Weekend bookings something has to be done
+1 for me too. Sites with no shower block (or EHU) or even racecourse sites are not as popular and often have good avaiablibity (for whatever reasons) and should not be used in making comparsions and/or statements, the statistical term outlier comes to mind.
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The point I was trying to make, PD, was that, without knowing the sites it's hard to make any firm conclusions. For example, if you left a half full club site with say 100+ pitches and went to a full commercial site with, say 30 pitches, it'seems clear that the club site is doing better in terms of bums on seats, so to speak.
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I think I said earlier in this thread or perhaps in the thread regarding how expensive Club sites were that I was comparing like with like. Not easy but both the sides I referred to have over 100 pitches and a third Club site even with an offer on and again over 100 pitches wasn't doing that well either. Sites have started emptying now after the holiday but I passed a commercial site this afternoon which had very few pitches available.It's web site doesn't say how many pitches but a hard standing pitch with EHU was £21p.n. It has a facilities block so some sites are still doing well.
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Yes +1, and also all the post regarding can't get pitches will go too?
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Could it be that many of the pitches are occupied by seasonals? Went to a commercial site recently, the vast majority of pitches were indeed occupied by caravans. The site was like a ghost town with no atmosphere what so ever. Apparently the seasonals avoid the school holidays and bank holidays. Even when they are on site the atmosphere is very different to that of a touring site we were told by a regular. Apparently, I'm just reporting what was said to me, they tend to look down on the 'temporaries' as they call us tourers.
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Even if there were seasonal pitches, it is still earning revenue unlike empty ones. The Club offers seasonal pitches on 80 of its sites which I would think is done because otherwise the take up would be even smaller. However, that might add to Banff's woes rather than improve his chances of finding a 2 week slot.
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We wanted a booking for next month and found the two sites where we needed one were both booked up on the Saturday night with a few nights available either side. This seems to apply to a few sites when I looked at Late Availability so there may be a problem there. I have kept checking and got a cancelation on my second choice though but the site is again booked up for only Saturday.
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Just book every day you might need 12 months in advance, amend later at no cost, just remember the 72 hr rule,and even then you are allowed a few mistakes if late in cancelling or not tutting up, enjoy the club and use the system.
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I'm disappointed that some feel that weekenders are a 'problem'! Surely many of us were weekenders in our 'earlier' lives. Some folk only live for the moment they are currently in and disregard the needs and demands of others, younger or older, who are in a different phase of life. Selfish some might suggest or thoughtless at best? I was there once as I suspect many others were!
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Good words, Micky.
We all move through life and our ways change but some seem to forget that they were once in the position others now find themselves.
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Maybe the problem is members who block book many weekends whilst only intending to use one or two. Yes you can maybe grab their cancellations midweek, but that doesn’t help in planning your holiday and visits. Could there not be a restriction on the amount of what must be speculative weekend bookings on any one site. In other words members shouldn’t be able to book 2, 3, 4 or more consecutive weekend bookings on the same site. I could very well be wrong, but I suspect this may well be happening.
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As you said, Gills, you may very well be wrong as you have no evidence.
As the club monitor cancellations, I think abuse of the system would soon be spotted.
Don't forget that we all have the same chance to book and if someone else gets there first then, to put it bluntly, I’m afraid it’s tough luck.
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I'd be surprised if many members booked more than, say 2 consecutive weekends at the same site ( assuming you don't mean this as part of a longer booking covering both). But, if they do, and they use them, what's the problem? There may well be a genuine explanation - family illness preventing travelling far from home for instance.
As has been said before, I think one just has to accept that one might not always get one's first choice - the problem with club sites is that they're just too popular - too many folk chasing too few pitches at some sites.
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The sites regarded as honey pot sites are booked up because of the fact they are such good sites in great locations, I don’t believe that people book them speculatively as they always seem to be full over the weekend, hence people are not cancelling like some suggest. I recall the club have reasearched it and they have not found a problem. It’s a shame for those that can’t plan in advance but that’s not the fault of those that can. I have 7 weekends booked at York rowntree between January and March and I intend to use everyone.
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yes sums it up perfectly