What are you all up to
A tornado hit the house today.
Luckily it was only the washing of holiday clothes that Mrs WN and MIL brought back from holiday! They seemed to enjoy themselves, although how they could of without me being there is a mystery.
We had a fair bit of that liquid sunshine today. Squally, I think the weather people call it. Shame about tomorrow as we had planned to go to the open garden day at Eaton Hall, near Chester and have lunch out. Looks like I'll be slaving over a hot stove.
I like the quote of the day in the i today:
"An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to the William Tell overture and not think of the Lone Ranger"
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Ha ha, very funny Wn, like it!
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Scheduled to pick it up on the 21st once they have fitted the mover and given it a good PDI
they are very busy at this time of year but if they manage to get it done early we wouldn't complain.
We wasn't planning to go away until Sept, might be a different location now though.
Edit: Been looking at ferries for next April, Plymouth Santander then coming back Roscoff to Plymouth, getting a good price with 4 vouchers (based on current rates)
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Let them stand on their own feet, KJ, while you enjoy your retirement. That’s my advice.👍🏻
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Managed to see a bit of the eclipse through the thin clouds before turning in last night. We then had rain from 4.45 through to about 9:00 but was able to take Flyte out without getting too wet. Windy forecast for rest of today and tomorrow so rolled up the canopy before heading out for a walk from Winchcombe. Thunder, lightening and rain this afternoon followed by sunshine, but it's started to rain again now.
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The situation is complicated.They have offered on a house, and the offer was accepted, but missives are not yet agreed. Meantime the Coal Report was requested and came back that there is an old mine shaft within 20m of the property.
They still wish to proceed, this is a not uncommon thing in the area. However their solicitor requested more information, and passed this to the lender, and the lender now wishes to reconsider their decision to lend.
There are now 3 possibilities......the lender will say all is OK, or the lender will withdraw the mortgage offer, or the lender will reduce the amount they are willing to lend.
A reduced amount we can deal with, but a refusal to lend would mean they need to look elsewhere or give up. This is a unique property, a forever home if they can secure it, and in a unique school catchment area, so they really do not want to lose it.
Where we come in is that they will need help with,if they get the house, redecorating and moving, not to mention selling their current property. They have furniture to dismantle, DD needs me to organise that as it is not straightforward.
Fortunately, our son is helping his sister with an interest free bridging loan, so she does not need to sell before buying, but she does need to sell within a reasonable time.
With a 4 month old baby to look after as well, she would appreciate our help, and we cannot help if we are not here.
We had hoped that this would all have been settled by now and the present house sold, so we could have done our bit and then left them to it, but it hasnot worked out that way, so we feel weshould be here to support them, it is not every year that you buy your forever home and we have plenty of time to go away on e it is all settled,though not abroad this year.
We have a cancellable ferry ticket, and have paid no other deposits, so not a problem to cancel.
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No lack of house for them to stay in TG, if the purchase goes ahead they will have 2 houses! But yes, we do have plenty of spare space here.
They just need a bit of help to get the move and the decorating sorted.
DD is very competant in the DIY department, but unfortunately SIL is useless! Money will be tight, the mortgage will be huge, so they need some practical help.
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Yep, thinking to go to Garlieston, which we had to cancel in June. Should be affordable in September! Or maybe a CL in the area, OH has found a good one.
If DD is not otherwise tied up, with painting etc, we will invite her and grandson to come along at least for a few days, they have not had a holiday this year.
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Caught the bus yesterday into Worcester. Although we have visited this area many times before, a place we have never ventured. The bus no longer stops at the unofficial stop right outside the Malvern site, (apparently there were complaints) and you have to walk to the church.
We had our picnic lunch by the Severn, accompanied by a 2 metre high giraffe. They are being used in the same way as the Gromit and Shaun the Sheep trails in Bristol, with an accompanying App, for the kids big and small to locate and bag them. The picture is of Angelica outside the cathedral. The money raised in this case is for a local hospice.
After lunch we visited Greyfriars, a National Trust Tudor merchants house with an interesting history. In the thirties it only just escaped demolition for redevelopment. The picture is from its garden.
Then onto the Cathederal, very impressive, especially with all the chairs removed, it seemed such a huge space. The tomb of King John is in the far distance.
We got rather wet on our return, both getting to the bus station and back to the site from the stop. It is raining again this morning and set to be heavy for most of the day, so perhaps just catching up on some reading and a walk later if it relents a little.
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Great photos Steve. I love Angelica
. We have never been to Worcester Cathedral, it looks very impressive. Do they have welcomers there and do you have to pay? I think we will have to pay another visit to that area before too long. What site are you on? You have probably told us but I missed it (or can't remember
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I hope all goes well for your daughter's move Kj. It sounds as though it is all getting rather stressful. I hope they get good news soon.
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Best wishes Kj from me, spoken from a house littered with someone else's worldly goods, clothes, child, hamster, fish and good intentions disrupted by a lengthy house sale. I think the plans is now that our lot will now move to the north. DIL is already renting somewhere which is ok for her but not the family so we're the back up team at the moment.
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Thanks milliehull. There was a welcomer on the door, who explained where things were and gave us an information leaflet / map. No specific charge, just a box for donations. There is a £5 charge for going up the tower, which was open yesterday. However, we did not really feel up to the almost 300 steps. Normally I always go up. Must be getting old.😂 We are on the Malvern Hills CAMC site. The CCC also has a site right next door.
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It's a lovely Cathedral Milliehull, I think my favourite. Not only is King John's tomb there but also Henry VIII' s brother. Queen Elizabeth Ist visited his tomb, so you are walking in her footsteps. The best bit is you don't have to pay! Just a donation is requested. Also, if you do go, I recommend the Cathedral cafe, in the cloisters. Different food, very tasty, reasonable price. The city is worth visiting as well, lots of independent shops. We often make this trip when at Stratford.
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Very often when in a city with a cathedral we attend a service. It gives you time to look about and after the service you meet locals who often pass on information you wouldn't necessarily pick up. Have a wander before departing.
Not a price thing as we always pay into the collection and gift aid, it's just another way to be a tourist in a quiet and contemplative way
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Thanks Steve. Useful information about the Cathedral. We charge for our leaflet/map which I don't agree with so will pass that information on - for all the good it will do.
I will investigate the Malvern Hills site. Thanks
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KjellNN your daughter is very lucky having you around to help, I hope she appreciates all you do.
Let's hope the house sale/purchase gets sorted ASAP and you still get a break away.
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Lovely pictures Steve, Worcester Cathedral sounds lovely.
It's pouring with rain here this morning , that's something I've not said for a while,
OH finally contectedup my cooker hood yesterday, so it now works! It was put up when we did the new kitchen, only taken 2+ years
his excuse was he broke the big drill thingy for cutting holes.
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Pouring with rain here too, going to have a quiet day. Took grandson to Abbotsbury sub tropical gardens yesterday afternoon, the rope bridge was a great attraction, difficult to remove him after several goes, not something you can run across in a hurry.
We past the new club site at Bingham Grange, wonder if JVB was still there? It looked busy although the Bridport area was fairly quiet on a holiday Saturday, not too many road queues.
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I know the feeling H&T Have been asking OH if he would cover up a scratch on my car door, caused by someone dinking it when they opened theirs. Also to change a door handle in the living room. Asking him (he says nagging) for 6 months. Before anyone says why didn't I do it, he is much better at that sort of thing. Anyway yesterday he did both jobs. Time taken, approx one and a half hours. Think I had the harder job of the 6 months of asking.
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Showers here at the moment so plans to go to the cliff top fete is not going to happen . Fortunately I had raked all the thatch out of was passes for the lawn, so hopefully with that work done and these showers we might have something that resembles a lawn once again.