Soccer World Cup.
SNAP why are the media so obsessed with football? Other sports are available 😤😭
I loved this though do watch through to the end Well worth the watch
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Very good Bakers, have to agree with you about the obsession. Football is never watched in our house just not interested, yet we love lots of other sport.
Just wish football was kept to a channel all by itself, I'm sick of programmes being moved to make way for it
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Tv channel changes for programmes are bizarre these days, could vaguely understand when been only had 2 channels and they swopped the coverage from bbc1 to bbc2 but it happens a lot with Wimbledon too, news being swopped etc, as you say a dedicated channel would be great they could then all share the revenue from ads and make it free to view for all those who want to watch. Sorted 😂.
Son is sport mad, (knew that very early on whilst carrying him 😂) played footie to reasonable level now taken with golf. Fell for OH as he had no sporting interest. Changed as son grew, son can find most sports on tv and always could 😲😲. Rarely have to suffer that now but OH flicks about at times 😤😭
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Although I'm a real Rugby Football fan, I can also enjoy watching a top class international soccer match.
In fact I like most sports except that really boring cricket. (A bit like watching paint dry).
That said, I am looking forward to England winning their early soccer matches to take them to the final, where the ideal opponent would be Russia.
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After tonight's game I don't think the England team is too interested either HD
As to your query Yes Soccer is a way of identifying the "Round Ball Game" from those using egg (ish) shaped balls that also use the name Football.
Soccer, I was told by somebody with no love of sports at all, is just a mutilated contraction of "Association" -- whether thats true or not I ain't too sure but it kept me out of trouble a time or too !!
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Could it be they are trying, successfully, not to show those johnny foreigners, how bloomin' superb English footy really is
Could be really embarrassing if they go out and keep winning these little tournaments, after all it would be very sad if the other nations get so depressed they stop playing
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Actually, Iran did a rather good job of pinning Spain down to a one-nil win. Not pretty to watch, but as a game plan it almost worked. There are a few teams such as Italy and Netherlands sadly missing. The group matches are never pretty.
Goldie, by the way jonray is part of a farming family. Prize winning breeders and herds with pedigrees to die for, and co-organisers of big Agricultural Show. Anyone who thinks football is full of tension, passion has never been in a big ring at an Agri Show! All for a rosette and a pittance money wise! With the chance of a rodeo kicking off at any moment..........
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Thank you for the info TTDA!
One thing I cannot abide is cheating, which was evident throughout the match. Thank goodness Blair & Bush are no longer in charge!
It's perhaps a shame the footballers don't play for a very hard earned rosette rather than huge sums of money. Many of them look like they've been 'prepped and preened' a la the prize winners at the Ag shows!
Enough Bull!
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Deep joy...........!!!!!
Dont Cry for Them......Argentina!