Family pitch rules not encouraging future members.



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,692
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    edited January 2018 #242

    you want the answers?

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited January 2018 #243

    Leave it to me as homework ......😉


    I've till next Tues when I next go back to work 😉

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,692
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    edited January 2018 #244

    excellent - love homework

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited January 2018 #245

    I loathed it ..... got into so much sh1t for not doing it. School work is for school ..... not home innocent

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2018 #246
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #247

    Always happy to disagree David wink

    But consider that if you pay for an all you can eat buffet then when you have had your fill your friends and family are not permitted to take your place once you have eaten what you want. 

    This is similar - all you can eat for you OH etc

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited January 2018 #248

    No comparison IMHO

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #249

    Thanks for sharing MM

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,539
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    edited January 2018 #250

    Currently the agreement clearly and specifically entitles only those on the named membership whilst in occupation with their immediate dependants and friends to that heavily discounted price. However, what could be discussed as a way forward is some sort of tariff banding which includes additional numbers of different membership holders eligible to use that seasonal pitch at differing times.

    I'm sure pitches are far more valuable as tourning pitches and as only sites with that capacity to sustain such heavily discounted pitches seem to have them, I'm sure the numbers across the network will always remain low. If this number were to be increased at the detriment to touring pitches one would reasonably expect considerable hikes in prices which, from my observations, would be more in line with those prices demanded for seasonal pitches currently found on the commercials and offsetting some of the loss in income should the pitch had remained as a touring one.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited January 2018 #251

    You always seem to get formulaic answers to interpretation of club rules.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #252

    There is little doubt that some see seasonal pitches as a good choice and. indeed, they are for some. They would not work for me as with the exception of a fortnight from around mid December I do not visit a site for more than 5 nights and then not more than once a year.

    For those that are happy to have either long stays or regularly visit a site they can no doubt be cost effective. 

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited January 2018 #253

    You're entitled to the opinion that you're always right ...... I'm also entitled to mine kiss

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited January 2018 #254

    Our seasonal starts on the 1st September. In our first month of ownership we will more than cover the cost, if we use it as we intend. As a bonus we can also use it during October, November and half of December. All with use of the facilities and more importanly 16amp electric. A not insignificant cost to the CC as we move into the colder weather.

    As mickysf says. If it was open season on who could use it, considerable price hikes would have to go along with the change.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2018 #255

    Surely that's exactly why they are called rules (or terms & conditions)? One can argue all one likes about whether rules should be changed in the future but the problems, as stated so often on other threads, come when individuals decide the rules don't apply to them. In this particular case the t&c are absolutely clear. As I said earlier, there may well be an argument for having more flexible arrangements for seasonal pitch use, but that would surely come with a large increase in prices, so be careful what you wish for!

  • cariadon
    cariadon Forum Participant Posts: 861
    edited January 2018 #256

    Mark and Pam I can understand your frustration, but as has already been mentioned rules are rules,  Don't give up on the idea of owning a caravan, there are several seasonal pitches with private site owners that will allow family members to use the caravan. I know of one where you pay the basic pitch fee then pay for nights the van is occupied.  

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #257

    I acknowledges your entitlement MM. Also it is not about being right or wrong in most instances it is simply holding an opinion that one feels justifiable.

    Whatever your views the simple fact is that the usage of seasonal pitches (whether CC or commercial) are normally constricted to what are T&Cs within ab agreement.

    Beyond that is the discussion of whether these conditions are reasonable or whether usage could be extended. You seem to believe that the use could be extended to include other family members at reduced rates. 

    I see no reason why the agreement could not include an additional named family member but at an increased overall cost. To permit anybody to use the service pitch with the lead member's consent would probably lead to sub letting and would,IMO be undesirable.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2018 #258

    For others there are sites that store the caravan for you and yo pay normal fees when you use the site. I did this for several years after my wife's death when my youngest was able to be left on her own and big sis just down the road. smile

    Between start of April and start of October I stored on a site near Garstang on the Fylde area. I would usually spend two 4 night sessions every month as there were 4 fishing ponds, nearby canal fishing, trout fishing and not too far for sea fishing and Garstang itself was a pleasant enough small village. 

    The site was 75 miles from work and travelling to and from work took under 75 mins. The site owners would take 'van off pitch and store after departure and when I called them they would have it ready sited with legs down for my arrival.

    I was very fortunate because, as a regular user, the then owner offered to store free of charge. So I have no doubt that for some a seasonal pitch would be good.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2018 #259

    Subletting is just what was posted in the post from HO, ,and In the past when EHU was paid for as an additional cost,ask any warden from  that period how it became the norm for wardens to note how many who did not buy EHU actually plugged in, then "pleaded ignorance?"when approached, so some will always try it on,in any scenario 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2018 #260
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  • Greenhillsofhome
    Greenhillsofhome Forum Participant Posts: 28
    edited September 2018 #261

    Hi Mark and Pam,

    Firstly I'm sorry you had such a poor first experience. When you first go away there's so much to think about that the small print is often overlooked.

    Secondly, I'm sorry people on this forum have been rude to you. You need a thick skin to post on this site.

    Caravanning is becoming more and more difficult for families. The site fees are now becoming increasingly expensive and hotels are now competitive for a short break. Holidays abroad aren't competitive yet, otherwise we'd give up the caravan for sure!!

    How are you getting on? Are you still caravanning? Are you enjoying it? If you're up for a journey we can recommend Pembrey (Wales) - walk to the beach, horse riding, mini golf and ski slope nearby, or Hillhead (Devon), restaurant, swimming pool or Looe (Cornwall), swimming pool, crazy golf, ball area, great kids playground. Coniston is also good for walking, watersports etc.

    Best of luck,


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited September 2018 #262

    Like the op I would not have expected to have to pay the pitch fee again. The nightly rate per person fair enough but 2 lots of pitch fees that is pure greed on the C&MC's part. 

    To the op I would say don't be put off by this one incident, there are other campsites and clubs out there, look around over the winter months to find a better offer. C&MC sites are not that great for children, boring I think is the word I would use.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited September 2018 #263

    Deleted User by Brue. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,692
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    edited September 2018 #264

    I don't think you'll get a reply as this was MarknPam's only thread and post all year to date

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,692
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    edited September 2018 #265

    but surly the Op could only have expected what he signed up for? The club honoured their side of the contract, so should he?

    Always read the small print

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited September 2018 #266

    Yes, it is an old thread.

  • MarknPam
    MarknPam Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited September 2018 #267

    Thanks G for the recommendations.

    To be honest, stayed another couple of times at my dads van under my new address which was the same as his address believe it or not!! 😜 we moved the van to a new site not affiliated with the CC and had a fantastic season there. Site is Aberfeldy, joined golf club, fishing permit and bowling club.. Met lots of super people, kids can run wild and the old folk love them doing so.. only once did anyone complain about kids noise, and the guy playing guitar and singing to them.. and that was a CC member stoppping for a night!! 😂 Mum and Dad have met up with friends from site away from van so that says it all for them.. and three friends are moving vans there for next season away from CC sites!! 

    So for all the rules is rules old timers.. be careful what you wish for, your CC fees will be increasing soon to make up the deficit of people leaving sites and potential newcomers telling CC sites no thanks... 

    Shame really.. but we found a gem because of it!! 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited September 2018 #268

    Good luck to you M&P. 

    You make the mistake though of assuming us ‘old timers’ (that’s quite rude, btw) are actually in favour of the club’s rules and T&Cs whereas all we’ve been doing is telling you the state of play. We don’t make the rules you know and you were given good advice here to look for a non-club site. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2018 #269

    All sounds good M&P

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited September 2018 #270

    but 2 lots of pitch fees that is pure greed on the C&MC's part.

    Given that the total nightly fee for our seasonal works out at about £5 a night, if we did as MM, I think the CAMC are being far from greedy. Clearly at that rate they are not anticipating (or pricing) for the van to be occupied most of the season. Opening up the availability of the van, to possibly a wide network of family, is almost certain to increase the number of days occupied and significantly increase electricity consumption, particularly in the colder months. This cost is included in the pitch fees and charging it is therefore justified in my opinion.

    However, the terms and conditions are very clear and not that onerous to read, unlike some which scroll and scroll for multiple pages. The OP should have been aware. Clearly, if the club allowed what the OP wants seasonal prices would have to increase substantially.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2018 #271

    A good point Steve and one which does not immediately get realised.