What are you all up to
Hope that your OH's test is OK, millie, and that you are able to get away to NI on Thursday.
We start off at Chester then down to Ombersley near Worcester, onto Cheltenham, then Bibury, across to Buckinghamshire, up to Nottingham, then Chesterfield and one final CL on the way home, yet to be selected. A short trip for us only 5 weeks or so, as we like to get home before the August Bank Holiday.
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Thanks NTH. Your trip sounds good. Let us know if you are ever in our area.
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Brue hope that your day went well.
It will be a shorter trip this time, 5 weeks or so, see post above, but an even faster turn round as we try and fit in 9 week trip from early September to late November....yet to decide where though.
OP we visited the Picton Castle last year with the intention of going into the castle, but it was closed for a function, which seems to be the case on many weekend. We were able to go round the gardens though. Hope that you managed to get in.
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You could probably see the match on Channel 33, ITV+1 when you get back to the van or even on BBC1 at 23:30 when they are showing it again, should you want to stop up that late!!
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We nearly chose to stop at the CL at Stilton but couldn't fit it into the trip.....another time hopefully.
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Stilton is just down the road from us. Yes hopefully another time.
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What do you think of the CL?
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Picton castle and grounds were lovely, managed to get a tour of the house. Lunch was in the Castle cafe and was a mixed Welsh/Spanish affair and delicious it was too. The secret owl garden was excellent as was the grounds and the walled garden. Last night went to the view point overlooking Skomer for the sunset, which was spectacular1
I didn't know that there was one at Stilton. I will have to do some investigation..
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We've woken up to some much needed rain and cooler temperatures this morning. It's actually a pleasant change to the very hot weather we've had over the past few days, it'll freshen things up nicely. Off for a walk on the coastal path and lunch out later today.
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Lucky you moulesy. Our garden is parched and crying ous what looked like rain clouds rolled in but it came to nothing. Enjoy your day.
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Being on a timetable can happen when you're on holiday, JVB66, especially if you are in a new location with plenty of places to visit. You have to budget your time so that you can fit it all in!
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I think we might get some thundery rain later today but the 9am forecast for rain didn't happen so we'll see, hope it's on the way up from Cornwall!
We're much the same as you Millie although I noticed the ground was even more parched in the east.
Off to see my Mum later this morning so some cooler weather for travelling would be welcome.
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For me, the best part of being on holiday is having no timetable at all. We can do nothing at all, see no sights, go nowhere if we don’t want to.
Get up when we want, eat when we want and sleep when we want.
If we want to sit and eat a bit, drink a lot, talk and talk - we can.
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I get to meet and talk to people everytime I do a delivery and I get to meet and talk to the staff in the shop as well. I prefer to have something to do and just eat when I feel hungry. I keep bottles of water in the car to drink. Sometimes, I get given a free pizza every so often so I don't have to pay for food. Granted I can't sleep when I want. I sometimes feel tired in the last two hours of my shift but just have to keep going. You have to ignore tiredness and keep your mind on the money!
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That's a nice RSPB site, EasyT, we've been there!
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Our plans for today is to just relax and stay at home in our caravan. It's far too hot to be outside anywhere! At the moment we have the windows open to let some fresh air in whilst it's still cool enough but later we'll be closing all the windows and put on the aircon. Then time to relax, chill, enjoy a drink and meal and listen to music!
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Washing machine roaring away, birds complaining over lack of food
. I'm just a tiny wee bit tatered, doing house work in this heat & on a Day of Rest as well. Think I'll just go & wave a nice clean cotton sheet around to get a breeze going.
But Its got to be done, cannot leave The Residence looking unloved while I'm off for a long weekend at Poolsbrook now can I
Not too much grafting in this sun please, and don't forget " Slip, Slop, Slap"
Best wishes to all on this nice new month
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Take your mac, M. Thunderstorms are forecast.
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It's just past 11 a.m. and it's getting too hot already, so we've just closed all the windows and put on the aircon, cooling down nicely now!
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With aircon, there's no need to suffer the heat. Whether I'm in the car or caravan I feel comfortably cool because of the aircon. However, I still get to see the blue sky and sun out of my window. I just don't have to endure the uncomfortable heat that goes with it!
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Ah but your stuck in a tiny box all the time Malcolm
Where as we have had the hot tub / spa running in our garden since the heat wave began so can just take a nice cooling dip whenever we wish to cool off whilst enjoying the outside
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Back home for a few days (off again Thursday for six weeks) grass(whats left of it) has not grown, but pond water is about a foot lower,than when we left,did not realize how hot it was until we arrived to storage site and got out of the car,we are now indoors with all the doors open and a bit of a breeze blowing through,much cooler in the house than in the c/van,
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We've just been out in the car to shop at Tesco. The car thermometer was showing an outside temperature of 35 degrees celsius. How can you possibly get comfortable in that? It's almost hot enough for your body to cook and risk of heat stroke. The technology is there to live more comfortably, so why not use it? I don't even have to get out my seat. I just zap the aircon remote control and enjoy the cooling effect!
In these temperatures, the shade is not cool enough!
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I have not often grown lilies but after this one they may become a regular in my garden.
Whoops seems to be a bit distorted, that comes from trying to circumnavigate the usual system!
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It was a typo, I meant live, I've edited it!