What are you all up to



  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited June 2018 #19922

    I had an email from the Smart Electric salesman to say that the new batch of cars don't have the 3 pin socket facility for charging because they were fitted with a 22 kw fast charge, but that I would get delivery either 31st July or 1st August. So I replied to say that this was no good to me because I need to charge overnight using the caravan three pin external socket. So he replied to say that, in that case, I would have to wait for the next batch which would mean next quarter. So this means September before I can complete the purchase and get delivery. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited June 2018 #19923

    I would not have thought many would want them Malcolm. What happens if whoever buys them finds themselves in a situation where only 13 amps is available. It seems ridiculous to assume that a fast charger is always going to be available. Breakdown services could be getting a few calls.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2018 #19924

     I'm not surprised that it comes with 22kw fast charger but I am surprised that a lower wattage suitable for many domestic sockets is not included. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited June 2018 #19925

    We don’t have one, but most of the dog owners we know, actively avoid those areas, when the Longhorns are present. Usually May to mid September. It is a very big forest / park and there are miles off walks where there is no livestock.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited June 2018 #19926

    No Malc I adjusted my posting style to leave less to give offence👍🏻

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2018 #19927

    There are also some Hebridian Sheep on the park they come from the Welbeck Estate Farm,"on loan" to the National Trust  in tand are late on the park this year because of the earlier bad weather,they will all be taken back the Autumn Both flock and Herd are in their own secure fenced very large enclosures, where the Longhorns are used to be the barbicue area,

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited June 2018 #19928

    That's not easy to do, R2B, if others on here take offence at just about any response or comment that is made. Are we all to become like sheep and bleat some fixed robotic response to everything that is said? 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2018 #19929

    Did the emails from the CM actually say you were going to be "banned" from other parts of the clubs website or just CT as that has not been mentioned in any I have received?

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited June 2018 #19930

    Yes, it surprised me too, especially as I discussed this with the salesman at the time I placed the order and paid the deposit, when he assured me that I would have a fast charge facility as well as the domestic socket facility.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2018 #19931

    But that was sales mens "speak" 

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited June 2018 #19932

    Malcolm, unfortunately a lot of sales personnel will tell you whatever they think you want to hear ,especially if they get a hint of a sale .Buyer beware.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited June 2018 #19933

    Yes but he won't be able to complete the sale to me until the car has the required domestic socket charging facility because that's what he agreed! He admitted in his reply that he had agreed that. It just means a longer wait!

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited June 2018 #19934

    He/She may well have already copped commission from your deposit ,so no real reason to do much leg work .As I said buyer beware.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2018 #19935

    Another hot sunny day in mid Wales. We went back to the Elan Valley this morning to walk a couple more of the trails. This afternoon we went to the Red Kite feeding centre near Rhayader.We'd been told it was something special but nothing can quite prepare you for the sudden appearance of literally hundreds of these beautiful birds swarming in the sky just feet away from the hides. Their sense of timing is absolutely spot on! 3pm is feeding time and there was a steady build up in the half hour before. Then suddenly the sky was full of them. It was definitely the highlight of our week so far! smile

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited June 2018 #19936

    coolSunny and warm in East Kent but STILL that N.E breeze !! Had it for a couple of months now !! Saw off the boat on a trailer ,put some extra ratchet straps on for security .Graded out the space it was last on and spread two loads/digger buckets of planings.Assisted another 'yachty' with a bit of passage planning for next week's trip to Ramsgate.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2018 #19937

    Lovely day today ,really warm, bus into town for hair cut then on another bus to Sr Albans for annual hearing check,he says my hearing is better than last yearsurprised

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited June 2018 #19938

    Yet another warm sunny day, all the holiday washing now dry.

    Very busy day at work, so much to catch up! Left OH playing with his welder, he is welding the new sills on "Daffy" the MG. 

    Cleaned and refilled all the bird feeders tonight, they were all empty and in a bit of a mess after our time away, it's a shame we don't get the same variety of birds in our garden at home as we did on the CL we stayed on in Devon. But I least I keep the pigeon's happy! laughing

    Moulesy : Red Kites are beautiful birds,  we get quite a few up here, but seeing hundreds being fed must be a wonderful experience. 


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited June 2018 #19939

    Still bright sunshine here although temperature has dropped a bit.  Started the prep work for new washing line.  will complete tomorrow ready for a full load of washing on Wednesday.  Mrs one out most of the day searching for birthday pressies.

    Tried to book Fisher Field for a solo trip in a couple of weeks but no luck as full.  Wish I hadn't written such a brilliant reviewsurprised  Will have to look at North Norfolk instead.laughing

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited June 2018 #19940

    Thats us just booked the last of our 3 sites for our main summer holiday in July. Off to the Isle of Wight again which should be good as it is 6 years since we were last there. Its a bit of a drive for us so we are having 2 stops on the way down 14 nights on IOW then 1 nights stop on the way home

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited June 2018 #19941


    Moderator Edit:

    Duplicate post.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited June 2018 #19942

    Beautiful weather here in Norfolk today.  We visited Hoveton Hall Gardens. They are wonderful - the walled garden is lovely, especially the peonies. Such a lot of insect wildlife, lots of bees, especially the masonry bees and also quite a few damsel flies. The glass house is well worth a visit and also the water garden and the woodland walks.  We  loved watching the wagtails. We then came back and relaxed on site in the sunshine and had a nice chat with our neighbours. Unfortunately it has now clouded over. 

    Your day yesterday sounds great moulesy.  We have quite a few red kites round our way but to see so many in one place must have been quite an experience.  I can clearly remember when a friend and I saw our first one about 15 years ago and were so excited.  How wonderful that they have reintroduced so successfully. 


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited June 2018 #19943

    We have been out with DD and grandson today to Ikea for lunch and a look around.

    We have said she can have our outside table and chairs, for her new house, we have little need of them,  so she has bought a waterproof cover for them.

    We willalso give her our gas BBQ as we never use it.

    First we went with her to "Rhythm Time" (no doubt it can be found on Google) and as it was sunny we sat outside the venue, then on to Ikea for lunch.

    The fish and chips was very good.

    After a good look around, we had ice cream for afters in the Bistro before going back to her house.

    She had a call about a viewing of her house on Friday, so we are booked in then for cleaning duties.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited June 2018 #19944

    Beautiful weather yesterday 😆 grey and cooler start today, but there's time for it to change 😃 (for the better).

    Went to mothers yesterday a bit diy and company. She's down about a new cancer site on her face that she told specialist she didn't want referred on to plastic surgeon at her age almost 88. Now changed her mind so we have to start all over again as GP requested she see dermatologist first. She has had various 'bits' on face legs and arms zapped for 20 years or more. Oh I wish I'd gone in with her last time 😲. Still dermatologist appoint arrived for 21st so it's a start.

    Defrosted her freezer and cleaned the fridge, plus the walk-in pantry. Even managed to get her to part with a few things. Being brought up during the war she rarely throws things away, a good way of life to me, BUT she likes to acquire too 😲😲. She has always said her house won't blow away and the shell may topple but the cupboards will remain upright 😂😂. It's been our family home for 62 years so you'll understand my point 😉 I'll get them to the charity shop later today or tomorrow. OH did some outside painting to keep it in a reasonable state.

    Mum and I sat out in the shade, and I was surprised at the lack of wildlife. Mum mentioned she'd not seen a swallow, butterflies or bees this year. She lives in the country and behind her is farmland. Naturally as she mentioned it we noticed half a dozen bees on the closeby cotoneaster 😉. But any bird sparrow, crow, gold finch were singular, no butterflies. So different to our town garden. She has plenty of shrubs and generally wildlife friendly garden with feeders so maybe it is the spraying of fields ........

    OH glasses are ready again, ongoing saga, hopefully they'll be OK. I'll update you after a try out. Never known this in 20 plus years of wearing glasses. Seems he has difficult eyes - if only that were all 😂😂😂😂.

    Enjoy your day folks.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2018 #19946

    Sorry about your Mum B2, we had a similar situation with my Mum which resulted in some very intrusive and difficult plastic surgery on her face at 91. She got through it very well but it was only thanks to the skill of the surgeon and good after care. Now she has another form of skin cancer and the treatment is too severe for her fragile skin so we all keep any eye on it to prevent infections etc. I must say older people are very stoical about these very trying things.

    Glad the appointment is coming up soon.

    Off to the surgery myself this morning, ha ha, not so stoical...wink 

    Kj, you sound busy with your daughter but I hope everything works out well. Our son has just sold his house, our daughter in law is working on research a long way from home just now so he has coped on his own for quite awhile with help from us having grandson to stay etc. I am hoping they don't move too far away but needs must.

    Nice day here, again, very warm, off to the big metropolis later, our local town, getting things in for our trip away.


    Edit.   Apologies Rowena, our posts appeared at the same time. I am pleased to see your comments and advice.



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited June 2018 #19947

    Thanks Brue. Difficult decisions at any time of life. Her sister had leg skin graft at about the same age. Very distressing generally and the area where graft came from was so sore and took months to heal, than the actual cancer site. Which made mum adamant not to have any herself at any point! Too many hours on her own dwelling on the word.  I have to say this does look different and it where her nose joins her face at the nostril.  We'll see. Not sure whether to celebrate older folks being offered treatment or not, they certainly weren't 20 or so years ago 😉 and then it was 60-70 considered too old 😲😲

    Hope you haven't spend out in town 😲.

    I do hope your family don't have to move too far, as I say to others, it can't be farther than our daughters move 😃😂😢.

    KjellNN good to know you're being kept on your toes 😉😂. Is this the first viewing? I bet you can see big changes in your grandson 😃.

    Thanks for your post clarification Rowena.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited June 2018 #19948

    Bravo Rowena.

    B2 hope it all works out for your mum.  Mine was sorted quickly but I’m under no illusion that I won’t have further treatment in the future, but until that happens just have to get out and about and make the best of life.  laughing

    Where did the last four years go, today is the grandtwins 4th birthday so off this afternoon to help celebrate, hope there is trifle and jelly & ice cream🍦 🌞

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited June 2018 #19949

    She had a viewing about 2 weeks ago B2, but nothing has come of that so far.  It is most unfortunate that there are 4 almost identical houses near each other up for sale at the same time, usually these properties are snapped up within a week.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2018 #19950

     Rowena thank you for clearing up some misunderstandings with ref to the suspensions on on CT, it was causing confusion for some ,as to what areas it covered,and reasuring us  

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2018 #19951

    I would politely ask that we keep this topic on track and not discuss moderation on the forum - as you can see these types of discussion often cause disagreement.

    I would not say that we were discussing moderation per se. I am far from certain however as to what level of postings in a thread can be decided to equate to dominating a discussion. Is there a set level I wonder or is it simply when somebody decides they don't like the subject matter and complains. Very difficult for a fool like me to grasp such subtleties.