Travelling to Caen/Ouistreham port

Arrived on the evening boat at Caen Fri 11th to find police guarding the entry to port, between the first set of lights and the roundabout at Belle Rive CP crowds of illegals. We had intended on staying the night at Belle Rive but decided to drive straight through and ended up overnighting at the Aire d'Service Argentan. On returning to Ouistreham yesterday morning for the 8.45am crossing ( concerned there may be problems ) we drove through without incident. Is it Cherbourg and St Malo next?
Happy caravanning.
I reported (perhaps on another forum) a couple of years ago that at Le Havre there were problems, and every vehicle was being thoroughly searched.
It is affecting every port, including the Spanish ones, which have vessels going to the UK.
However, yesterday on the radio I heard a programme about a Syrian family who had been 'in the camp at Calais' and you couldn't help but be heart-broken at their story. A normal family, who had been living a happy life with their children, a house, a restaurant business............ and now nothing!
There but for the grace of God..........................!
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There's a long running thread on MHF re problems at Ouistreham aire together with some advice on alternative locations....
Worth a read if you are heading that way.....
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Thanks Val for that sympathetic post.
I really hate people using the term "illegals" for desperate people who are only trying to improve their lives. I wonder what some of the people who think that way would do if they were put in a similar position through no fault of their own (other than being born to the wrong parents).
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They can improve their lives in many other countries without dragging their kids all over Europe to try and enter the UK illegally.
This is a caravanners forum and I ain't gonna get into politics or PC, If it was farmers with tractors blocking the road I'd have stated that, but the fact is most holiday makers when entering these ports on mainland Europe are very concerned regarding their own safety.
Whether you like it or not chap illegal is illegal.
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"This is a caravanners forum and I ain't gonna get into politics or PC...."
Too late, Indoors, you already have.
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I agree with your last paragraph.
I am sailing to Ouitsreham on the afternoon ferry in two weeks time and am pleased to know what you have posted regardless of terminology. I may decide to drive on and stay at Des Capucines instead.
Thanks for the warning
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Who is an illegal? My daughter's cleaning Lady has an overstayed student visa from Myanmar. My grandson's childminder is a Muslim lady from Turkey. The three boys who have just power washed my car are Iraqui I think. With a son who crossed the world the other way and settled in China with a South African wife I am fairly relaxed about migration. Be kind to them all.
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But you have already got into politics by making that statement, surely "chap"?
Seems it's OK for them to be "illegal" and trying to improve their lives in other countries as long as it doesn't affect us in the UK? A sad reflection on us as a country surely (just my humble opinion!)
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Hi everyone, I've amended the title of this discussion in order to avoid political debate and would really appreciate it if everyone could keep the discussion regarding advice about travelling. Many thanks.
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As the author of the OP, I was not looking for " political debate " that was stated in my next post. My mother was an immigrant to this country, we have Afro/Caribbean members in our family. May I suggest that we as a country have always and always will gladly invite others to our country, but to accept that other unknowns should be allowed to flout International laws and illegally gain access to our country is beyond belief.
Happy caravanning.
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May I advise they used to stay open, we stayed there on our first foray into France on a Volvo Owners Club rally but that was 18 yrs ago.
I'd give them a call and ask, if not and your heading south you could do as we did and stop off at the Argentan Services for the night ( the guy on nights was very welcoming and it is quiet on the right hand side of the cafeteria ).
Enjoy your trip.
Happy caravanning.
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We are booked on Riva Bella Sun 3rd June, as we return on the morning sailing of the 4th. I will be 'hoping for the best' and staying there regardless. The site should be fuller than when we arrived, so hopefully all will be ok.
When we arrived at Riva Bella in the dark on 21st April, there were one or two 'migrants' near the roundabout nearest to the campsite, and 3 or 4 tents on the Caen canal path,outside the campsite's pedestrian gate. We didn't see any in the camp site, and did not have any issues, even though we were at the back of the site, near the gate. On leaving the following morning, there were 2 police cars at the roundabout, but didn't see anyone around.
I'll try to update the thread from the ferry wifi, once aboard on the 4th June
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Still no-one with "late opening" information at Les Capucines?
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The reviews on answer your question.
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OK, ta.