What are you all up to
My grandfather was 13 years old when he joined a naval training ship Moulesy, I never met him but his tales about the harsh training etc have been repeated down the years, he stayed in till he was 50 yrs old so survived the experience.
We could nearly have waved to you, we took the St Mawes Ferry to Falmouth, very choppy going back and the low tide meant a bit of a struggle getting off, extra steps employed, all a bit wobbly for non sea dogs....!
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Lovely day here today. Decided to make the most of it and go for a decent walk. We were going to catch the bus to the other side of Clumber Park and walk home. However, on using the sink in the bathroom, prior to leaving, I could here the sound of falling water. The plastic waste pipe on the outside of the house had perished and was sending water everywhere. So walk abandoned, in order to source parts and fix. Unfortunately the local place didn't have the right size, so a trip to B&Q was needed, which since all the closures is 12 miles away. Anyway all sorted now, nice new and shiny. Looking at the waste from the shower, that is looking very tired. So I think I will do that ahead of failure. Rather than wait until it fails on the coldest day of the year.😂
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Lovely day yesterday visiting Padirac and Rocamador, weather behaved and was a pleasant 25c sun and light cloud.
Picked more walnuts on return to site now have a big bag of them. Couldn't resist picking up some conkers (horse chestnuts) when we were at Rocamador, mum will love them she could never pass them without picking up a few.
Managed to get away just as the rain started this morning. OH decided as it wasn't a great day he would miss out Poitiers so changed route up and came via Tours, Loches to La Fleche.
Weather was much better by going a little bit east and we ended up in lovely sunshine and 25c, never been here before but have seen lots of good reports so thought we'd give it a go.
Had a bit of a shower just after arriving and possibly more tomorrow, sun shining again just as its not far off setting.
Passed lots of sweet chestnut trees on the road up but nowhere to park to collect some
will have a look around here when we get out in the car.
Site about a third full mostly brits, mh's out number caravans.
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Another day at hospital with Mum for me! She has been taken off yet another medication. That's halved her medicines in two months. It's the way forward..........
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It's still there, but appears to be mainly, if not all, static caravans now, CY.
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We did the tourist bit this morning and went to Port Isaac
. Wandered around the village and then down to Port Taverns. After lunch we drove to Pentireglaze NT car park and walked around to Rumps Point and back past Pentire farm. After a lovely really warm sunny day the clouds started to roll in late afternoon. Just hope that the wind dies down a bit for our move down to Skinners Bottom tomorrow.
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We love the site at La Fleche Tammygirl and always tried to include 2 or 3 nights there either to or from the south west. Lovely site on the banks of the river and La Fleche is a really nice little town. Hope you enjoy it. Have a safe trip home.
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Great photos moulesy. Hasn't it been a lovely day.
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Another glorious day here in Yorkshire temperature was 20 degrees most of the day. We went to Goathland today famous for being Aidensfield in Heartbeat we have visited many times over the years. We had a lovely meal in the local pub excellent as always although we were lucky to geta table in the bar as it was very busy. After a walk around the village we moved on to Whitby for a walk around. I went and had a pint in The Black Horse while SWMBO went a walk around the shops. On the way back to the car we saw the famous swing bridge open. Now back at the van just about to open a beer.
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Anyone else in Keswick now? Lovely day out walking and now cosily ensconced in a pub with some lovely coloured ale, Cheers everyone
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Considering the time of year it was quite busy there. I can thoroughly recommended Venndown Farmhouse CL if anyone prefers them to club sites.
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It must have been that sort of temperature here, OP, even though there was a strong breeze. I was able to walk round in just a t-shirt, and shorts of course.
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Docs had supposedly done Mum's routine checks annually for Mum, but it took a casual check by a nurse to pinpoint a problem. Meds were slowing her heart rate, she is almost back to normal now.
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Good to hear, Tda. In another 4 months she should be off all medication at that rate!!
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Strange day here, 23c for most of day, beautiful blue skies. We thought it would be cold as sun went down, but no, dog walking in t shirts tonight.
That wouldbe nice Nellie, there were mutterings of a pacemaker at one bit, but all it needed were a few checks!
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in the wainwright Inn, but will be going there shorrtly, I will certainly try your recommendation
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Just recovering from the mornings trundle into Hanley, A K A Stoke on Trent
and bought a nice new office chair for the typist ( me ) to use -- no excuses now --- really must get stuck into those blooming fotos as I swore to my Doctor I would - but that was three years ago - oops.
It wasn't the buying, nor even the transporting in my camper but checking thro' the great big box for all those little bits, bobs 'n screws then shifting stuff round for me to dismantle t'old then shift it before building up the new. Spent a good half hour resting the knees
before setting height & springing. Hope I've still got enough sleep left in me now, so Nite All
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Many years ago my lovely Dad became very poorly. It was picked up by a community nurse who got him admitted to our local hospital who immediately transferred him to Papworth. He was in there for some weeks. They gradually sorted out all his many meds and he came out a different man. He then lived to a good age. It is very concerning that so many people are over prescribed.
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Yesterday we finished silaging for 2018 - 4th cut for just six fields. Bales this time as the ground is a bit too wet for the forage wagon (for clamp silage). So the mowers are washed and put away until next May.
The autumn weather has been better than last year (when we mowed for the last time on Bonfire Night, the first dry day for weeks) and the cows are still out during the day.
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that seemed such a good idea ... at the time, may have overdone things
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My brother who lives in his MH has just stopped all prescribed medication bar one. Since stopping his high blood pressure tablets and changing his diet to a primarily Asian One his blood pressure has reduced considerably🥢🥘
After a wet ☔️ start to the day we now have bright sunshine 🌞 and clear blue sky. Just off for a wander down the beach 🏖
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Mum never sees a doctor above her once a year check. She does go to a Memory Clinic and it was nurse there that picked up on it. She was being prescribed high blood pressure meds. In her day Mum probably needed this, could blow a worry gasket over trivia, but she's so different now, (unless she wants her own way!) I think she is a bit unusual in that she has few of the kind of ailments that bedevil most folks of her age, so it just slipped through the net. She never complains either, so we have a right old job finding out if there is something amiss with her!
Still on health, it's a good job the dog can't understand what's coming his way. Vet has confirmed he needs to be parted from a particular aspect of his anatomy. The dastardly deed is booked for when we get home from our next tour.......... Nurse! The Screens!
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Dammit, Goldie at first glance I thought you'd got six or seven 2 - berth campers under wraps in your field there
Aged Sister had done 3/4 of her garden tidying before I and the rain arrived this morning and she had resorted to combing the summer coat off Alfie Cat.
Wonderful idea I must say 'cos it'll allow the winter coat to grow without tangles or snarls, but the moggie was not too keen. I know this because I'M THE ONE HE SCRATCHED
{ Seem to have lost some Emoticons -- are we supposed to be less expressive now it's Autumn ?? }
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Still got the same emoticons on my pc screen ABM, I'm limited to those anyway as my phone only lets me use what's on here too.
Last day in Cornwall, lots of rain earlier, now nice and dry, gradually moved through the village today having lunch and drinks in different places and then a walk on the beach. Good rock pools to investigate.
Reading some of your posts I think medication needs change as you get older so it's always worth a review. If I live long enough I will be very glad to cut out the BP tablets but I think if I did now, the BP would be ok for awhile and then creep up again (that's my information, I suppose it depends on the reasons for the BP etc.)
I have been watching a local kestrel in the garden here, we're so high up we look down on the kestrel and have had some good views of him hunting from quite a height.
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Weather still reasonable today, so did the walk that was cancelled due to a plumbing failure yesterday. Bus out and walk back through Clumber Park and Sherwood Forest.
Everything is starting to look very autumnal. Particularly the braken which has been affected by a couple ground frosts. It amazing how the forest changes as we move into winter, areas where you can only see a few tens of metres open up as the braken collapses and dies.
I can see 16 CT Emoticons. However, tend to use the Apple ones, there are zillions of those.