Dumping grey on the move

hi guys ,could I just ask please ,what are your honest opinions of motorhomes dumping grey waste on the move on a public highway,
im asking cos I started a thread about this on another forum a few weeks ago and got shot down ,just wandering what your opinions were?
Brian & Jo
I’ll shoot you down as well. Dispose of it in the proper manner down a drain.
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You will have difficulty in the UK because if you are not on a campsite you have few choices. One possibility is a motorway service station where the coaches empty their waste water. If you are a member of the C&CC you can use some of their sites for a fee. Otherwise you may need to stay on a site every now and then to empty and replenish tanks.
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Whilst it is a bit inconsiderate, it is hardly a toxic hazard. A bit of soapy water is hardly the end of civilisation. I suppose an alternative is to pull up adjacent to a kerbside drain rather than let it flow randomly across the road. Not a practice that I have embraced having recently changed to a MH I hasten to add.
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BrianjoNB, Thats an interesting question and not one than many caravaners face, for we usually store grey water in aa "Waste master" until it is eventually emptied either into a drain or as several basic CL's suggest around trees and shrubs etc.
But I suspect that your problem comes from being on a CL style site with no grey water drain. Like many of the others I would not like to see grey water being disposed of whilst on the move, apart from any thing else it would tend to bring caravanning into disrepute. Is it not possible to discharge into a roadside drain? - Before any one points out that they are for rain water run off, I appreciate that, but think of the amount of soapy dirty water that goes down such drains after the Sunday morning traditional car wash ?
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Discharging liquid onto the highway is against the law in the UK. Little to do with the liquid, and a lot to do with creating another hazard on the highway.
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There again, it only needs a hose to feed it into a drain.
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I can think of many reasons why you should not do this and it is clearly anti-social apart from anything else but why on earth would you need to do this. On a CL the logical place is the hedgerow (assuming no fats, oils etc.) and on a site there will be a disposal point.
Having said that, if you regularly use Aires on French motorways you will be aware that many lorry drivers dont bother to use the rest rooms and use the nearest grass verge or hedge, hence the unpleasant smells on many Aires. So, discharging grey waste would be the lesser evil. Still anti-social and potentially unpleasant in dry weather.
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Really, I have stayed at 3 camc sites in our new Motorhome and also worked at 2 camc sites so 5 sites in total and never had or seen a problem disposing of grey waste. If you are finding it difficult ask the warden for some help I’m sure they would be glad to help rather than you dumping your grey water all over the tarmac
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I never realised that my grey water was such a toxic bio-hazard.
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As said before motor caravan waste outlets are very poorly designed on the majority of vehicles, but as we did when we had motor caravans an extra watts of pipe connected to the outlet did save the "dance"non a service point,and as noted when at Cirencester some weeks back even the latest drive over type was a problem for some
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There is no need to dump grey waste anywhere else than the proper facilities provided at club sites/CL's.
If no 'specific motorhome dump point' is provided you can use a pipe or separate container to drain waste into and then empty. If you don't want to carry extra containers use your toilet cassette once it has been emptied and flushed to drain your waste into.
I believe that 'wild campers' should leave nothing behind but footprints- anything else gets motorhomes a bad image
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I got the impression that the OP wanted advice and acceptability about disposing of grey waste whilst not using campsites. A campsite/CL will have a disposal facility albeit where these are basic there may be a need of pipes etc which I expect the OP is already familiar with?
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JV, whenever I see your use of the ‘motor caravan’ name I always think it a quaint old term & have a mental image of the pic below. Before you tell me it’s the ‘official’ title, I realise this as you’ve said it many times before👍🏻😊
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It’s not unknown for MHs to leave club sites with the drain valve open, David. It gets us all a bad name.
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Not altogether sure how your reply links in with my post. I would imagine those that treat the disposal of grey waste in a Laissez Faire manner would not be asking for advice in the first place?
However on your point about drain valve being left open I often wonder if it's by design or forgetfulness. I have seen a motorhome at the site waste point and having been there long enough to empty a tank but then drives off without closing the valve. Perhaps more worrying is what happens at the next site? At what point do they realise/remember the valve is open?
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I think it depends what is grey waste, we only ever rinse our hands in the sink in the van, all washing (people and pots) is done at the facilities on site. We have been asked on site to open our waste onto the grass especially when it has been a dry period.
There is far worse on our roads than waste water
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Let me elucidate, David.
You said a campsite will have disposal facilities. I said it’s not unknown for MHs to leave site with the drain valve open. Perhaps I should have been clearer and explained that grey water pours, not dribbles, out of said open drain valves. Therefore, it suggests that the perpetrators have appeared not to bother to use the MHSP but have simply opened the valve. Thankfully, it’s not a common occurrence.
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Hi guys I would just like to clarify that it was not us that was discharging grey waste onto the public highway (we are dead against it) but the Motorhome we were following in our car on the M54.I was getting shot down because the vast majority thought it was ok and some thought it quite amusing 😳which I found quite hard to get my head around.
Brian & Jo
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I did get the impression that you were conremplating discharging grey water in that manner, BJ.
I'm pleased that’s not the case.
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Next to us all week there has been a lovely (older than us
)couple with a "real" autosleeper executive coachbuilt, and he was saying when we were chatting yesterday that they had been sitting out all day as it was to busy to go out, and noted the lack of consideration that now seems to prevail with "modern"motor caravanners oposite their pitch is the "upgraded?"motor caravan waste point, and he said out of the 14 that had used it only one had rinsed it down after use,three had closed their waste taps one had not managed to empty into it properly and it had run everywhere, and had to mention to one (before he did it) that it was not for emptying the toilet cassettes
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Will they be moving on to the shower block to check on the toilet habits of members & how they’ve changed since the olden days?😂😂. It’s good of you to be interested enough to report back JV.