Bradcot "Modul-AiR"



  • kickingk
    kickingk Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited August 2017 #32

    Did anyone manage to find a fix for this?

    we bought the Bradcot Modul Air 390 about 5 weeks ago, we bought it as numerous retailers advised it was the best inflateable awning, easy and quick to erect etc etc

    Well we eventually got up to the caravan and I was looking forward to getting the awning up and relaxing for the weekend - how wrong I was!!!

    We must have put it up around a dozen times, tried numerous pegging options, but no matter what we did, just as in the photos above (infact it's the same caravan- Sterling Eccles) the left hand side will just not sit flush to the van, its miles off! Worse still it seems as if the left hand pole/bladder is too long, it kinks at the bend and the upright section kind off bends. It's nothing to do with the pitch as it's on a perfectly flat seasonal hard standing

    There has to be something wrong with the design? We can't all be doing it wrong, can anyone help as I'm feeling totally frustrated and disappointed having wasted the whole weekend trying to get this to work. A lot of money for something that simply doesn't seem fit for purpose?

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2017 #33

    I know it doesn't help with your issue but when I was away last week there was a couple with a Bailey Unicorn opposite us. they had only had the van a couple of weeks but on arrival put up the same awning as yours and it fitted perfectly. The awning was new.

  • kickingk
    kickingk Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited September 2017 #34

    Please, please has anyone managed to find a fix for this problem as it is driving me insane. Even tried following some additional instructions from Bradcot ( which is interesting in itself - why issue additional instructions unless you know there is a problem).

    I must have inflated and re-pegged out this "thing" (sorry  I now hate it so much I cant call it an awning) at least 20 times, every time the same problem the left hand air pole bends and the side of the awning pulls away from the van leaving a gap.

    Various neighbours of ours on site (much more seasoned caravanners than me) have tried to erect the awning, but without fail, as soon as you inflate it, you get the gap at the side.

    £1000 down the drain, just don't know what else to do apart from seeking legal advice, please can anyone help/advise

    BRADCOT Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited September 2017 #35

    Hi Kickingk,

    Are you able to email some photos to so that we can see if there is anything amiss? Photos of the problem area both inside and outside and an overall photo showing how the awning is pitched.

    If there is an issue with the awning we will sort it out. 

  • wedgy
    wedgy Club Member Posts: 429
    edited September 2017 #36

    I finally solved the problem after following all the suggestions given from Bradcot and failed to achieve a seal on the side of the van no matter how far I pegged underneath. Solution = part exchange the awning for Kampa Rally Air Pro 390 , I know it's not quite the same spec materials but its inflated and pegged in half the time and it fits perfectly. I also use the limpets keeping clear of any decals and don't even need the rear poles. QED 

  • wedgy
    wedgy Club Member Posts: 429
    edited September 2017 #37

    Is the awning rail higher on the Bailey than the Swift ??

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2017 #38

    Sorry, don't know the answer to that. smile



  • kickingk
    kickingk Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited October 2017 #39

    I Think that might be the only solution.

    I had yet another go at the awning this weekend, I don't know why I thought it would be any different, but it wasn't same problem.

    At least I've taken some photos this time so I can forward them to Bradcot as suggested above. At least the awning is at home now so I wont waste any more time this year on it. I'm so dis-heartened/dis-appointed with it, a trade in sounds a good idea and start afresh ( to be honest I didn't know you could trade them in). The only problem I can see is I've got to get through the show at the NEC next week without buying something else, I may have to leave the cards at home and just take cash - nah!

    BRADCOT Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited October 2017 #40

    Hi amead,

    I am intrigued to know who told you the R/Hand fitting front closure was not available? Intrigued as we have them in stock right now.

    Same price as the standard UK fitting front closure.

    Hope this helps.

  • wedgy
    wedgy Club Member Posts: 429
    edited October 2017 #41

    I think you will find that photos are very difficult to use to prove your point. Either speak to Bradcot about taking van and awning to them or if at the NEC call at Yorkshire Caravans of Bawtry and ask for a quote on park ex. You may be pleasantly surprised 😄

  • Bush family
    Bush family Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited November 2017 #42

    Yes we managed to fix it, although still not perfect. We received the additions porch awning instructions from Bradcot and this has made an improvement on the fit, although we do find we have to sit the caravan on levelling blocks to make it slightly higher for a better fit too. 

    We've been really disappointed with this awning too 

    BRADCOT Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited November 2017 #43

    Hi Bush Family,

    Did you happen to take any photos of the awning when you had it pitched? If you have then I suggest you send them to us It is much easier to comment and make suggestions on how you may be going wrong or if there is in fact something amiss with the awning itself.

    If no photos exist then it may be a good idea to email to the same address and request the additional draft of the latest instructions. On vans that are near the lower limits of the size range reading these will certainly help. That said the van you have is the same as that used in our brochure and as the awning has not changed significantly since those pictures were taken there should be no obvious reason why yours should not fit similarly.

    It is probably not the right time of year in which to get excited about pitching an awning but by trying our suggestions and, if the problem persists, send us photos we should be able to address the issue.   

  • wedgy
    wedgy Club Member Posts: 429
    edited November 2017 #44

    The fact that you had to raise the van on blocks is proof positive that the main air beams are simply too long IMO 

  • Bush family
    Bush family Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited December 2017 #45

    Thanks for your reply. The first time we pitched the awning it fit the caravan like a sock on a chickings lip. We sent images to Bradcot and advise given by Mark Kirkland assisted getting the awning somewhere near. Bradcot have sent us a copy of the revised instructions which helped when puttting the awning up in France, however any progress was short lived due to a puncture (split bladder seam) 3 days into the 14 day holiday. ( Bradcot  customer service in repairing the fault was exceptional although we are yet to use the awning since the repair). Could Bradcot put together a "how to on line video" which would assist purchasers in the future.  We are not novice campers/caravaners but the poor/ changing instructions and lack of internet threads left us frustrated when faced with our issue. I will say at this point Bradcot have been very helpful when we have spoken with them I just feel this awning could have done with a bit longer development before release. It still falls short of its £1000 price tag, But thats just a personal opinion. 

  • ainer
    ainer Forum Participant Posts: 24
    edited December 2017 #46

    Don't know if it helps anyone, but last year I bought a used Bradcot Aspire Air 390 - (used for 2 weekends - from someone giving up his caravan due to ill health) - the awning was in unused condition, and I'm well aware that I had a bargain ! It took me a couple of trips to get a good fit against the van, and I finally went to a local retailer, got them to add a 4inch strip beside both of the rear 'pads' and also bought a pack of Kampa Limpets to use. Cost me an extra £107 but money well spent ! No gaps !!

  • seanos53
    seanos53 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited March 2018 #47

    We purchased the Bradcot modul air 390 base  towards the end of 2016 and have only used it a couple of times, mainly because of the awkwardness of getting it to sit snuggly to the side of the caravan. We have decided the best we can do is to make it into a full awning .... however our awning size is 940 and Bradcot have now stopped supplying the extension size that I need for my 390.... this was shown in the original brochure 2016 but now it’s changed in the current brochure that I need a 260 base to allow me to extend to 940?? 

    BRADCOT Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited April 2018 #48

    Hi Seanos53,

    This is a little confusing to most.

    We now recommend a 260 Base Unit for Caravans of your size as the 390 can, in certain circumstances, reach into the sloped section of the front of your Caravan which is not ideal or may well interfere with the Caravans forward side window.

    Clearly this must not be the case with yours and as such all you would have to do to achieve a "Full Awning" is purchase a 305 Front Closure only.

    Hope this helps?

  • Steve Scott
    Steve Scott Forum Participant Posts: 197
    edited April 2018 #49

    Hi BRADCOT that's a good sales incentive advise customers to buy a certain size awning, then change your mind at a later date and get the customer to buy something to make it fit because you have made a mistake? very good. Wasn't it something to do with where you got them manufactured? all these problems at least that's what my Brother was told !!!


  • kickingk
    kickingk Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited April 2018 #50

    Just an update from my point of view, after searching for months for a suitable box to return the awning in for adjustment (apparently the stitching is wrong, needs amending) I eventually got a couple of boxes of eBay and glued them together, then arranged with Bradcot to get it picked up, waited in all day and the courier failed to show, emailed Bradcot and no response. I’ve sent 2 other emails and still no response, really, really poor service.

    The only option left is the small claims court, so I will get the paperwork together over the weekend and forward to the courts. For anyone else having the same issue I will let you know what happens in due course.

    BRADCOT Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited April 2018 #51

    Steve Scott,

    You have clearly misinterpreted both the original post and my response to it, Seanos53 is able to make the awning into a 940 size without an issue. In fact doing it the way they have will actually save them over £100! That is not a mistake is it?

    Having been in involved with Bradcot for 49 years come June, I am very surprised to read that your Brother appears to be better informed than I am. We only manufacture in two factories both of which are ours! 




    BRADCOT Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited April 2018 #52

    Hi kickingk,

    Have investigated this problem as best I can without actually knowing who you are. We do not appear to have any fault/warranty collections outstanding with our courier and no bookings with them either.

    Have checked our server for unanswered email including spam filter and have drawn a blank.

    Clearly something is amiss and would ask you to call us directly, 01274 306811 to try and clear this up?      

  • Steve Scott
    Steve Scott Forum Participant Posts: 197
    edited April 2018 #53

    Hi BRADCOT thank you for your reply, saving £100 is not a mistake. What is a mistake is what seems to be the way to remedy a fault is to buy something to cover it up. All i can say is that i am sorry if i got hold of the wrong end of the story that my Brother relayed to me when he had to return his Air Awning to be repaired when he complained about the length of the airbags and that the stitching looked as though it had been done by a drunk and they were informed that they are manufactured outside the Country and sometimes QC is lacking.So if they were manufactured in your factories in this Country then i apologize. Just improve your QC One thing good came out of his complaint he got a full new air awning and he likes it very much.


  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2018 #54

    Hi Bradcot,

    Can I ask if you supply or could supply full height pads to supplement those already attached to the awning to aid side sealing behind the back poles ?. I ask as on my 260 it was OK but now on my new caravan and with the 390 I have just bought direct from you the seal could do with a bit more padding to fill the gaps.

    Thanks cool

  • kickingk
    kickingk Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited April 2018 #55

    Hi Bradcot, 

    Please see following copy of your couriers label, as you can see it was meant to be picked up on the 8th March 2018, clearly it wasn't!

    I will dig out the emails, and confirm to who, and when they were sent. 

  • kickingk
    kickingk Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited April 2018 #56

    Hi Bradcot,

    All emails were sent to Mark Kirkland - this is who dealt with the original complaint and who sent the above mailing label, I believe he is the MD - I could be wrong.

    The first email was sent on 8th March at 18.26 when the courier had failed to show up - No Response

    The second email was sent on 14th March at 12.26, asking why we had not received any response to previous email? - No response!

    The third email was sent on the 22nd March at 18.15, advising that as we had received zero response to date then the only resolution option we are left with is the Small Claims Court, but unfortunately we would have to take the retailer to court and not the manufacturer? - Amazingly yet again No Response!!!! Unfortunately we should have done this months ago when the defect was first apparent, but you live and learn.

    I could put screen shots of the emails up, but can't be bothered wasting more valuable time on this.

  • KeefySher
    KeefySher Forum Participant Posts: 1,128
    edited April 2018 #57

    Your episode appears the perfect reason for the poor quality within the caravan industry.

    You bought a product in July last year, had problems that weren't resolved. You didn't enact your rights under the current consumer legislation. You failed to return it to the seller and seek recompense. You then engage in a public forum directly with the manufacturer and threaten litigation against them.

    Did it not occur to you to take the awning to the NEC exhibition and have a word on the stand? 

    What will be your next step as you have publicly disparaged a company of whom you have no contract with, and who appear to have proffered support over a period of months to deliver a resolution, to be met with public bluster from you.

    No wonder caravan industry sellers/manufacturers get away with poor quality with poor customers inaction cool

  • kickingk
    kickingk Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited April 2018 #58

    Sorry I have been away for a few weeks or I would have responded sooner!!!

    I think you will find I did follow the current consumer legislation, I contacted the retailer as I should under the legislation who then referred it to the manufacturer.

    Who then in turn offered various ideas on why it wasn't working - apparently due to pegging???

    Eventually the manufacturer admitted there was an issue with the stitching and the awning needed amending?? So tell me why are the caravan industry selling £1000 products that are not fit for what they have been designed for? You tell me?

    Now, did it occur to me to drag a 4-5ft box weighing circa 25kg, 120 miles down to the NEC? No of course it didn't! But as you quite rightly point out there is no direct contract with Bradcot so why would I???  But I did go to the NEC and spoke to someone on the Bradcot stand, was he helpful - No - advised to speak to head office!!

    I've given the manufacturer every chance to rectify the situation, it was their courier that didn't show up, its them that hasn't responded to the last 3 emails. So please enlighten me further on the wonderful quality within the caravan industry

  • mackilt
    mackilt Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited April 2018 #59

    I have a Bradcot Air awning and the only problem I have with the awning, is the door of the van catches it as the air poles are so large.

    I have had this as a full or porch and it is worth checking if the van door is at the front or the back and where these poles will be postioned when the door movement will be before purchasing please get your measurement right as you don't want damage to the door or the awning.

    I have had this awning for 2 years and never had a problem errecting or having to putting air in after it is up summer or winter and that's in highlands of Scotland where it can be a little breezey and snowy.


  • nsp24
    nsp24 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited May 2018 #60

     We have one used it about 4 times and never managed to get it to fit right. Seems to me the air beems are to long and if you try to peg under the caravan the door distorts and you cannot zip it open. Really unhappy with ours always thought it was us not doing it right but it seems Theres a lot of people not happy. Wish i had not bought it!

  • navarac
    navarac Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited August 2018 #61

    We purchased a Bradcot Air Awning for our new Swift caravan. We found it took as long, if not longer, to put up than our old Inaca full awning, the caravan door catches against the air beams or the roof canvas unless it is perfectly positioned and the air beams seem too long causing distortion of the panels. When erected as a full awning with its extensions, the awning does not fit the caravan satisfactorily.

    Two of the ladder connectors have snapped. Finally, the awning burst while we were abroad and it could not be repaired until we returned to the UK. We had to purchase a sunshade to continue our holiday.

    We are unhappy and have expressed our wish in writing to return the goods for a full refund. The retailer has exercised their right to have the awning repaired under warranty instead. I would advise anyone against purchasing this item.


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