as well and will probably be a write off. Such a shame.
Home to loads of washing, post and jobs to catch up with.
Weather looks awful for tomorrow so take care anyone venturing out especially if you have to tow. Gales forecast.
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Lovely to read about everyone's trips, glad all are going well.
This week has been busy at work, also dog sitting today, boss at a conference so had his dog for company in the office
Caravan is on the drive now ready for a trip up north. From the forecast it looks like the journey could be breezy
Son and his girlfriend are supposed to be heading up to the moors too but they are camping!
Bakers2 hope you enjoy Oxford and Chipping Norton, are you there next week?
Brue, great picture and what a lovely view!
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A rather damp and windy morning at times, but managed to get hitched up without getting too wet. Heavy rain as we headed south but by the time we got to our CL the rain had stopped and the uneven came out during the afternoon. We think that we will be partially sheltered from the worst of tomorrow's store.....first gears crossed.
Glad that you made it home safe and sound, WN, and we hope that all that are out tomorrow stay safe.
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We have just been told that our Irish DIL (who is a milliner) has made a hat for someone attending a certain royal wedding tomorrow
. She isn't allowed to send a picture of it until after the event so will look forward to seeing it soon. I hope everyone will have plenty of hair grips to keep hats and head dresses in place as it is going to be decidedly breezy tomorrow!
Have a wonderful time up north Helen. I hope the weather is kind to you. We love it up there.
So glad you have had a nice holiday brue. Lovely photo - a view to due for.
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Bl**dy predictive text!!
I would delete the above post but can't now so here we go again!...
It was a rather damp and windy morning at times, but we managed to get hitched up without getting too wet. We had heavy rain as we headed south but by the time we got to our CL the rain had stopped and the sun even came out during the afternoon, enabling us to have a dry walk round the local lanes.
We think that we will be partially sheltered from the worst of tomorrow's storm.....fingers crossed.Glad that you made it home safe & sound, WN, and we hope that all that are out in their vans tomorrow stay safe and dry.
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That will be fun seeing the hat Millie, hope it's a good one!
WN, I don't know how I managed to get the unedited sized photo on here, I had checked beforehand and thought it probably wouldn't work so I'll have another look on my phone to check on the actual photo sizes.
Our posts crossed Nellie, I'm getting quite good at working out predictive text on here! Hope you enjoy the next CL.
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Hi David
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. Still not brilliant but feeling a bit better today. I went in and had the op the same morning last Friday (5th Oct). They got up and about on a walking frame on Saturday, then crutches and stair manipulation on Sunday. I was discharged on Sunday at 4pm. It all happened quite quickly.
However, on Sunday I developed numbness in my hands caused by holding on to tightly to the walking fame. I saw my local GP on Monday - obviosly being an organist and pianist the caused me a lot on concern. She said it was repetitive strain injury - also called, in this case, compression neuropathy or neuroplaxia. I have been told it will go away in time. However my inability to lay piano or organ is not only frustrating, but will effect a lot of people, who rely on me being there to play and taking practices.
I have to be honest and say, I have been very down by it all this week, and have not really felt much like posting on CT. Fingers crossed it will sort itself out in time, but no-one knows how long this will take.
It appears my knee is the least of my worries!! I apologise in advance of my absence from CT. Hopefully I will feel a little more like posting soon.
Best wishes to all.
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Hi David
Sorry to hear things are not as positive as you had hoped. Mind you when you set out what you had planned post operation it did cross my mind that it was a tad ambitious. I fully appreciate that you don't want to let people down but your recovery is more important. Once you are walking independently I am sure things will return to normal.
Best Wishes
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OP I have to admit that I don't use predictive text either. It was a typo
. Yes it is a silly phrase. I shall change that to 'what a wonderful view'.
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I am so sorry to hear that things aren't progressing as well as you had hoped David. Take care of yourself. Your health is the most important thing and I am sure everyone understands and is wising you well.
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David, Best Wishes from me too, take care.
Weather is horrible this morning, managed to stay dry walking the dog first thing, but trip out this morning is currently on hold! Only a few hours at work this afternoon then holiday here we come
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David DSB,
Do you not think it might be your body shouting out ==> Slow down and take it steady, you young rascal .
It'll all be the same if the piano / organ keyboards get a touch of damp & start binding or something similar. Remember you won't get back to playing any sooner if you over-do things.
Here endeth Brian's First Lesson
Still I wish you well & a speedy recovery, just lie back & think of Snowdonia.
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Best of wishes David.
Hope that CL provides adequate cover for you Nellie. keep your head down today.
Best predictive text - I've been writing a few reviews and each time I write ELSAN it comes up with ELISION. First time those two words have ever been used together.
Dreadful weather today so a day to catch up with the paperwork that's accumulated since we've been away. Sorted out a Hotel room for a week for MIL to spend with her SIL as they visit Mrs WN's uncle in hospital. Taking her tomorrow. Then some shopping to fill the shelves.
Next was the mountain of emails. MIL and Mrs WN's holiday to Madeira in December needed funding so a deposit was made. Our energy tariff expires at the end of November so I've been searching for a new one. There are so many unheard of and new suppliers out there that it's like jumping into the unknown. I prefer a fixed tariff as opposed to a variable one so we've arranged to move it to a slightly dearer one than one that we could have bought.
Then it was British Gas and their annual maintenance contract for the boiler and plumbing etc. that I like to have just in case something goes wrong and we're not at home. Mil needs people she can rely on and know who they are. However this year our premium as existing customers has increased by over 22%. As a brand new customer I could save over £240 per annum!!!! Will they offer me the same? Will they eckers like. 20+ years as a loyal customer and what does it mean? Nowt. However I need someone MIL will be comfortable with and after much discussion will probably have to renew with BG but will get a £240 reduction with an excess. As a new customer I would get a further £100 off with the excess or pay the same without.. Sticks in the throat but needs must.
Mrs WN safely home from a funeral. Bit worried as a few trees down around here.
Hope everyone safe if they are out and about or travelling with 'vans.
I need a drink.
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It looks like we've been fortunate, up to now at least. The van was shaken a bit in the night but the hedge behind is certainly sheltering us somewhat. It was full wet walks weather gear for walking Flyte this morning, but we both managed a dry walk this afternoon before the rain came back. The lanes around here have high hedges which protected us from much of the wind and rain. Unfortunately tomorrow doesn't look to be any better.
Stay safe one and all
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WN, would it be possible to find a trusted neighbour who is a customer of a different company where you could do "Swaps" at renewal time then "New Customer Tariffs" might apply and the company staff would / could be known and trusted already. Win Win ??
Just wondering, that's all.
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Then it was British Gas and their annual maintenance contract for the boiler and plumbing etc. that I like to have just in case something goes wrong and we're not at home. Mil needs people she can rely on and know who they are. However this year our premium as existing customers has increased by over 22%. As a brand new customer I could save over £240 per annum!!!! Will they offer me the same? Will they eckers like. 20+ years as a loyal customer and what does it mean? Nowt. However I need someone MIL will be comfortable with and after much discussion will probably have to renew with BG but will get a £240 reduction with an excess. As a new customer I would get a further £100 off with the excess or pay the same without.. Sticks in the throat but needs must.
We have a BG service contract which I took out after being charged £250 for a new circuit board on a relatively new boiler by a local contractor! Like you have found it seems to increase every year. To lighten the load I decided to add an excess of £50 which did initially reduce monthly costs quite a bit but I reckon I am up to where I was before!!! I think BG say they increase monthly charges each year as the boiler gets older as there is a greater risk of problems. Whether that is borne out by fact we will never know!!! If you had a tame local contractor who is reliable and can come out within a reasonable time and just pay for servicing and repairs as they happen I am sure it could be cheaper but around here it seems to be the devils own job to find someone like that. BG have their critics but I have always found them very good and I would certainly think about using them for a replacement boiler when the time comes despite probably them not being as cheap as others.
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We got up to a wet and windy day here in Berwick. We had a relaxing morning watching the royal wedding and then went in to Berwick in the afternoon. The wind seems to be picking up now hope it doeant get too bad as we are pitched on top of a hill
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We survived Storm Ali up there three weeks ago Francis, in a cottage though. 100mph at Berwick, they closed the road bridge to Motorhomes, we didn't dare step out! We were at Foulden Hagg, has a CL and a small private site as well, very nice place.
Its windy here today. We did a lot of packing yesterday, so today was stay indoors and tidy house. Will be keeping an eye on forecasts. Nothing booked yet, so nothing spoiling. Just needs to be safe for travelling.
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< Lovely day here today, took awhile to get started everything damp, usual for October what's not usual is 25c heat very welcome and appreciated though. Went for a 13 mile circular bike ride, very nice and even nicer I finally found a couple of sweet chestnut trees. OH thought I'd fell off the bike I shouted so loud (he was in front) he never saw the burrs but I did 2 kgs later we resumed our ride. Quite a successful holiday for foraging, so far apples, pears, plums, walnuts and now chestnuts Millie, you are right it is a nice site and town, the hanging baskets are still out and they are huge, still looking great. Cant believe the 13€ price, serviced huge pitch, very good new heated sanfacs, swimming pool (now closed) free wifi etc. Very worth while a few days here. DSB, please do take carry of yourself, take your time and stop worrying about other things.
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Catching up on your posts after quite a gruelling journey up from Cornwall, had to make two diversions due to trees on roads, first one road then another, lots of floods. The sea was heaving this morning, got home and the trees are really bending here too. Don't travel in the SW just now unless you really need to just now, looks like things will improve after tomorrow.
Sorry to read DSB's news, if it is any comfort the neuropathy will go as long as you give your hands a rest, I've had it in the past, damage due to lifting simple things like heavy shopping. Rest is the best cure for it, I expect you'll be doing your music soon and people will no doubt appreciate you even more by your absence! Best wishes David for a good recovery soon.