What are you all up to
I was late finishing work last night. It was so busy! Orders kept coming in right up until closing time. I was supposed to finish at 23:00. No chance! There were three more deliveries to do after 23:00 so I ended up finishing at 23:30. Then it took another 20 minutes to get back to our site. Luckily, the site barrier was still operating so I was able to get back to our pitch.
By the time we had a drink and meal, it was about 01:30 a.m. by the time we got to bed.
We've got up to another lovely sunny morning, turned off the aircon and opened up all the windows to get some fresh air before it gets too hot. Maybe, it will stay cool enough for another couple of hours before the need to close all the windows and get the aircon back on.
I've just made a pot of tea and having my first cup from it.
I got my rota for next week. I'm doing 18:00 to 23:00 Monday, 17:00 to 22:00 Tuesday, 18:00 to 23:00 Wednesday, day off Thursday, 17:00 to 22:00 Friday, 16:00 to 23:00 Saturday and 18:00 to 21:00 Sunday. Total of 30 hours. Out of all the drivers, I'm doing the highest number of hours, which all translates into more money and better career prospects for me!
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It was April last year when I joined the team at Pizza Hut and I reckon it was the best career move I have ever made!
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It's another scorcher today, even walking the dog in the shade at 7am was very warm.
OH and son are having a fab time at Silverstone, and I'am meeting up with a friend, not sure what we're going to do yet though
probably good old chin wag in a pub garden
Glad to hear things are going well for you Malcolm.
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Well, the irony of that, is that not taking holidays is what is getting me the extra work. They do the rota according to staff availability. If other drivers are away on holiday, I get to do their shift instead of them! This gets me more hours of work and therefore more pay. It doesn't matter to me that I pay more income tax because I still get the largest slice of the cake, HMRC only get 20% of my earnings!
I'm still on a zero hour contract, so I have to perform to the highest possible standards, if I want my hours and pay to keep going up!
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Thanks, H&T!
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Been a good move after all that upset with your former employers Malcolm, glad things are going well for you! Enjoy your days off together as well, lots to see down where you are. The football will be boosting pizza sales, we had pizza yesterday at half time, not delivered though.....
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Sorry to hear about Flyte's foot problem, Nellie. How long is he going to be on short walks for?
Went for a walk this morning before most of the village was up. Quiet back lanes, no traffic. Back for a shower and some chores around the house. That's it for today though. Feet up until time for cooking dinner.
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Poor little Flyte! Hope he mends quickly Nellie.
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Back home from a wonderful holiday. Perfect site. Perfect pitch. Perfect weather.
No long walks, no meals out. Just us two on our own with no timetable.
re other threads in other sections -
I've no idea of the ratio of caravans to motorhomes, or dogs to humans.Or how much the caravans were worth, or how often the wardens cut the grass/emptied the bins etc.
I think I heard a dog bark briefly this morning, and yesterday I heard some cheers between 3 and 5 pm.
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We go out onto the green near the house and I can let him off so that he can do his own thing. We do about a mile walk going round and round with Flyte running at times. It seems to be healing up slowly. Hopefully it will fine by the time we set off on Monday.
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Cracking post Goldie.
Fortunately no hangover t9 cope with this morning. Long day on Skomer today, 27C and no shade but what a fantastic trip and lucky me got it all to do tomorrow. Only a couple of pufflings showing, it won’t be too long before they fledge so if your interested you need to get here in the next week or so.🌞
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Thanks tda & M. He seem to be getting along ok but does hops occasionally. With this heat it's no problem just letting him do his thing, and the field is softer, although not a lot, than the pavement, and there's some shelter under tress which he make use of.
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Sorry to hear about Harry, Moulsey. Hope he is beginning to make progress now.
Like yourself, I quite like Landlord. First met with it some years ago in Leeds. One of our locals always has Tribute on draught, so it is always welcome when we go for a bite to eat.
Moving from Cornwall to Newton Abbot tomorrow - hoping the journey will go without a hitch. Hope you had a good journey on Friday, M.
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If you have it delivered, it means you can relax at home and enjoy a drink without having to drive! It also gets to you hotter because of the heated pouches. However, from what I've heard other customers say, other companies don't use heated pouches so that the food delivered is not as hot as Pizza Hut. The heated pouches cost £106 for each pouch so perhaps other companies are not willing to use them because of the cost. Many customers have said to me that having tried other Pizza companies, they find that Pizza Hut is the best. If this is accompanied by excellent service from the delivery drivers, it will give Pizza Hut a more competitive edge on the market.
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When my wife and I were living in Wuhan, China, we used to go for a meal at the Pizza Hut restaurant in the city centre there, where you could order a wine to go with your meal. It was within walking distance of the school where we used to teach so nice for us to have our lunch break there. There was also a KFC there too which we also sometimes used for our lunch break.
Pizza Hut is an international brand name that seems to be doing well all over the world. It's a brand name that customers know and can trust to deliver top quality pizzas!
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Yesterday was supposed to be a day off for me but at 13:30 I got a text message from the manager to ask if I was available to do an extra shift. So I worked from 16:00 to 22:00. So with that extra shift, I was almost up to full time hours for last week. I think about 34 hours altogether.
When my wife and I were teaching in China, we ran rhe school in the city centre but lived in the suburbs. We used to use an electric scooter to commute to work and just plug it in to the electric socket in the school room. So by the end of a days work, the scooter battery had a full charge for the commute home. Then plug it in again at home for an overnight charge. There were also of charging shops on the way so that you could, if need get a top up during the journey. Charging used to cost one yuan for every 15 minutes, the equivalent of 10 pence!
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I used to drive the scooter whilst my wife sat behind me as pillion passenger but it certainly gave us the convenience of getting from door to door and saved a lot of money in commuting costs. We also used the scooter to get to Pizza Hut for our lunch break! Although it was within walking distance, it was quicker on the scooter thereby giving us more time to relax in the restaurant!
It's our moving day today, so we'll be getting hitched up this morning for our return to the seasonal pitch at Northbrook Farm for another 21 nights.
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We had our first lazy day in the last fortnight yesterday. Did some washing but mainly sat in the shade.
I saw a jasper (my name for a hover fly) and realised that it was only the second one that I have seen this year and not seen a single ladybird.
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I've just got back from Worthing after swapping over the Smart car for the Shogun ready to hitch up for the return to our seasonal pitch.
On this occasion we parked the car on the road outside the site for the two days away as we're not allowed to use the site car park whilst away.
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I hope the weather is not too hot for you, EasyT. It seems to have cooled down a bit today though!
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Have you seen the question about caravan air conditioning in Caravan and Motorhome Chat, I thought you would be able to help?
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EasyT we were remarking this weekend that we have seen no wasps and only a few bees. No frogs either.
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In the last 25 days, apart from the night when, with all windows and fly screens open and we turned lights on about 9.30pm and had an influx of daddy longlegs I have not been aware of a single fly inside the caravan even though when back at the caravan the shady side windows have been open wide and no screens and door open much of the time.