What are you all up to
Hope you had a good holiday Corners!
Millie it must be nice to back at Houghton Mill, enjoy the scones!
Had an awful night. Visiting dog managed to raid his bag of dog treats yesterday (left by my daughter) and was ill all night. The builder came to collect his cement mixer at early o'clock and so another day begins...
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A long day yesterday.
Up at 05:00.
Reported lack of water at 05:15
Water back on at 20:30 for two minutes then burst again.
Finally back on at 23:30
Bed about midnight.
And, overnight, after water was restored, United Utilities have delivered 12 bottles of water to every household (by the door when we got up). Is this for the next time it happens?
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Oh Goldie lets hope your bottled water supply not needed. When my mother's village lost their water for more than 24 hours it was everyman for themselves. No bottled water or browser as far as we know. But mum has good neighbours and I think most have her bottled water, an anathema to her, and we look over 35 litres plus bottled tap water!
I do hope the cows have you a lie in this morning 😉😉.
Oh brue what a night, and all the wrong reasons 😲
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Unexpected day off , due to re-carpet customers house , he thought it would be helpful to nail down loose floorboards !.Shame he didn't check managed to nail central heating pipes to joists !!when will people learn... look before you bang 😀😀.Plumbers have a busy day ahead 😀.
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Late morning this morning. Did not wake up until 7.30 after 4 hours sleep. About 9pm last night I hit the back of my fingers on a kitchen peninsular unit. Whoops. Not painful but my finger looks a bit like the image. After triage, X-rays and seeing a doc left hospital at 2.30am.
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Tomorrow our village loses electricity so that a small development can proceed, we've already lost the bus and road access for a month while work gets done. Each street now has a generator, I'm so glad it's not outside our place but it's a few yards away, feet from a neighbours cottage sitting room. No peace expected, never had so much disruption before, unbelievable! The stupid thing is our drains and sewers are already on overload and nothing has been done to improve this prior to the build. So we can expect more floods and sewage problems later no doubt.
So far we haven't lost our water (except for a massive pipe leak) so I have sympathy for Goldie and hope all goes smoothly.
Apologies EasyT, missed you out, did you dislocate your finger? Hope it's improving today, what a long wait at A&E. Hope it heals up well.
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No apparent chips or breaks in the bone so I suspect some tendon damage. A consultant will also review the three X-rays take.
The Appalling ao called support fitted at the hospital was a waste of time. The plastic finger support was too short and if had been my midllle finger rather than ring finger might have been a suitable diameter .... however, of course it isn't. Some support was present in the form of bandage wound around and half a dozen layers of tubigrip. If I wanted to use the fingers of left hand to fit seat belt, drive car or anything else it was useless as using adjacent fingers caused some flex. I called into the chemist who agreed with me and also thought that two lolly sticks would be better. He tried a splint on my right hand to check size and proceeded to tape it. 'How's that' asked chemist. 'That's great Barry I said but the wrong hand'. When he took off the bandaging and 'support' from my ringfinger he though the so called aid was pathetic and poorly applied.
£3.50 well spent!
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Just had proof that this is not the only site with "Operating Problems" !!
Logged on to my tee-hee mails to find the latest up date for GDSF , and every time I try to print it out FireFox Disappears in a huff. It gives me a route back in and a complaints panel to fill in. All done and I'm back ok again, that is 'til I try to print that article -- then POOOF, back to square one.
East Grinstead has competition me thinks
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The image is of one similar to that fitted by the excellent chemist but mine does not have the bolt holes. Cellotape is adequate
I rang the chemist an hour ago to thank him again for his trouble. I did some shopping afterwards as I am driving to pick up grandsons and youngest daughter tomorrow to stay a few days. It was great to be able to use two hands.
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It's our last evening down here in Cornwall for a couple of weeks - we have to go back for a nephew's wedding on Friday (a bit inconsiderate planning it for the middle of August if you ask me!
. So we've been down to Droskyn Point for our traditional last night fish and chips supper - a meal with a view! And what a view - almost high tide on Perranporth Beach but still very busy around the Watering Hole. Lady was rewarded for waiting patiently!
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Sorry to hear that Harry is not going to well. Have a safe journey home. Great view by the way.
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Glad to hear that you got your water back on Goldie, although it must have been an exhausting day for you all on the farm.
Hope that the electric company can get the job done in the day brue, and that they won;t have to keep the generators running all night.
Hope that your finger soon heals, ET. At least you are able to use both hand for driving, now that your chemist has fixed you up with that splint.
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We're not sure how long we're on generators, we've had a couple of power breaks already, one was the change over. Luckily we also have gas so I got the old kettle down off the rack and can boil up water. This will keep te builders happy with their supply of drinks. They are on their last "fix" (we think?!) Oh and I can always use the cooker in the van, it's like a camp kitchen here.
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DD has been keeping me busy with various jobs since they got the keys to their new house last week. Today we are going out to look at baths so she can decide what style and size she wants, then we have to see where it can go. It will mean either major surgery to one en suite, or the creation of a whole new bathroom.
Otherwise, she will be deciding on paint colours this week, so I will be moving/dismantling some wardrobes and preparing walls for painting next week.
So far I have just done some small jobs.......checking out the appliances and electrics, fitting some new door handles, swapping the oven, and started fitting the waste disposal.
She has a clipboard with a lot of long lists, so I am going to be busy for a while!
We had our son and family over to see the new place and he has asked me to "help" him with running cables for his new internet, they have a big house with very thick walls, so wireless does not reach all areas. So that is Friday this week spoken for.
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Tried to log in this morning, got the page not found signs - twice. Refreshed and I'm logged in 😭😤.
Beautiful sunny start to the day, now once again, heavy grey cloud but it isn't cold. I'm sitting with a cuppa in the garden as I type. We had more rain yesterday, generally a nuisance, our garden has perked up the grass is green can the sun please come out and stay out to play with us? The sun is much lower in the sky and it feels different.
Moulesy glad Harry didn't miss out but saddened to hear about his issues, a big hug to him and you all from me.
Brue having a motorhome stored at home must be great, hopefully all will be sorted before too long!
We're in shock this morning after phone call last evening one of OH younger relatives is no longer with us 😢😢, no one saw it coming. It's taken 10 days before they have felt feel strong enough to share 😢😢😢😢
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Gosh Kj, doesn't sound like you are going to get away at all with the caravan.
Shame you couldn't go while the good weather is around and come back and do the jobs in a month or so's time.
We've been very busy here getting jobs done so that we can get away once we have collected the new caravan and checked everything is fine. Still not sure if its going to be UK or France, weather will be the deciding factor as usual.
We've had 3 days of rain and like Bakers2 we've had enough of it. Had to put the heating on for awhile the other night as the house felt really chilly. Good excuse I used was that it hadn't been on since May and you should run the pump every month
Started sorting out some of the stuff in the attic, there are jackets and evening wear up there that I've not worn since OH left the Army so I think 7 years of not wearing is a good enough reason to get rid. OH has some lovely Tweed jackets up there too but like me he hasn't worn them in 7 years, will he part with them
oh well I can try.
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Sad news indeed Bakers. Heard from my cousin yesterday. It seems my aunt's consultant has said that her bile duct is now blocked so they are expecting liver failure any day now. Sometimes going quickly is better but then one never gets to say some things that need saying and it gives relatives and friends time to try to get used to the idea of their loved one not being there. Most times we never know which is best.
We've collected the van from the service after dropping it off yesterday. Started re-packing it and adding new stuff as we hope to get away for a week from this Thursday. Not booked anything yet so will do some browsing of CLs in a minute or so.
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Commiserations to all suffering from their Sad News .
There are many 'wise & calming' things one could say, but, as Huskydog says, Be strong & comfort each other while you can but not all tears are wasted.
Most of the 'goodies' are packed in the van now, with just the frozen meals left to go in the morning, then its motorways here I come. So take care you lot & play nicely please
Only a week at home 'til the end of September and that week includes the Christening of young Toby, who I met for the first time today, all happy gurgles & smiles
-- hope he manages to keep that up to the end of the service
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Wherenext you're so right. I hope your aunt is comfortable. I lost an uncle when he was 43, memories of last time we were altogether playing cricket on the beach, others including my dad lingered - so hard to remember how they were before 😢 Husky and ABM yes in the midst of life 😢. Try to live without regrets.
AM how lovely to have welcomed a new family member, wind or not smiling and gurgling are wonderful. Have a great time away, you to wherenext.
Just been for for reflexology, feeling better for that.
Still grey and humid here.
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Sorry to hear your news Bakers2 although nice to read the kind thoughts from others.
Just looking in, we have to get through showers, dishwashing asap tonight as the electrics go off at 9.30pm for two hours. The generator down in the road is quite noisy with a whiff of diesel pervading the air.
The builders have said farewell, they've been great, good results, shame we had a lot of delays with wrong ordering etc. Anyway all done now, inside painting and floor laying left to us now. A lot of landscaping to sort, my poor old plants buried under heaps of soil.
It's getting warmer here again but now the lawns will need doing, we have cultivated a semi wild look for at least two months.
I'm off to see my Mum again tomorrow, slight progress but still not too good.
Mid August. Time has flown, must make the best of this!